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View Full Version : ISIS advancing on Baghdad

10-01-2014, 05:01 PM
Here they come.


Two days ago, the British newspaper, the Independent, carried a story that ISIS was "one mile" from Baghdad.

Editor Lifson and I went back and forth on whether we should post on the startling news. In the end. we couldn't find another reliable source so we decided to hold off.

Today, other sources are reporting that there are, indeed, "intense clashes" on the outskirts of Baghdad with a combination of ISIS and al-Qaeda fighters.

And the Iraqi army appears to be wavering.

To highlight the serious nature of the threat to Iraq's capital, British and American planes have pounded ISIS positions in the last 24 hours, apparently trying to keep them at bay.

International Business Times:

"The Islamic State are now less than 2km (1.2 miles) away from entering Baghdad. They said it could never happen and now it almost has,” Canon Andrew White of the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, a British-based charity that supports Iraq’s only Anglican church in Baghdad, said on his Facebook page early Monday morning. “Obama says he overestimated what the Iraqi Army could do. Well, you only need to be here a very short while to know they can do very, very little.”

The Christian aid group was referring to the U.S. president’s interview Sunday night on “60 Minutes,” the CBS news magazine show, where Obama conceded that his administration underestimated the ascendancy of ISIS. More than 1,000 Iraqi troops were reportedly killed Sunday in clashes with ISIS about 10 miles outside of Baghdad.

The advance by ISIS toward Baghdad shows that the group isn't weakening despite U.S.-led airstrikes in Iraq. ISIS executed 300 Iraqi soldiers last week during their march toward the Iraqi capital and attempted to break into a prison in northern Baghdad.

ISIS is advancing on Baghdad in spite of the air strikes. The iraqi army is as prepared to fight as they were in 2003. They have all their issued equipment and a bag full of civilian clothes so they can change quickly when the enemy advances on them. If you remember this is what happened when the US moved into Baghdad. The only ones to come out and fight we the AQ fighters.

It will be interesting to see what glorious leader does when they start storming the Green Zone. Bring in the evac choppers.

10-01-2014, 05:07 PM
Here they come.


ISIS is advancing on Baghdad in spite of the air strikes. The iraqi army is as prepared to fight as they were in 2003. They have all their issued equipment and a bag full of civilian clothes so they can change quickly when the enemy advances on them. If you remember this is what happened when the US moved into Baghdad. The only ones to come out and fight we the AQ fighters.

It will be interesting to see what glorious leader does when they start storming the Green Zone. Bring in the evac choppers.He's got 2 MEU's and an Airborne Brigade, Just wonder how he's going to deploy them without their boots on the ground. Segways?

10-01-2014, 05:18 PM
Here they come.


ISIS is advancing on Baghdad in spite of the air strikes. The iraqi army is as prepared to fight as they were in 2003. They have all their issued equipment and a bag full of civilian clothes so they can change quickly when the enemy advances on them. If you remember this is what happened when the US moved into Baghdad. The only ones to come out and fight we the AQ fighters.

It will be interesting to see what glorious leader does when they start storming the Green Zone. Bring in the evac choppers.

So in other words.....Obama's plan and agenda is coming along exactly as hoped and planned.

10-01-2014, 05:24 PM

10-01-2014, 05:32 PM
From the air alone, the only way to win - a lot of people are going to die. A few missiles here and there isn't going to cut it. I say lay down a multi-nation continued assault on them from Syria to Baghdad. Dancing around them is only going to embolden them, IMO. Like the cockroaches they are, the only solution is eradication. At this point, I'm more concerned with the cancer growing than I am with the potential collateral damage.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-01-2014, 05:45 PM
From the air alone, the only way to win - a lot of people are going to die. A few missiles here and there isn't going to cut it. I say lay down a multi-nation continued assault on them from Syria to Baghdad. Dancing around them is only going to embolden them, IMO. Like the cockroaches they are, the only solution is eradication. At this point, I'm more concerned with the cancer growing than I am with the potential collateral damage.

A good plan thus it is insured that he will never do that...
Not in his agenda for America to advance, he is for taking it backward as punishment.-Tyr