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10-19-2014, 12:02 PM
An excellent summary of the national mood, created by outside circumstances and a President who consistently drops the ball and then ducks responsibility for it.



A Toxic President

by Michael Goodwin
Oct. 19, 2014

Chalk it up to karma, fate or bad luck. Whatever you call it, the Ebola scare is proof that Bad Things Happen to Bad Presidents.

The morphing of what is a single case into near panic is, according to medical experts, unwarranted. They point out that, so far, one person from Liberia died in a Texas hospital and two nurses who treated him got sick. Period, end of panic.

In rational and medical terms, they may be right. But their calculations omit another factor. It’s the X factor.

In this case, X stands for trust.

President Obama has spent six years squandering it, and the administration’s confusion, contradictions and mistakes on Ebola fit the pattern. This is how he rolls.

Don’t worry, there’s no chance of an outbreak, they said. Then it was, Oops, we must rethink all procedures for handling cases. Then there was no worry about a “wide” outbreak, yet quarantines for lots of people.

The irrational fear of an alien pathogen is fueled by rational suspicion of an incompetent and dishonest government. How did the so-called experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention give Nurse No. 2 permission to travel by air, even though she had a mild fever?

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

10-19-2014, 12:06 PM
That is one of the best analysis I have seen. I agree completely

How can we trust this administration, when all they have done is lie and cover up. It has been one thing after another.

10-19-2014, 01:49 PM
An excellent summary of the national mood, created by outside circumstances and a President who consistently drops the ball and then ducks responsibility for it.



A Toxic President

by Michael Goodwin
Oct. 19, 2014

Chalk it up to karma, fate or bad luck. Whatever you call it, the Ebola scare is proof that Bad Things Happen to Bad Presidents.

The morphing of what is a single case into near panic is, according to medical experts, unwarranted. They point out that, so far, one person from Liberia died in a Texas hospital and two nurses who treated him got sick. Period, end of panic.

In rational and medical terms, they may be right. But their calculations omit another factor. It’s the X factor.

In this case, X stands for trust.

President Obama has spent six years squandering it, and the administration’s confusion, contradictions and mistakes on Ebola fit the pattern. This is how he rolls.

Don’t worry, there’s no chance of an outbreak, they said. Then it was, Oops, we must rethink all procedures for handling cases. Then there was no worry about a “wide” outbreak, yet quarantines for lots of people.

The irrational fear of an alien pathogen is fueled by rational suspicion of an incompetent and dishonest government. How did the so-called experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention give Nurse No. 2 permission to travel by air, even though she had a mild fever?

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

Obama's behavior has caused many Americans (but still not enough) to question his sanity due to his inexplicable decisions. The question on everyone's mind is....is it his mental health being displayed, or is it not even due to his incompetence....

but to his agenda. Either way, his decisions are harming America....every step of the way. And more and more people are (finally) starting to notice.