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10-08-2014, 10:27 PM
They left out Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Slobodan Milosevic, and a few others. But they got all the important ones.


10-08-2014, 10:47 PM
I would have swapped numbers 1 and 2.

Good list, though!

10-09-2014, 07:14 AM
BO sucks but he doesn't really belong anywhere near that list.

10-09-2014, 07:48 AM
BO sucks but he doesn't really belong anywhere near that list.

In a sense that's true. However we still don't know all the consequences of his incompetency. Inaction can be just as damning as action when it comes to peoples lives. We should hold him in reserve until the nukes go off.

10-09-2014, 08:04 AM
In a sense that's true. However we still don't know all the consequences of his incompetency. Inaction can be just as damning as action when it comes to peoples lives. We should hold him in reserve until the nukes go off.

There's a difference between purposely bad/evil and general incompetence even on a grand scale.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2014, 08:09 AM
There's a difference between purposely bad/evil and general incompetence even on a grand scale.
You are wrong. His is not incompetence.
That is the game his handlers have him play to help cover the true agenda. A purposeful limiting of this nation and degradation of its power and wealth.
His actions in just six years have added a debt more massive than that added by all the previous presidents
combine. Our military power is dependent upon the wealth of this nation. So is in large part much of our influence in the world..
Obama has deliberately weakened both yet you always deny to defend him..
Why? --Tyr

10-09-2014, 08:25 AM
You are wrong. His is not incompetence.
...... you always deny to defend him..
Why? --Tyr

Uh huh. :rolleyes:

BO sucks...

... general incompetence even on a grand scale.

You confuse defending with pointing out a poor argument. I was thinking of retitling the list as How Long Should the List be so We can get Away with Including BO.

10-09-2014, 08:30 AM
"the country has added $6.5 trillion to the national debt since Obama took office and $4.9 trillion under Bush." link (http://www.politifact.com/new-hampshire/statements/2013/nov/01/kelly-ayotte/ayotte-counts-amount-debt-accrued-presidents-bush-/)

so Bush should be #13 on the list right?
since "A purposeful limiting of this nation and degradation of its power and wealth.
His actions in just six years have added a debt more massive than that added by all the previous presidents"

Also Bush's foreign policy weaken us as a nation, spread our troops to thin, raised their suicide rates and put the military in revoling door tours that weakens their effectiveness. Lead the charge against the constitution and human rights, that we were the exemplars of round the world and were suppose to be EXPORTING with "democracy". Obama's only followed in Bush's footsteps here.
Bush ruined our intn'l rep as a decent player in foreign politics. etc etc.

Bush didn't do jack that really stopped Iran or Assad in Syria (he even let nukes and bio chem go to him from Saddam:rolleyes:) and played up to Qaddafi with republican congressmen going to Libya to make trade deals and treaties. So Bush was working with one of the so-called WORST in history too.

the list is a BS neo-con propaganda list. no serious person thinking about history, ( who's not lead by partisan doublethink) would even consider putting some of those people on a list of "worst leaders in HISTORY".
it's a joke.

you guys are better than this, c'mon.

10-09-2014, 09:17 AM
BO sucks but he doesn't really belong anywhere near that list.

Why? Because Obama isn't a leader? Because the only "leading" he does is from behind or from the golf course? Because a real leader enacts change that helps a nation vs. harms a nation, unlike Obama?

I agree.

10-09-2014, 09:21 AM

Because his suck isn't anywhere near the type of what's portrayed in that list. It's just a pointless red-meat list. I don't need rantpolitical.com to list totalitarian dictators for me and even then just enough to try and include BO; it's weak.

Besides, one might argue that some on the list were very effective leaders, just effective at evil.

10-09-2014, 09:23 AM
They left out Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Slobodan Milosevic, and a few others. But they got all the important ones.


It looks like a Who's Who list of commies and radical Muzzie dictators. So....yeah, Obama is glaringly and obviously fit for that list.

10-09-2014, 09:25 AM
In a sense that's true. However we still don't know all the consequences of his incompetency. Inaction can be just as damning as action when it comes to peoples lives. We should hold him in reserve until the nukes go off.

Good point. By the time Americans realize just how much Obama belongs on that list....

it will already be too late. In fact, it may well be too late now....but we just don't know it yet.

10-09-2014, 09:30 AM
It looks like a Who's Who list of commies and radical Muzzie dictators. So....yeah, Obama is glaringly and obviously fit for that list.


10-09-2014, 09:33 AM
Because his suck isn't anywhere near the type of what's portrayed in that list. It's just a pointless red-meat list. I don't need rantpolitical.com to list totalitarian dictators for me and even then just enough to try and include BO; it's weak.

Besides, one might argue that some on the list were very effective leaders, just effective at evil.

Obama and his leftist minions, string-handlers and funders (like Soros) have effectively kept our economy at a 6-year and counting depression-level via leftist policies.... resulting in: the US losing our Triple-AAA rating in 2011; negative GDP; a permanent underclass of welfare recipients the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Great Depression (or...the other/first one), the destruction of the US middle class, smothering of US workforce/employment; the weakening of our national defense and military; vulnerability to all sorts of diseases via the now wide-open southern border; an out-of-control spiraling national debt/deficit; weakening of the US dollar while the feds articificially prop up the Obama admin by printing more fake/phony money and keeping interest rates artificially low to make him 'look good'. I could go on and on and on....but you know the damage he's done. You just won't admit to it. Right?

10-09-2014, 09:40 AM

Yeah...your little face-palm smiley would be amusing, if not appropriate..... IF (if only) Obama were not inflicting his Marxist policies upon the US ongoing and for the past six years now. And his bowing and bending over (both ways) to radical Muslims for the past six years is also well known, if not admitted by US lefties. His penchant for 'going it alone' and around Congress and his love for dictating via Executive Orders is also well known and admitted by his own words ("I've got a pen and a phone"), thus illustrating how he would love to be Dictator for Life over the USA. So yeah, post your asinine smileys. The truth is glaring....to anyone that is not a SOS dishonest leftie.

10-09-2014, 09:53 AM
You just won't admit to it. Right?


BO sucks...

... general incompetence even on a grand scale.


Thank you for affirming my "red-meat" comment.

10-09-2014, 10:21 AM
IF the list was called "the 12 leaders neo-cons and hard right partisans dislike the most today".
then I'd agree with the list.
but as "the worst in history" it's a stupid list.

Obama is not even on the board. (neither is Bush BTW).
not even Castro and Qaddafi should be on that list.

1st the idea of the "worst" is undefined and vague.
then "in HISTORY" well that goes all the way back to Adam.
there's been some evil and savage SOB's back in ancient times.

Folks like Caligula come to mind, as well as other leaders that practiced child sacrifice, cannibalism, and horrific tortures , killed all the 1st born children, for fun and profit. Leaders that literally lead their people into self-extinction.

putting Obama on the list is hyperbole at best.

10-09-2014, 10:51 AM
IF the list was called "the 12 leaders neo-cons and hard right partisans dislike the most today".
then I'd agree with the list.
but as "the worst in history" it's a stupid list.

Obama is not even on the board. (neither is Bush BTW).
not even Castro and Qaddafi should be on that list.

1st the idea of the "worst" is undefined and vague.
then "in HISTORY" well that goes all the way back to Adam.
there's been some evil and savage SOB's back in ancient times.

Folks like Caligula come to mind, as well as other leaders that practiced child sacrifice, cannibalism, and horrific tortures , killed all the 1st born children, for fun and profit. Leaders that literally lead their people into self-extinction.

putting Obama on the list is hyperbole at best.
Yep, the people that wrote that list lack some serious perspective. As soon as I saw Obama sitting at #12, I knew the list was crap.