View Full Version : Are you crazy, gunny ?????

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-07-2014, 08:57 PM
Today, 07:59 PM
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Merciless & Cruel
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Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post

Brilliant response Steve, right on target..

It doesn't but some always like to spin onto Christians when the heat gets turned up on Islam and its policy of commanding murder! They then bring up the Crusades while leaving out the murdering taking place to Christians there . The reason for the Crusades.
Typical spinning away, they all love to do it..-Tyr

Gunny wrote--

You practiced being this stupid, or what?

let's get something clear. You are a hate-filled ignorant fuck, who doesn't know anything and couldn't out-think a gnat. All you do is post "let's kill the Muslims". How about let's kill YOU? Your stupid ass and inability to think?

]You talk all this big game. How much combat time you got tyr? Oh, none? Gee.

What I live? Morons whose brains come undone when they actually have to pull that trigger. But that would take balls, right? None of which you have. You just volunteer the rest of us to carry out your political agenda.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.

"I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." -- Winston Churchill

“ "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás

Put the bottle down and wipe your drool old timer. My reply was to Steve and if you had a problem with my reply contact admin here but stop the threats launched at me.
This is your fourth such unprovoked attacking foray.
Aren't tired of showing your ass?
Being shown to be a fool by my bring your stupidity down here ?
Get a clue--seek help soon... obvious you have very serious issues.

This is your last warning before I start to really blast your ass down here in the cage and expose even more of your stupidity.
My younger brother is an alcoholic and behaves just like you are now doing.
I put up with him because he is family but you, you are just a washed up hate-filled arrogant ass. --Tyr

10-08-2014, 07:19 AM
Are you crazy, gunny ?????
Yes. Next dumb question ....?

I'm an addict. I don't drink. Want to guess why?

For actually doing all that bullshit you TALK about doing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-08-2014, 07:55 AM
Are you crazy, gunny ?????
Yes. Next dumb question ....?

I'm an addict. I don't drink. Want to guess why?

For actually doing all that bullshit you TALK about doing.

You mean by "bullshit", that you actually fought?

Well, so did millions of others so you get no cherry for that hoss.
My nephew, fought(two combat tours), killed people too(if you call those maggots people) and was injured and he acts ok , certainly does not act like a fool like you do.

You pissed at the damn world, join the crowd --many of us are but we do not go
around pulling the crap you just did...

You problem is you do not know how to be a civilian, you think this is the military.
Guess who that makes out to be dumb? YOU!
Certainly not me...

Now stop giving death threats junior. They don't scare me I've had about a hundred of them in my life... Even had a few guys try it but unlike you they did so like a man and got their asses stomped all to hell. Fact...

I think maybe you are just an attention whore that do this shit because I ignore your posts.

You so good at giving orders I'll give some back at you ..

Stop being a dick to get attention junior.
Stop death threats that do not scare a real man.
Stop trying to be my commanding officer or a gunny.. I spit on that...

And -- wake the hell up--pedro! --Tyr

10-08-2014, 08:15 AM
You mean by "bullshit", that you actually fought?

Well, so did millions of others so you get no cherry for that hoss.
My nephew, fought(two combat tours), killed people too(if you call those maggots people) and was injured and he acts ok , certainly does not act like a fool like you do.

You pissed at the damn world, join the crowd --many of us are but we do not go
around pulling the crap you just did...

You problem is you do not know how to be a civilian, you think this is the military.
Guess who that makes out to be dumb? YOU!
Certainly not me...

Now stop giving death threats junior. They don't scare me I've had about a hundred of them in my life... Even had a few guys try it but unlike you they did so like a man and got their asses stomped all to hell. Fact...

I think maybe you are just an attention whore that do this shit because I ignore your posts.

You so good at giving orders I'll give some back at you ..

Stop being a dick to get attention junior.
Stop death threats that do not scare a real man.
Stop trying to be my commanding officer or a gunny.. I spit on that...

And -- wake the hell up--pedro! --Tyr

Yeah. But YOU didn't. :)

Real man? You? :lmao:

Why don't YOU quit trying to enforce your stupid beliefs with OUR blood, punk? Get your own ass out there. I'll respect you when you man up with your own damned balls. But quit sending our youth out to die for your stupidity and hatred of something you don't even understand. You are no different than those you want to kill. Full of hatred and no understanding nor education.

Your red herring that I'm threatening you? LOSE.

I told you basically to get out of mommy's basement and man up, bitch. You talk all this talk, but you ain't walking the walk. Disgusting.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-08-2014, 08:26 AM
Yeah. But YOU didn't. :)

Real man? You? :lmao:

Why don't YOU quit trying to enforce your stupid beliefs with OUR blood, punk? Get your own ass out there. I'll respect you when you man up with your own damned balls. But quit sending our youth out to die for your stupidity and hatred of something you don't even understand. You are no different than those you want to kill. Full of hatred and no understanding nor education.

Your red herring that I'm threatening you? LOSE.

I told you basically to get out of mommy's basement and man up, bitch. You talk all this talk, but you ain't walking the walk. Disgusting.

Your bullshit doesn't work on me dumbass.

Why don't you quit crying like a little bitch and man up to the fact that the Marines kicked your drunk ass out, ok?
Now you are a drunk that's pissed at the world and you try to bully others for expressing their opinions here.

I'll tell you this again since your alcohol destroyed mind can not cipher about a ten year old level now..

You want to order me around--- try doing it face to face..

Or else shut your little whiney ass up!

You are not talking to a kid dumbass...

Now - eat shit and die punk...- :rofl1:--Tyr

10-08-2014, 03:14 PM
Your bullshit doesn't work on me dumbass.

Why don't you quit crying like a little bitch and man up to the fact that the Marines kicked your drunk ass out, ok?
Now you are a drunk that's pissed at the world and you try to bully others for expressing their opinions here.

I'll tell you this again since your alcohol destroyed mind can not cipher about a ten year old level now..

You want to order me around--- try doing it face to face..

Or else shut your little whiney ass up!

You are not talking to a kid dumbass...

Now - eat shit and die punk...- :rofl1:--Tyr

Right. The alcohol-destroyed mind of 10 years. Knows how to kick ass. Base level. That where you putting me? Okay. Base-level at ten years old I'd kill you in half a second. Now imagine I've honed my skills since 1969. Doesn't look good for you ... Nancy.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-08-2014, 06:29 PM
Right. The alcohol-destroyed mind of 10 years. Knows how to kick ass. Base level. That where you putting me? Okay. Base-level at ten years old I'd kill you in half a second. Now imagine I've honed my skills since 1969. Doesn't look good for you ... Nancy.


Talk doesn't mean squat hoss.
I've been threatened , attacked , back jumped and hit with a number of different objects --not dead yet.
Every damn one of them thought they were Godzilla, you aren't any different hoss.
You put your pants on one leg at a time too.
Your problem is you don't scare me a bit. I've dealt with tougher people that you in a few dozen instances.
You foolishly think if not military or ( ex-military) a man does not rate ..:laugh:
Some mighty arrogant ignorance you have in your back pocket..
I've outshot many military, ex military and as a bouncer even beat hell out of more than a few.
They all were just men, some trained well but still just men--not a damn one of them was Godzilla.

Hell, you couldn't do much more than spit in ten seconds hoss not unless you talking about pulling a trigger.

Now imagine I've honed my skills since 1969
^^^^^^^^^^^ By far your biggest mistake, thinking nobody else has any skills.-:rofl1:

Never underestimate your opponent but you in your arrogance and false ego already have.

Somewhere along the way you lost a few marbles .
Too bad, now you think you are Godzilla or is that just plain, God?

Talk is cheap hoss, face to face you'd wake up broken in a few places and wondering what the hell happened, like a damn lot did before.

So nice for me, like old times. Me telling a fool what can and will happen if he makes that first mistake.

Always ready... have been for a tad over 40 years...

Now dazzle us with your brilliance up top and
how Steve is not making you look stupid as you debate him on Islam
which he actually studied and can read in Arabic. ..-------- :laugh: -Tyr

10-08-2014, 11:32 PM
Talk doesn't mean squat hoss.
I've been threatened , attacked , back jumped and hit with a number of different objects --not dead yet.
Every damn one of them thought they were Godzilla, you aren't any different hoss.
You put your pants on one leg at a time too.
Your problem is you don't scare me a bit. I've dealt with tougher people that you in a few dozen instances.
You foolishly think if not military or ( ex-military) a man does not rate ..:laugh:
Some mighty arrogant ignorance you have in your back pocket..
I've outshot many military, ex military and as a bouncer even beat hell out of more than a few.
They all were just men, some trained well but still just men--not a damn one of them was Godzilla.

Hell, you couldn't do much more than spit in ten seconds hoss not unless you talking about pulling a trigger.

^^^^^^^^^^^ By far your biggest mistake, thinking nobody else has any skills.-:rofl1:

Never underestimate your opponent but you in your arrogance and false ego already have.

Somewhere along the way you lost a few marbles .
Too bad, now you think you are Godzilla or is that just plain, God?

Talk is cheap hoss, face to face you'd wake up broken in a few places and wondering what the hell happened, like a damn lot did before.

So nice for me, like old times. Me telling a fool what can and will happen if he makes that first mistake.

Always ready... have been for a tad over 40 years...

Now dazzle us with your brilliance up top and
how Steve is not making you look stupid as you debate him on Islamwhich he actually studied and can read in Arabic. ..-------- :laugh: -Tyr

Prove it. Nancy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2014, 08:20 AM
Prove it. Nancy.

When you find your buddy Nancy, let me know. :laugh:--Tyr

10-09-2014, 01:17 PM
When you find your buddy Nancy, let me know. :laugh:--Tyr

I find him every time I hit reply quote in this thread. ;)

I DO love the "Ode to Gunny" thread though. Especially the rhetorical question in the thread title.

Just shows what you DON'T know, boot. I'm pretty much a psycho. And I'm STILL smarter than you. Means you ought to be looking in the mirror and asking yourself some serious questions. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2014, 07:51 PM
I find him every time I hit reply quote in this thread. ;)

I DO love the "Ode to Gunny" thread though. Especially the rhetorical question in the thread title.

Just shows what you DON'T know, boot. I'm pretty much a psycho. And I'm STILL smarter than you. Means you ought to be looking in the mirror and asking yourself some serious questions. :)

Serious questions I should ask myself! :laugh:

I am not the one admitting to being a psycho, you are. :clap:

You apparently think you are smarter than everybody here.

Everybody can see you think you are to be obeyed as if you are in charge.

I believe you ignored a post directed to you about your broad and false defending muslim blather here ..
And it was by a respected combat veteran here. So you had no fail-safe fallback option to decry it as unworthy because only a civilian posted it.
You see, I see when you run away from truth. Rather than face or debate it.
You ignored him because he pointed out you aren't as smart as your ego lets you believe.

Need a link for that? :laugh:


150 years ago the US had slavery. By your logic all folks today are slave owners and should be condemn for what people did in the past. There's only one group that continues it's past actions and that's muslims. They have not come out of that 7th century mindset. And I do lump all of them together. The scum floats to the top but the rest of the water holds it up and feeds it.

The Japanese had Shinto. They believed the emperor was a god. They didn't practice Buddhism as a whole. Shinto was outlawed after WW2 in Japan.

And before you start your attacks and threats remember, I AM a combat veteran. Been there done that. But for the purposes of this post it doesn't make any difference. So puffing out your chest with words won't get you anywhere except maybe a trip to the ER because your blood pressure went through the roof.

So its best you look in a mirror pedro..
At least I never run away from a post... Just sayin'... ;)

By the way, I answered his post just for good measure and because you ran away..
He even thanked me... :laugh:

Man up and go answer him with your brilliant defend Islam blather..
I want to see you actually debate instead of attack or insult..

I DO love the "Ode to Gunny" thread though.
^^ Do you now???

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2014, 07:57 PM
How do you like this thread now??????:laugh:-Tyr

10-09-2014, 08:21 PM
Western arrogance?
So everything is America's fault?

You don't know much about Christians do you? Christians reach around the world to help people. But you want to condemn America and Christians and give a pass the islamic terrorists?

Oh brother. I ain't this dumb pix. Try again. The only advantage you ever had over me was when I was drunk. That's you, and stupid little boyfriends. Well, I'm not drunk anymore. That means the lot of you can't keep up. You're full of hate and vitriol and nothing else to offer.

I don't excuse anyone's actions. That means your hatred and intolerance isn't justified by tossing out a red herring from the other side.

So come on and try again. You fucked with the wrong person, and that person keeps avoiding you rather than call you the fucking liar your. End of the road. Let's go. And bring your dumbass ass-sniffers with you.

10-10-2014, 06:02 AM
I hate to see others drawn into this. :(

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2014, 06:31 AM
I hate to see others drawn into this. :(

I am still addressing this post he made.. And these four statements he made about me.

Gunny wrote--

You practiced being this stupid, or what?

let's get something clear. You are a hate-filled ignorant fuck, who doesn't know anything and couldn't out-think a gnat. All you do is post "let's kill the Muslims". How about let's kill YOU? Your stupid ass and inability to think?

]You talk all this big game. How much combat time you got tyr? Oh, none? Gee.

What I live? Morons whose brains come undone when they actually have to pull that trigger. But that would take balls, right? None of which you have. You just volunteer the rest of us to carry out your political agenda.

You have NO idea what you're talking about.


You are a hate-filled ignorant fuck, who doesn't know anything and couldn't out-think a gnat.

Your stupid ass and inability to think?

But that would take balls, right? None of which you have.

]You talk all this big game. How much combat time you got tyr? Oh, none? Gee.

Only he and I have post in this thread... until your post just now.
He should consider more carefully what accusations he makes against me. I address them with facts and gave a link to highlight his hypocrisy.. He accuses me about being ignorant and stupid but runs when he is asked to actually discuss something he only pretends to be an expert on..

A combat veteran asked him a question , engaged him and he totally ignored it.

I point that out for a reason--to refute those 4 accusations he made against me.

And keeping my promise made earlier post in this thread....

This is your last warning before I start to really blast your ass down here in the cage and expose even more of your stupidity.
My younger brother is an alcoholic and behaves just like you are now doing.
I put up with him because he is family but you, you are just a washed up hate-filled arrogant ass. --Tyr


10-10-2014, 06:49 AM
Serious questions I should ask myself! :laugh:

I am not the one admitting to being a psycho, you are. :clap:

You apparently think you are smarter than everybody here.

Everybody can see you think you are to be obeyed as if you are in charge.

I believe you ignored a post directed to you about your broad and false defending muslim blather here ..
And it was by a respected combat veteran here. So you had no fail-safe fallback option to decry it as unworthy because only a civilian posted it.
You see, I see when you run away from truth. Rather than face or debate it.
You ignored him because he pointed out you aren't as smart as your ego lets you believe.

Need a link for that? :laugh:

So its best you look in a mirror pedro..
At least I never run away from a post... Just sayin'... ;)

By the way, I answered his post just for good measure and because you ran away..
He even thanked me... :laugh:

Man up and go answer him with your brilliant defend Islam blather..
I want to see you actually debate instead of attack or insult..

^^ Do you now???

I'm okay with being psycho. It's a notch above being stupid. :)

I know this may break your heart, because you apparently think I have failed to pay proper attention to your rantings, but WHAT have I ever run away from? You're so important in my life thought that I probably just forgot your ass? Lamest accusation ever, and definite sign of desperation. "You ran away". You mean like I have a real world to deal with? I do things like eat, sleep, go to the store, scrub my ass, shave ... that kind of stuff. While it may be above your skill level, I still mange most of that and amazingly enough, without YOUR permission.

Answer who about what you f-ing dork? Unlike you, I've said what I have to say and I stand by it. I don't have to keep repeating to people with their fingers stuck so far in their ears they touch in the middle.

I don't know WTF you are talking about.

Good enough explanation? I'm stupid, remember? Draw me a picture or shut the f*ck up.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2014, 06:58 AM
I'm okay with being psycho. It's a notch above being stupid. :)

I know this may break your heart, because you apparently think I have failed to pay proper attention to your rantings, but WHAT have I ever run away from? You're so important in my life thought that I probably just forgot your ass? Lamest accusation ever, and definite sign of desperation. "You ran away". You mean like I have a real world to deal with? I do things like eat, sleep, go to the store, scrub my ass, shave ... that kind of stuff. While it may be above your skill level, I still mange most of that and amazingly enough, without YOUR permission.

Answer who about what you f-ing dork? Unlike you, I've said what I have to say and I stand by it. I don't have to keep repeating to people with their fingers stuck so far in their ears they touch in the middle.

I don't know WTF you are talking about.

Good enough explanation? I'm stupid, remember? Draw me a picture or shut the f*ck up.

You too stupid to click on the link I gave or what?
Or just too afraid to debate somebody your bully tactics do not give you an out with?

This you ran from....I'll do better than just draw you a picture Hoss. -Tyr


150 years ago the US had slavery. By your logic all folks today are slave owners and should be condemn for what people did in the past. There's only one group that continues it's past actions and that's muslims. They have not come out of that 7th century mindset. And I do lump all of them together. The scum floats to the top but the rest of the water holds it up and feeds it.

The Japanese had Shinto. They believed the emperor was a god. They didn't practice Buddhism as a whole. Shinto was outlawed after WW2 in Japan.

And before you start your attacks and threats remember, I AM a combat veteran. Been there done that. But for the purposes of this post it doesn't make any difference. So puffing out your chest with words won't get you anywhere except maybe a trip to the ER because your blood pressure went through the roof.

You know , you just pretend not to know... ignorance is no excuse but in your case apparently it is a major affliction... :rofl1: -Tyr

10-10-2014, 07:04 AM
I hate to see others drawn into this. :(

I wish I didn't have ADHD. Maybe I'd know what Mr War Hero was talking about.:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-10-2014, 07:39 AM
I wish I didn't have ADHD. Maybe I'd know what Mr War Hero was talking about.:laugh:

Another fail. I am no war hero , never claimed to be . Always tell right off that I never served in the military. All regular members here know that about me.. So your little attempted insult is stupid.

So which is it, are you a know it all genius or just a psycho, with ADHD?

I gave you a link right here to this forum , a thread post you ignored. The man asking you and engaging you fits your criteria as being relevant military wise..
You ignored him completely to go on with your typical , huff, puff and bluster.

His post still there waiting for your reply..
Its not a copy/paste you decry nor is it a "wall of words" that you decry as your excuse for not answering.
You ignore it because he is right and you can not back your previous statement he replied to..

Now tell me again how stupid I am and can not debate the mighty you...

I keep my promises! See below ... The promise/warning I made... --Tyr

This is your last warning before I start to really blast your ass down here in the cage and expose even more of your stupidity.
My younger brother is an alcoholic and behaves just like you are now doing.
I put up with him because he is family but you, you are just a washed up hate-filled arrogant ass. --Tyr

Are we having fun yet?-- :rofl1:--Tyr

10-10-2014, 04:12 PM
You too stupid to click on the link I gave or what?
Or just too afraid to debate somebody your bully tactics do not give you an out with?

This you ran from....I'll do better than just draw you a picture Hoss. -Tyr

You know , you just pretend not to know... ignorance is no excuse but in your case apparently it is a major affliction... :rofl1: -Tyr

Like everything else you post, it's just not that complicated. The difference between you and I is just as simple: I admit I'm crazy. I admit to reading half of every novel you post. I've been pretty vocal about posting a wall of words, as a matter of fact. It isn't different because it's you. I'm not going to read the ignorant bullshit you post all over everything and everywhere. THAT would make me stupid.

What should actually concern YOU? Is, I'm STILL smarter than you. :)

Because I wouldn't be making all this stink about a link that says: 404 ITEM NOT FOUND.:artist:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2014, 09:19 AM
Like everything else you post, it's just not that complicated. The difference between you and I is just as simple: I admit I'm crazy. I admit to reading half of every novel you post. I've been pretty vocal about posting a wall of words, as a matter of fact. It isn't different because it's you. I'm not going to read the ignorant bullshit you post all over everything and everywhere. THAT would make me stupid.

What should actually concern YOU? Is, I'm STILL smarter than you. :)

Because I wouldn't be making all this stink about a link that says: 404 ITEM NOT FOUND.:artist:

Yes, you are a true genius and it shows in every unprovoked attack you launch against me instead of addressing the contents of my post in whatever thread .

"ITEM NOT FOUND", is irrelevant since I quoted the entire post , which you still ignore..;)

I guess pretending not to know is as good an excuse as any , right?-Tyr

10-11-2014, 02:58 PM
Yes, you are a true genius and it shows in every unprovoked attack you launch against me instead of addressing the contents of my post in whatever thread .

"ITEM NOT FOUND", is irrelevant since I quoted the entire post , which you still ignore..;)

I guess pretending not to know is as good an excuse as any , right?-Tyr

NO ONE can be THIS slow. I ain't weeding through your crap. GET IT YET?

You are correct. I ignore pretty much everything you post. I made it pretty plain. My attention span can take only so much verbosity. ;)

You bitched about me not using your link. Your link doesn't work. Now you got some other excuse. Anything else?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-11-2014, 03:13 PM
NO ONE can be THIS slow. I ain't weeding through your crap. GET IT YET?

You are correct. I ignore pretty much everything you post. I made it pretty plain. My attention span can take only so much verbosity. ;)

You bitched about me not using your link. Your link doesn't work. Now you got some other excuse. Anything else?
Ignore except when you choose to attack.
Pretty selective ignoring there Hoss.

Points to deceit , lying and tactics to avoid answering hard points made in reply to your unprovoked attacks..

And yes, you are slow but that's no excuse..

If so hampered and such short attention span(you yourself admit) then stop pretending to be a damn know it all genius, brilliant scholar etc..!
Or a commanding officer ordering others around here..

10-13-2014, 11:37 AM
Ignore except when you choose to attack.
Pretty selective ignoring there Hoss.

Points to deceit , lying and tactics to avoid answering hard points made in reply to your unprovoked attacks..

And yes, you are slow but that's no excuse..

If so hampered and such short attention span(you yourself admit) then stop pretending to be a damn know it all genius, brilliant scholar etc..!
Or a commanding officer ordering others around here..

Nah. Ignore when I choose to ignore, and when someone's repetitive posts and threads bore the fuck out of me.

I'm not pretending to be a know-all-genius. Being more educated than you doesn't require anything close.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-13-2014, 06:41 PM
Nah. Ignore when I choose to ignore, and when someone's repetitive posts and threads bore the fuck out of me.

I'm not pretending to be a know-all-genius. Being more educated than you doesn't require anything close.

Says the guy that ignored this , more than once.
You run from somebody you can not use ridicule and insults to dodge answering.
I've quoted it before and you conveniently ignored it then..
Remember your excuse --wall of words, you gave to dodge me?
That is not a wall of words.. :laugh: -Tyr


Gaffer wrote:

150 years ago the US had slavery. By your logic all folks today are slave owners and should be condemn for what people did in the past. There's only one group that continues it's past actions and that's muslims. They have not come out of that 7th century mindset. And I do lump all of them together. The scum floats to the top but the rest of the water holds it up and feeds it.

The Japanese had Shinto. They believed the emperor was a god. They didn't practice Buddhism as a whole. Shinto was outlawed after WW2 in Japan.

And before you start your attacks and threats remember, I AM a combat veteran. Been there done that. But for the purposes of this post it doesn't make any difference. So puffing out your chest with words won't get you anywhere except maybe a trip to the ER because your blood pressure went through the roof.

Its fun using such evidence to highlight your hypocrisy... and even more.. :laugh:-Tyr

10-13-2014, 08:07 PM
Says the guy that ignored this , more than once.
You run from somebody you can not use ridicule and insults to dodge answering.
I've quoted it before and you conveniently ignored it then..
Remember your excuse --wall of words, you gave to dodge me?
That is not a wall of words.. :laugh: -Tyr

Its fun using such evidence to highlight your hypocrisy... and even more.. :laugh:-Tyr

You have none except in your simple little mind. Might want to give it a rest.

Again, I'm dodging nothing. The likes of YOU? You're a clown and biddy boy. Not wasting my time doesn't validate your lame accusations.

10-13-2014, 08:12 PM
Why you wasting your time done here where you don't have a prayer? Don't you need to go mindlessly rant about Muslims/Obama/"liberals"/ Ebola and/or all of them in one post above somewhere? Make yourself feel all smart displaying your ignorance?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-14-2014, 06:09 PM
Why you wasting your time done here where you don't have a prayer? Don't you need to go mindlessly rant about Muslims/Obama/"liberals"/ Ebola and/or all of them in one post above somewhere? Make yourself feel all smart displaying your ignorance?

Says the cat that reads at a 10 year old level and complains of a "wall of words" when it's more than three sentences.

Fourth sentence and onwards and his little cipher machine blows a fuse.:rofl1:

Notice that I kept this at the 3 sentence range??? :laugh:--Tyr

10-14-2014, 07:18 PM
Says the cat that reads at a 10 year old level and complains of a "wall of words" when it's more than three sentences.

Fourth sentence and onwards and his little cipher machine blows a fuse.:rofl1:

Notice that I kept this at the 3 sentence range??? :laugh:--Tyr

Tyr. Give it more time. I remember how obnoxious I was before the 12 steps changed my life forever. Sometimes...it just pays to watch the self-destruction take place without comments. Just watch the reaction to my words.

10-14-2014, 08:37 PM
Tyr. Give it more time. I remember how obnoxious I was before the 12 steps changed my life forever. Sometimes...it just pays to watch the self-destruction take place without comments. Just watch the reaction to my words.

Give it a rest, huh? Now you're going to use AA in an attempt to attack someone you disagree with politically on a message board? Pathetic. Got mews for you AT, when I was drinking, you and tyr would be burnt to cinder by now. That's if I bothered to acknowledge your existence. Ask Jim, or D, or shadow, or even pixie.

Y'all only agree with each and I don't agree with either of you. You're as filled with hate as the people you accuse. We WON'T agree. Simple as that. Move on, huh?