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View Full Version : Nancy pelosi chides reporter for using term 'illegal aliens'

10-01-2014, 08:58 PM

`House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi took issue with the term “illegal aliens” during a Wednesday press conference.

Reacting to a question from a reporter about whether President Obama’s planned executive actions should also deal with Iraqis living illegally in the United States, Pelosi corrected the reporter who used the term “illegal aliens.”
“Are you referring to undocumented people who are in the United States?” Pelosi questioned.
“Illegal aliens, yes ma’am,” the reporter responded.
“Undocumented people, OK,” Pelosi said again.`


`Playing word games while ignoring the sovereignty of this nation.

She is a menace to this nation`

10-01-2014, 09:06 PM
I have no idea how she holds office. Hard to figure there are that many loons consolidated in one little district.

10-01-2014, 09:06 PM
She needs to get hit by a bus. She is despicable.

red state
10-01-2014, 10:42 PM
:lol: HA! She certainly looks like she got hit by a bus.....bus full of plastic surgeons or whatever she has done. :lol:

Possibly too much butt fat.....it has gone to her brain.

10-01-2014, 11:40 PM
She is as stupid as she is ugly, and she is married, my God man all the money in the world wouldn't be enough for me to have to see her first thing in the morning !!

10-01-2014, 11:50 PM
How much frikken nerve does this bunch of Dem/progressive/commies in this party have. They are now going around, chiding the people in this country. Michelle Obama forcing school lunches to be changed because she thinks it's the best and then struts around whining when the kids want to puke it up on her.

which by the way because of Mabell Obama forcing this new menu on the schools.. I quit my job as a baker in the grade school I had worked at for the last four years

These people and this new Commie party they call the Democrat party, needs be voted out of existence..