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View Full Version : You Have To See a Threat Before You Can Have a Strategy

10-01-2014, 05:39 PM
David Limbaugh nails it again!


Do you remember the left's chants about President George W. Bush: "Have you had enough yet?" Well, I could easily ask that about President Obama, but instead I'll ask: "Do you believe us now?"

Some of us have been saying from the beginning that something just isn't right about Obama. Something is very different about this man -- something that distinguishes him from every U.S. president in my lifetime.

All the talk about his birth certificate aside, I have long believed he really doesn't think like an American. Before you jump on me for suggesting there is an American way of thinking, let me assure you I'm not referring to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or any of the other identifiers liberals routinely use to bludgeon conservatives into psychological submission. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have used a metaphor involving violence, as the left also turns those around on us, disingenuously implying we mean them literally.

It's been obvious from the start that Obama doesn't think like an American, by which I mean he doesn't embrace the American idea. You are free to disagree with that, but I doubt you'll ever explain to our satisfaction his desire to fundamentally transform a nation whose ideas he endorses.

Not only does Obama have major issues with America, as founded, but he also appears to have a remarkable naivete concerning evil in the world. As low as his boiling point is concerning conservative opposition to his agenda, he seems not to have one for Islamic terrorism. From designating the Ft. Hood terrorist shootings as workplace violence, to insisting on closing Gitmo, to treating enemy combatants as innocent-until-proved-guilty criminal defendants, to calling the war on terror an "overseas contingency operation," to deliberately omitting the terms "Islam" and "Muslim" from any description of Islamic jihad, to behaving as though Muslim terrorists can be pacified through rational negotiations, he clearly does not get it.

People are up in arms about Obama acknowledging and then later retracting his admission that he doesn't have an overall strategy to deal with ISIS. But, to borrow a phrase recently used by Obama, aren't his critics "putting the cart before the horse"?

How can Obama possibly have a strategy to deal with ISIS when, in his heart of hearts, he doesn't fully appreciate the threat it represents? When Obama went off his teleprompter, he revealed that he is just not in this fight. He is still clinging to his dangerous belief that he can work magic with Muslim terrorists by celebrating Islam, or that no magic is needed because the threat, if it exists at all, is not that serious, is narrow, and it certainly doesn't significantly threaten the U.S. homeland.

Read the rest here - http://www.davidlimbaugh.com/mt/archives/2014/09/column_you_have.html#more

10-01-2014, 06:09 PM
Only One Way Obama will ever see a Threat. And that only comes when he looks into a Mirror.

10-01-2014, 06:11 PM
`We still have no real policy for the entire region, even when there is a policy or a clear statement, it is then muddied by further actions, further statements, or both. And you have to love Obama acting so surprised by ISIS NOT being the "JV team" as he called them.

He feigns ignorance....but it is an act, his intelligence folks have been talking about ISIS and raising concerns for YEARS now. He simply did not want to hear it....... act on it, or recognize the threat that was forming in the power vacuum he was creating. That and according to WH sources...he has only attended about 41% of the classified briefings put together for him of late. I guess if you skip meetings and `bury your head in the sand` you might get "surprised" by someone walking up in broad daylight and kicking your backside. No one else was so surprised, he is proving himself to be, once more, the Commander in Chump`