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View Full Version : Video Purports to Show ISIS Beheading of British Hostage Alan Henning

10-03-2014, 04:05 PM
....And here we go with yet another beheading by these ISIS Moslem Savages:

From Fox News (with more news outlets sure to carry this):

Video Purports to Show ISIS Beheading of British Hostage Alan Henning

An Internet video purports to show an Islamic State group fighter beheading British hostage Alan Henning.
The video was released Friday night. It mirrored other beheading videos shot by the Islamic State group, which now holds territory along the border of Syria and Iraq.
The video ended with an Islamic State fighter threatening a man they identified as an American.
The Associated Press could not immediately verify the video's authenticity, though it was released in the same manner as other Islamic State group videos.

It seems these limited airstrikes authorized by Obama are successful in demoralizing ISIS and and are having quite an effect on deterring their beheadings of Western hostages.

(note extreme sarcasm on my part)



Alan Henning (above) with one of the ISIS executioners (I refuse to use his nickname referencing one of The Beatles)

ISIS is also threaten additional hostages, one of whom (IIRC) is from Germany, in an attempt to bully them into withdrawing support for the coalition to destroy ISIS.

10-03-2014, 04:47 PM
Update to the information in article linked above - this time from the Associated Press:

AP article contains similar information about the beheading of Alan Henning, but also contains information regarding the next Western civilian ISIS intends to behead -- an American Aid Worker, Peter Kassig.

From the same article:

The video mirrored other beheading videos shot by the Islamic State group, which now holds territory along the border of Syria and Iraq. It ended with an Islamic State fighter threatening a man they identified as an American named Peter Kassig.

"Obama, you have started your aerial bombardment of Shams (Syria), which keeps on striking our people, so it is only right that we continue to strike the neck of your people," the masked militant in the video said.


To what effect and ultimate end goal do these savages think these numerous beheadings will accomplish?

Other than paying lukewarm lip service to the families of these men, Obama certainly doesn't intend to do jack-shit about it. Since he's stated from the outset that the US will not put active military boots on the ground and engage in combat on the ground, ISIS is, IMO, mocking him mercilessly and continuing with these barbaric executions, unconcerned with any sort of effective threat from the American Feckless, testicular-challenged "leader" and any decision on Obama's part that could potentially lead to their demise.

10-03-2014, 04:53 PM
....And here we go with yet another beheading by these ISIS Moslem Savages:

From Fox News (with more news outlets sure to carry this):

Video Purports to Show ISIS Beheading of British Hostage Alan Henning

It seems these limited airstrikes authorized by Obama are successful in demoralizing ISIS and and are having quite an effect on deterring their beheadings of Western hostages.

(note extreme sarcasm on my part)



Alan Henning (above) with one of the ISIS executioners (I refuse to use his nickname referencing one of The Beatles)

ISIS is also threaten additional hostages, one of whom (IIRC) is from Germany, in an attempt to bully them into withdrawing support for the coalition to destroy ISIS.

Here is what a real warrior for America would do TO ISIS (vs. for ISIS, including calling them ISIL and discounting their strength as Obama continues to do by only committing to thus far ineffective air strikes)....

Send special forces into ISIS controlled areas with orders to behead every ISIS ahole they can find. Instead of just beheading them, make sure there are enough pigs (import if necessary) to place a pig head on top of EVERY ISIS ahole they find and kill, and put this up displayed as a reminder/"yoohoo"/warning..... that America is not only not dead/destroyed by Obama yet....we're just gettin started.

10-03-2014, 04:56 PM
Update to the information in article linked above - this time from the Associated Press:

AP article contains similar information about the beheading of Alan Henning, but also contains information regarding the next Western civilian ISIS intends to behead -- an American Aid Worker, Peter Kassig.

From the same article:


To what effect and ultimate end goal do these savages think these numerous beheadings will accomplish?


Well....since Obama doesn't give a damn about any American lives, it's like a radical muzzie dog whistle signal to Obama to keep up the charade of the appearance that he opposes them via the ineffective air strikes....


10-03-2014, 05:14 PM
Western world needs to round up every deceitful muslim in every nok and kreny..find them and ship them back to their own countries....Islam is a cult....Bleeding hearts need to be doing good things for their own countries...

10-03-2014, 05:41 PM
Western world needs to round up every deceitful muslim in every nok and kreny..find them and ship them back to their own countries....Islam is a cult....Bleeding hearts need to be doing good things for their own countries...

Yeah, the problem with those "bleeding hearts" is......most are leftists with no honesty or integrity. Which means that they couldn't care LESS about anyone else but themselves when it comes to spending THEIR money, effort and time...

much less about their own country/countrymen.