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View Full Version : `To understand the madness..... read this`

10-02-2014, 09:20 PM
`For those who have not been exposed to the madness of Social Justice Warriors and the delusion and self-hatred of the multi-cult left......I encourage you to read this. I warn you...this is not satire. Nor does it represent an isolated view. There is too much to quote here. So I encourage you to read this in order to appreciate the madness..........`

*These people run your government....They teach your children. (And, apparently...they work in your emergency rooms)

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgifsoup.com%2Fwebroot%2Fanimatedgi fs2%2F1798842_o.gif&f=1

*I leave you this:


``When Michael Brown was murdered I found myself sobbing while unconsciously rubbing my skin until it started to hurt. Was I trying to rub away my whiteness?``

