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10-01-2014, 02:30 AM
From way back when John Wayne and Dean Martin were leading men....John was guest on Dean's show and was asked what he wanted for his 8 month old daughter ... just about what any dad wants for his daughter. John gets all chocked up ...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-01-2014, 10:12 AM
From way back when John Wayne and Dean Martin were leading men....John was guest on Dean's show and was asked what he wanted for his 8 month old daughter ... just about what any dad wants for his daughter. John gets all chocked up ...

Great post and video ....
I remember seeing that. When my daughter was very young(grown woman now) I got choked up
when thinking of her future if I should die prematurely.
And that's why I didnt...-Tyr

10-01-2014, 11:51 AM
Every dad wants the best for their daughter. Or they should.

10-01-2014, 01:23 PM
From way back when John Wayne and Dean Martin were leading men....John was guest on Dean's show and was asked what he wanted for his 8 month old daughter ... just about what any dad wants for his daughter. John gets all chocked up ...



10-01-2014, 03:25 PM
When my daughter began dating I printed out the 10 simple rules for dating. Her "then" boyfriend asked her if I was joking, she said no.

Never saw that maggot again


10-01-2014, 03:28 PM
When my daughter began dating I printed out the 10 simple rules for dating. Her "then" boyfriend asked her if I was joking, she said no.

Never saw that maggot again


I was sharpening my katana when "he" showed up. Then, being a good Marine depper, we put about 7 shots of Cuervo into him in about 20 minutes.

No action THAT night. :halounplugged:

10-01-2014, 03:35 PM
What a great man. And he talks of old fashioned values, which today are almost considered offensive to some. Getting on television today and stating you want to start your child off right, with the Lord's Prayer, would get you censored or laughed at.

John Wayne was always a top notch great American role model to me, a true man. But after seeing this, which I never saw before, his stock just doubled. :salute:

10-01-2014, 03:36 PM
I was sharpening my katana when "he" showed up. Then, being a good Marine depper, we put about 7 shots of Cuervo into him in about 20 minutes.

No action THAT night. :halounplugged:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 07:54 AM
When my daughter began dating I printed out the 10 simple rules for dating. Her "then" boyfriend asked her if I was joking, she said no.

Never saw that maggot again


I told all of them the same thing.

1. Do not take her into Memphis at night- I dont allow it
2. Do not make her cry-no excuses on that.
3. Have her home by 9:30.

And my biggie
4. If you break any of these somebody is going to carry an ass stomping and I'm pretty damn sure it aint gonna be me.

First guy, a good kid -answered yes sir and obeyed !

Second -guy year later, (I didn't like right off ) , popped off , "but what if". I stopped him before he could finish the question.
I said, "get the hell out of my house and if you so much as speak to my daughter again I'll slap your ass silly".
I don't play.
My daughter was/is EVERYTHING to me!
She is now 26 years old, dental hygienist , married , son Caleb and will have another baby in December this year.
Only one arrest, fighting a girl that attacked her back when she was 18 years old(cops arrested both parties) , doesn't drink , doesn't smoke, goes to church and is a pretty straight arrow.
No way could I be more proud of her!!!!!!!!!
And yes, as an adult she has thanked me for being so very strict on her during her teen years..

I did my part and being strict was very necessary part of my job.. -Tyr

10-02-2014, 10:46 AM
As my daughter draws perilously closer to dating age (she's now 13), my husband and I have had more than a few discussions about it.
I have a lot of sources for advice. My parents raised two daughters, so they are aware of the mistakes they made. My mom was a bit too strict and my dad was a bit too permissive. So we would want to be somewhere in the middle.

The whole "shotgun over the door" attitude towards prospective suitors won't work. My daughter is a lot smarter and less naive than I was at her age. She can read adolescent boy BS a lot better than I ever could.
If the worst happens and she does get taken advantage of, it will not be pretty for the guy(s) involved. The Laws of the Street will definitely be invoked. :death:

10-02-2014, 11:01 AM
My daughter is the sunshine in my world. She just started her first year of college and her leaving our home for college has been tough for her mother and I. She is the kind of young woman who brings an energy to any room she enters and her positive personality is contagious. She has been involved in the martial arts with her brothers and gymnastics since she was 8 years old and has worked as a coach for the 4 years prior to her heading off to school. Having said that I pity the young fella that tries anything on her as she will likely open a can of hurt on him that will make what I do as a follow up seem practically tame. :)

What I want for my daughter with regard to a relationship? I want her to find a man who will treat her as I have treated her mother. I want her to find a young man with drive and dedication. I want her to find a young man who is godly, honest, hardworking, and who finds that she makes him want to strive daily to be a better person than the day before for her sake.

10-02-2014, 11:04 AM
I only have sons. I think they have taken to heart the risk of being blackmailed by a girl's false accusation. My oldest, then 12, now 13 asked me to consider Phoenix when I was doing a nationwide work search, I suspect I know why. He suddenly asked me to avoid Phoenix, again I suspect I know why. I reminded him that Phoenix has millions of people and is a good place. He then replied, in that case it doesn't matter. I think the thing boys need to learn is to walk away from girls that string them along, in reserve "as friends". What I wonder about some of you parents of girls, what do you do to boys that make your little girl cry by walking away? If some nutball parent bothers my sons, the response would be restraining orders, criminal prosecution and civil monetary damages. My youngest son already has filed a criminal complaint against a girl bully. That worked very well.

10-02-2014, 11:11 AM
The daughter I referred to is my "stepdaughter".

I treated her the same as my own blood (which during her early teen years she didn't appreciate).

During her later teens and her early twenty's, she began to see that things differently.

She asked if I would give her "away" at her wedding.

Oh, as for the "step" thing. She would say "Do you see any steps between us"?

Proud dad of five plus two! :salute:

10-02-2014, 11:47 AM
... What I wonder about some of you parents of girls, what do you do to boys that make your little girl cry by walking away? If some nutball parent bothers my sons, the response would be restraining orders, criminal prosecution and civil monetary damages. My youngest son already has filed a criminal complaint against a girl bully. That worked very well.

I'm starting to wonder if you actually are raising girls. :rolleyes:

10-02-2014, 12:32 PM
I'm starting to wonder if you actually are raising girls. :rolleyes:

No, just boys aware of the legal system. They act differently in Brazil. I laugh when they read rules at school and try to split commas. They are quite low maintenance if no one bothers them. I'm not sure how to respond to my youngest that believes interacting with people in person, as opposed to online is more trouble than it's worth. For some reason, they show a preference for Asian/Indian classmates.

10-02-2014, 03:58 PM
No, just boys aware of the legal system. They act differently in Brazil. I laugh when they read rules at school and try to split commas. They are quite low maintenance if no one bothers them. I'm not sure how to respond to my youngest that believes interacting with people in person, as opposed to online is more trouble than it's worth. For some reason, they show a preference for Asian/Indian classmates.

As opposed as you are to the American way of doing things, I still don't understand why you don't live and work in Brazil.

My daughter is an 8th grade heart breaker. She flirts with boys and teases them. Of course, being 13, she has no intention of getting any closer than friends. I have received a few calls from distraught parents describing the anguish of their jilted young boys. I tell them that is just the way middle school works. Girls develop quicker emotional than boys do.
Helicopter parents who attempt to micromanage each step of their children's live are in for a difficult time when they become teens. Interpersonal relationships become a lot more difficult, whether it be with the opposite sex or same sex. Boys become more boisterous and daring, girls become more outgoing and precocious

Worst incident I have dealt with was last spring. A boy grabbed my daughter on her bottom. She turned around and bitchslapped across the face. Leaving a couple of nail marks.
I allowed the incident to be settled by the school, which issued three days of after school detention. The boy's mom screamed bloody murder. Her attorney called me. When I described the incident, the attorney sad "thank you" and hung up. That was the last I heard of it.

Let your kids run their own lives.

10-02-2014, 04:04 PM
From way back when John Wayne and Dean Martin were leading men....John was guest on Dean's show and was asked what he wanted for his 8 month old daughter ... just about what any dad wants for his daughter. John gets all chocked up ...


Amen, John. Amen! A class act all the way. They don't make men like that any more, sadly.

10-02-2014, 09:26 PM
As opposed as you are to the American way of doing things, I still don't understand why you don't live and work in Brazil.

My daughter is an 8th grade heart breaker. She flirts with boys and teases them. Of course, being 13, she has no intention of getting any closer than friends. I have received a few calls from distraught parents describing the anguish of their jilted young boys. I tell them that is just the way middle school works. Girls develop quicker emotional than boys do.
Helicopter parents who attempt to micromanage each step of their children's live are in for a difficult time when they become teens. Interpersonal relationships become a lot more difficult, whether it be with the opposite sex or same sex. Boys become more boisterous and daring, girls become more outgoing and precocious

Worst incident I have dealt with was last spring. A boy grabbed my daughter on her bottom. She turned around and bitchslapped across the face. Leaving a couple of nail marks.
I allowed the incident to be settled by the school, which issued three days of after school detention. The boy's mom screamed bloody murder. Her attorney called me. When I described the incident, the attorney sad "thank you" and hung up. That was the last I heard of it.

Let your kids run their own lives.

They DO run their own lives: They stay away from toxic personalities like you and your daughter! Both my sons would just turn up their nose at your daughter, unless she broke some rule, of course. My oldest especially turns in people he doesn't like when they break a school rule.

10-03-2014, 10:31 AM
They DO run their own lives: They stay away from toxic personalities like you and your daughter! Both my sons would just turn up their nose at your daughter, unless she broke some rule, of course.

Doesn't sounds like your kids have many friends. Especially of the female variety. My daughter, being especially gorgeous (:cool:), attracts a lot of male attention.

My oldest especially turns in people he doesn't like when they break a school rule.

Snitches get stitches.

10-03-2014, 10:44 AM
Snitches get stitches.

You must have forgotten, we don't live in California. Strict enforcement of the rules, enhances the learning environment. You must have word comprehension problems, I said my sons mostly have friends that are Asian/Indian.

My wife used to get annoyed about neighbors who constantly cooked curry. I would laugh if we wound up with a daughter-in-law that made curry for most meals.

10-03-2014, 10:49 AM
You must have forgotten, we don't live in California. Strict enforcement of the rules, enhances the learning environment. You must have word comprehension problems, I said my sons mostly have friends that are Asian/Indian.

I guarantee that our school have stricter rules enforcement than yours. With our gang problems (in the community, not in school), it is a necessity.
We have Asians and Indians in our schools. Asians particularly can be quite vicious in their methods of retaliation.
Nobody likes a snitch. Kids have a way of dealing with those they don't like.

10-03-2014, 10:54 AM
I guarantee that our school have stricter rules enforcement than yours. With our gang problems (in the community, not in school), it is a necessity.
We have Asians and Indians in our schools. Asians particularly can be quite vicious in their methods of retaliation.
Nobody likes a snitch. Kids have a way of dealing with those they don't like.

That's never been a problem. Our whole family ratchets things up as far as necessary. When you make it known from the get-go "don't start nothin' and there won't be nothin'' you don't get messed with. We believe criminals need to be locked up and have a record. That includes minors. There's too many kids who do what they're supposed to waste time fraternizing with criminals.

10-03-2014, 11:50 AM
That's never been a problem. Our whole family ratchets things up as far as necessary. When you make it known from the get-go "don't start nothin' and there won't be nothin'' you don't get messed with. We believe criminals need to be locked up and have a record. That includes minors. There's too many kids who do what they're supposed to waste time fraternizing with criminals.

Most kids are not criminals. Kids are kids. My daughter knows plenty of good kids. She also knows bad kids and members of street gangs. Being friends with everyone is a good thing. You know who has your back and who doesn't.
I will give you an example. If your oldest son attended my daughter's school and got her into trouble, I can guarantee that he would learn a lesson from it. The lesson would be "don't mess with someone who has not so nice friends." :cool:
People from the shady side of life get things done without anyone knowing who they are.

10-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Most kids are not criminals. Kids are kids. My daughter knows plenty of good kids. She also knows bad kids and members of street gangs. Being friends with everyone is a good thing. You know who has your back and who doesn't.
I will give you an example. If your oldest son attended my daughter's school and got her into trouble, I can guarantee that he would learn a lesson from it. The lesson would be "don't mess with someone who has not so nice friends." :cool:
People from the shady side of life get things done without anyone knowing who they are.

Gabby ... shut up. You trying to talk tough makes my ribs hurt. :)