View Full Version : Down here Dumbass..

10-02-2014, 08:44 PM
The usual suspects just want the women to shut the hell up and take it..

I say that thinking is stupid and evident of ignorant thinking and/or hoping to cover their asses when/if they do such crap.
When it is actual proven rape regardless the man's rank , his ass should do serious prison time.. with the stipulation for such harsh punishment being when its proven beyond a doubt. Otherwise if found guilty less harsh punishments be meted out.

I have a daughter, four sisters and 11 nieces...

None of my relatives have ever been raped. If they had trust me , if the law didn't punish the guy first , I would have--sooner or later.
A fact....-Tyr

Fuck you. Let's dance, bitch,. What are you saying about my dauther , scumbag?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 09:13 PM
The usual suspects just want the women to shut the hell up and take it..

I say that thinking is stupid and evident of ignorant thinking and/or hoping to cover their asses when/if they do such crap.
When it is actual proven rape regardless the man's rank , his ass should do serious prison time.. with the stipulation for such harsh punishment being when its proven beyond a doubt. Otherwise if found guilty less harsh punishments be meted out.

I have a daughter, four sisters and 11 nieces...

None of my relatives have ever been raped. If they had trust me , if the law didn't punish the guy first , I would have--sooner or later.
A fact....-Tyr

Fuck you. Let's dance, bitch,. What are you saying about my dauther , scumbag?

Are you insane???

Show me your name or that of any family member you have..

I did not quote you nor talk about you or your family.
I was making a general statement about the military men that yell for the women to just shut up..
The ones doing the actual raping...

When I ever choose to talk to you I'll quote you dumbass.
Now put your bottle down and quit pretending to be a victim..
Nobody mentioned any of your family.
I did however mention my family..

If your reading comprehension skills are that damn low go take reading lessons stupid , don't try that bully shat on me!

Read this line for context dipshit

When it is actual proven rape regardless the man's rank , his ass should do serious prison time..

This is not the freaking military, you aren't King Kong and just for good measure--shut the hell up dummy.

This was who I was replying to , although I didnt quote her...

Sassy wrote--

As I said previously, I'm pissed off at the women who are raped and do not speak up ... they are, in fact, letting the attacker get away with a crime and there will be more victims.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 09:47 PM
Down here dumbass--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot is online now
I've just begun to fight!
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Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post

The usual suspects just want the women to shut the hell up and take it..

I say that thinking is stupid and evident of ignorant thinking and/or hoping to cover their asses when/if they do such crap.
When it is actual proven rape regardless the man's rank , his ass should do serious prison time.. with the stipulation for such harsh punishment being when its proven beyond a doubt. Otherwise if found guilty less harsh punishments be meted out.

I have a daughter, four sisters and 11 nieces...

None of my relatives have ever been raped. If they had trust me , if the law didn't punish the guy first , I would have--sooner or later.
A fact....-Tyr


Fuck you. Let's dance, bitch,. What are you saying about my dauther , scumbag?


Tyr- replied,
Are you insane???
Show me your name or that of any family member you have..
I did not quote you nor talk about you or your family.
I was making a general statement about the military men that yell for the women to just shut up..
The ones doing the actual raping...

When I ever choose to talk to you I'll quote you dumbass.
Now put your bottle down and quit pretending to be a victim..
Nobody mentioned any of your family.
I did however mention my family..

If your reading comprehension skills are that damn low go take reading lessons stupid , don't try that bully shat on me!

Read this line for context dipshit

When it is actual proven rape regardless the man's rank , his ass should do serious prison time..

This is not the freaking military, you aren't King Kong and just for good measure--shut the hell up dummy.

This was who I was replying to , although I didnt quote her...

Sassy wrote--
As I said previously, I'm pissed off at the women who are raped and do not speak up ... they are, in fact, letting the attacker get away with a crime and there will be more victims.

I dont dance with drunks, punks or fools......

Go take reading classes your reading skills are about on a 2nd grade level stupid.- :laugh:

When did YOU become a --They :laugh:

Try actually reading dipshit.....--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-02-2014, 10:12 PM
You ran from the last altercation we had when I asked you about your lie..

You know you said you gave the top military experts their opinions.
I asked you to prove that gunnys are doing that in the Pentagon or with the top military experts, etc. You ran... --:laugh:


Hell , you'll most likely run from the previous post I made here.
The one that shows you must be reading on a first or second grade level.

This is the cage punk, you bullshit rep doesn't mean a thing here.
And you do not have the military force to back you up like you did with those young recruits stupid!

Thus, I offer this in reply to your stupid attack, false accusation and generally fukked up attitude..

KISS A GOOD MAN'S ASS!!!--- :rofl1:

pm me here anytime you like dipshit.. its easy...
I dont play... but I am quite tired of your juvenile silly ass shit.. -Tyr

10-03-2014, 03:49 AM
You ran from the last altercation we had when I asked you about your lie..

You know you said you gave the top military experts their opinions.
I asked you to prove that gunnys are doing that in the Pentagon or with the top military experts, etc. You ran... --:laugh:


Hell , you'll most likely run from the previous post I made here.
The one that shows you must be reading on a first or second grade level.

This is the cage punk, you bullshit rep doesn't mean a thing here.
And you do not have the military force to back you up like you did with those young recruits stupid!

Thus, I offer this in reply to your stupid attack, false accusation and generally fukked up attitude..

KISS A GOOD MAN'S ASS!!!--- :rofl1:

pm me here anytime you like dipshit.. its easy...
I dont play... but I am quite tired of your juvenile silly ass shit.. -Tyr

How about I just crush your fucking head, punk? Seems to me YOU are the one trying t flex those little marbles in Mommy's basement you call e-balls. Now, let's play , bitch.

You take your sorry, pussy little ass and go find someone that isn't going to backhand you out of existence without a second thought.

You're stupid and have YET to prove a point.

You better back your ass the fuck down and back the fuck off.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 07:46 AM
How about I just crush your fucking head, punk? Seems to me YOU are the one trying t flex those little marbles in Mommy's basement you call e-balls. Now, let's play , bitch.

You take your sorry, pussy little ass and go find someone that isn't going to backhand you out of existence without a second thought.

You're stupid and have YET to prove a point.

You better back your ass the fuck down and back the fuck off.

You can get my address from Jim. Or your stupid punk ass can pm me here I'll give it to you direct dipshit.
Know this liar and coward. I don't play and you are not speaking to a kid or punk.

Go take reading classes you stupid piece of shit...

Everybody can read and see you went off on nothing and now aren't man enough to admit it.

I offered before my damn address you saw fit to NOT PM ME FOR IT.
SO SHUT THE FKK UP, MORON. I did all my fighting with no weapons for 25 years..
So you scummy ass can try to crush my head. It'll be the other way around if your stupid ass tries it.

I am the one that is not a loudmouth fraud..

Have one of your friends explain these complicated sentences to you.

I will check my pm here everyday here until you man up punk.

Checked first thing when I logged in this morning--no pm from you asking my location- so shut the fuck up..
Jim can give it to you also. I gave it to him because I knew your bullying ass would eventually try to play "gunny badass" on me, zero in on me.

I gave him my permission beforehand to give it to you..

Now fuck-off piss ant..

I don't play, I never back off or never , ever back down.. A fact...

Yes, this is me laughing at you.. -- :rofl1: --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 08:45 AM
Just checked, no pm..

I will check at least three times a day.

I do not want to miss this important opportunity offered me if it ever comes. :laugh:

You want everybody to do this to you--:bow3:

You huff and puff your dumbass bluster and then curse them if they balk and refuse.. :lame2:

IF this is your problem, IF-- I don't know if it is but I'll not be the target of your stupidity and frustration without exposing you for the fool and fraud you are.. . :alcoholic:

You do not get a pass with me...
I tried twice (cut you 2 breaks) , you the ignorant bully took that as a sign of weakness,(they always do)...
so you'd best get used to me not ever giving your stupid punk ass a break , ok?

I'll bring it down here like I did with this thread last night every damn time.

Then I'll expose you for the liar, bully-punk and fraud that you are, understand boy?

Yes , in case you are still too stupid to cipher it out MR,"I GAVE THE OPINIONS TO THE TOP MILITARY ADVISERS as a gunny" :laugh:

My nephew Chad had in 17 years military service and he laugh his ass off when I relayed that lying brag you made.

Of course he also said, "Too bad they don't" and then stated the man is a dam liar whoever he is...

WHY DONT YOU, YOU wise up and knock off your bullying attempts and be a damn man for a change?

Only chumps and fools are buying it, not any intelligent military or ex-military that I know of.

You have real problems--seek help but know this --you do not get to try to push me around.

I have 45+ years of stomping the ass of people that tried that with me.

I am not the one that is a fraud..
Now piss off, worm..

I know, you can not read complicated sentences so I'll sign off with this short one just for your stupid loudmouth ass..

Kiss my ass, dipshit .

Yes, this is me laughing at you again ..--:rofl1:--Tyr

10-03-2014, 12:38 PM
Just checked, no pm..

I will check at least three times a day.

I do not want to miss this important opportunity offered me if it ever comes. :laugh:

You want everybody to do this to you--:bow3:

You huff and puff your dumbass bluster and then curse them if they balk and refuse.. :lame2:

IF this is your problem, IF-- I don't know if it is but I'll not be the target of your stupidity and frustration without exposing you for the fool and fraud you are.. . :alcoholic:

You do not get a pass with me...
I tried twice (cut you 2 breaks) , you the ignorant bully took that as a sign of weakness,(they always do)...
so you'd best get used to me not ever giving your stupid punk ass a break , ok?

I'll bring it down here like I did with this thread last night every damn time.

Then I'll expose you for the liar, bully-punk and fraud that you are, understand boy?

Yes , in case you are still too stupid to cipher it out MR,"I GAVE THE OPINIONS TO THE TOP MILITARY ADVISERS as a gunny" :laugh:

My nephew Chad had in 17 years military service and he laugh his ass off when I relayed that lying brag you made.

Of course he also said, "Too bad they don't" and then stated the man is a dam liar whoever he is...

WHY DONT YOU, YOU wise up and knock off your bullying attempts and be a damn man for a change?

Only chumps and fools are buying it, not any intelligent military or ex-military that I know of.

You have real problems--seek help but know this --you do not get to try to push me around.

I have 45+ years of stomping the ass of people that tried that with me.

I am not the one that is a fraud..
Now piss off, worm..

I know, you can not read complicated sentences so I'll sign off with this short one just for your stupid loudmouth ass..

Kiss my ass, dipshit .

Yes, this is me laughing at you again ..--:rofl1:--Tyr

The only thing you have to laugh at is looking back at you in the mirror.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 01:53 PM
The only thing you have to laugh at is looking back at you in the mirror.

I checked no pm from you requesting my location. :laugh:
I knew you wouldn't because you realize I am not the damn loudmouth fraudster you are..

I gave Jim all that info way ahead of time because I knew your stupid as would try this shit with me.

Got you down to one line replies and a "so is yo momma" type of reply. :laugh:

This is me laughing at you .. Learn to read --:rofl1:

And every time you start this trying to bully me your ass is going to be down here getting shown to be the loudmouth fraud you are!

Kiss a good man's ass ,coward! --Tyr

10-03-2014, 02:25 PM

Look tyr ... I found you rhetoric. Must be great to be a hero and shit.

10-03-2014, 02:52 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 05:54 PM
Just checked--no pm.. :laugh:

Now you stopped "dancing" to post movies.. How cute...
What are you a teenager chump?

First time I've ever seen fighting with a video in a cage.
I guess when you are about as smart as a brick its better to do silly shit like that..

By the way, I am not military, never been military so take your favorite hero film you love and shove it coward.

Nothing passive about me when a punk tries to talk to me with bluster and shit talk , you ffing dumbass..

I put up my money even before you executed your dumbass tactic. .
I gave Jim all my contact info so your yellow ass couldn't cry --"not going to pm you".
You do not have to , get it all from Jim, I pray to see your stupid as show up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Calmed your bully ass down didn't it..
When you got called on your bluster and bluff by me and I had already prepped for days before know how punk bully's operate.

This is me laughing at showing all that read this thread what a craven piss ant coward you are.--:rofl1:

Now post more videos because when you type words you get busted for you ffing stupidity.. :laugh:

Somebody wised you up, right worm. :laugh: --Tyr

10-03-2014, 06:06 PM
Speaking of loud mouth fraudsters. Bet your picture would be listed next to that in the dictionary.

Jeebuz... Enough with the blustering word walls. Does anyone even read these five thousand word dissertations of crap?

Hey Darin... This enough DRAMA for ya? LOL?


so ...TYR when is your man period going to end?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 06:22 PM
Calvary to rescue a gunny.. :rofl1:

First he starts posting posts videos, now he gets help..

Your concern is touching .
I have to wonder why you think he needs your help...

Ten bucks says he welcomes it.. :laugh:
Of course after this message you go on my ignore list.

So your one volley is all you get to help the helpless man , the amazing gunny...
Your post reveals something about him and about you too.

10-03-2014, 06:24 PM
Calvary to rescue a gunny.. :rofl1:

First he starts posting posts videos, now he gets help..

Your concern is touching .
I have to wonder why you think he needs your help...

Ten bucks says he welcomes it.. :laugh:
Of course after this message you go on my ignore list.

So your one volley is all you get to help the helpless man , the amazing gunny...
Your post reveals something about him and about you too.
No help. I just think you are a tool.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 06:27 PM
Today, 06:24 PM


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10-03-2014, 06:51 PM
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Awww the big bad ass man put the little woman on ignore.

I'm so hurt. Not. LMAO

10-03-2014, 07:17 PM
Speaking of loud mouth fraudsters. Bet your picture would be listed next to that in the dictionary.

Jeebuz... Enough with the blustering word walls. Does anyone even read these five thousand word dissertations of crap?

Hey Darin... This enough DRAMA for ya? LOL?


so ...TYR when is your man period going to end?

No help. I just think you are a tool.

Awww the big bad ass man put the little woman on ignore.

I'm so hurt. Not. LMAO

A girl just kicked your ass. I'm rolling on the floor. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

10-03-2014, 07:31 PM
awww... the little pussy puts people on ignore. How's it feel to have a little 5'2" chick kick your pussy ass?

You've been owned biddy ass kisser. :D

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-03-2014, 07:52 PM
awww... the little pussy puts people on ignore. How's it feel to have a little 5'2" chick kick your pussy ass?

You've been owned biddy ass kisser. :D

Hows it feel to have her help you and you then race here to crow about it..
I bet you asked for help because your stupid ass was all the way down to posting videos.

And then the cavalry arrived just in the nick of time..

Now your help is on ignore and you race here to crow about it like a bitch.

Are you even a man, coward?

The readers see you for what you are, a craven coward, that raced here to try to use her help because I put her on ignore..
Amazing that she felt the need to help you, none of my close friends interfere here because I asked them not to..
I wanted to show what a little punk you are all by myself and damn sure have..

Your crowing about a woman helping you , then trying to steer it away from your cowardice..

Just checked ----- no ffing pm..
You must not want to crush my head like you bragged asshole..
Jim got all the location info too, ask him for it, dipshit!

God, what a lying loser...

This is me still laughing while exposing the real you. :rofl1:

Who will be next to try to save the big , bad gunny? --Tyr

10-03-2014, 08:25 PM
awww... the little pussy puts people on ignore. How's it feel to have a little 5'2" chick kick your pussy ass?

You've been owned biddy ass kisser. :D

Shhh... He's busy pretending he is not passive aggressive. :slap:

10-04-2014, 12:46 AM
Hey everyone!! I was here last night when all this shit came down. Tyr and I had a conversation going and somehow Gunny posted some shit calling out Try about saying something about his daughter. I wondered where in the hell you got that idea Gunny ... I certainly saw nothing in the post made by Tyr referencing anyone in your family.

So, just to clarify, I can see how Tyr's anger is justified. It's too bad you can't say ... Hey, I screwed up and made a mistake Tyr.

However, I, in no way endorse either of you acting like children with all the name calling and chest beating.

10-04-2014, 04:39 AM
Guys let it go, it is pretty much a give me neither will admit defeat and a R/L fight isn't happening as well, no sense in either of ya staying POed all the time, ignore each other and just come and have fun. I looked and it is showing since this thread started 21 people have come to visit it, they aren't cheering y'all on man, Ya both are great guys and maybe there where things said that where wrong ( maybe not ) but no sense in beating a dead horse.

10-04-2014, 02:44 PM
No help. I just think you are a tool.

Well.....you know what they say.

It takes one to know one (sooo vewe twue!) lol

10-04-2014, 04:27 PM
Well.....you know what they say.

It takes one to know one (sooo vewe twue!) lol

I think someone ought to close this thread. Might be best for all.

10-04-2014, 04:56 PM

10-04-2014, 07:42 PM
I don't post a lot. But I do read a lot. I did not see Tyr mention anyone's daughters except his own.

10-04-2014, 09:44 PM
I don't post a lot. But I do read a lot. I did not see Tyr mention anyone's daughters except his own.


Fuck you and that pussy, tyr.