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View Full Version : `Spider Living In Her Ear`

11-02-2014, 09:06 PM

`So I had a rustling in my ear for a week and went to the doctor to have it checked out this morning. THIS little fella is what they found!`

`The spider set up residence for a full seven days.`
`Ear canals actually serve as pretty comfy homes (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/05/bugs-in-ear-when-sleep_n_888976.html) for critters, says Philip Koehler, Ph.D., an entomology professor at the University of Florida. Koehler told HuffPost that insects -- or, in this case, arachnids -- "are probably entering the canal as harborage, for heat, and/or for moisture."


11-03-2014, 11:16 AM
She looks hot, but sure as hell ain't with no damn spider lurking in her ear! I would have to stick an electric drill in there just to make sure! Hell, I think if it was my own ear I would have to do that. Just gave me chills thinking about what would run through my head if my doctor told me there was a spider living inside me!

11-03-2014, 11:25 AM
These are the things that would make me have nightmares. OMG if there were a spider in my ear I would be screaming get it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until is was out I think I would also vomit