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View Full Version : Obama Administration Quietly Prepares 'Surge' Of Millions Of New Immigrant IDs

10-20-2014, 05:19 PM
Despite no official action from the president ahead of the election, the Obama administration has quietly begun preparing to issue millions of work authorization permits, suggesting the implementation of a large-scale executive amnesty may have already begun. Unnoticed until now, a draft solicitation for bids issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Oct. 6 says potential vendors must be capable of handling a “surge” scenario of 9 million id cards in one year “to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.”

The request for proposals says the agency will need a minimum of four million cards per year. In the “surge,” scenario in 2016, the agency would need an additional five million cards – more than double the baseline annual amount for a total of 9 million.
“The guaranteed minimum for each ordering period is 4,000,000 cards. The estimated maximum for the entire contract is 34,000,000 cards,” the document says.


10-20-2014, 05:24 PM
Now we all know why Obama, Holder, Jackson, and Sharpton have been fighting so hard against VOTER ID? There's no way the DNC or Democrats can get the PRINTING JOB done in time.

10-21-2014, 12:31 PM
I've asked this question at another place

What did you think Obama meant when he said he was going to: Transform America?

well Now you're seeing it

1000's from Honduras a few months ago, Now this

Unfortunately you voted for this ANYWAY which you should be ashamed of

Not sure we can survive another two years of the man

10-21-2014, 04:29 PM
Not sure we can survive another two years of the man

I felt the same way eight years ago.

10-21-2014, 04:43 PM
34 million Democratic Voter ID cards.

10-21-2014, 05:06 PM
34 million Democratic Voter ID cards.

34 Million Democrat votes TIMES...the number of times those 34 Million try to vote before somebody who isn't a Dem. notices????

10-25-2014, 07:11 PM
I've asked this question at another place

What did you think Obama meant when he said he was going to: Transform America?

well Now you're seeing it


red state
10-26-2014, 08:29 AM
It's called "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" via vote immigration. So-called Republicans and dimOcats are equally guilty....while most of the "HERD" of REAL Americans continue to chew their cud out in the pasture, awaiting the slaughter house.

Forgive my older cartoons but they ALL still apply......every bloody last one of them (over and Over and OVER). This president has seen that he would be allowed to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING without any aggression or even protest (except from the very few REAL Americans who still know how to FIGHT. I'm not saying we should vote 3rd party at all but to support movements such as the Tea Party is a very good start to regaining this Nation. The Tea Party candidates are now as corrupt as any so it is one's life history that we should study. That is what we should have judged a candidate on anyway. The bad thing is: who has the integrity and stuff to withstand a lifelong history or compare to a Washington? I personally like Allen West, for instance, but he is not running for President and I don't see how his taking back the FL seat (if he's able to do so) will help anyone much (IF) we fail to DRAMATICALLY take back ALL the houses......including our White House with a Washington or Washingtons.




10-26-2014, 11:43 PM
I find it quite astounding that the same political party that used outright fraud to steal the 2000 presidential election is now obsessed with voter fraud. :rolleyes:

10-27-2014, 05:58 AM
i find it quite astounding that the same political party that used outright fraud to steal the 2000 presidential election is now obsessed with voter fraud. :rolleyes:

proof ????

10-27-2014, 10:02 AM
I've asked this question at another place

What did you think Obama meant when he said he was going to: Transform America?

well Now you're seeing it

1000's from Honduras a few months ago, Now this

Unfortunately you voted for this ANYWAY which you should be ashamed of

Not sure we can survive another two years of the man

Americans have, unknowingly (or ....at least some didn't know and still don't)....

voted into power the ultimate Manchurian Candidate Trojan Horse weapon of America's enemies without......AND of America's enemy within (the current Democratic Party). And no, it would be a blinkin miracle if we survived the next/last two years of Barack Hussein Obama's reign. He will double-down on his efforts to destroy us now....knowing (or thinking) that he has nothing to lose.

10-27-2014, 10:17 AM
I felt the same way eight years ago.

Why? Because after talking down the Bush economy (economists called it the Goldilocks Economy) for six years, the DemocRats and their leftist media finally convinced enough people to vote DemocRats into power of both houses of Congress, thus shutting down that good economy? Yeah....those were the days, all right. Under Bush, we had 3.2/3.3 GDP in 2005 and 2006 (http://useconomy.about.com/od/grossdomesticproduct/a/2006-GDP-statistics.htm)compared to the negative GDP we have NOW (http://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthasharf/2014/06/25/u-s-gdp-dropped-2-9-in-the-first-quarter-2014-sharply-lower-from-second-estimate/)under Barack Hussein Obama and under a majority of control of government by DemocRATS. Swell.

Vote for Democrats and you vote for poverty. And we're almost there (millions have already arrived).

10-27-2014, 10:36 AM
I find it quite astounding that the same political party that used outright fraud to steal the 2000 presidential election is now obsessed with voter fraud. :rolleyes:

I don't know what's worse, you continually regurgitating "Bush's fault", or "Bush did it too" - or you still trying to lie about this crap. Funny how even left leaning papers and sources that did the recount themselves, also came to the same final conclusions.

And some were ALWAYS obsessed with Democrats and voter fraud, as they have been having people shipped in and dealing with dead people for a long, long time. Hell, they have them at the front lines, and will let anyone vote, regardless of their claims and lack of ID. Even if it's someone famous. Your lack of facts and lack of ability to grasp reality will not change the truth.


10-27-2014, 10:38 AM
And I will continue to do so. :cheers2:

10-27-2014, 10:41 AM
And I will continue to do so. :cheers2:

The definition of insanity. And at least you admit that your rants are similar to that of a drunk person.

10-27-2014, 12:57 PM
I find it quite astounding that the same political party that used outright fraud to steal the 2000 presidential election is now obsessed with voter fraud. :rolleyes:

You're kidding right?

... the negative GDP we have NOW (http://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthasharf/2014/06/25/u-s-gdp-dropped-2-9-in-the-first-quarter-2014-sharply-lower-from-second-estimate/)under Barack Hussein Obama and under a majority of control of government by DemocRATS.

Your data is a little old.


10-27-2014, 02:30 PM
You're kidding right?

Lol....nope. Not kidding.

Your data is a little old.


However, it is still accurate.

Under Obama, America lost its' triple A credit rating (another Obama 1st). Under Obama, workforce participation is at an all-time low, while Obama pretends that the decreasing unemployment numbers means that things are getting better. Under Obama, America has had negative GDP numbers, even while he and his lying leftist media were snowing Americans and telling them that things were improving.

You can't spin those facts with "current data". Yet still you try.

10-28-2014, 08:06 AM
However, it is still accurate.

Under Obama, America lost its' triple A credit rating (another Obama 1st). Under Obama, workforce participation is at an all-time low, while Obama pretends that the decreasing unemployment numbers means that things are getting better. Under Obama, America has had negative GDP numbers, even while he and his lying leftist media were snowing Americans and telling them that things were improving.

You can't spin those facts with "current data". Yet still you try.

Not really. BO sucks so you don't really need to make stuff up. Yes, no longer AAA. No, workforce participation is at a 40 year low. Unemployment has been meaning that more people are dropping out of the workforce; U7 makes the point better. No, overall GDP is higher. Again, he sucks but it does no good to lie about it when you're easily disproven.

BTW, I don't spin. ;)

11-02-2014, 07:19 PM
I find it quite astounding that the same political party that used outright fraud to steal the 2000 presidential election is now obsessed with voter fraud. :rolleyes:

You know you call yourselves, progressives. Then why is it you're always REGRESSING?
can you people stay in the hear and now?