View Full Version : How to Become Friends with a Foe.................

10-05-2014, 10:01 AM

1. Determine why that person was your enemy. Did you do something bad to him/her or a close friend of that person? Prepare yourself to apologize, even if you don't feel like everything was completely your fault.

2. Approach your enemy and tell them that you want to resolve the issues that you two have together. Apologize, and ask to start over. Explain to that person why you don't want to hate. If you can, try and talk out the problems you had in the past.
At least try to become friends. The more your fight or do mean things the worse it gets! Don't lie to a friend saying they were mean. Figure out what you have in common.

3. Give him or her your phone number or email address, and tell them that if they ever need something, or someone to talk to, that they can call you. By doing this, you're letting them know that you no longer want to fight. Do not offer your phone number if you feel they may misuse it. Also, if they give you their number its important that you don't misuse it either as that will surely make them lose their trust in you.

4. Let this person know that you are sincere. This can't be done completely through talking—actions speak louder than words. Smile when you see the person when you see them, and go out of your way to be nice. Tell them nice things they want hear but they should respect you too.

If you don't feel as though a talk with your enemy is necessary, or you want to be on friendly terms but not necessarily friends, you can start by just smiling and being nice to them when you see them. This will show your enemy that you no longer hold a grudge, and hopefully they will follow your lead.

5. Initiate hang out time. Invite your enemy to debate, chat about things you have in common or even work together on a worthy cause. Adjust to your friendship slowly—remember that this is a new friendship, and thus that you should not treat your ex enemy like your best friend.

6. Trust your guts if they tell you to be cautious. Test the waters before allowing yourself to get too close. However, being cautious doesn't mean acting cold. Rather than telling him or her your deepest darkest secret, tell them something that you don't care if it gets spread around. See if they tell others. If so, maintain a friendly distance until you know you can trust them.

10-05-2014, 10:15 AM
`Good advice Reverend Pern...thanks...!:cool:

10-05-2014, 10:23 AM
Love the picture. Absolutely no doubt that there are times where we can learn many lessons from animals. 'cept for that whole shitting on the floor thing.

10-05-2014, 11:33 AM

1. Determine why that person was your enemy. Did you do something bad to him/her or a close friend of that person? Prepare yourself to apologize, even if you don't feel like everything was completely your fault.

2. Approach your enemy and tell them that you want to resolve the issues that you two have together. Apologize, and ask to start over. Explain to that person why you don't want to hate. If you can, try and talk out the problems you had in the past.
At least try to become friends. The more your fight or do mean things the worse it gets! Don't lie to a friend saying they were mean. Figure out what you have in common.

3. Give him or her your phone number or email address, and tell them that if they ever need something, or someone to talk to, that they can call you. By doing this, you're letting them know that you no longer want to fight. Do not offer your phone number if you feel they may misuse it. Also, if they give you their number its important that you don't misuse it either as that will surely make them lose their trust in you.

4. Let this person know that you are sincere. This can't be done completely through talking—actions speak louder than words. Smile when you see the person when you see them, and go out of your way to be nice. Tell them nice things they want hear but they should respect you too.

If you don't feel as though a talk with your enemy is necessary, or you want to be on friendly terms but not necessarily friends, you can start by just smiling and being nice to them when you see them. This will show your enemy that you no longer hold a grudge, and hopefully they will follow your lead.

5. Initiate hang out time. Invite your enemy to debate, chat about things you have in common or even work together on a worthy cause. Adjust to your friendship slowly—remember that this is a new friendship, and thus that you should not treat your ex enemy like your best friend.

6. Trust your guts if they tell you to be cautious. Test the waters before allowing yourself to get too close. However, being cautious doesn't mean acting cold. Rather than telling him or her your deepest darkest secret, tell them something that you don't care if it gets spread around. See if they tell others. If so, maintain a friendly distance until you know you can trust them.

Problem. If I ever have a foe IRL.....it'll be because of something they did or said or felt, not due to something I did or said or felt. I'm not about to give any ahole my contact info just cause they have their butt out of joint over something (usually my political stance).

Cute pic tho!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-05-2014, 11:37 AM

1. Determine why that person was your enemy. Did you do something bad to him/her or a close friend of that person? Prepare yourself to apologize, even if you don't feel like everything was completely your fault.

2. Approach your enemy and tell them that you want to resolve the issues that you two have together. Apologize, and ask to start over. Explain to that person why you don't want to hate. If you can, try and talk out the problems you had in the past.
At least try to become friends. The more your fight or do mean things the worse it gets! Don't lie to a friend saying they were mean. Figure out what you have in common.

3. Give him or her your phone number or email address, and tell them that if they ever need something, or someone to talk to, that they can call you. By doing this, you're letting them know that you no longer want to fight. Do not offer your phone number if you feel they may misuse it. Also, if they give you their number its important that you don't misuse it either as that will surely make them lose their trust in you.

4. Let this person know that you are sincere. This can't be done completely through talking—actions speak louder than words. Smile when you see the person when you see them, and go out of your way to be nice. Tell them nice things they want hear but they should respect you too.

If you don't feel as though a talk with your enemy is necessary, or you want to be on friendly terms but not necessarily friends, you can start by just smiling and being nice to them when you see them. This will show your enemy that you no longer hold a grudge, and hopefully they will follow your lead.

5. Initiate hang out time. Invite your enemy to debate, chat about things you have in common or even work together on a worthy cause. Adjust to your friendship slowly—remember that this is a new friendship, and thus that you should not treat your ex enemy like your best friend.

6. Trust your guts if they tell you to be cautious. Test the waters before allowing yourself to get too close. However, being cautious doesn't mean acting cold. Rather than telling him or her your deepest darkest secret, tell them something that you don't care if it gets spread around. See if they tell others. If so, maintain a friendly distance until you know you can trust them.

Sadly in real life there are people that one CAN NEVER EVER TRUST.
People that use deceptive tactics to lull one into trust to gain whatever advantage they want, (robbery, fraud, malicious intent etc.)
The world is full of such people , tis' best to know that and teach our kids that lesson IMHO....

Great pic..- :beer: -Tyr

10-05-2014, 11:47 AM
Great advice. :amen:

10-20-2014, 03:23 PM

1. Determine why that person was your enemy. Did you do something bad to him/her or a close friend of that person? Prepare yourself to apologize, even if you don't feel like everything was completely your fault.

2. Approach your enemy and tell them that you want to resolve the issues that you two have together. Apologize, and ask to start over. Explain to that person why you don't want to hate. If you can, try and talk out the problems you had in the past.
At least try to become friends. The more your fight or do mean things the worse it gets! Don't lie to a friend saying they were mean. Figure out what you have in common.

3. Give him or her your phone number or email address, and tell them that if they ever need something, or someone to talk to, that they can call you. By doing this, you're letting them know that you no longer want to fight. Do not offer your phone number if you feel they may misuse it. Also, if they give you their number its important that you don't misuse it either as that will surely make them lose their trust in you.

4. Let this person know that you are sincere. This can't be done completely through talking—actions speak louder than words. Smile when you see the person when you see them, and go out of your way to be nice. Tell them nice things they want hear but they should respect you too.

If you don't feel as though a talk with your enemy is necessary, or you want to be on friendly terms but not necessarily friends, you can start by just smiling and being nice to them when you see them. This will show your enemy that you no longer hold a grudge, and hopefully they will follow your lead.

5. Initiate hang out time. Invite your enemy to debate, chat about things you have in common or even work together on a worthy cause. Adjust to your friendship slowly—remember that this is a new friendship, and thus that you should not treat your ex enemy like your best friend.

6. Trust your guts if they tell you to be cautious. Test the waters before allowing yourself to get too close. However, being cautious doesn't mean acting cold. Rather than telling him or her your deepest darkest secret, tell them something that you don't care if it gets spread around. See if they tell others. If so, maintain a friendly distance until you know you can trust them.

You bury their cold, dead bodies in your garden.

10-20-2014, 04:56 PM
You bury their cold, dead bodies in your garden.

`Interesting one there Gunny...*One option...but there are so many better `private` options and less incriminating...IMHO

10-20-2014, 06:46 PM
`Interesting one there Gunny...*One option...but there are so many better `private` options and less incriminating...IMHO

I'm an angry-ass Marine and I know how to solve solutions one way. So whoever wants to keep screwing with shadow can go right the fuck ahead.

Anyone that wants to come after me, I'm here.

Let's see:

I'm a drunk.

Pick on shadow.

No balls. Can't stand up for one's self nor back their argument with any kind of fact nor logic.

Did I mention I'm an angry-ass Marine? The worse thing that could happen to the junior G-men around here is me being sober again.

Otherwise, I'm fine. :)

10-20-2014, 06:56 PM
I'm an angry-ass Marine and I know how to solve solutions one way. So whoever wants to keep screwing with shadow can go right the fuck ahead.

Anyone that wants to come after me, I'm here.

Let's see:

I'm a drunk.

Pick on shadow.

No balls. Can't stand up for one's self nor back their argument with any kind of fact nor logic.

Did I mention I'm an angry-ass Marine? The worse thing that could happen to the junior G-men around here is me being sober again.

Otherwise, I'm fine. :)

`Gunny you really should get so upset...its the internet...I personally don't talk about my past or background...cause I could care less with sharing it with anyone on the net..or what they think about it......Everybody has opinions...were all human....I am human.....and a thinker.....by the way...nothing wrong with being sober...`

10-20-2014, 10:39 PM
`Gunny you really should get so upset...its the internet...I personally don't talk about my past or background...cause I could care less with sharing it with anyone on the net..or what they think about it......Everybody has opinions...were all human....I am human.....and a thinker.....by the way...nothing wrong with being sober...`

Yeah? I have fangs.

10-21-2014, 03:03 AM
`Gunny you really should get so upset...its the internet...I personally don't talk about my past or background...cause I could care less with sharing it with anyone on the net..or what they think about it......Everybody has opinions...were all human....I am human.....and a thinker.....by the way...nothing wrong with being sober...`

Upset? No. Seeing losers for what they are? Easy. Picking on my GF because of me when I'm gone? Wait until she and/or I am are off the board to attack.

Can't stand the light of day.

Yet these same people claim to be all this and want to nuke Islam. Makes sense. A gutless act.

I hate wimps and I hate message board wimps most of all.

They're entitled to their opinion. I agree. Just as long as that opinion doesn't attack me nor mine. But, then, I go after then and suddenly they are victims. Guess which one of us is willing to use that nuke?

It ain't the cockroaches.

10-21-2014, 05:16 PM
Yeah? I have fangs.

`Yeah?.....I have skills and Brains....

10-22-2014, 12:46 AM
So, I'd rather outwit a foe than make them a friend.

I have lots of friendly acquaintances and very few "friends" so I don't tend to take the time to make friends out of foes. I have the right amount of friends as things are.

10-22-2014, 05:38 AM
So, I'd rather outwit a foe than make them a friend.

I have lots of friendly acquaintances and very few "friends" so I don't tend to take the time to make friends out of foes. I have the right amount of friends as things are.
I totally agree. I don't waste time trying to be friendly with people that I don't like or trust. What the heck for? Talk about a huge waste of time. No thanks.

10-22-2014, 07:48 AM
`Yeah?.....I have skills and Brains....

Yeah? Bring 'em. Just don't bring lunch. You won't last that long. :)