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View Full Version : The Democrats' Achilles' Heel

11-02-2014, 05:02 PM
I read a shocking headline today: "Ex-Con: Most Black Youths See Obama As 'Deadbeat' Leader." Is this an obvious outlier, or could there be something to this?

The ex-con referred to in the headline is Paul McKinley, a member of Voices of the Ex-Offender, which is described as a grass-roots group of former inmates.

On the "Steve Malzberg Show" on NewsmaxTV, McKinley said: "Every time they question the president about the black community, he's apologetic or he's embarrassed. ... I would say, 97 percent of the time he (doesn't) even want to say that there even exists a black community. So a lot of the young people are seeing this double standard that the president has."

McKinley correctly observed that black Americans have identified with the Democratic Party since the mid-1960s, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Since that time, they have been voting overwhelmingly Democratic.

McKinley's choice of the word "identified" is telling. Black Americans do identify with the Democratic Party, as distinguished from particularly aligning with its policies.

I have long believed that the Democrats' real Achilles' heel is it's urgent, desperate need to retain some 90 percent of the black vote to win national elections, for if that percentage decreased even moderately, they would be in serious electoral jeopardy.

This Achilles' heel is exacerbated by the largely unspoken disconnect between the worldview of many blacks and the Democratic Party's agenda. There are many black Christians and other blacks who tend to incline toward social conservatism, which is anathema to the party with which they almost monolithically identify. I would bet that many blacks, even among those who vote reliably Democratic, lean toward economic conservatism, as well. Yet many of the blacks who aren't in line with the Democrats' obsession with abortion on demand and other socially liberal ideas still vote for Democrats.
