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View Full Version : Ben Stein: Obama Is The “Most Racist President Ever”

11-02-2014, 06:06 PM
Media Matters and TPM glommed onto it quickly and are already in conniptions. How dare he say such a thing!

11-02-2014, 06:24 PM
I've got a lot of respect for Ben Stein.
but saying that Obama "is the most racist President ever" is a stupid as saying he's among the most evil leaders in the history.

it's plain stupid.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2014, 06:42 PM
I've got a lot of respect for Ben Stein.
but saying that Obama "is the most racist President ever" is a stupid as saying he's among the most evil leaders in the history.

it's plain stupid.

I disagree with that statement completely. Care to name other presidents that were more racist and then explain how they were.
Be care not to trivialize the bamscum's racism to make the opponent look worse..
For very few see how dearly and utterly he hates the whites.. Do not ignore that premise because if you do I will call you on it..
The man is an absolute fraud in just about all that he does..-Tyr

11-02-2014, 06:44 PM
I disagree with that statement completely. Care to name other presidents that were more racist and then explain how they were.
Be care not to trivialize then bamscum's racism to make the opponent look worse..
For very few see how dearly and utterly he hates the whites.. Do not ignore that premise because if you do I wil cal you on it..
The man is fraud in just about all he does..-Tyr

Tell me how many white slaves Obama owns and slave children he's fathered then we can start the conversation on the proper footing Tyr.

It's STUPID. tyr.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2014, 06:50 PM
Tell me how many white slaves Obama owns and slave children he's fathered then we can start the conversation on the proper footing Tyr.

It's STUPID. tyr.
He intends on every white being a slave--wake the hell up!

Ben sees it, why don't you??

Is Ben stupid, or racist?
TRUTH is so often hard to embrace for some people..



11-02-2014, 06:59 PM
He intends on every white being a slave--wake the hell up!--Tyr

Tyr c'mon, you've kinda lost it here bro.
He'll be out of office in a very short time. making money giving speeches and writing books for the rest of his life.
He's not the Anti-Christ Tyr, get a grip. You know he's a tool of rich WHITE globalist. You've said so yourself. THEY want everyone a wage slave in a banana republic world Tyr.
Obama's just the latest manager. He'll be replaced soon enough and the next person will be objectively JUST as bad if not worse.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2014, 07:07 PM
Tyr c'mon, you've kinda lost it here bro.
He'll be out of office in a very short time. making money giving speeches and writing books for the rest of his life.
He's not the Anti-Christ dude get a grip. You know he's a tool of rich WHITE globalist. You've said so yourself. THEY want everyone a wage slave in a banana republic world Tyr.
Obama's just the latest manager. He'll be replaced soon enough and the next person will be objectively JUST as bad if not worse.

ALL that is true but he has greater ambitions on the coming world stage and will continue to play his role after leaving the presidency--that is --if-- HE EVER LEAVES.
ALL that depends on how much more destruction he gets to wreck in the next two years..
I see you fail to see exactly what he is , how much he hates and what he wants done to us..

He is the ultimate racist.. And also a "muslim in hiding" and muslims hate all non-muslims plus the other muslim sects that disagree with their particular brand of violence, insanity and hatred..

Ben is no fool and sees far more than you do my friend yet I doubt that even he sees as much as I do on this specific subject..--Tyr

11-02-2014, 07:23 PM
I'm just a everyday Jill Six pack citizen in the country and I've been saying this same thing ever since he was Elected

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-02-2014, 07:26 PM
I'm just a everyday Jill Six pack citizen in the country and I've been saying this same thing ever since he was Elected

And you were dead on the mark yet greatly criticized and belittled by the gullible fools and bots for saying that truth. -Tyr

11-02-2014, 07:41 PM
`Should be obvious ...berry and "my people" Eric don't respect or care for white people and conservatives...in general....many of the scandals are proof of the opinion given...IRS...white soldier in mexico....black Panthers...etc...etc...

11-02-2014, 07:52 PM
Tell me how many white slaves Obama owns and slave children he's fathered then we can start the conversation on the proper footing Tyr.

It's STUPID. tyr.

rev. How bout you stop scolding Tyr, and try telling people like this http://icansayit.com/images/blackpanlead.jpg who would happily make the White People they hate so much...their Slaves, with a gun to their head???

11-02-2014, 08:52 PM
rev. How bout you stop scolding Tyr, and try telling people like this who wuld happily make the White People they hate so much...their Slaves, with a gun to their head???

So are you saying if 1 small group of people says stupid things IN front of you that you should go find someone you don't know who's saying equally stupid things and correct them instead? how about both?

But I can only deal with so many CRAZY unrealistic FEAR base crap statements at a time.

"Obama would have white slaves if he could" dear Lord that's just outrageous emotionally ginned up talk based in NOTHING.

IF Obama's a Racist then EVERYONE on this board is a racist.

and all of YOU Would have Black Slaves ..IF YOU COULD.
How does that even sound?
it's BS.

Blacks are worse off now than when Obama Took office. He's done NOTHING of note to help black people. and Nothing of note to harm whites specifically. the WHOLE countries is getting the same beating in civil liberties and BS wars and obamacare, jobs and other REAL places.

but the racist stuff is BS WINDOW dressing. to keep people off real issues. a few words here and there and some people think the white race is about to go into slavery?!! THAT'S INSANE!

13 black panthers lookin' mean and 225 million white people are should feel threatened?
It's worse than the Ebola Panic! Don't you think if there was going to be a Racial overthrow More Black panthers than those same 2 guys you keep posting would be around.
Heck there are more whites in 2 cities milltia than all the fanatical wing black panthers U.S. put together. And the original black panthers only feed their neighbors and patrolled their neighborhoods . you cant name 5 white people killed by black panthers in the past 50 years. and of those that you can the cases are extremely questionable.

Can we say the same for the klan? or the various white militia groups? which population should be afraid?
How many Klan members have confess to being on the police forces in recent years. is that something whites need to fear? How many Klan members have confess to being in the military? should whites be afraid?

Please don't wave the black panthers around as some horror. most of folks here probably don't even have black panther chapter within 500-1000 miles of you. and they'd probably number all of 10.
What are you so afraid of? But I'd suspect each of us would be able to throw a rock in your neighborhood or at the job and hit a klansman/white supremacist.
Or a family member of one. Heck Tailfins says some of his family was in the Klan i believe.

I don't understand the abject FEAR especially from people who are as tough as yourselves.

I defended Ron Paul from BS racist attacks, and he had newsletters with his name on them that had some horrific racist BS in them. Obama has NOTHING that comes close on his record. period NOTHING.

Look, here are some people who OUTRIGHT are looking to "protect the black race" no i'm sorry the white race. (but that's different?)
they are WINNING gov't post! should whites be afraid here? or should blacks and other minorities?

Obama hasn't done JACK to hurt whites that he hasn't done to EVERYONE.
And a far as his hatred of white goes, jeez. So he hates his mother? and grands, and his white girlfriends really? you got some PROOF to go along with that CRAZY talk? if not it' you should drop it. I don't want hear about your psychic ability to detect and ferret out the "real" BLACK racism hidden in their hearts but your complete inability EVER see racism in whites as many unapologeticly Spew racial slurs. it's painful to read the hypocrisy.

I wonder if any of the OVERTLY white supremacist running for office will get the venom of you alls principled stand against ALL Racism?
I wonder if any of you will call them racist for their stance or are they just "protecting the white brothers"

11-02-2014, 09:02 PM
So are you saying if 1 small group of people says stupid things IN front of you that you should go find someone you don't know who's saying equally stupid things and correct them instead? how about both?

But I can only deal with so many CRAZY unrealistic FEAR base crap statements at a time.

"Obama would have white slaves if he could" dear Lord that's just outrageous emotionally ginned up talk based in NOTHING.

IF Obama's a Racist then EVERYONE on this board is a racist.

and all of YOU Would have Black Slaves ..IF YOU COULD.
How does that even sound?
it's BS.

Blacks are worse off now than when Obama Took office. He's done NOTHING of note to help black people. and Nothing of note to harm whites specifically. the WHOLE countries is getting the same beating in civil liberties and BS wars and obamacare, jobs and other REAL places.

but the racist stuff is BS WINDOW dressing. to keep people off real issues. a few words here and there and some people think the white race is about to go into slavery?!! THAT'S INSANE!

13 black panthers lookin' mean and 225 million white people are should feel threatened?
It's worse than the Ebola Panic! Don't you think if there was going to be a Racial overthrow More Black panthers than those same 2 guys you keep posting would be around.
Heck there are more whites in 2 cities milltia than all the fanatical wing black panthers U.S. put together. And the original black panthers only feed their neighbors and patrolled their neighborhoods . you cant name 5 white people killed by black panthers in the past 50 years. and of those that you can the cases are extremely questionable.

Can we say the same for the klan? or the various white militia groups? which population should be afraid?
How many Klan members have confess to being on the police forces in recent years. is that something whites need to fear? How many Klan members have confess to being in the military? should whites be afraid?

Please don't wave the black panthers around as some horror. most of folks here probably don't even have black panther chapter within 500-1000 miles of you. and they'd probably number all of 10.
What are you so afraid of? But I'd suspect each of us would be able to throw a rock in your neighborhood or at the job and hit a klansman/white supremacist.
Or a family member of one. Heck Tailfins says some of his family was in the Klan i believe.

I don't understand the abject FEAR especially from people who are as tough as yourselves.

I defended Ron Paul from BS racist attacks, and he had newsletters with his name on them that had some horrific racist BS in them. Obama has NOTHING that comes close on his record. period NOTHING.

Look, here are some people who OUTRIGHT are looking to "protect the black race" no i'm sorry the white race. (but that's different?)
they are WINNING gov't post! should whites be afraid here? or should blacks and other minorities?

Obama hasn't done JACK to hurt whites that he hasn't done to EVERYONE.
And a far as his hatred of white goes, jeez. So he hates his mother? and grands, and his white girlfriends really? you got some PROOF to go along with that CRAZY talk? if not it' you should drop it. I don't want hear about your psychic ability to detect and ferret out the "real" BLACK racism hidden in their hearts but your complete inability EVER see racism in whites as many unapologeticly Spew racial slurs. it's painful to read the hypocrisy.

I wonder if any of the OVERTLY white supremacist running for office have black family?
and i wonder if any of you will call them racist for their stance or are they just "protecting the white brothers"

rev. I know I am a racist. The pretender in chief called me a racist several years ago, right after he also called me a Home Grown Terrorist because I am a Veteran.
Look at how easily you rely on the RACIST accusations to SILENCE everyone. That is a tactic most of us recognize as the Prime Tactic of RACISTS.
Now. Go right ahead and defend Obama, the Black Panthers, and the other Racists you defend so well.

11-02-2014, 09:18 PM
rev. I know I am a racist. The pretender in chief called me a racist several years ago, right after he also called me a Home Grown Terrorist because I am a Veteran.
Look at how easily you rely on the RACIST accusations to SILENCE everyone. That is a tactic most of us recognize as the Prime Tactic of RACISTS.
Now. Go right ahead and defend Obama, the Black Panthers, and the other Racists you defend so well.

re-read what i said, and see if i called anyone a racist above?
I asked a series of questions, But if it you claim the label AT, fine. I didn't give it to you.