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10-18-2014, 06:30 PM
Friends don't let other friends vote Republican. :cool:


10-18-2014, 08:10 PM
The problem with some people...

Is that they post with no specificity.


Animal Mother
10-18-2014, 08:17 PM
Friends should not let friends vote. Both parties are the same once they get into office and the lines are long.

10-18-2014, 08:26 PM
Friends should not let friends vote. Both parties are the same once they get into office and the lines are long.
But... you get a sticker and everything :)

10-18-2014, 08:26 PM
Friends should not let friends vote. Both parties are the same once they get into office and the lines are long.

“It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshipers. They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness. They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment. They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.”
~Calvin Coolidge~

10-18-2014, 08:37 PM
Friends don't let other friends vote Republican. :cool:



10-18-2014, 09:08 PM
Last time the country elected a Republican president, we ended up short two large buildings and four commercial aircraft.

Insert obligatory Bush bashing here:

10-18-2014, 09:14 PM
Last time the country elected a Republican president, we ended up short two large buildings and four commercial aircraft.

Insert obligatory Bush bashing here:

By this absolutely moronic and stupid line of thought the US entrance into WWI and WWII was purely due to a Democrat being in the white house.

10-18-2014, 09:34 PM
“It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshipers. They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness. They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment. They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.”
~Calvin Coolidge~

Nice job adding profoundness to a simple-minded thread

Last time the country elected a Republican president, we ended up short two large buildings and four commercial aircraft.

Insert obligatory Bush bashing here:

You must be one of those people who spray paint "9-11 was an inside job" under bridges when you're between customers.

10-18-2014, 10:49 PM
By this absolutely moronic and stupid line of thought the US entrance into WWI and WWII was purely due to a Democrat being in the white house.

Well said!:clap:

10-18-2014, 11:04 PM
Friends don't let other friends vote Republican. :cool:


`Never underestimate a liberal's willingness to share how stupid they are with the world.

You know one of them are going to come along and step in it!`

10-18-2014, 11:09 PM

Why the country needs the GOP to take back the Senate

Special to The Tampa Tribune
Published: October 18, 2014

The 2014 election cycle may be the most important in our history.

Our once proud country is no longer respected as a world leader. Allies and foes alike do not take us seriously. We have let down our allies and bolstered our foes.

We are in a fiscal disaster that not only is stripping away the remnants of our country’s wealth but also may destroy the U.S. dollar as the world’s most dominant reserve currency.

Our military forces have been decimated in numbers so much so that our ability to provide for the security of our nation is questionable. We have no idea who and how many foreigners are streaming into our country illegally.

Our oppressive laws, regulations and taxes are ruining small businesses and running large businesses out of the U.S. We have enacted legislation that requires men, as well as elderly women well past childbearing age, to pay for maternity coverage.

Our Department of Justice picks and chooses which established laws it wishes to enforce or ignore.

These and many more issues make it difficult to be optimistic about our future.

10-19-2014, 07:10 AM
By this absolutely moronic and stupid line of thought the US entrance into WWI and WWII was purely due to a Democrat being in the white house.

The dems have WAY more blood on their hands according to Gabby. Over time, they have started WAY more battles/wars and WAY more troops died as a result of these battles/wars. But she has difficulty understanding history, other than what she was taught in school "It was Bush's fault".

10-19-2014, 07:38 AM
The dems have WAY more blood on their hands according to Gabby. Over time, they have started WAY more battles/wars and WAY more troops died as a result of these battles/wars. But she has difficulty understanding history, other than what she was taught in school "It was Bush's fault".

School , as in the Liberal times or well being politically correct the LA Times :laugh:

10-19-2014, 08:34 AM
obvious the OP's link is to a shit slingin' radical left terrorist group

10-19-2014, 09:19 AM
Right bad left good, yup and I wonder how many troops have died since the Black Lord took office, you remember the one that made so many promises about bringing all the troops home, he was going to have them home in 3 months at one point ( yes that was the night that Hillary stated she would have home in once month, he chuckled and said he would be more realistic , it would take 3 ) of course 3 turned to 6 and so on and we are still in it, just because the Liberal news media quit with the daily body counts doesn't mean soldiers have quit dying.

10-19-2014, 02:29 PM
Right bad left good, yup and I wonder how many troops have died since the Black Lord took office, you remember the one that made so many promises about bringing all the troops home, he was going to have them home in 3 months at one point ( yes that was the night that Hillary stated she would have home in once month, he chuckled and said he would be more realistic , it would take 3 ) of course 3 turned to 6 and so on and we are still in it, just because the Liberal news media quit with the daily body counts doesn't mean soldiers have quit dying.

And now he's sending them to fight an enemy they haven't been trained to fight, aren't equipped to fight and shouldn't have to fight. Especially with only "four hours of training". Obama hates the US military though, so it makes perfect sense.

10-19-2014, 02:34 PM
`Never underestimate a liberal's willingness to share how stupid they are with the world.

You know one of them are going to come along and step in it!`Really..................I always preferred getting pissed off than pissed on.

10-19-2014, 02:50 PM
Totally agree with this...

Seib holds out hope that a GOP Senate might be able to deliver on immigration reform. Continued Beltway optimism about that prospect is delusional. Given that the Senate already passed a (slightly bipartisan) bill, GOP control won’t change anything. Sadly, even the president fell for the fiction that the House would eventually take up the issue for far too long, postponing executive action on deferring deportations so that he couldn’t do it before the midterms – and now there’s worry about depressed Latino 2014 turnout as a result. Let’s hope nobody in the White House falls for that again.

Not so much this...

The GOP is not going to focus on policy because they are afraid to make hard decisions and face backlash.

But even a 2016 rout is unlikely to force Republicans to focus on a policy agenda and commit to governing again. All they have to do is thwart the plans of President Hillary Clinton, or whomever, and reap the rewards two years later.

10-19-2014, 06:00 PM
We know who will be doing the "terrorizing"

The left/Democrats/libs/commies just like they did to us with Bush

The can't STAND not being in POWER.

poor things

10-19-2014, 09:22 PM
And now he's sending them to fight an enemy they haven't been trained to fight, aren't equipped to fight and shouldn't have to fight. Especially with only "four hours of training". Obama hates the US military though, so it makes perfect sense.


For soldiers at Fort Campbell and Fort Bragg preparing for their deployments to West Africa, Mobile Training Teams from the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), based out of Fort Detrick, have been tasked with instructing them on Ebola protocols.
A small number of specially trained soldiers from USAMRIID are at the highest risk, and an exception to Williams’ comment that soldiers are not handling bodily fluids. These service members have been supporting a laboratory in Liberia to run Ebola tests on patient samples, but are also are highly prepared to deal with infectious diseases.

Yes, I'm sure USAMRIID isn't trained or equipped. :rolleyes: