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View Full Version : Liberal NY Daily News To Obama “For God’s Sake, Get A Grip!”

10-16-2014, 10:06 AM
Racism fueled by a New York Times publication…

10-16-2014, 10:22 AM
Racism fueled by a New York Times publication…

Get more aggressive? I'm still wondering when they're going to START fighting the virus. Allowing the 2nd infected nurse to fly with a "slight fever" is the most asinine thing I've heard yet. Unless it's all quite intentional (the incompetence).

10-16-2014, 08:46 PM
Obama will ignore, and pretend he never saw that headline. Not without first getting the approval of the Muslim Brotherhood members of his administration.

Using the word GOD, when dealing with Obama can only occur in two distinct ways.

1. You use the word GOD when referring to Obama, or...

2. Instead of the word GOD, you cheer, and applaud him by constantly yelling "ALLAH SNACKBAR" (the new DNC Motto for re-election qualifications)