View Full Version : 9-28 off topic crap

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-28-2014, 08:13 PM
US Army 1988-2014
75th, yes that 75th - although I was regularly detached from said unit to do things that we can't talk about. Things that never happened.
Sergeant Major.

I spent time overseas in Columbia, Panama, Iraq (twice), Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Central Africa Republic, Kenya, and Afghanistan (4 deployments total) and a handful of other places which won't be discussed.

Things that never happened.

and a handful of other places which won't be discussed

Then why bring them???

I do forget, how many knife kills was that ? -Tyr

09-28-2014, 08:27 PM
Then why bring them???

I do forget, how many knife kills was that ? -Tyr

Why bring what?

Or are you just here to try to insult, in which case you should understand that I don't have feelings. So , offending me is impossible.

09-28-2014, 08:33 PM
US Army 1988-2014
75th, yes that 75th - although I was regularly detached from said unit to do things that we can't talk about. Things that never happened.
Sergeant Major.

I spent time overseas in Columbia, Panama, Iraq (twice), Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Central Africa Republic, Kenya, and Afghanistan (4 deployments total) and a handful of other places which won't be discussed.

I call BS on your statement about "to do things we can't talk about". If you are, who you claim to be. Other than another STOLEN VALOR candidate. It would be easier to prove it.
Perhaps you were a NAVY SEAL, or a RANGER, GREEN BERET as well.
As for the regularly detached BS. What was your C.O.'s last name?

09-28-2014, 08:36 PM
One of the schools I went to third week in they had us climb a 200 foot water tower and lay on our backs and with rifle extended over our head so that we were shooting upside down and behind us . Had 3 rounds to hit a target that was traversing a 20 yard wide field 500 yards away. If you didn't hit that target within 3 rounds you went home.

One shot one kill baby!!

I call BS. Plain and simple. What Class number was that?

09-28-2014, 08:52 PM
It is very easy to sort out, and verify who IS, and who ISN'T...


09-28-2014, 09:00 PM
I call BS on your statement about "to do things we can't talk about". If you are, who you claim to be. Other than another STOLEN VALOR candidate. It would be easier to prove it.
Perhaps you were a NAVY SEAL, or a RANGER, GREEN BERET as well.
As for the regularly detached BS. What was your C.O.'s last name?

Stolen valor? Why I never...............

Of course I was a Ranger, the 75th duh.

CSM Safewright was my immediate superior

But, is that what message boards are, a place to call people you don't know liars about their service? If so, I want none of it. How do I cancel my membership?

09-28-2014, 09:02 PM
Stolen valor? Why I never...............

Of course I was a Ranger, the 75th duh.

CSM Safewright was my immediate superior

But, is that what message boards are, a place to call people you don't know liars about their service? If so, I want none of it. How do I cancel my membership?

If you are offended by someone asking you to be honest, and tell the truth. Maybe this isn't the place for you.

09-28-2014, 09:02 PM
close my account. I'll not have my service ridiculed or be accused of stolen valor simply becuase a few people who were already here didn't like a couple of my opinions.

I won't be back.

09-28-2014, 09:06 PM
Stolen valor? Why I never...............

Of course I was a Ranger, the 75th duh.

CSM Safewright was my immediate superior

But, is that what message boards are, a place to call people you don't know liars about their service? If so, I want none of it. How do I cancel my membership?

You said 75th.. 75th WHAT?

09-28-2014, 09:11 PM
Stolen valor? Why I never...............

Of course I was a Ranger, the 75th duh.

CSM Safewright was my immediate superior

But, is that what message boards are, a place to call people you don't know liars about their service? If so, I want none of it. How do I cancel my membership?

Command Sgt. Major has never been a C.O. Which is why I asked the question.

09-28-2014, 09:13 PM
close my account. I'll not have my service ridiculed or be accused of stolen valor simply becuase a few people who were already here didn't like a couple of my opinions.

I won't be back.

Really? I have been asked questions ABOUT my service here. And I didn't run off. If you have nothing to hide. Be proud to share it.

red state
09-28-2014, 09:23 PM
WOW.....assumptions, gut feelings and KNOWLEDGE go hand in hand in some cases!!!!

09-28-2014, 09:37 PM
Nice job. You fuckers want to run anyone else off so you can get back to your same old stale-ass shit?

Jesus f-ing Christ.

Gunny. All anyone is asking for is Honesty. Nothing more, nothing less. Not trying to run anybody off, unless you like some people pretending to be something they ARE NOT?

09-28-2014, 09:39 PM
Really? I have been asked questions ABOUT my service here. And I didn't run off. If you have nothing to hide. Be proud to share it.

WOW.....assumptions, gut feelings and KNOWLEDGE go hand in hand in some cases!!!!

You two are losers. People take the time and effort to get others to post here and you act like ignorant-ass titty babies and run them off. Jealous little bitches worried someone might listen to someone besides you.

09-28-2014, 09:41 PM
Really? I have been asked questions ABOUT my service here. And I didn't run off. If you have nothing to hide. Be proud to share it.

you didn't "ask me about my service " sir you accused me of being a phoney. Stolen Valor in fact. How dishonest to act like all you did was ask me about my service.

09-28-2014, 09:43 PM
Gunny. All anyone is asking for is Honesty. Nothing more, nothing less. Not trying to run anybody off, unless you like some people pretending to be something they ARE NOT?

Bullshit. You can't stand anyone that disagrees with you. You're right and that's that. You question someone else's service with NO evidence? Nice going. I'm not inviting anyone else to this board because of you and your little pussy-ass temper tantrums and personal attacks and pouting like a baby when someone dares disagree with you.

THERE is your truth.

09-28-2014, 09:46 PM
You two are losers. People take the time and effort to get others to post here and you act like ignorant-ass titty babies and run them off. Jealous little bitches worried someone might listen to someone besides you.

Gunny. Personally. I really tried to be as cordial to you as I could. Until you decided otherwise. A Jim would tell you. You do have an option to IGNORE my posts if you don't like reading them.

Calling us losers just tells me who really is losing here. If you want to RULE THE ROOST, and avoid us Jealous little bitches (your liberal name calling there). Knock yourself out.

Too bad that CHIP on your shoulder repels being presented with truth.

red state
09-28-2014, 09:47 PM
Who's the whinny @$$ baby.....I'm not he one complaining about how one posts, when one posts or how lengthy their posts are. You need to look in the mirror before casting any stones. If the guy wasn't a fake, he should have said so.....or never started talking about his 'experiences'.

I guess that make you the SUPERIOR loser then. That guy was a fraud....right down to the undercover terrorist bit. Heck, what hasn't he done. His big mistake was in spouting off too much and expecting someone like me to stand for it. I won't....not with him, not with you. Good riddance, says I. I was going to place him on ignore anyway....

Hate you feel that way, Gunny but at least we know where we stand. If I can be proven WRONG, I'll be the first to apologize but that hasn't happened yet....by YOU or anyone.

09-28-2014, 09:47 PM
you didn't "ask me about my service " sir you accused me of being a phoney. Stolen Valor in fact. How dishonest to act like all you did was ask me about my service.

Some people get their panties all in their asses when something different comes along. Give it some time.

red state
09-28-2014, 09:50 PM
Yeah, that's exactly what Andy Griffin and Ron Howard said about those who wouldn't vote for B.O. I can't watch the Andy Griffin show now because of their lil' ad.

09-28-2014, 09:53 PM
you didn't "ask me about my service " sir you accused me of being a phoney. Stolen Valor in fact. How dishonest to act like all you did was ask me about my service.

That's right. You only said the 75th duh. And, I did not accuse you of being a phony. I posted that video to let you know how I, and other veterans like you feel about people who pretend to be superior, or people they are not.
You should have welcomed that. But you chose to take the angry route. Bye Bye.

09-28-2014, 09:55 PM
Bullshit. You can't stand anyone that disagrees with you. You're right and that's that. You question someone else's service with NO evidence? Nice going. I'm not inviting anyone else to this board because of you and your little pussy-ass temper tantrums and personal attacks and pouting like a baby when someone dares disagree with you.

THERE is your truth.

READ WHAT YOU JUST SAID TO ME Gunny. And if you can. Tell me who's pouting.

09-28-2014, 09:56 PM
What's with attacking new members?

He said he was in the 75th Rangers, out of Ft. Benning, GA.

That's a Special Ops outfit, btw. I worked with a guy that was in the 75th Rangers, and some of the stories he told me were hair raising. He was 56 years old and still had a 6 pack.

Jim is trying to grow this board, please show a little respect for his spent money and his efforts.

09-28-2014, 09:59 PM
Yeah, that's exactly what Andy Griffin and Ron Howard said about those who wouldn't vote for B.O. I can't watch the Andy Griffin show now because of their lil' ad.

You got anything else to add? Something intelligent for once? No one can come on this board with a different opinion without you hens attacking him/her. You think HE has a superior attitude? Look in the mirror. Y'all act like your shit doesn't stink and no one should DARE question anything you say. And if somebody does, OMG, let the wailing and gnashing of teeth all over the board begin.

Why don't y'all get out your big boy panties and find something to fill them.

09-28-2014, 10:00 PM
Yeah, that's exactly what Andy Griffin and Ron Howard said about those who wouldn't vote for B.O. I can't watch the Andy Griffin show now because of their lil' ad.
Well ...Andy Griffith is dead now ...so ... I guess you don't have to be offended any more "rolls eyes".

09-28-2014, 10:06 PM
That's right. You only said the 75th duh. And, I did not accuse you of being a phony. I posted that video to let you know how I, and other veterans like you feel about people who pretend to be superior, or people they are not.
You should have welcomed that. But you chose to take the angry route. Bye Bye.

You lying little crud from the bottom of my size 12s

You're exact words in that thread

I call BS on your statement about "to do things we can't talk about". If you are, who you claim to be. Other than another STOLEN VALOR candidate. It would be easier to prove it.
Perhaps you were a NAVY SEAL, or a RANGER, GREEN BERET as well.
As for the regularly detached BS. What was your C.O.'s last name?

Now clearly you were accusing me of lying. I'm new to message boards, but good grief.

Oh, and forgive me for posting in a military forum and assuming that anyone who would be interested in such would put two and two together and realize that the 75th in the US Army meant, the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Damn was I naive, didn't know people acted like this in the civilian world.

No wonder we end up with shit birds like Obama leading us to hell.

09-28-2014, 10:07 PM
READ WHAT YOU JUST SAID TO ME Gunny. And if you can. Tell me who's pouting.

I'm not pouting. I'm laying your sour puss ass out. Never have anything nice to say about anything nor anyone. You're like a wet towel on a campfire. You'll piss all over a comedy thread. No, I'm not pouting. I'm pissed. I get people to post here, Jim gets people to post here, trying to get this board a little more well-rounded and growing and you have to piss all over it.

So you tell me why anyone should give a shit when all you want is a sounding board for your own voice and do your best to run off anyone new? You even tried it with me. Too bad you weren't smart enough to know I was part of the party LONG before you started ruining it.

You want to question someone else's service? Produce some evidence or keep that opinion to yourself. Or you can question mine if you want, squid. I'm right here.

09-28-2014, 10:08 PM
What's with attacking new members?

He said he was in the 75th Rangers, out of Ft. Benning, GA.

That's a Special Ops outfit, btw. I worked with a guy that was in the 75th Rangers, and some of the stories he told me were hair raising. He was 56 years old and still had a 6 pack.

Jim is trying to grow this board, please show a little respect for his spent money and his efforts.

Really? So now. We have to be careful about what we ask other members too? I only asked him who his C.O. was at first.
Do you know the difference between a C.O. and then he complained about me accusing him of Stolen Valor.
Those who have nothing to hide..PROUDLY, and WILLFULLY share their military experiences without feeling threatened.
I called BS because ...it's an old trick...much like "If I tell you, I'll have to shoot you" kind of BS.
I appreciate Jim trying to grow this board. But...I hope both YOU and JIM would like to make sure...the GROWING is real

09-28-2014, 10:10 PM
I'm not pouting. I'm laying your sour puss ass out. Never have anything nice to say about anything nor anyone. You're like a wet towel on a campfire. You'll piss all over a comedy thread. No, I'm not pouting. I'm pissed. I get people to post here, Jim gets people to post here, trying to get this board a little more well-rounded and growing and you have to piss all over it.

So you tell me why anyone should give a shit when all you want is a sounding board for your own voice and do your best to run off anyone new? You even tried it with me. Too bad you weren't smart enough to know I was part of the party LONG before you started ruining it.

You want to question someone else's service? Produce some evidence or keep that opinion to yourself. Or you can question mine if you want, squid. I'm right here.

Gunny. That's enough. If you are so angry, and so self-centered that you need to keep using the Childish name calling. That says just about all I need to know, or think about you. AND...I DON'T GIVE A GOOD CRAP WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME.

09-28-2014, 10:12 PM
Really? So now. We have to be careful about what we ask other members too? I only asked him who his C.O. was at first.
Do you know the difference between a C.O. and then he complained about me accusing him of Stolen Valor.
Those who have nothing to hide..PROUDLY, and WILLFULLY share their military experiences without feeling threatened.
I called BS because ...it's an old trick...much like "If I tell you, I'll have to shoot you" kind of BS.
I appreciate Jim trying to grow this board. But...I hope both YOU and JIM would like to make sure...the GROWING is real

Need some cheese to go with that whine?

red state
09-28-2014, 10:12 PM
Yeah, unfortunately, Andy didn't (pass) before claiming that those who didn't like B.O. were racists and scared to have a "change" (aka black man) in office. As for attacking new members, I don't attack, I defend. It was the Superior One who attacked. In fact, it was both men who wouldn't......

you know what, it doesn't really matter as long as there is a difference but I'll NEVER sit by and have a KNOW-it-all tell me that I can or can't do something (whether it is SHOOTING or posting FREELY as I see fit). IGNORE is the best option here. I have had quite a few to come on this site so I'll take that one loss from those I've added.....how about that? No sense in running all of us off over ya'll's stupidity.

09-28-2014, 10:17 PM
You lying little crud from the bottom of my size 12s

You're exact words in that thread

I call BS on your statement about "to do things we can't talk about". If you are, who you claim to be. Other than another STOLEN VALOR candidate. It would be easier to prove it.
Perhaps you were a NAVY SEAL, or a RANGER, GREEN BERET as well.
As for the regularly detached BS. What was your C.O.'s last name?

Now clearly you were accusing me of lying. I'm new to message boards, but good grief.

Oh, and forgive me for posting in a military forum and assuming that anyone who would be interested in such would put two and two together and realize that the 75th in the US Army meant, the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Damn was I naive, didn't know people acted like this in the civilian world.

No wonder we end up with shit birds like Obama leading us to hell.

If none of it is true. Why so defensive. I gave you an example. If you are so threatened by question about your service. I wonder what else you are threatened by here.

Perhaps you would like to tell us about that 75th RANGER REGIMENT from the info below?

CSM Safewright entered active military service on 19 September 1989 and attended Infantry OSUT at Ft. Benning, GA. He graduated as an Indirect Fire Infantryman in January 1990. He attended Basic Airborne School with a follow on assignment to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, Fort Bragg, NC. He deployed with Charlie Company on 06 August 1990 in support of Operations Desert Shield & Desert Storm and has served in every position within a 60mm Mortar Section to include ammunition bearer, Gunner, Squad Leader and Section Leader. In January 1994 he was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Cavalry. SGT Safewright served as a Squad Leader, Fire Direction Chief, and Section Sergeant with multiple deployments, including Operation Able Sentry III, United Nations Protection Force in Macedonia and Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia. SSG Safewright later served as an Assistant Operations Sergeant in the XVIII ABN Corps, G-3 Current Operations. In 1999 he was selected to attend the United States Army Drill Sergeant School and was later assigned as a Drill Sergeant in Bco, 1-61 Infantry until July 2002. Upon completion of his Drill Sergeant assignment, SSG Safewright was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment. He served as the Section Sergeant and Platoon Sergeant for the Vanguard 120mm Mortar Platoon during Combat Operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II. While deployed, he was selected and promoted to Sergeant First Class. In July 2005, SFC Safewright was assigned Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment at Fort Riley, KS. Initially, he served as the Mortar Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant for the Black Lion Battalion. While deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II, he was selected for promotion to Master Sergeant was frocked to 1SG in December 2007. He was appointed as the 1SG for HHC, 4-1 Brigade Special Troops Battalion for the remainder of the 15 month deployment. In January 2009 he was selected by the Division Command Sergeant Major to serve as the 1SG for Operations Company, Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 1st Infantry Division. He deployed in January 2010 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn within USD-S. In May 2011, 1SG Safewright was assigned to Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 29th
Infantry Regiment. He served as the Company First Sergeant and later served as the Battalion Command Sergeants Major until his departure for the United States Sergeants Major Academy. SGM Safewright most recently served as the Brigade Operations Sergeants Major for the 198th Infantry Brigade. CSM Safewright has graduated the Infantry Mortars Leaders Course, WLC, ALC, MSLC, Battle Staff, 1SG Course and the United States Sergeants Major Academy, Class #63. His awards include the BSM(2), MSM(3), ARCOM(5), AAM(7) and several other individual and unit awards. SGM Safewright has been awarded the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, 2nd Award, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge and the Drill Sergeant Identification Badge.

09-28-2014, 10:20 PM
Gunny. That's enough. If you are so angry, and so self-centered that you need to keep using the Childish name calling. That says just about all I need to know, or think about you. AND...I DON'T GIVE A GOOD CRAP WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME.

True. You don't give a crap about anything but seeing your own words all over the place like you've got something to say. Maybe others do as well? You got some nerve calling ANYONE self-centered.

09-28-2014, 10:24 PM
Really? So now. We have to be careful about what we ask other members too? I only asked him who his C.O. was at first.
Do you know the difference between a C.O. and then he complained about me accusing him of Stolen Valor.
Those who have nothing to hide..PROUDLY, and WILLFULLY share their military experiences without feeling threatened.
I called BS because ...it's an old trick...much like "If I tell you, I'll have to shoot you" kind of BS.
I appreciate Jim trying to grow this board. But...I hope both YOU and JIM would like to make sure...the GROWING is real

Sir, I'm brand new to message boards. like a week I've been posting. I've a feeling you've been posting for ages. Sorry if I don't know all protocols or answer all questions correctly, but you absolutely, positively impugned my reputation by claiming I was lying about my military service and THEN came in this thread and claimed you did no such thing. Which makes your claim that you are always wanting the truth a fucking laugh.

There are hundreds and hundreds of Army Rangers our there performing hundreds and hundreds of operations everyday that you will never hear about, some of which I have performed, so no I wasn't always with my unit, if you knew anything about the SF world you'd know that it isn't that uncommon for the 75th or Delta or whomever to detach 4 or 5 guys and send them to some shitty third world country to do some job that simply doesn't require a whole platoon.

Is it really that hard to imagine that one might find their way to this message board? I wouldn't think so given the otherwise patriotic feeling of the board if not for you and that other asshole.

What do you want as proof sir? Do you want me to tell you what we had for lunch on the third day of selection? I know , how about the name of the instructor who made us walk barefooted 2 miles through the Georgia mud just because. No , how about the name of the bar in Columbia where I met ..... No I can't tell you that story.............

Oh I know

Fuck you squid, you get your ass back on that tin can, and make sure you got some fucking chow ready and the sheets washed for when a real soldier needs a ride home.


09-28-2014, 10:26 PM
True. You don't give a crap about anything but seeing your own words all over the place like you've got something to say. Maybe others do as well? You got some nerve calling ANYONE self-centered.

YOU WIN GUNNY. YOU WIN. Anything you say. Too bad you feel such a need to be so pissed off here. I honestly thought, at first. Being veterans gave us more than something to be proud of, and in common.
I still have trouble understanding WHY you feel such a need to use the Name calling. Most Senior NCO's I have met, and Known, NEVER let themselves be seen as out of control.

I apologize for making you so pissed off for whatever reasons you have listed here.

Forgive me for thinking I was able to have a civil conversation on this forum. Please?

09-28-2014, 10:27 PM
If none of it is true. Why so defensive. I gave you an example. If you are so threatened by question about your service. I wonder what else you are threatened by here.

Perhaps you would like to tell us about that 75th RANGER REGIMENT from the info below?

CSM Safewright entered active military service on 19 September 1989 and attended Infantry OSUT at Ft. Benning, GA. He graduated as an Indirect Fire Infantryman in January 1990. He attended Basic Airborne School with a follow on assignment to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, Fort Bragg, NC. He deployed with Charlie Company on 06 August 1990 in support of Operations Desert Shield & Desert Storm and has served in every position within a 60mm Mortar Section to include ammunition bearer, Gunner, Squad Leader and Section Leader. In January 1994 he was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Cavalry. SGT Safewright served as a Squad Leader, Fire Direction Chief, and Section Sergeant with multiple deployments, including Operation Able Sentry III, United Nations Protection Force in Macedonia and Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia. SSG Safewright later served as an Assistant Operations Sergeant in the XVIII ABN Corps, G-3 Current Operations. In 1999 he was selected to attend the United States Army Drill Sergeant School and was later assigned as a Drill Sergeant in Bco, 1-61 Infantry until July 2002. Upon completion of his Drill Sergeant assignment, SSG Safewright was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment. He served as the Section Sergeant and Platoon Sergeant for the Vanguard 120mm Mortar Platoon during Combat Operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II. While deployed, he was selected and promoted to Sergeant First Class. In July 2005, SFC Safewright was assigned Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment at Fort Riley, KS. Initially, he served as the Mortar Platoon Leader and Platoon Sergeant for the Black Lion Battalion. While deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II, he was selected for promotion to Master Sergeant was frocked to 1SG in December 2007. He was appointed as the 1SG for HHC, 4-1 Brigade Special Troops Battalion for the remainder of the 15 month deployment. In January 2009 he was selected by the Division Command Sergeant Major to serve as the 1SG for Operations Company, Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 1st Infantry Division. He deployed in January 2010 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn within USD-S. In May 2011, 1SG Safewright was assigned to Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 29th
Infantry Regiment. He served as the Company First Sergeant and later served as the Battalion Command Sergeants Major until his departure for the United States Sergeants Major Academy. SGM Safewright most recently served as the Brigade Operations Sergeants Major for the 198th Infantry Brigade. CSM Safewright has graduated the Infantry Mortars Leaders Course, WLC, ALC, MSLC, Battle Staff, 1SG Course and the United States Sergeants Major Academy, Class #63. His awards include the BSM(2), MSM(3), ARCOM(5), AAM(7) and several other individual and unit awards. SGM Safewright has been awarded the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, 2nd Award, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge and the Drill Sergeant Identification Badge.

Want me to get my brother on here to tell you about it? He's a retired Army Maj and was with the 75th. Or you going to question HIS service as well? He's only got less patience and a worse temper than I do. But he doesn't have a bio in wiki and you might want to provide a link so you aren't violating any fair use laws.

09-28-2014, 10:28 PM
Sir, I'm brand new to message boards. like a week I've been posting. I've a feeling you've been posting for ages. Sorry if I don't know all protocols or answer all questions correctly, but you absolutely, positively impugned my reputation by claiming I was lying about my military service and THEN came in this thread and claimed you did no such thing. Which makes your claim that you are always wanting the truth a fucking laugh.

There are hundreds and hundreds of Army Rangers our there performing hundreds and hundreds of operations everyday that you will never hear about, some of which I have performed, so no I wasn't always with my unit, if you knew anything about the SF world you'd know that it isn't that uncommon for the 75th or Delta or whomever to detach 4 or 5 guys and send them to some shitty third world country to do some job that simply doesn't require a whole platoon.

Is it really that hard to imagine that one might find their way to this message board? I wouldn't think so given the otherwise patriotic feeling of the board if not for you and that other asshole.

What do you want as proof sir? Do you want me to tell you what we had for lunch on the third day of selection? I know , how about the name of the instructor who made us walk barefooted 2 miles through the Georgia mud just because. No , how about the name of the bar in Columbia where I met ..... No I can't tell you that story.............

Oh I know

Fuck you squid, you get your ass back on that tin can, and make sure you got some fucking chow ready and the sheets washed for when a real soldier needs a ride home.


Thank you for proving my point. You and gunny can now enjoy whatever you feel a need to enjoy. Name calling included.

09-28-2014, 10:38 PM
Need some cheese to go with that whine?

Just be entertained by the "armchair political activist". It's a pity when someone is so useless that their political opinion doesn't matter. If complaining and accomplishing nothing won elections, Mr. AboutWastingTime could be elected Governor.

09-28-2014, 10:52 PM
Thank you for proving my point. You and gunny can now enjoy whatever you feel a need to enjoy. Name calling included.

Forgive me for not knowing that upsetting you was sacrosanct , but now that I DO know it, you just made yourself a target of a pissed of Ranger boy.

As for your point, I still don't know what it was, it seems to me from reading Gunny's posts in this thread that you are known to be a bully pussy who goes after new people who don't bow down to you.

Any other points you wish to make can be filed directly into the round file cabinet.

09-29-2014, 07:16 AM
Well ...Andy Griffith is dead now ...so ... I guess you don't have to be offended any more "rolls eyes".

OK onto the real important things, Shadow looking at your avatar and thinking of ya rolling your eyes is much more appealing ( to me ) than all this fighting :laugh:

09-30-2014, 09:09 AM
I call BS on your statement about "to do things we can't talk about". If you are, who you claim to be. Other than another STOLEN VALOR candidate. It would be easier to prove it.
Perhaps you were a NAVY SEAL, or a RANGER, GREEN BERET as well.
As for the regularly detached BS. What was your C.O.'s last name?

Agreed. it's a lie. No serious Soldier ever brings up the stupid movie-type line of "...I can't tell you, it's classified"

09-30-2014, 11:54 AM
Agreed. it's a lie. No serious Soldier ever brings up the stupid movie-type line of "...I can't tell you, it's classified"

Hmmm. Really? Good thing I'm a Marine and not a soldier then. I've done more than a few things that were classified and was debriefed when I retired that I would be prosecuted for divulging any classified info. It goes with a clearance and AT would know that since he was a RM.

I've got a better question than all this speculation and witch-hunting y'all got going on @born2decades2late ..... just some clarification (and I don't need any dog-piling help from AT, Tyr nor Red States) Instead of flapping your gums, learn how to do it right.

You have talked about shooting at distances only snipers shoot at in one thread. In another, you claim to have X number of knife kills. What was your primary weapon?

I'll start with the obvious. The former is done at extreme distance and the latter is done close up. One precludes the other. A sniper caught close up doesn't come home to talk about it. Two-man sniper teams are taught to evade and escape, not engage because they are ALWAYS out-numbered and 9 times out of 10 die quick.

Second, what wars did you participate in? The last war there were any engagements that required hand to hand combat was the Vietnam War. The years you listed don't sync with that. You're younger than I am and I was in 6th grade when Vietnam ended.

Any "kills" with a knife since that time would be murder, not combat kills. Not sure I'd be bragging on an open forum about that.

Third, based on the years of service you posted, your primary infantry weapon would have been an M-16A2. Break one down. Plenty of bandwidth here for ya.

Here's your opportunity to square away some inconsistencies just so we can all get it clear in our minds.

09-30-2014, 12:46 PM
Hmmm. Really? Good thing I'm a Marine and not a soldier then. I've done more than a few things that were classified and was debriefed when I retired that I would be prosecuted for divulging any classified info. It goes with a clearance and AT would know that since he was a RM.

Do you ever use that shit to get props or a 'wow' factor? Not that I've seen. EVERYBODY has done stuff not for public release. Everybody, I'd bet.

I've got a better question than all this speculation and witch-hunting y'all got going on @born2decades2late ..... just some clarification (and I don't need any dog-piling help from AT, Tyr nor Red States) Instead of flapping your gums, learn how to do it right.

You have talked about shooting at distances only snipers shoot at in one thread. In another, you claim to have X number of knife kills. What was your primary weapon?

I'll start with the obvious. The former is done at extreme distance and the latter is done close up. One precludes the other. A sniper caught close up doesn't come home to talk about it. Two-man sniper teams are taught to evade and escape, not engage because they are ALWAYS out-numbered and 9 times out of 10 die quick.

Second, what wars did you participate in? The last war there were any engagements that required hand to hand combat was the Vietnam War. The years you listed don't sync with that. You're younger than I am and I was in 6th grade when Vietnam ended.

Any "kills" with a knife since that time would be murder, not combat kills. Not sure I'd be bragging on an open forum about that.

Third, based on the years of service you posted, your primary infantry weapon would have been an M-16A2. Break one down. Plenty of bandwidth here for ya.

Here's your opportunity to square away some inconsistencies just so we can all get it clear in our minds.

That's very good line of questioning. Those are the types of things I care about - IF somebody brags they are not allowed to simply get offended and walk away - if they turn cry-baby, then they were probably liars.

09-30-2014, 12:56 PM
Do you ever use that shit to get props or a 'wow' factor? Not that I've seen. EVERYBODY has done stuff not for public release. Everybody, I'd bet.

That's very good line of questioning. Those are the types of things I care about - IF somebody brags they are not allowed to simply get offended and walk away - if they turn cry-baby, then they were probably liars.

I have inadvertently backed myself into a corner where I got stuck not being able to tell the rest, but I don't use it as a deflection.

My issue was and is baseless accusations by those not qualified to make them, for reasons other than what is stated. I just need some clarification on the questions I asked. If he chooses to not answer them, I can and will.

09-30-2014, 01:01 PM


09-30-2014, 04:26 PM
Hmmm. Really? Good thing I'm a Marine and not a soldier then. I've done more than a few things that were classified and was debriefed when I retired that I would be prosecuted for divulging any classified info. It goes with a clearance and AT would know that since he was a RM.

I've got a better question than all this speculation and witch-hunting y'all got going on @born2decades2late ..... just some clarification (and I don't need any dog-piling help from AT, Tyr nor Red States) Instead of flapping your gums, learn how to do it right.

You have talked about shooting at distances only snipers shoot at in one thread. In another, you claim to have X number of knife kills. What was your primary weapon?

I'll start with the obvious. The former is done at extreme distance and the latter is done close up. One precludes the other. A sniper caught close up doesn't come home to talk about it. Two-man sniper teams are taught to evade and escape, not engage because they are ALWAYS out-numbered and 9 times out of 10 die quick.

Second, what wars did you participate in? The last war there were any engagements that required hand to hand combat was the Vietnam War. The years you listed don't sync with that. You're younger than I am and I was in 6th grade when Vietnam ended.

Any "kills" with a knife since that time would be murder, not combat kills. Not sure I'd be bragging on an open forum about that.

Third, based on the years of service you posted, your primary infantry weapon would have been an M-16A2. Break one down. Plenty of bandwidth here for ya.

Here's your opportunity to square away some inconsistencies just so we can all get it clear in our minds.

I'll wait.

09-30-2014, 04:28 PM
I said .... if he wouldn't answer I would. ;)

He has been listed as replying to this thread as per "who's online" for a little while now....

09-30-2014, 04:32 PM
He has been listed as replying to this thread as per "who's online" for a little while now....

Notice that's not a short reply?:laugh:

I got a PM. If he's replying, he can't see my post, can he? Or you can delete it and I' can do it again later. ;)

09-30-2014, 04:33 PM
Notice that's not a short reply?:laugh:

I got a PM. If he's replying, he can't see my post, can he? Or you can delete it and I' can do it again later. ;)

Ok, soft deleted, will reinstate your post after his reply is here.

09-30-2014, 04:34 PM
He has been listed as replying to this thread as per "who's online" for a little while now....

Fixed. :)

09-30-2014, 04:36 PM
Fixed. :)

I guess we did same thing at same time!

09-30-2014, 04:41 PM
I guess we did same thing at same time!

That's fine. I can wait. :)

09-30-2014, 04:56 PM
Hmmm. Really? Good thing I'm a Marine and not a soldier then. I've done more than a few things that were classified and was debriefed when I retired that I would be prosecuted for divulging any classified info. It goes with a clearance and AT would know that since he was a RM.

I've got a better question than all this speculation and witch-hunting y'all got going on @born2decades2late ..... just some clarification (and I don't need any dog-piling help from AT, Tyr nor Red States) Instead of flapping your gums, learn how to do it right.

You have talked about shooting at distances only snipers shoot at in one thread. In another, you claim to have X number of knife kills. What was your primary weapon?

I'll start with the obvious. The former is done at extreme distance and the latter is done close up. One precludes the other. A sniper caught close up doesn't come home to talk about it. Two-man sniper teams are taught to evade and escape, not engage because they are ALWAYS out-numbered and 9 times out of 10 die quick.

Second, what wars did you participate in? The last war there were any engagements that required hand to hand combat was the Vietnam War. The years you listed don't sync with that. You're younger than I am and I was in 6th grade when Vietnam ended.

Any "kills" with a knife since that time would be murder, not combat kills. Not sure I'd be bragging on an open forum about that.

Third, based on the years of service you posted, your primary infantry weapon would have been an M-16A2. Break one down. Plenty of bandwidth here for ya.

Here's your opportunity to square away some inconsistencies just so we can all get it clear in our minds.

Just seen this post , actually didn't see it - had it pointed out to me. Please bear with me. I'm just learning this new thing (to me) called message boards if I miss a question or two.

Okay first, every Ranger needs to learn to do every job on the team well enough to take over if the man actually doing the job went down. That means being adept at long range work, short range work, radios, medical, whatever. I never in my career actually had to shoot anyone from a long distance, but I had to be up to snuff with the weapons necessary to do so in case it was necessary.

My primary assignment was as the point man, if I'd ever have needed to be on the sniper rifle it meant something went seriously wrong.

Still had to be qualified on it , just in case.

As for what wars I've participated in, the answer technically is none. I was born in 1971. However if you are asking me where I've engaged in hand to hand combat with the enemy the answer is Columbia, and Afghanistan are the places I can tell you about.

As for kills with a knife being murder rather than a combat kill, well that is a bit tricky, but I don't think that is true. I could be wrong, but.............

Oh, and I wasn't bragging. I'm sorry if it came across that way. I only meant to convey my experiences .

As for my primary weapon. A Ranger's primary weapon is his mind. However I've a feeling you meant firearms. You speak of the M16A2 and yes of course I utilized that weapon, but I actually began my career learning to shoot with the M16A1 in Basic Training (for DMP) A few key differences were of course the M16A1 was fully automatic (actually still is, as many of them are still in service outside the US military) whereas the M16A2 was only capable of either semi auto fire or a 3 round burst. Also, the damn M16a1 had no brass deflector, which truly sucked for a left handed shooter. Many other differences of course, but I've a basketball game to attend tonight and didn't want anyone to think I was avoiding these questions.

Then of course came the M16A3 which was a modified version of the M16A2 for special forces, which DID fire full auto, but I never used that weapon. Jumped straight from the M16A2 to the M4. Which is of course nothing more than the newest M16 but in a modular design that allows the user to customize it as the job dictates. Once again 3 round bursts or semi auto fire, though there are M4A1s out there which are capable of fully auto fire, I never personally fired one. We relied on bigger, better weapons when full auto was called for.

I'm sorry if I presented any inconsistency, please remember I've never posted on a message board before. So yes, I'm proud of my service, but never meant to brag about anything.

Anyway, off to watch a 9 year old play basketball so you guys have a great evening.

09-30-2014, 04:58 PM
wow sorry it took me longer to answer than you guys would like, I am trying to be a parent AND answer your questions. Sheesh

09-30-2014, 05:41 PM
Just seen this post , actually didn't see it - had it pointed out to me. Please bear with me. I'm just learning this new thing (to me) called message boards if I miss a question or two.

Okay first, every Ranger needs to learn to do every job on the team well enough to take over if the man actually doing the job went down. That means being adept at long range work, short range work, radios, medical, whatever. I never in my career actually had to shoot anyone from a long distance, but I had to be up to snuff with the weapons necessary to do so in case it was necessary.

My primary assignment was as the point man, if I'd ever have needed to be on the sniper rifle it meant something went seriously wrong.

Still had to be qualified on it , just in case.

As for what wars I've participated in, the answer technically is none. I was born in 1971. However if you are asking me where I've engaged in hand to hand combat with the enemy the answer is Columbia, and Afghanistan are the places I can tell you about.

As for kills with a knife being murder rather than a combat kill, well that is a bit tricky, but I don't think that is true. I could be wrong, but.............

Oh, and I wasn't bragging. I'm sorry if it came across that way. I only meant to convey my experiences .

As for my primary weapon. A Ranger's primary weapon is his mind. However I've a feeling you meant firearms. You speak of the M16A2 and yes of course I utilized that weapon, but I actually began my career learning to shoot with the M16A1 in Basic Training (for DMP) A few key differences were of course the M16A1 was fully automatic (actually still is, as many of them are still in service outside the US military) whereas the M16A2 was only capable of either semi auto fire or a 3 round burst. Also, the damn M16a1 had no brass deflector, which truly sucked for a left handed shooter. Many other differences of course, but I've a basketball game to attend tonight and didn't want anyone to think I was avoiding these questions.

Then of course came the M16A3 which was a modified version of the M16A2 for special forces, which DID fire full auto, but I never used that weapon. Jumped straight from the M16A2 to the M4. Which is of course nothing more than the newest M16 but in a modular design that allows the user to customize it as the job dictates. Once again 3 round bursts or semi auto fire, though there are M4A1s out there which are capable of fully auto fire, I never personally fired one. We relied on bigger, better weapons when full auto was called for.

I'm sorry if I presented any inconsistency, please remember I've never posted on a message board before. So yes, I'm proud of my service, but never meant to brag about anything.

Anyway, off to watch a 9 year old play basketball so you guys have a great evening.

I'll give you the benefit of doubt until you prove otherwise. You're kind of on probation with me because I don't know but a few psycho's that talking about killing. Unless it's about the nightmares and addictions it's caused. I'm up to snuff on THAT one.

Nothing you posted is factually incorrect.

Anyone else got anything that isn't of a personal attack in nature?

09-30-2014, 05:43 PM
I'll give you the benefit of doubt until you prove otherwise. You're kind of on probation with me because I don't know but a few psycho's that talking about killing. Unless it's about the nightmares and addictions it's caused. I'm up to snuff on THAT one.

Nothing you posted is factually incorrect.

Anyone else got anything that isn't of a personal attack in nature?

That's what I say, ask questions that he says he can answer. No need for an inquisition, but if veterans choose to question him, we might as well get it out of the way now then.