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10-06-2014, 04:19 PM
Begging for donations and predicting disaster if they don't get your money NOW!

I friggin LOVE it!

Dear MoveOn member,

I'm writing to you with a simple request. I'd like you to make a donation to MoveOn.org.

If you're the kind of person who likes to just cut to the chase, then here's the link to give:
Click here to chip in. (https://;;)

Why do I want you to give to MoveOn? For a few reasons.

First, the Republicans are on the verge of taking over the U.S. Senate. And this is not your father's Republican Party. This Republican Party has veered so far to the right that if Ronald Reagan was around today, he'd be thrown out for raising taxes eleven times as president.

If this crowd gets a hold of the Senate, it'll be nothing but sequester-level budget cuts and gridlock as far as the eye can see. Working Americans simply can't afford that.

Second, I want you to donate because we can still win this election—if everyone who believes that we should have a fair economy that's not tilted to the super-rich gets out and votes. And MoveOn's get-out-the-vote operation is as effective and innovative as any I've seen.

Third, I've looked at the candidates that MoveOn is endorsing, and they're all strong progressives who will fight for the little guy. I'm not going to name any names—but let's just say MoveOn's not going to waste your money on Democrats who act like Republicans.

Finally, I want you to give because it'll make you feel great. No matter what happens, you'll know you were on the right side of history. Some people say you should "give till it hurts." I want you to give till it feels good.

Now, I know that for many of you, money is tight. In fact, after spending a career writing about how the middle class is getting squeezed, I know in really quite precise detail exactly how and why money is tight.
But if Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz take over the Senate, it's going to get even tighter. So here again is the link. Whatever you can do is great.
Click here to make a donation.

And (I've always wanted to say this) thanks for all you do.
–Robert Reich


Robert Reich, Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written thirteen books, including the best sellers "Aftershock" and "The Work of Nations." His latest, "Beyond Outrage," is now out in paperback. He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause. His new film, "Inequality for All," is now available on Netflix, iTunes, DVD, and On Demand.

10-06-2014, 04:24 PM
Begging for donations and predicting disaster if they don't get your money NOW!

I friggin LOVE it!

I love the part where the GOP has veered right. Yeah. In the opposite direction.:laugh:

10-06-2014, 05:01 PM
I love the part where the GOP has veered right.

How far right can you veer? :eek:
I don't contribute to any political parties or movements. There are other far more worthy groups that deserve it more.

I am currently not in a panic. Unless my daughter comes home today and tells me she is in love. THEN I will panic... :timeout:

10-06-2014, 06:19 PM
Begging for donations and predicting disaster if they don't get your money NOW!

I friggin LOVE it!

I've always been amused that a leftist group took their name from the Democrat agenda of trying to fool people into thinking Bill Clinton's various lies and scandals should not be looked into, and that we should all "Move On" instead of finding out what he and the Democrats did.

Truth in advertising, I guess.

10-06-2014, 07:26 PM
Just seeing MoveOn.org's name pisses me off. The stupid stunts they've pulled over the years are appalling.

Money is evil! Companies that make money are evil! People that have money are evil! BTW, send us money so we can continue to rail against money - you'll be okay because you sent us money.

10-06-2014, 10:32 PM
Begging for donations and predicting disaster if they don't get your money NOW!

Bunch of greedy bastards -- if the news reports are to be believed, the DNC and Progressive organizations have already amassed a huge war chest of funds.

Now, whether those $$$$ are going to fund campaigns in battleground states remains to be seen.

Being the cynic that I am, I'm more inclined to believe that those funds will be used to bribe various corporations and/or power players in that realm, or more likely, buy elections to guarantee the Corruptocrats remain in power. Any leftovers will be pocketed by said organizers. Whatever the case may be, they're all nothing but a bunch of greedy do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do motherfuckers.

Just seeing MoveOn.org's name pisses me off.

The only place I would like to see "MoveOn.org (and other groups of that ilk) "move" to is a prison cell without any chance of parole for the crime of financially raping the citizens of the US.

10-07-2014, 12:16 AM
Being the cynic that I am, I'm more inclined to believe that those funds will be used to bribe various corporations and/or power players in that realm, or more likely, buy elections to guarantee the Corruptocrats remain in power. Any leftovers will be pocketed by said organizers. Whatever the case may be, they're all nothing but a bunch of greedy do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do motherfuckers.

How intriguing. I have basically the same opinion of the Tea Party.

10-07-2014, 01:11 AM
How intriguing. I have basically the same opinion of the Tea Party.

That speaks volumes about you, as you have absolutely no clue as to what the Tea Party is about (other than the propaganda from Media Matters and MoveOn.org that is like a drug you're hopelessly addicted to).

10-07-2014, 09:16 AM
How far right can you veer? :eek:
I don't contribute to any political parties or movements. There are other far more worthy groups that deserve it more.

I am currently not in a panic. Unless my daughter comes home today and tells me she is in love. THEN I will panic... :timeout:

You can't. The left keeps moving left and the GOP is chasing it's leftovers, abandoning its own base; which, is the only thing to the right.

The left is just fearmongering. Again. As usual.