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10-24-2014, 06:25 PM
At a rally for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley today, Hillary Clinton said this:


In case you didn't hear it, or if you think you may have misheard what she said, here it is in writing:

Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses create jobs...

Okay then... Other than government employment, who is it that is creating jobs? And who the hell am I working for if not a business/corporation?

I think Hill may be suffering from early onset Alzheimers...

10-24-2014, 07:03 PM
At a rally for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley today, Hillary Clinton said this:


In case you didn't hear it, or if you think you may have misheard what she said, here it is in writing:

Okay then... Other than government employment, who is it that is creating jobs? And who the hell am I working for if not a business/corporation?

I think Hill may be suffering from early onset Alzheimers...

Other than the Alzheimers. She intentionally managed not to say what she really wanted so badly to say. Which was GOVERNMENT creates jobs.

That arithmetic joke should have been reserved for her challenges about Obama's ECONOMY failures she endorsed.

10-24-2014, 07:19 PM
And Charlie Baker is now leading in the polls. When you can't help a Democrat win in MASSACHUSETTS it's time to go home and bake cookies.

10-24-2014, 07:36 PM
Well.. she had just dodged some sniper fire so, she was little flustered

10-24-2014, 08:27 PM
I'm sorry but this has me seething

What a lying snake in the grass BITCH

She'll say and do anything for Power and not feel one bit of shame she is misleading the people in this country

10-24-2014, 08:46 PM
I'm sorry but this has me seething

What a lying snake in the grass BITCH

She'll say and do anything for Power and not feel one bit of shame she is misleading the people in this country

stephanie. Hillary can do this, the same way Obama, and every other Democrat does it because they depend on their VOTERS to be uninformed, undereducated, gullible, and impressed with anyone like them who can use WORDS to impress the Uninformed.

Democrats have worked very hard for more than 50 years to maintain their VOTING BLOCK of Uninformed, Under-educated Black Americans who sadly..always will vote for Democrats because they LIE so well, and so often. Even the Liars believe what they are always saying to the Under-educated all the time.

The Key is EDUCATION..or should I say The LACK of it? As long as Hillary and others can keep KNOWLEDGE away from those who vote for them. THEY WIN.

10-24-2014, 09:34 PM
I'm sorry but this has me seething

What a lying snake in the grass BITCH

She'll say and do anything for Power and not feel one bit of shame she is misleading the people in this country

Remember this is the same woman that allowed her husband to cheat on her in front of the entire world and stayed with him for power and money

10-26-2014, 12:18 PM
I'm sorry but this has me seething

What a lying snake in the grass BITCH

She'll say and do anything for Power and not feel one bit of shame she is misleading the people in this country

Two Faces

Journalist Ashley Parker wrote for The Associated Press 16 May 2014:
Hillary Rodham Clinton weighed in on the debate over income inequality on Friday, calling for policies intended to help the struggling middle class, in a speech that seemed suited to a campaign. ...“The dream of upward mobility that made this country a model for the world feels further and further out of reach,” Mrs. Clinton said, “and many Americans understandably feel frustrated, even angry.” She emphasized the importance of education to help close what experts call “the achievement gap” and talked about “Too Small to Fail,” a new early childhood initiative she began through the Clinton Global Initiative, the foundation her husband, the former President Bill Clinton, founded. She also called for more skills and work force training programs to help young Americans get and hold jobs.

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/17/us/politics/clinton-calls-for-expanding-economic-opportunities.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0)

Journalists Sheryl Stolberg and Vikas Bajaj wrote for The New York Times 6 November 2010:
President Obama, fresh off a stinging electoral defeat for Democrats, opened a 10-day tour of Asia on Saturday with a courtship of corporate America, including private meetings with American business executives who are here for his visit and an announcement that he will lift longstanding restrictions on exports of closely held technologies to India.

So, why aren't US companies going to invest in America, and help to create jobs here?

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urging American companies to invest in Zambia, citing its 11 years of economic growth.

article (http://www.voanews.com/english/news/US-Secretary-of-State-Promotes-American-Investment-in-Zambia---123682679.html)

From O'Bama's Jobs and Competitiveness Council:
America needs more growth

I don't know how he's going to handle that when his then Secretary of State — Hillary Clinton — is promoting American business to invest in Africa. These politicians have two faces: one face touting investment in American jobs, and the other face touting investment in jobs in foreign countries.

Hillary Clinton would not be good for America.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2014, 03:49 PM
Hellory is an Alinsky Marxist. She loves power more than anything and if elected as prez will continue Obama's destruction, that's the deal they made during their meeting when they both went for the big prize.
The Globalists told Hellory they chose Obama, he gets 8 years then you get 8 years. She had no choice but to agree and now in two years its to be her turn..

10-26-2014, 04:09 PM
Hellory is an Alinsky Marxist. She loves power more than anything and if elected as prez will continue Obama's destruction, that's the deal they made during their meeting when they both went for the big prize.
The Globalists told Hellory they chose Obama, he gets 8 years then you get 8 years. She had no choice but to agree and now in two years its to be her turn..

She's obviously a Leftie intending the destruction of America as it was always intended to be.

Quite possibly she's also a nutter.

[TYR: have a clearout of your PM's ..]

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2014, 04:36 PM
She's obviously a Leftie intending the destruction of America as it was always intended to be.

Quite possibly she's also a nutter.

[TYR: have a clearout of your PM's ..]

She is devious and deceptive but is not a smart woman....

{ pms cleared now } .....:laugh:--Tyr