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View Full Version : Florida man gets life w/o parole in shooting deaths of black teens

10-18-2014, 08:57 PM
These angry white males are a menace to society as a whole. :cool:


10-19-2014, 09:33 AM
[QUOTE=gabosaurus;710688]These angry white males are a menace to society as a whole. :cool:

The guy was sentenced to 90 years, a real menace, so when a white guy kills someone it makes news here, do you not get all the news out there in the land of fruits and Nuts, Blacks kill whites as well, hell they kill other Blacks as well, but it is only the white people Huh :rolleyes:

10-19-2014, 11:36 AM
Gabs, we get that you troll, you do it badly and are pretty transparent, but we get that trolling is your thing. What is concerning is that you act as if you actually believe the absolutely dishonest mental midgetry you post.

Have you EVER stopped to think about the society the methane-breathers you support wants to build? Race based crimes are way up due to the class warrior filth that you hold dear and vote for with blind abandon. (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/19/race-based-hate-crimes-spike-in-dc/?page=all)

Seriously, seek mental help. You cannot actually believe that the mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers that you support are good for America or are capable of producing a just society.