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View Full Version : Police Chiefs send letters to Muslim leaders inviting Muslims to contact them if they

10-25-2014, 08:51 PM
``In wake of Ottawa shootings, Police Chiefs send letters to Muslim leaders inviting Muslims to contact them if they fear “backlas (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/10/in-wake-of-ottawa-shootings-police-chiefs-send-letters-to-muslim-leaders-inviting-muslims-to-contact-them-if-they-fear-backlash)h``

`The politically correct Ottawa Police Chief seems to have imbibed the lesson well: after every jihad attack, Muslims are the victims, and need special reassurances. `


10-25-2014, 08:52 PM
`Those imams gotta be smiling....Who'd a `thunk` it would be so easy?......Maybe the messiah can invite them all over for a beer summit`

10-25-2014, 08:56 PM
`The letter should have read "We are going to start raiding and shutting down mosques if this continues. We will throw out the religion of Islam from Canada."

`This will never happen of course. If you ever want to see a fictional show that mirrors Canadian law enforcement....watch "Flashpoint." The SWAT cops agonize over what to do against violent suspects.`

10-25-2014, 08:57 PM
Canada won't tolerate that crap. So what if they address arrestees are "Sir" as they slap the handcuffs on. Don't confuse civility for weakness. I get it that socialized medicine is a ripoff and their gun laws are over the top. Other than that Canada is a well run country all in all.

10-25-2014, 08:59 PM
`Political correctness will be the death of us all.......Maybe they can just ask the imams for copies of their sermons.`

10-25-2014, 09:24 PM
"Some members of the community may want to link the attack to Islamic Extremists".....ya think

Then they go on to say "We at the Toronto Police have not made that link"..... Maybe "Some Members of the Community should investigate the attacks then.....

I notice that they capitalize Extremist :laugh:

Political correctness is THE reason many people are being murdered without any proverbial backlash


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2014, 10:46 PM
Letters sent kissing ass instead of kicking ass.. Should have sent letters telling those evil pieces of scum to change their tune about preaching --"murder the infidels" (Jihad).
But no, they decided to go the PC path. To grovel at the feet of the damn beast.
Sickening, and trust me, a few hundred more such attacks, and they will still be groveling same as will our government and police. Its called appeasement and its a damn diseases of cowardice.
Its taught all thru our school system, fostered and reared by libs/dems/socialists...
I taught my kids to do just the opposite and they know they were taught right!!
Cold day in hell before I will ever get on that insane appeasement train.--Tyr

10-26-2014, 03:38 PM
... instead of kicking ass..

Whose ass should they kick? Be specific.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2014, 03:54 PM
Whose ass should they kick? Be specific.

All imams teaching to murder infidels, I believe I already posted that.

Should have sent letters telling those evil pieces of scum to change their tune about preaching --"murder the infidels" (Jihad).

^^^ Or was this just damn too hard for you to cipher? :laugh:--Tyr

10-26-2014, 04:02 PM
All imams teaching to murder infidels, I believe I already posted that.

^^^ Or was this just damn too hard for you to cipher? :laugh:--Tyr

I asked for specificity; was that your definition of jihad or theirs? At least your answer wasn't, "anyone in a turban." :)

10-26-2014, 04:10 PM
Whose ass should they kick? Be specific.

`Every politically correct cancerous stinking Democrap leftist Liberal for a start by voting them out...ass kissing chief is going with the flow with the present roaches in power....just an observation... `

10-26-2014, 04:21 PM
`Every politically correct cancerous stinking Democrap leftist Liberal for a start by voting them out...ass kissing chief is going with the flow with the present roaches in power....just an observation... `

Psst. There in Canada.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-26-2014, 04:48 PM
I asked for specificity; was that your definition of jihad or theirs? At least your answer wasn't, "anyone in a turban." :)

They lie to non-muslims(infidels) about having two definitions. The fact is they have only one and it is that JIHAD IS THE HIGHEST CALLING IN ISLAM. FACT!



But ISIS is true Islam in action. ISIS is following EXACTLY the teachings of the Quran and the Sunna of Muhammad. They are murdering, raping, enslaving and pillaging just as prophet Muhammad did in up to 100 of his jihad acts and campaigns, himself personally participating in 27 of those. He was a mass murderer, rapist, torturer, terrorist, slaver. Muhammad murdered over 3,000 people, and raped and enslaved thousands. Read about the crimes committed by Muhammad.

In claiming that “Hate and violence do not represent their religion”, “ murderers and criminals have no place in our ranks, in our religion”, and “What ISIS is doing is against the values of Islam” etc., those Muslim campaigners are clearly engaging in deception and outright lies about the teachings of Islam. The fact is: ISIS is acting on commands and teaching of atrocious verses of the Quran such as 47:4, 5:33, 9:29, 9:5. 3:151. For example:

Quran 47:4: “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either favor afterwards or ransom until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]...”

Quran 3:151: “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve...”

Similar terrorism spurring commands can be found in the traditions of the prophet, for example in Bukhari 4:52.220: “I have been made victorious through terror”.

In fundamental Islam, EVERY WORD of the Quran is from the mouth of the Islamic God Allah, and every Muslim must believe and act up on them. Else they will become apostate.

For the edification of those Muslim campaigner and the Islamic scholars, what ISIS are doing are not any crime in Islamic terms. After all, they are just emulating what the Prophet of Islam committed in accordance of the commands of Allah in the Quran. Therefore, in the eyes of Islam, the ISIS Jihadis are Allah's anointed holy warriors doing the divine Islamic acts – slaying the infidels and are being slain in the process (Quran 9:111). In sum:
ISIS are simply following 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad.
ISIS is enslaving and raping Christian, Shiite and Yazidi girls and women as per the Quranic command (4.3, 4:24)
ISIS is torturing the infidels and opponents as per teachings of Quran 22:19-22.
ISIS are engaging in crucifixion as per command of Quran 5:33.
ISIS is beheading opponents and infidels as per teachings of Quran 8:12, 47:4.
ISIS mistreats women treats them as inferior and as sex-object as per the teachings of the Quran (4:34, 2:228, 4:11, 4:176, 2:223)
ISIS commit mass murder as commanded in Quran 2:191, 9:5, 8:67, 7:4.
ISIS commits genocide of Christians (also Yazidis and other non-Sunnis) as per Quran 8.17.
ISIS terrorize because Quran 8.60 commands so.
ISIS glorify martyrdom while trying to kill the kafirs as a means of guaranteed accession to Allah's orgy-laden immoral Paradise as per the teaching of Quran 9:111.
ISIS go on pillaging and capturing booty as per the teaching of Quranic Surah 8, entitled Spoils of War.
ISIS demand all other religions to submit to Islam as per commands of Quran 2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16.
ISIS enslave infidels (Christians, Yazidis) and trades in slaves as per Quran 2.178.
ISIS extort jizya from Christians as per command of Quran 9:29.

In fact, ISIS choose their every action and policy based on the commands and teachings of the Quran and instances of the prophetic tradition, and any reader of the Quran and Sunnah would have clear idea of that. And this fact should clearly be known to those Muslim organizers and scholars involved in condemning the actions of ISIS. It is therefore clear the organizers of the #NotInMyName campaign are engaged in a patently disinformation and lying campaign to deceive non-Muslims in their effort to distract scrutiny from Islam.

Our world today faces a serious challenge from the barbaric and obscurantist forces of Islam, deriving inspiration from the foundational teachings of Islam. And it jeopardizes the progressive and peaceful future of us all – both Muslim and non-Muslim. What we need from those good-hearted Muslims is not a campaign of disinformation and deception, but honesty and courage to acknowledge the troublesome teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and a debate about how they should deal with them.


But ISIS is true Islam in action. ISIS is following EXACTLY the teachings of the Quran and the Sunna of Muhammad. They are murdering, raping, enslaving and pillaging just as prophet Muhammad did in up to 100 of his jihad acts and campaigns, himself personally participating in 27 of those. He was a mass murderer, rapist, torturer, terrorist, slaver. Muhammad murdered over 3,000 people, and raped and enslaved thousands. Read about the crimes committed by Muhammad.

In claiming that “Hate and violence do not represent their religion”, “ murderers and criminals have no place in our ranks, in our religion”, and “What ISIS is doing is against the values of Islam” etc., those Muslim campaigners are clearly engaging in deception and outright lies about the teachings of Islam. The fact is: ISIS is acting on commands and teaching of atrocious verses of the Quran such as 47:4, 5:33, 9:29, 9:5. 3:151. For example:

Quran 47:4: “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either favor afterwards or ransom until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]...”

Quran 3:151: “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve...”

Similar terrorism spurring commands can be found in the traditions of the prophet, for example in Bukhari 4:52.220: “I have been made victorious through terror”.

In fundamental Islam, EVERY WORD of the Quran is from the mouth of the Islamic God Allah, and every Muslim must believe and act up on them. Else they will become apostate.

For the edification of those Muslim campaigner and the Islamic scholars, what ISIS are doing are not any crime in Islamic terms. After all, they are just emulating what the Prophet of Islam committed in accordance of the commands of Allah in the Quran. Therefore, in the eyes of Islam, the ISIS Jihadis are Allah's anointed holy warriors doing the divine Islamic acts – slaying the infidels and are being slain in the process (Quran 9:111). In sum:
ISIS are simply following 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad.
ISIS is enslaving and raping Christian, Shiite and Yazidi girls and women as per the Quranic command (4.3, 4:24)
ISIS is torturing the infidels and opponents as per teachings of Quran 22:19-22.
ISIS are engaging in crucifixion as per command of Quran 5:33.
ISIS is beheading opponents and infidels as per teachings of Quran 8:12, 47:4.
ISIS mistreats women treats them as inferior and as sex-object as per the teachings of the Quran (4:34, 2:228, 4:11, 4:176, 2:223)
ISIS commit mass murder as commanded in Quran 2:191, 9:5, 8:67, 7:4.
ISIS commits genocide of Christians (also Yazidis and other non-Sunnis) as per Quran 8.17.
ISIS terrorize because Quran 8.60 commands so.
ISIS glorify martyrdom while trying to kill the kafirs as a means of guaranteed accession to Allah's orgy-laden immoral Paradise as per the teaching of Quran 9:111.
ISIS go on pillaging and capturing booty as per the teaching of Quranic Surah 8, entitled Spoils of War.
ISIS demand all other religions to submit to Islam as per commands of Quran 2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16.
ISIS enslave infidels (Christians, Yazidis) and trades in slaves as per Quran 2.178.
ISIS extort jizya from Christians as per command of Quran 9:29.

In fact, ISIS choose their every action and policy based on the commands and teachings of the Quran and instances of the prophetic tradition, and any reader of the Quran and Sunnah would have clear idea of that. And this fact should clearly be known to those Muslim organizers and scholars involved in condemning the actions of ISIS. It is therefore clear the organizers of the #NotInMyName campaign are engaged in a patently disinformation and lying campaign to deceive non-Muslims in their effort to distract scrutiny from Islam.

Our world today faces a serious challenge from the barbaric and obscurantist forces of Islam, deriving inspiration from the foundational teachings of Islam. And it jeopardizes the progressive and peaceful future of us all – both Muslim and non-Muslim. What we need from those good-hearted Muslims is not a campaign of disinformation and deception, but honesty and courage to acknowledge the troublesome teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, and a debate about how they should deal with them. --Tyr

10-26-2014, 06:01 PM
Psst. There in Canada.

`Psst...They are still stinkin Liberals....they are all the same ....

10-26-2014, 08:22 PM
They lie to non-muslims(infidels) about having two definitions. The fact is they have only one and it is that JIHAD IS THE HIGHEST CALLING IN ISLAM. FACT!

OK, your definition then.

`Psst...They are still stinkin Liberals....they are all the same ....

But Can-ah-dian ones. You're welcome. :)

10-26-2014, 08:38 PM
OK, your definition then.

But Can-ah-dian ones. You're welcome. :)

`Welcome for what?...Canadian....European...south American...Liberals / socialists all the same....The useless UN is full of them...all there to please one another...all with the same mind-set...The "Can-ah-dian" Police Chief is of the same politically Correct mindset ...there to please and impress the higher ups...just like the good `o` Lemmings do here....they don't have to be told what to do...or say...they know....`

10-26-2014, 08:40 PM
^That Democrats aren't elected in Canada. :dunno: Just those damn lefties though. :eek:

10-26-2014, 08:56 PM
^That Democrats aren't elected in Canada. :dunno: Just those damn lefties though. :eek:

`Agree...Lefties / Liberals / socialists.....they all smell funny....and do bad stupid shit:laugh:

10-26-2014, 09:13 PM
OK, your definition then.

But Can-ah-dian ones. You're welcome. :)

[Who else, here, is being dazzled by FJ's display of Conservative thinking, or his comradeship here with other Conservatives ??]

The Islamic mindset is a world-encompassing one - their 'us v them' approach isn't just aimed at one country, but at anyone who might be in opposition to Islamic dominance.

Canada's Leftie mistakes reflect on Muslim's perceptions of the West in general.

I see no reason to excuse their Leftieness just because of the region of the world where it's occurring.

10-27-2014, 09:04 AM
[Who else, here, is being dazzled by FJ's display of Conservative thinking, or his comradeship here with other Conservatives ??]

The Islamic mindset is a world-encompassing one - their 'us v them' approach isn't just aimed at one country, but at anyone who might be in opposition to Islamic dominance.

Canada's Leftie mistakes reflect on Muslim's perceptions of the West in general.

I see no reason to excuse their Leftieness just because of the region of the world where it's occurring.

This thread isn't about conservatism, it's about knuckleheadism... and you showed up just in time. As I recall you've said previously that conservatism is about the individual and here you are talking about the group. Just your big governmentism leaking out again. :dunno:

10-27-2014, 09:13 AM
``In wake of Ottawa shootings, Police Chiefs send letters to Muslim leaders inviting Muslims to contact them if they fear “backlas (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/10/in-wake-of-ottawa-shootings-police-chiefs-send-letters-to-muslim-leaders-inviting-muslims-to-contact-them-if-they-fear-backlash)h``

`The politically correct Ottawa Police Chief seems to have imbibed the lesson well: after every jihad attack, Muslims are the victims, and need special reassurances. `


Any "special reassurance" needs to be given to the law-abiding citizens (of all creeds and religions) of Canada. NOT to one special group that is, as usual, represented by yet another instance of violence and brutality. Duh. This is the PC world in which we now live in. I think it's way past time to put an end to this idiocy.

10-27-2014, 09:17 AM
`The letter should have read "We are going to start raiding and shutting down mosques if this continues. We will throw out the religion of Islam from Canada."

`This will never happen of course. If you ever want to see a fictional show that mirrors Canadian law enforcement....watch "Flashpoint." The SWAT cops agonize over what to do against violent suspects.`

Typical liberalism. Agonizing over how to deal with violent and brutal savages....when the solution should be quite simple. You take them out of the picture so that they can not make the same savage decision to harm or kill others ever again.

10-27-2014, 09:30 AM
Letters sent kissing ass instead of kicking ass.. Should have sent letters telling those evil pieces of scum to change their tune about preaching --"murder the infidels" (Jihad).
But no, they decided to go the PC path. To grovel at the feet of the damn beast.
Sickening, and trust me, a few hundred more such attacks, and they will still be groveling same as will our government and police. Its called appeasement and its a damn diseases of cowardice.
Its taught all thru our school system, fostered and reared by libs/dems/socialists...
I taught my kids to do just the opposite and they know they were taught right!!
Cold day in hell before I will ever get on that insane appeasement train.--Tyr

The police have spies in other areas where law-breakers breed and profit. They could have reps/spies/undercover agents infiltrated into the mosques, too....and if ANY of the mosques are trying to incite violence, they could shut the damned thing down and arrest the perps, because inciting violence is against the law and is a direct threat to national security. But noooo! They prefer to go after armed Tea Party Patriot grandads and grannys, instead. You know....the REAL threats to America! (more like the real threats to their leftist agenda)

10-27-2014, 09:43 AM
The police have spies in other areas where law-breakers breed and profit. They could have reps/spies/undercover agents infiltrated into the mosques, too....and if ANY of the mosques are trying to incite violence, they could shut the damned thing down and arrest the perps, because inciting violence is against the law and is a direct threat to national security. But noooo! They prefer to go after armed Tea Party Patriot grandads and grannys, instead. You know....the REAL threats to America! (more like the real threats to their leftist agenda)

Other than completely shutting down Mosques under government force I agree with your premise. I would hope the investigations are already being done, and we're just not being told about it. I do find it odd that there have been ZERO arrests. I have been critical of the Muslim-haters on this board because their numbers don't add up. However, arrest numbers for terror suspects don't add up either.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-27-2014, 09:46 AM
The police have spies in other areas where law-breakers breed and profit. They could have reps/spies/undercover agents infiltrated into the mosques, too....and if ANY of the mosques are trying to incite violence, they could shut the damned thing down and arrest the perps, because inciting violence is against the law and is a direct threat to national security. But noooo! They prefer to go after armed Tea Party Patriot grandads and grannys, instead. You know....the REAL threats to America! (more like the real threats to their leftist agenda)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to DLT again.

The new agenda is to coddle the criminals, the enemies of this nation and attack the patriots, the law abiding, the conservative/christian right..
A simple plan conceived by simple minded fools that think themselves geniuses.
Yet they have pulled it off, thanks to our liberal crappy, education system and hourly propaganda spit out by leftist mainstream media..-Tyr

10-27-2014, 12:05 PM
This thread isn't about conservatism, it's about knuckleheadism... and you showed up just in time. As I recall you've said previously that conservatism is about the individual and here you are talking about the group. Just your big governmentism leaking out again. :dunno:

-- Looking to hijack anther thread, FJ -- and with a dazzling display of Conservative comradeship, finding cause for common ground with other Conservatives here ... ?

I suspect, though maybe you'll disagree, that it's NOT the mark of a Conservative to disagree with other Conservatives. If it is, then the Dems are highly Conservative ...

... Happy Hijacking ...

10-27-2014, 01:02 PM
-- Looking to hijack anther thread, FJ --

Nooooo... that you be you... here...

[Who else, here, is being dazzled by FJ's display of Conservative thinking, or his comradeship here with other Conservatives ??]

You're not just an idiot but a hypocritical idiot.

10-27-2014, 02:16 PM
Nooooo... that you be you... here...

You're not just an idiot but a hypocritical idiot.

Observations aren't arguments. But you insist upon creating arguments. And arguments argue for participation of more than just the one person .... which is how your hijacking finds the traction you intend for it.

You should now stop.

red state
10-27-2014, 03:28 PM
I like FLASHPOINT......watch it often on NetFlix and never got to see it when it aired live on that liberal CBS. Still, the show does bother too much with PC crap.......I just watch it to see the bad guy get his brains blown out. HA!!!

Anyway, If there are any "religions" preaching/teaching that homosexuals or anybody else be killed (murdered) then I'm all for that group being dealt with.

10-28-2014, 08:19 AM

You really do live in the state of delusion don't you?

10-29-2014, 08:07 PM
`Muslims in Mosques `in the western world` cannot be trusted....appeasing Leftists (where ever they reside) in power for now have proven already they cannot be trusted in leading the Western world...to many fails...to many lies....Liberalism in general is a deadly cancer oozing lies and deceit...

......Islam is not a Religion but rather a backward cult of death....

10-29-2014, 08:11 PM
You really do live in the state of delusion don't you?:trolls::trolls::trolls::badsnort:

10-30-2014, 10:05 AM

You just love to prove me right don't you?

You're not just an idiot but a hypocritical idiot.

10-30-2014, 11:26 AM
You just love to prove me right don't you?

Ahem .... I'm not like you. I don't rewrite posts of yours, nor govern anything of what you post yourself.

Your trolling is YOUR responsibility.

What is my responsibility is my asking you to stop - which I've already done - repeatedly.

10-30-2014, 11:33 AM
My point of annoyance with these anti-Muslim posts is that they are just "venting" and don't call anybody to do anything.

10-30-2014, 01:39 PM
:blah: - repeatedly.

Then you should stop being a hypocritical idiot.

10-30-2014, 07:04 PM
My point of annoyance with these anti-Muslim posts is that they are just "venting" and don't call anybody to do anything.

*If your annoyed...don't read the posts

`Obviously A new `American` government can ... (illegal for just "anybody" to do anything)....the present anti-American `o` Lemming Gov wont do anything........`

10-30-2014, 08:10 PM
Then you should stop being a hypocritical idiot.


10-30-2014, 10:20 PM
I are idiot.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2014, 06:32 PM
All imams teaching to murder infidels, I believe I already posted that.

^^^ Or was this just damn too hard for you to cipher? :laugh:--Tyr


11-03-2014, 01:33 PM

OK, your definition then.
