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09-29-2014, 07:21 PM
`Another Oklahoma Man, Reportedly a Muslim, Arrested After He Allegedly Threatened to Cut Off Coworker’s Head: ‘This Is Just What We Do’`

`Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is behind bars on a terrorism complaint, the Oklahoman reported, adding that his bail is set at $1 million.
Muriithi — a native of Kenya who reportedly identified himself as a Muslim — was working with the victim for the first time Sept. 19 at the Bellevue Nursing Home when he made the threats, the arrest warrant affidavit said.
Muriithi told her that he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the police detective’s affidavit noted.`


`Does the fact that the DOJ is about to stop the Feds from conducting religious profiling now strike anybody else as suspicious?`

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2014, 07:27 PM
`Another Oklahoma Man, Reportedly a Muslim, Arrested After He Allegedly Threatened to Cut Off Coworker’s Head: ‘This Is Just What We Do’`

`Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is behind bars on a terrorism complaint, the Oklahoman reported, adding that his bail is set at $1 million.
Muriithi — a native of Kenya who reportedly identified himself as a Muslim — was working with the victim for the first time Sept. 19 at the Bellevue Nursing Home when he made the threats, the arrest warrant affidavit said.
Muriithi told her that he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the police detective’s affidavit noted.`


`Does the fact that the DOJ is about to stop the Feds from conducting religious profiling now strike anybody else as suspicious?`

Kenya , bampunks old stomping grounds and bamboy busy as hell defending Africa from Ebola. Got to save all those damn muslim converts there but nobody has caught onto that part yet.
3,000 TROOPS TO SAVE THE MUSLIMS.. :laugh: Their mighty Allah cant do it for them. ;)-Tyr

09-29-2014, 07:32 PM
BUT...we're not permitted to PROFILE, or risk being arrested for racism.????

09-29-2014, 07:49 PM
Time to send these people back where they came from.

Whether they want to go or not.

09-29-2014, 07:53 PM
Time to send these people back where they came from.
Whether they want to go or not.

Who exactly are you referring to? Black people? Crazy people who want to attract attention to themselves? Anyone who expresses a viewpoint that you disagree with?

Look up the expression "copycat criminals." There are some people who just like attention.


09-29-2014, 07:55 PM
Who exactly are you referring to? Black people? Crazy people who want to attract attention to themselves? Anyone who expresses a viewpoint that you disagree with?

Look up the expression "copycat criminals." There are some people who just like attention.



I don't particualry care if you find that offensive, I don't even care if you call it unconstitutional. They are a direct threat to our national security and need to be sent packing.

09-29-2014, 07:58 PM

I don't particualry care if you find that offensive, I don't even care if you call it unconstitutional. They are a direct threat to our national security and need to be sent packing.

ALL Muslims are a threat to our national security? :eek:

I personally think YOU are a threat to our national security.

09-29-2014, 08:02 PM
ALL Muslims are a threat to our national security? :eek:

I personally think YOU are a threat to our national security.

GABBY. Your hypocrisy precedes you here. You said basically the very same thing about all Conservatives, Republicans, and all without any of us having to remind you WHAT A THREAT YOU ARE to...YOU.

09-29-2014, 08:03 PM
ALL Muslims are a threat to ouhttp://www.debatepolicy.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=707045r national security? :eek:

I personally think YOU are a threat to our national security.

no, im a threat to the security of terrorists.

I've seen sick and twisted shit committed by Muslims on 4 continents

And I fail to see how a liberal woman could POSSIBLY defend such atrocities. Ma'am some oYou f the atrocities I've seen would make you sick, but what would REALLY turn your stomach is the fact that other Muslims who aren't participating in such events ARE cheering them on. Rare , and in hiding, in the Muslim who speaks out against such things.

Wake up, these people are dangerous.

09-29-2014, 08:07 PM
Dude, there are actually peaceful Muslims. I live across the street from a family of them. The parents are both doctors. Their oldest son is a pre-med student at UCLA. Their daughter is in my home at this very moment, hanging out with my daughter.

I think you are a crackpot and possible domestic terrorist.

09-29-2014, 08:09 PM
Dude, there are actually peaceful Muslims. I live across the street from a family of them. The parents are both doctors. Their oldest son is a pre-med student at UCLA. Their daughter is in my home at this very moment, hanging out with my daughter.

I think you are a crackpot and possible domestic terrorist.

Gabby. Now you sound like your Hero...Obama. He thinks ALL VETERANS are Domestic terrorists. Wear a sign on your back to let ISIS know you love them.

09-29-2014, 08:10 PM
Dude, there are actually peaceful Muslims. I live across the street from a family of them. The parents are both doctors. Their oldest son is a pre-med student at UCLA. Their daughter is in my home at this very moment, hanging out with my daughter.

I think you are a crackpot and possible domestic terrorist.

I certainly hope you put up the steak knives lest your daughter piss off the Muslim girl.

09-29-2014, 08:24 PM
Time to send these people back where they came from.

Whether they want to go or not.

*Never Forget

`Islam is a cult...all muslims read the same koran..real Religions have evolved....

When it gets to the point where psychotic power freaks disguised as religious leaders falsely claim Gods will and warp weak little minds in mass and send them on suicide missions to blow up, maim, mutilate, and kill, thousands of innocent men, women, and children, in an effort to take over the world; it is time to put aside diplomacy and wishful thinking and eliminate those threatening until the threat no longer exists.....`

The Muslims are not happy!
*Seen in a comment about protests of Israel defending themselves against Hammas rocket attacks:

The Muslims are not happy!

They're not happy in Gaza.
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya.
They're not happy in Morocco.
They're not happy in Iran.
They're not happy in Iraq.
They're not happy in Yemen.
They're not happy in Afghanistan.
They're not happy in Pakistan.
They're not happy in Syria.
They're not happy in Lebanon.

So, where are they happy?

They're happy in England.
They're happy in France.
They're happy in Italy.
They're happy in Germany.
They're happy in Norway.
They're happy in every country that is not Muslim.

And who do they blame?

Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.


Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.

Let's have a look at the evidence:
No Christmas.
No television.
No nude women.
No football.
No pork chops.
No hotdogs.
No burgers.
No beer.
No bacon.
Rags for clothes.
Towels for hats.
Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower.
More than one wife.
More than one mother-in-law.
You can't shave.
Your wife can't shave.
You can't wash off the smell of donkey.
You wipe your #$%$ with your hand.
You cook over burning camel sheeet.
Your wife is picked by someone else.
Your wife smells worse than your donkey.

Then they tell you that "when you die, it all gets better".


09-29-2014, 08:43 PM
Yasser Arafat himself admit that some Palestinians rejoiced after the 9-11 attacks. But insisted that they were a small minority.
Of course, you don't bring up the case of the "Dancing Israelis." But perhaps you should...

In New Jersey, 5 Israelis (Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari) were taking video or photos of themselves smiling with the World Trade Center burning in the background. These men were arrested and their cameras were seized.


09-29-2014, 09:29 PM
Yasser Arafat himself admit that some Palestinians rejoiced after the 9-11 attacks. But insisted that they were a small minority.
Of course, you don't bring up the case of the "Dancing Israelis." But perhaps you should...


I'd be fine with kicking the Jews out to.
And I'd definitely be a okay with cutting off foreign aid to both groups.

You fail.

09-29-2014, 10:36 PM
Yasser Arafat himself admit that some Palestinians rejoiced after the 9-11 attacks. But insisted that they were a small minority.
Of course, you don't bring up the case of the "Dancing Israelis." But perhaps you should...


Yasser Arafat was bought and sold by the Soviets.

The fact that he got a Nobel Prize told me everything I needed to know about it prior to Obama getting it. It is now completely useless; that's what happens when you bestow prestigious awards upon dirtbags.

Interesting little clip. I knew ABC was liberal but since I don't watch them, I had no idea how far left they've strayed.

That shit is straight out of Moveon. Of course Israel is responsible for 9-11.


red state
09-30-2014, 01:03 AM
Yasser Arafat was bought and sold by the Soviets.

The fact that he got a Nobel Prize told me everything I needed to know about it prior to Obama getting it. It is now completely useless; that's what happens when you bestow prestigious awards upon dirtbags.

Interesting little clip. I knew ABC was liberal but since I don't watch them, I had no idea how far left they've strayed.

That shit is straight out of Moveon. Of course Israel is responsible for 9-11.


Spot on, NT.

REALLY gabs?! dancing Israelis?! Are there not other religions/peoples freely displaying and speaking......even dancing who would just love pain, suffering and death to AMERICANS? What a DUMB@$$ thing to say.......ever stop to think that these were muSLUMS within Israel. There are actually quite a few muSLUMS in Israel you know. Unlike most muSLUM countries who run opposing views out or KILL them, Israel allows THEM freedom to worship within that cult (within ISRAEL). Of course, the liberal and/or muSLUM will claim that they weren't REAL muSLUMS. I'd guarantee you that they weren't Jews, Christians or any other 'affiliation' OTHER than muSLUM.......and I bet there are members here just clever enough to prove me RIGHT if any DUMB@$$es like her wish to take that bet.

09-30-2014, 04:29 AM
I think you are a crackpot and possible domestic terrorist.

And I think you're an idiot. But I have FACTS to backup my thoughts, via your own words.

09-30-2014, 06:57 AM
I believe in diversity. That's why I have many different caliber weapons.

09-30-2014, 08:22 AM
Who exactly are you referring to? Black people? Crazy people who want to attract attention to themselves? Anyone who expresses a viewpoint that you disagree with?

Look up the expression "copycat criminals." There are some people who just like attention.


Immigrants that have been both convicted for felonious crimes and who have been proven to have made terroristic threats. As far as I'm concerned, I don't give a flying fuck where they came from -- either of those should warrant deportation. There are enough home-grown criminals in the US without having to import them from abroad.

Yasser Arafat himself admit that some Palestinians rejoiced after the 9-11 attacks. But insisted that they were a small minority.

Ah yes, Yasir Arafat, an absolute paragon of honesty and integrity. :lmao:

Did you miss the footage the BBC aired of thousands of Muslims dancing and celebrating in the streets during and after 9/11? Hardly a "small minority." GMAFB.

09-30-2014, 09:06 AM
Kenya , bampunks old stomping grounds and bamboy busy as hell defending Africa from Ebola. Got to save all those damn muslim converts there but nobody has caught onto that part yet.
3,000 TROOPS TO SAVE THE MUSLIMS.. :laugh: Their mighty Allah cant do it for them. ;)-Tyr

You do know that there are Christians in West Africa don't you? Apparently God needs a little help from us too. :rolleyes:

09-30-2014, 12:50 PM
`Another Oklahoma Man, Reportedly a Muslim, Arrested After He Allegedly Threatened to Cut Off Coworker’s Head: ‘This Is Just What We Do’`

`Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is behind bars on a terrorism complaint, the Oklahoman reported, adding that his bail is set at $1 million.
Muriithi — a native of Kenya who reportedly identified himself as a Muslim — was working with the victim for the first time Sept. 19 at the Bellevue Nursing Home when he made the threats, the arrest warrant affidavit said.
Muriithi told her that he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the police detective’s affidavit noted.`


`Does the fact that the DOJ is about to stop the Feds from conducting religious profiling now strike anybody else as suspicious?`

Sooner or later......one of these muzzie idiots is going to threaten the wrong damned person. And they will not survive their "mouth overload". JS.....

09-30-2014, 01:38 PM
`Another Oklahoma Man, Reportedly a Muslim, Arrested After He Allegedly Threatened to Cut Off Coworker’s Head: ‘This Is Just What We Do’`

`Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is behind bars on a terrorism complaint, the Oklahoman reported, adding that his bail is set at $1 million.
Muriithi — a native of Kenya who reportedly identified himself as a Muslim — was working with the victim for the first time Sept. 19 at the Bellevue Nursing Home when he made the threats, the arrest warrant affidavit said.
Muriithi told her that he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the police detective’s affidavit noted.`


`Does the fact that the DOJ is about to stop the Feds from conducting religious profiling now strike anybody else as suspicious?`

Yep. Here come the copycats. "Put my face in the news too ... I need some attention."

09-30-2014, 02:44 PM
Who exactly are you referring to? Black people? Crazy people who want to attract attention to themselves? Anyone who expresses a viewpoint that you disagree with?

Look up the expression "copycat criminals." There are some people who just like attention.


Yep. Here come the copycats. "Put my face in the news too ... I need some attention."

I believe this guy was arrested on the same day as the other guy, and actually committed his beheading prior to the other.

09-30-2014, 02:49 PM
I believe this guy was arrested on the same day as the other guy, and actually committed his beheading prior to the other.

Sounds like a good reason for the public to be armed. These fanatics attack only the weak.

09-30-2014, 02:59 PM
Sounds like a good reason for the public to be armed. These fanatics attack only the weak.

Absolutely. In fact, I think much more carnage would have taken place if the COO or whomever it was shot the scumbag (the one at factory).

09-30-2014, 03:30 PM
Sounds like a good reason for the public to be armed. These fanatics attack only the weak.

this is what i'm seeing, these guys threatening and killing christian women at the office and the nursing home?
what kinda BS jihad is that?
if the girls showed them a pistol next to their Bibles in their purses they'd probably just head back to the mosque and pray some more.

09-30-2014, 03:41 PM
this is what i'm seeing, these guys threatening and killing christian women at the office and the nursing home?
what kinda BS jihad is that?
if the girls showed them a pistol next to their Bibles in their purses they'd probably just head back to the mosque and pray some more.

Granny knows what is best!
