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10-24-2014, 07:10 PM
Who would dare to think this is funny cute or anything, but sick.?

But when you use, and abuse children like this. YOU and the people who allowed their children to be used like this should be neutered and/or spade. Because they are animals


10-24-2014, 09:39 PM
I guess I am wrong, I could only watch about 45 seconds but it cracked me up :laugh:

10-24-2014, 11:00 PM
Obviously neither of you got the point of the video. Which, if you had paid attention, was well expressed:

"The point of this piece is that society gets more upset about a WORD than the evil actions that are holding our daughters back. I absolutely don't care if my kids swear as long as they're not swearing at someone or about someone. If they are expressing an idea with passion and need to color it up that's fine by me. If your idea of protecting your daughter's "innocence" is to dress her in pink and tell her to mind her manners then you're not protecting her - you're putting her directly in front of society's crosshairs and she'll be picked off like the weakest sheep in the flock. Girls have a right to know that we've set them up for failure by expecting less and offering them less"

10-24-2014, 11:09 PM
Obviously neither of you got the point of the video. Which, if you had paid attention, was well expressed:

"The point of this piece is that society gets more upset about a WORD than the evil actions that are holding our daughters back. I absolutely don't care if my kids swear as long as they're not swearing at someone or about someone. If they are expressing an idea with passion and need to color it up that's fine by me. If your idea of protecting your daughter's "innocence" is to dress her in pink and tell her to mind her manners then you're not protecting her - you're putting her directly in front of society's crosshairs and she'll be picked off like the weakest sheep in the flock. Girls have a right to know that we've set them up for failure by expecting less and offering them less"

I get the point. It is propaganda delivered by indoctrinated children

10-24-2014, 11:15 PM
I get the point. It is propaganda delivered by indoctrinated children

Not propaganda at all. The same message delivered by adult women would have zero effect.
Young women need to realize that they are growing up in an unsafe world with the odds stacked against them. They will be protected against vulgar language, but not vulgar adults. They will be encouraged to fail. They will be exposed to increased levels of sexual violence, with little recourse.

10-24-2014, 11:21 PM
Not propaganda at all. The same message delivered by adult women would have zero effect.
Young women need to realize that they are growing up in an unsafe world with the odds stacked against them. They will be protected against vulgar language, but not vulgar adults. They will be encouraged to fail. They will be exposed to increased levels of sexual violence, with little recourse.

Why rob our children of their childhood by placing fear and hate into their little impressionable minds?

I find that extremely disturbing

If some hateful women chooses to fear rather than live her life free, then so be it. But leave the children out of it. Allow them to be individuals. Allow them to think for themselves.

10-25-2014, 07:30 AM
A few truths that need to be understood

1. Feminism does not stand up for the rights of women, it stands up for the rights of feminists. That is why not a word is said about the atrocities against women committed by ISIS.

2. Feminism is Marxism. It is for income redistribution, class warfare, and the like.

3. Feminism makes men to be the enemy. There is no such thing a good man in feminism.

4. Feminism is not swayed by facts. It only repeats the lies that it creates and no amount of arguing can change that.

5. There are women who believe they are feminists. They believe that the rights of all women should be advanced, including housewives and women terrorized by ISIS. Those women are not really feminists, they are decent women who believe that all people should be treated with respect and decency. They would do better than to identify themselves with a bunch of perpetually angry, disaffected, and dysfunctional Marxist man haters who will do nothing but use these poor women into advancing their agenda.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2014, 08:23 AM
Who would dare to think this is funny cute or anything, but sick.?

But when you use, and abuse children like this. YOU and the people who allowed their children to be used like this should be neutered and/or spade. Because they are animals


That is just sick.. Whoever staged those kids should be charged with child abuse.
And the adults speaking at the end clearly show what type think, act and do this type of propaganda and truly evil shat...
Todays feminists are about 95% hardcore socialists.. That use men as "enemy targets" to unite a strategy that promotes socialist ideas.
Here is a fact--men and women are no more equal than are individuals...
Every human has strengths and weaknesses thus there is no equality in abilities ...
This seeking to make mankind like a damn hive is insanity, radicalism and evil..
Hive=== equal -NO FREEDOM!!!!!
Socialism/communism sets up the very thing it cries out to prevent/destroy.
Todays feminists do the same thing..
The truth is many women are extremely smart and sex does not determine the intelligence level.
Sex does determine which has the greater physical strength..

And after a lifetime of experiences(60 years) with women I can confidently say this-- no man alive can out-scheme a truly clever woman .. It is just not in our genes--or in our jeans.. :laugh:--Tyr

10-25-2014, 08:29 AM
Teaching kids to get up in front of cameras with "fuck this and fuck that". Just awesome. I hope the parents are proud when these kids walk around grammar/middle and high school with the filth pouring out of their mouths. I don't care WHAT point you are trying to make, there is no reason to have kids act like that in order to make that point. Of course some think it's ok to use their children as such, or others children, and that simply speaks about their parenting skills. If "I" spoke like that at that age, with permission or not, I would have literally had a small bar of soap in my mouth within minutes. My son speaks even a tad like that? He gets punished and things taken away.

But some would not only have their children do this, but then allow it to seen by the world?

"yay, we made a great point, we want young women to learn things, by having them act like little cursing idiots for the world to see"

Some people need remedial parenting course again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2014, 08:41 AM
Teaching kids to get up in front of cameras with "fuck this and fuck that". Just awesome. I hope the parents are proud when these kids walk around grammar/middle and high school with the filth pouring out of their mouths. I don't care WHAT point you are trying to make, there is no reason to have kids act like that in order to make that point. Of course some think it's ok to use their children as such, or others children, and that simply speaks about their parenting skills. If "I" spoke like that at that age, with permission or not, I would have literally had a small bar of soap in my mouth within minutes. My son speaks even a tad like that? He gets punished and things taken away.

But some would not only have their children do this, but then allow it to seen by the world?

"yay, we made a great point, we want young women to learn things, by having them act like little cursing idiots for the world to see"

Some people need remedial parenting course again.

If I had done that as a child, my ass whippings would have been daily for months. And number of
hits increased weekly.
Parents raising their kids like that are actually engaging in child abuse in my opinion because no way to un-teach what they just taught their kids....
Yet since its a liberal. socialist/feminist thing it will be praised instead of being punished..
Same thing as teaching those kids to sing those songs about Obama and praise him as a God that went on when he first got elected---- ffing sickening.
Had that been done for Bush , they would have forced child abuse charges against the parents. Fact..-Tyr

10-25-2014, 10:07 AM
Not propaganda at all. The same message delivered by adult women would have zero effect.
Young women need to realize that they are growing up in an unsafe world with the odds stacked against them. They will be protected against vulgar language, but not vulgar adults. They will be encouraged to fail. They will be exposed to increased levels of sexual violence, with little recourse.

you are so full of shit gabby.

All children should be protected from vulgar language, there's no reason for it. There is also no reason to indoctrinate little girls into feeling like they're second class citizens and that is exactly what this video is doing. Telling them they are being held back, and encouraged to fail REALLY! This seems like the same tactic the dems have used on blacks. Telling them for decades that they're being held down by white supremacy. They've done such a good job of it that the black family is worse today that it ever has been.

Not satisfied by that they need a new "second class" group to pull votes from. The "war of women" is the never ending mantra of the dems. They feel the need to tell women that "evil men" are keeping them down.

10-25-2014, 10:20 AM
Obviously neither of you got the point of the video. Which, if you had paid attention, was well expressed:

"The point of this piece is that society gets more upset about a WORD than the evil actions that are holding our daughters back. I absolutely don't care if my kids swear as long as they're not swearing at someone or about someone. If they are expressing an idea with passion and need to color it up that's fine by me. If your idea of protecting your daughter's "innocence" is to dress her in pink and tell her to mind her manners then you're not protecting her - you're putting her directly in front of society's crosshairs and she'll be picked off like the weakest sheep in the flock. Girls have a right to know that we've set them up for failure by expecting less and offering them less"

You reveal YOUR sexism! Anyone in the pursuit of excellence regardless of gender cannot afford to be weak. Society is full of "enforcers of mediocrity", much like the labor union you belong to. An intelligent woman is NOT passive, but rather recognizes the difference in genders and leverages the strength of each. Your garden variety feminist demands that everyone act "female" regardless of gender or temperament, insisting that everyone "decide by consensus". Feminism enforces the 90% side of Sturgeon's Law (the crap). Lone wolves, regardless of gender, are despised by Socialists in general and Feminists in particular.


Not propaganda at all. The same message delivered by adult women would have zero effect.
Young women need to realize that they are growing up in an unsafe world with the odds stacked against them. They will be protected against vulgar language, but not vulgar adults. They will be encouraged to fail. They will be exposed to increased levels of sexual violence, with little recourse.

It is those who push to be the best that are in an "unsafe world with the odds stacked against them". We are in a society that sabotages competence in the name of "fairness". Giving someone a job because they belong to a targeted demographic encourages them to fail. They become what Indians refer to as "paycheck collectors".

BTW: I DIDN'T watch the video.

Philippians 4:8<small style="color: rgb(153, 153, 153);">Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Philippians 4:8 (http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1611_Philippians-4-8/).</small>

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things arehonest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; ifthere be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

10-25-2014, 10:49 AM
Not propaganda at all. The same message delivered by adult women would have zero effect.

Young women need to realize that they are growing up in an unsafe world with the odds stacked against them. They will be protected against vulgar language, but not vulgar adults. They will be encouraged to fail. They will be exposed to increased levels of sexual violence, with little recourse.

That's a total load of crap.

My now-adult daughter is street smart, self-reliant, tough as nails when she needs to be, and ambitious - both academically and career-wise. She also respects both her mind and her body, and she's proven she isn't afraid or intimidated one whit when it comes to standing up for herself.

She sure as hell didn't learn that in a government school - her father and I taught that to her, and we did it without her learning how to curse like a sailor who just got rolled outside a bar in Tijuana. He and I were also able to do that without encasing her in bubble-wrap and forcing her to wear a blindfold and earplugs. We certainly didn't shield her from anything, but we also didn't force it on her in an attempt to desensitize her to the "dark underbelly" of The Real World.

I swear, I'm at the point that I think bringing up a child in a family with Progressive parents constitutes Felony Child Abuse.

10-25-2014, 10:50 AM
Who would dare to think this is funny cute or anything, but sick.?

But when you use, and abuse children like this. YOU and the people who allowed their children to be used like this should be neutered and/or spade. Because they are animals

Lets actually look a the statements made in this video.

1. 1 in 5 women will be raped.. Uh the numbers in the US are 5 out of every 1000 that is 1 in 200 or .005% chance of being raped and 54% of those occur from someone they know. If you break it down by demographics it is even less for white women....

2. Pay is 23% less.. This is such a crock that when you look at the REAL reason for the pay discrepancy it makes PERFECT sense to anyone other than a SCREAMING FEMINIST. The Pay difference occurs primarily due to children.. plain and simple. When a husband and wife have children especially in a professional setting one of them usually chooses to stay home. The average time that they are off is anywhere from 5-10 years out of the full-time work force this averages to 7.5 years of MISSED wage increases so Gabbs take teaching for example male teacher starts at age 22 and works for 21 years they have averaged 3% increase in pay for that 21 years the female teacher starts same age than took 7 years off to have children. In the same time frame she has only 14 years of pay increases to his 21 at 3% increase yearly the is a difference of 21% (kinda telling isn't it since these idiots in the video use 23% as their magic number). I guarantee that if you look at male professionals who stayed home with kids because the female made more you would see the same difference. These people use "statistics" to make a point and they don't compare apples to apples. remember there are "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics"

This video is nothing more than propaganda and poor propaganda at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself for falling for their tripe!!!!

10-25-2014, 11:53 AM
Who would dare to think this is funny cute or anything, but sick.?

But when you use, and abuse children like this. YOU and the people who allowed their children to be used like this should be neutered and/or spade. Because they are animals


Better get used to it. Lib-lefties spawn....and when they do, they bring up little Tiffany, Brittany or Alberta (the confused, future transgender one) to be JUST LIKE they are. More (in keeping with the theme) fucked up little minds breeding more and more fucked up little minds.

Swell, huh?

10-25-2014, 11:59 AM
2. Pay is 23% less.. This is such a crock that when you look at the REAL reason for the pay discrepancy it makes PERFECT sense to anyone other than a SCREAMING FEMINIST. The Pay difference occurs primarily due to children.. plain and simple.

I used to think that too. Now I think it's because women on average are risk-averse. They are more likely to be compliant if rocking the boat against incompetency poses a risk of getting fired. They are also less likely to change jobs to get a pay increase. They are also more likely to enforce conformity over innovation.

10-25-2014, 12:05 PM
I get the point. It is propaganda delivered by indoctrinated children

I liked the part about them bitching because a male that got Ds in school makes the same as a female that got As in school. What the hell?

I would venture to bet that it's just the opposite more often than not. That a male that aced his studies in school gets passed over in favor of that quota-driven "mundane student" female job applicant. In fact...the left's 'War on Men" (well, white-white-collar-men) has been ongoing for decades now. It started right about the time that the Feminazis began their push for ""equality"".

10-25-2014, 12:11 PM
That's a total load of crap.

My now-adult daughter is street smart, self-reliant, tough as nails when she needs to be, and ambitious - both academically and career-wise. She also respects both her mind and her body, and she's proven she isn't afraid or intimidated one whit when it comes to standing up for herself.

She sure as hell didn't learn that in a government school - her father and I taught that to her, and we did it without her learning how to curse like a sailor who just got rolled outside a bar in Tijuana. He and I were also able to do that without encasing her in bubble-wrap and forcing her to wear a blindfold and earplugs. We certainly didn't shield her from anything, but we also didn't force it on her in an attempt to desensitize her to the "dark underbelly" of The Real World.

I swear, I'm at the point that I think bringing up a child in a family with Progressive parents constitutes Felony Child Abuse.

Well when you consider...that progressives (leftists/socialists/commies w/a smiley face) are the same ones tearing down the traditional family unit, along with traditional family values and morals.....


10-25-2014, 12:19 PM
That is just sick.. Whoever staged those kids should be charged with child abuse.
And the adults speaking at the end clearly show what type think, act and do this type of propaganda and truly evil shat...
Todays feminists are about 95% hardcore socialists.. That use men as "enemy targets" to unite a strategy that promotes socialist ideas.
Here is a fact--men and women are no more equal than are individuals...
Every human has strengths and weaknesses thus there is no equality in abilities ...
This seeking to make mankind like a damn hive is insanity, radicalism and evil..
Hive=== equal -NO FREEDOM!!!!!
Socialism/communism sets up the very thing it cries out to prevent/destroy.
Todays feminists do the same thing..
The truth is many women are extremely smart and sex does not determine the intelligence level.
Sex does determine which has the greater physical strength..

And after a lifetime of experiences(60 years) with women I can confidently say this-- no man alive can out-scheme a truly clever woman .. It is just not in our genes--or in our jeans.. :laugh:--Tyr

You got that damn straight, Tyr! lol

10-25-2014, 01:54 PM
I used to think that too. Now I think it's because women on average are risk-averse. They are more likely to be compliant if rocking the boat against incompetency poses a risk of getting fired. They are also less likely to change jobs to get a pay increase. They are also more likely to enforce conformity over innovation.There is a lot of truth in your statement. Women will not take a leadership role when asked 9 out of 10 times. I know where my wife works there was a opening for a new manager and NO ONE from the department stepped up and they hired a young man fresh out of school because NO ONE STEPPED UP. This is a department of all women, so now there is person in-charge with LESS experience but makes more because NO ONE wanted the job or wanted to take the risk of running the department. None of them (women) wanted the extra responsibility due to family obligations and needing to dedicate more time to the work environment.. This coupled with the absence due to pregnancy and raising children is what causes the "wage gap" not a war on women!!!!!

Now this being said is NOT a bash on women. In fact I applaud any woman who has the opportunity stay home and raise their children or work part time to be there for the children. There is no better cause than to make your children responsible and productive people!!!!

10-26-2014, 11:55 PM
Spoken like true regressive men who long for the 1950s. :rolleyes:

The truth is, society needs to stop condoning sexual violence. The legal system is totally inept and biased against victims of sexual assault. Lawyers find it easier to put the victim on trial than defend the accused.
Each time I read about these injustices, it strengthens my distrust of the legal system. Which is why, when my best friend was sexually assaulted a few years back, it was resolved through the Laws of the Street.

10-27-2014, 04:01 PM
Spoken like true regressive men who long for the 1950s. :rolleyes:

The truth is, society needs to stop condoning sexual violence. The legal system is totally inept and biased against victims of sexual assault. Lawyers find it easier to put the victim on trial than defend the accused.
Each time I read about these injustices, it strengthens my distrust of the legal system. Which is why, when my best friend was sexually assaulted a few years back, it was resolved through the Laws of the Street.

men aren't the only ones commenting on this thread....and you're still full of shit :lame2:

10-27-2014, 05:53 PM
men aren't the only ones commenting on this thread....and you're still full of shit

They might as well be.

10-27-2014, 05:55 PM
Spoken like true regressive men who long for the 1950s. :rolleyes:

The truth is, society needs to stop condoning sexual violence. The legal system is totally inept and biased against victims of sexual assault. Lawyers find it easier to put the victim on trial than defend the accused.
Each time I read about these injustices, it strengthens my distrust of the legal system. Which is why, when my best friend was sexually assaulted a few years back, it was resolved through the Laws of the Street.

Common sense would dictate that you meant to say "prosecute the accused". However common sense isn't your strong suit.

10-27-2014, 05:57 PM
They might as well be.

I don't think not wanting ones child to grow up speaking such filth, and in front of cameras, and teaching them it's a-ok - is a gender thing. It's pretty much a good parent thing.

10-27-2014, 06:00 PM
So here we have an example of a left-winger supporting obvious child abuse. You are sick!

Not propaganda at all. The same message delivered by adult women would have zero effect.
Young women need to realize that they are growing up in an unsafe world with the odds stacked against them. They will be protected against vulgar language, but not vulgar adults. They will be encouraged to fail. They will be exposed to increased levels of sexual violence, with little recourse.

10-27-2014, 06:06 PM
Common sense would dictate that you meant to say "prosecute the accused". However common sense isn't your strong suit.

Why would the attorney for the defense want to prosecute the accused?
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

10-27-2014, 07:47 PM
They might as well be.

I'd like to point out that you chose a profession in a setting where you get the entire summer off, Christmas break, Spring break, and any holiday, snow day, fog day or any other other school break.

A setting in which you get every day off that YOUR CHILD gets off. Seems to me very 1950's of you.

Did you do this because it works for your family? It isn't like you make big bucks in the school system, after all, you could have a private practice and make substantially more. WOULD A MAN have made that same choice or is family more important to you than career advancement?

10-27-2014, 07:50 PM
They might as well be.

You seriously don't see anything wrong with that video?