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View Full Version : *Netanyahu challenges 'brazen lies' told by Obama, Abbas

09-30-2014, 09:48 PM
*God Bless Israel In its fight with muslim terrorists and their `Regressive` supporters

Video / Text:

`Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose not to let President Obama’s bold allegation that Israelis were not interested in peace go unanswered in his speech Monday at the UN. “Brazen lies spoken from this very podium against my country” is how Netanyahu described the remarks of previous speakers, when he addressed the U.N. General Assembly.
Just five days earlier, President Obama had made a shocking assertion in his role as president while speaking on the world stage. He claimed that there were “too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace.” Obama scolded: “that’s something worthy of reflection within Israel.”

*Not only did President Obama not include Palestinians in this demeaning and defamatory slur, he proceeded to equate “rockets fired at innocent Israelis” with “Palestinian children taken from us in Gaza.” Not “taken from us” by Hamas who used them as human fodder in their attempted annihilation of Israel. But apparently “taken from us” by those Israelis not interested in peace.


`No Israeli Prime Minister could allow such an attack to go unanswered. And so Netanyahu began his remarks by daring President Obama to distinguish between his battle against ISIS and Israel’s battle with Hamas.
Said Netanyahu: “the people of Israel pray for peace, but our hopes and the world’s hopes for peace are in danger because everywhere we look militant Islam in on the march.”


09-30-2014, 09:50 PM
`Obama and Abbas, what a sad pair of leaders. Abbas borders on insanity and obama just can't get past his Islamic faith and basis.`

09-30-2014, 09:55 PM
*God Bless Israel In its fight with muslim terrorists and their `Regressive` supporters

Video / Text:

`Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose not to let President Obama’s bold allegation that Israelis were not interested in peace go unanswered in his speech Monday at the UN. “Brazen lies spoken from this very podium against my country” is how Netanyahu described the remarks of previous speakers, when he addressed the U.N. General Assembly.
Just five days earlier, President Obama had made a shocking assertion in his role as president while speaking on the world stage. He claimed that there were “too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace.” Obama scolded: “that’s something worthy of reflection within Israel.”

*Not only did President Obama not include Palestinians in this demeaning and defamatory slur, he proceeded to equate “rockets fired at innocent Israelis” with “Palestinian children taken from us in Gaza.” Not “taken from us” by Hamas who used them as human fodder in their attempted annihilation of Israel. But apparently “taken from us” by those Israelis not interested in peace.


`No Israeli Prime Minister could allow such an attack to go unanswered. And so Netanyahu began his remarks by daring President Obama to distinguish between his battle against ISIS and Israel’s battle with Hamas.
Said Netanyahu: “the people of Israel pray for peace, but our hopes and the world’s hopes for peace are in danger because everywhere we look militant Islam in on the march.”


I listened to his speech at the U.N. General Assembly yesterday. And I found myself wishing WE THE PEOPLE had a man of courage like him to lead us as a nation again.
I do remember Netanyahu nearly telling Obama to "Kiss his ass". But that would leave a stain on Bibi's butt.

09-30-2014, 10:32 PM
*God Bless Israel In its fight with muslim terrorists and their `Regressive` supporters

Video / Text:

`Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose not to let President Obama’s bold allegation that Israelis were not interested in peace go unanswered in his speech Monday at the UN. “Brazen lies spoken from this very podium against my country” is how Netanyahu described the remarks of previous speakers, when he addressed the U.N. General Assembly.
Just five days earlier, President Obama had made a shocking assertion in his role as president while speaking on the world stage. He claimed that there were “too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace.” Obama scolded: “that’s something worthy of reflection within Israel.”

*Not only did President Obama not include Palestinians in this demeaning and defamatory slur, he proceeded to equate “rockets fired at innocent Israelis” with “Palestinian children taken from us in Gaza.” Not “taken from us” by Hamas who used them as human fodder in their attempted annihilation of Israel. But apparently “taken from us” by those Israelis not interested in peace.


`No Israeli Prime Minister could allow such an attack to go unanswered. And so Netanyahu began his remarks by daring President Obama to distinguish between his battle against ISIS and Israel’s battle with Hamas.
Said Netanyahu: “the people of Israel pray for peace, but our hopes and the world’s hopes for peace are in danger because everywhere we look militant Islam in on the march.”


It is so embarrassing to have this ass-clown as our president.

He is completely clueless.

Hang in there, Israel... 2 more years and we'll have your back again!