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View Full Version : America in Crisis: Sorry, Blacks, You Can't Sit This Out

10-18-2014, 04:19 PM
Bill O’Reilly asked Dr. Charles Krauthammer why, despite low approval nationwide, Obama still maintains over 80% approval in the black community. Krauthammer, in my opinion sympathetically, chalked up Obama's high approval among blacks to racial pride and loyalty. Krauthammer pointed out that ethnic groups tend to be loyal to each other and that in the same way, you would see the gay community rally around the first gay president.

While I understand where Krauthammer and black America are “coming from” (my '70s lingo), as an American who happens to be black, I cannot give black folks a pass who are willing to follow Obama to hell because of racial loyalty and America's past sins. It is just plain wrong.
Krauthammer further defended his understanding of why blacks are loyal to Obama. He said there are blacks still alive today who experienced racism in America. In various articles, I have talked about the horrific racism that my 86-year-old black dad suffered. So I get it.
A white friend said, “Well, I guess I can give your dad's generation and even yours a pass for staying loyal to Obama.” My retort was, “No, there is no acceptable excuse for continuing to follow Obama as he takes our country over a cliff.”
The image that comes to mind is Obama dressed as a pied piper – playing a seductive tune, leading black Americans to their deaths, drowned in a river. Blacks are suffering big-time under Obama.
I am sorry, folks. But there comes a time when the America-did-us-wrong excuse simply is not good enough. We are all Americans. It is morally right and our patriotic duty to lay aside resentments and racial, sexual, and gender loyalties and do whatever is best for our country. While I respect Dr. Krauthammer, I cannot give black America a sympathetic pass for taking the low road.
C'mon, black America. We are better than that.
I keep coming back to white America's pattern of expecting less of black Americans because of slavery. I just want to scream, “Stop it!” There are many rock-solid right-thinking, responsible blacks out there – fully capable, willing, and able to stand on their own two feet without government handouts or special concessions due to their race. And yet, such blacks are purposely kept in the shadows by Democrats and the mainstream media.
Rather than pandering to blacks, giving them a pass for placing loyalty to skin color above their country, how about holding them to a higher standard as equal Americans?
Where are the leaders out there boldly celebrating America, educating blacks about the great sacrifices that were made in the battle to emancipate blacks? Over 600,000 Americans died in the Civil War, in which slavery was a huge issue. Where are the people explaining to blacks why they should be grateful and proud to be Americans?
Insidiously, there are those who believe that America's debt for slavery will never be paid. It's the gift that keeps on giving to liberals and race exploiters.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/10/america_in_crisis_sorry_blacks_you_cant_sit_this_o ut.html#ixzz3GX9Wtd7j