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View Full Version : Estimated Numerical Impact Of The Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill

Pale Rider
06-22-2007, 03:50 AM
Estimated Numerical Impact Of The Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill

Staggering, scary numbers... http://www.numbersusa.com/PDFs/K-K-B%20amnesty%20numerical%20impact.pdf

Pale Rider
06-23-2007, 02:29 AM
Only seven people viewed this... unbelievable. Something this important, and people don't give a flying fuck. Apathy. Don't complain when the shamnesty bill passes, and all of sudden the American ecomony falls right in the toilet. You could have seen where it was going had you looked at this and done something about it.

06-23-2007, 08:37 AM
Only seven people viewed this... unbelievable. Something this important, and people don't give a flying fuck. Apathy. Don't complain when the shamnesty bill passes, and all of sudden the American ecomony falls right in the toilet. You could have seen where it was going had you looked at this and done something about it.

What the proponents of this Bill are relying on is bombarding people with it until they get used to the idea of it and become ambivalent to its passing.

Sure it's going to be a disaster for this Nation. It's going to be a disaster for the GOP.

It's in the same vein as someone in Congress suggesting jacking the price of gas to $6. Class elitists who won't have to suffer the consequences of either action because they live high enough to insulate themselves from them are basicaly dictating the lives of those who cannot.

Hugh Lincoln
06-23-2007, 01:57 PM
It's in the same vein as someone in Congress suggesting jacking the price of gas to $6. Class elitists who won't have to suffer the consequences of either action because they live high enough to insulate themselves from them are basicaly dictating the lives of those who cannot.

That's a big part of it.

Basically it seems you have in support of amnesty/illegals

1) The Hate-America Left, which wants to see Hispanics flood America and chase out the whites, and

2) The Globalist Neocon Right, which thinks big business/money is the only value in life, does not care about nations, histories or peoples (except Israel), and would sell out America to the highest Japanese bidder.


3) Else

is screwed because they have no voice.

Pale Rider
06-23-2007, 06:41 PM
That's a big part of it.

Basically it seems you have in support of amnesty/illegals

1) The Hate-America Left, which wants to see Hispanics flood America and chase out the whites, and

2) The Globalist Neocon Right, which thinks big business/money is the only value in life, does not care about nations, histories or peoples (except Israel), and would sell out America to the highest Japanese bidder.


3) Else

is screwed because they have no voice.

The pathetic part about this is, the "everybody else" is the vast majority, and we're the ones being ignored.

The one thing that Newt Gingrich says over and over is, that this country and the republican party in particular, need a BIIIIIIIG shake up. He could NOT be more RIGHT!

06-23-2007, 06:53 PM
I say we shoot them all, then we don't have to worry about them coming back. :laugh2:

Pale Rider
06-25-2007, 06:35 AM
I say we shoot them all, then we don't have to worry about them coming back. :laugh2:

Hey... if we declared war on mexico, that's exactly what we'd be doing.... say when... :tank: