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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-16-2014, 08:29 AM

The Obama-Soros Connection

By: bpatterson

The first shots in the Obama Revolution, the highly unlikely campaign that elevated an inexperienced former Chicago community organizer born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia into the Oval Office, were fired at the Long Island Southampton beach house of billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros.


The personal relationship between Soros and Obama goes back at least as far as June, 2004, when the billionaire Soros hosted a fundraiser for Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign at his New York home. Soros’ and the Lefts’ “Chosen One,” Obama, was successfully elected to the U.S Senate. And, after the failure of their efforts to oust George Bush in 2004, Soros convened another secretive meeting of 70 like-minded and wealthy donors in Scottsdale, Ariz., to take a look at what had gone wrong and to develop a plan for the future. This meeting would eventually be called the “Phoenix Group” and, in the end, Barack Obama would be the benefactor of the efforts that would emerge from this confab.

In December 2006, as Obama was contemplating a run for the White House, George Soros and Barack Obama met to discuss the young senator’s political ambitions. In a matter of a few weeks, on January 16, 2007, Obama announced he was establishing a presidential exploratory committee although, at that point, he’d logged a total of only 143 days in service as a U.S. senator. “I recognize that there is a certain presumptuousness in this, a certain audacity to this announcement,” Obama would concede.

Literally hours after the announcement, Soros sent Obama the maximum individual contribution allowed by campaign finance law. Later that week, Soros announced that he would be supporting the candidacy of Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton, the candidate he’d previously supported. In an interview he conducted with Judy Woodruff in May, 2008, Soros was prophetic, gushing “Obama has the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” and added “this emphasis on experience is way overdone.”


Irrefutable evidence of a surreptitious and hideous ‘vision’ emerged early on in Barack Obama’s first term that went largely unnoticed by the American people, unchecked by our elected Republican ‘gatekeepers,’ and ignored by the mainstream media.

The ‘cloak-and-dagger’ was then predictably revealed following the reelection of Obama in 2012, as numerous scandals began to peel away from his beguiled, rotten core. Worse yet, the pervasive mainstream media, willingly consenting to the lawlessness that ensued, help set up the precursor of massive, chaotic change, a notable Saul Alinsky trademark.

The new ‘vision’ had been packaged under the guise of democracy, contrived upon Obama’s ‘Fundamental Change‘ edict, and delivered to an unwitting accomplice: the low-information voter, the new posit majority of the country.

Even though the erosion of our Constitution began long before the Obama regime, the Marxist-in-Chief was handpicked to carry it out to an unprecedented level, a level of destruction so massive that ‘walking it back’ to any semblance of normalcy would prove futile.

Obama is responsible for tipping the scale in his favor, piling on over $5 trillion of debt that will ultimately collapse world financial markets and eventually render the U.S. dollar worthless.

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/the-obama-soros-coup/#xCKJ1WHwmyPZDLSG.99

Soros controls Obama for the Foreign Globalists. -Tyr

10-19-2014, 06:11 PM
Soros controls Obama for the Foreign Globalists. -Tyr
