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View Full Version : Obunga: The Worst President Since WWII

10-11-2014, 04:21 PM
Americans aren’t feeling the presidential love these days. President Barack Obama has been down in approval polls for quite some time now, hovering in the low 40 percentiles for much of 2014, and hitting his all time low of 38 percent job approval in 2011 most recently — according to Gallup. On average, compared with other presidents during this time in their presidency, he isn’t doing that far below the average. However, a new poll from Quinnipiac Universitylisted President Obama as the worst U.S. president since World War II, worse even then the runner up: George W. Bush. Richard Nixon had 13 percent of respondents calling him the worst president, with Jimmy Carter taking 8 percent and George W. Bush with 28 percent to Barack Obama’s 33 percent. Only 8 percent called Obama the best president, while Harry Truman and John Kennedy both received no votes putting them as the worst presidents, and Ronald Reagan received 35 percent of votes for being the best president.

Read more: http://wallstcheatsheet.com/politics/do-people-really-think-obama-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii.html/?a=viewall#ixzz3FsEDHuXS

10-11-2014, 04:31 PM
And that's before his gloves come off.

After November there's going to be hell to pay with no more restraint on BamBam's part.

I suspect he will be by far and away the worst president ever in these last 2 years. He's going to go hard left very soon.