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View Full Version : Obama stiffs personal creditors in Illinois, now WH covering up HUGE

10-23-2014, 12:08 AM
Obama's personal character shines through as always. Sounds like he bought stuff in Illinois before becoming President, and when he left town he just stiffed the people he owed money to for the stuff.

And now he's not saying the reports are false, or wrong. Just that they are "inaudible".

We get the government we deserve.

But what exactly did we do to deserve OBAMA???



White House Covers Up Obama’s Unpaid Bills

by Wochit 0:49 mins

The White House is doubling down on its lame effort to hide the president’s mildly embarrassing confession that he left unpaid bills in his Chicago home when he took up residence in the White House.

The White House censored the Monday night transcript of Obama’s speech at a Chicago fundraiser to hide his confession of unpaid bills. The pool reporter at the event, however, included a mention of the statement in her initial Monday night report, and then highlighted the censored passage in a late-night email to reporters.

But the White House pushed back Tuesday morning by issuing an edited transcript that claimed the embarrassing statement was inaudible.

10-23-2014, 01:14 PM
Obama's personal character shines through as always. Sounds like he bought stuff in Illinois before becoming President, and when he left town he just stiffed the people he owed money to for the stuff.

And now he's not saying the reports are false, or wrong. Just that they are "inaudible".

We get the government we deserve.

But what exactly did we do to deserve OBAMA???



White House Covers Up Obama’s Unpaid Bills

by Wochit 0:49 mins

The White House is doubling down on its lame effort to hide the president’s mildly embarrassing confession that he left unpaid bills in his Chicago home when he took up residence in the White House.

The White House censored the Monday night transcript of Obama’s speech at a Chicago fundraiser to hide his confession of unpaid bills. The pool reporter at the event, however, included a mention of the statement in her initial Monday night report, and then highlighted the censored passage in a late-night email to reporters.

But the White House pushed back Tuesday morning by issuing an edited transcript that claimed the embarrassing statement was inaudible.

What else would you expect from a corrupt leftist (a typical Democrat), a grifter and a community organizer who never had a real job until the Democrats helped him slime his way into a senator position where he rarely bothered to show up, and when he did he voted "present"? And unfortunately for America, he is just one "elected representative" that fits that same criteria.

10-23-2014, 01:26 PM
What else would you expect from a corrupt leftist (a typical Democrat)...

I expect much more because any corrupt leftist/typical Democrat would have turned the screws on the CC company and had the debts "resolved" lest his being a tool for the globalists become exposed.
