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View Full Version : Nancy Pelosi supports the troops–the Canadian troops, that is

06-22-2007, 03:25 PM
:poke:It's been taken off her site already...

By Michelle Malkin • June 22, 2007 01:05 PM
Oops, they did it again.

Last year, the DNC embarrassed itself with a website purporting to support US troops. Only one problem, as a sharp-eyed tipster told me: The soldier depicted in the patriotic display was Canadian.


Looks like the Democrats are still using webmasters who don’t have a clue what American troops look like–and they are working in Nancy Pelosi’s office. McQ at Q&O has the screenshots (which are likely to disappear soon, if Pelosi’s staff is awake today). The one above comes from the front page of Pelosi’s official speaker’s website. Here’s the close-up of the soldier with “CANADA” on her epaulets:

Can the Dems get anymore snort-worthy?

Like Blackfive said in response to last year’s DNC website gaffe: “…how screwed up must you be to post about how much your party supports the troops, but not know who your troops are?”

Answer: Pretty screwed up.

Lots of comments on this at her site..