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View Full Version : `Voter Fraud a myth?..........................................

11-01-2014, 10:47 AM
*Just seen story was Posted already.....^^^

Break time .... :)



11-01-2014, 12:59 PM
*Just seen story was Posted already.....^^^

Break time .... :)



It's a sore subject and it is one thing that I DO blame George W. Bush for.

After his debacle re: the 2000 election (who could forget those darling little dangling and hanging chads?), he could have done a lot towards fixing the election fraud and the voter fraud in this nation. But he didn't even try. The question you have to ask yourself is....

why not? Same question for why he didn't even try to seal the border.

Think "complicit" and "in on it".

11-01-2014, 02:45 PM
It's a sore subject and it is one thing that I DO blame George W. Bush for.

After his debacle re: the 2000 election (who could forget those darling little dangling and hanging chads?), he could have done a lot towards fixing the election fraud and the voter fraud in this nation. But he didn't even try. The question you have to ask yourself is....

why not? Same question for why he didn't even try to seal the border.

Think "complicit" and "in on it".

It all started with Pop's anna thousand points of light!!! While I like dubya, his ole man thoroughly pursed me off!!!

11-01-2014, 02:56 PM
It all started with Pop's anna thousand points of light!!! While I like dubya, his ole man thoroughly pursed me off!!!

They both pissed me off, ultimately. Bush Sr. by caving to the leftist Democrats. And then Bush Jr. did the same thing in his second term. Both wusses and ergo complicit in the leftist agenda. If you don't fight it hard enough or at all....you are just as responsible for the dire results of that agenda, IMO.

11-01-2014, 03:32 PM
They both pissed me off, ultimately. Bush Sr. by caving to the leftist Democrats. And then Bush Jr. did the same thing in his second term. Both wusses and ergo complicit in the leftist agenda. If you don't fight it hard enough or at all....you are just as responsible for the dire results of that agenda, IMO.

Yur right, although I still think dubya was tryin to be a true American durin his presidency, I'm more convinced than ever, that they're all marionettes!!! The puppeteers are the ones callin the play by play behind the scenes!!!

That lazy mulatto usurpin moozlum is the perfect example, his senate votin record speaks for itself and no one should have been surprised by his work ethic, or the way he changes stances on issues, dependent on which way the winds blowin!!! The guy has never had an original thought and he's just doin what he's told!!! We'd all have lots more time fur golf, iffin somebody else was makin the tough decisions for us!!!