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View Full Version : Salon: “Conservative Christians Would Have Hated Jesus”…

11-03-2014, 03:12 PM
Even as they profess to spread his word, fundamentalists are forgetting Jesus' most important messagehttp://www.salon.com/2014/11/03/why_conservative_christians_would_have_hated_jesus _partner/

11-03-2014, 03:21 PM
And, Conservatives would have used SALON as toilet paper to prevent Liberally Transmitted Stupidity. "LTS"

11-03-2014, 03:27 PM
from the article:

it this way: Godless non-church-going Denmark mandates four weeks of maternity leave before childbirth and fourteen weeks afterward for mothers. Parents of newborn children are assisted with well-baby nurse-practitioner visits in their homes.

Unrelated to Love, or Christianity. Frankly, it's probably shows Denmark treading on the fiscal rights of others for such policies. :( AND its sexist.

Generally, the author is spot-on, especially how folks try to define Jesus and conform Him to a book; instead of the other way around. People worship the bible MORE than God.

11-03-2014, 03:40 PM
People tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was very rebellious for his time. He sought extensive changes to the existing society and how it was governed.
Jesus preached love and tolerance for everyone. Conservatives preach love and tolerance for Anglo Christian males.

11-03-2014, 03:46 PM
People tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was very rebellious for his time. He sought extensive changes to the existing society and how it was governed.
Jesus preached love and tolerance for everyone. Conservatives preach love and tolerance for Anglo Christian males.

Conservatives teach "Let each man care for his own life". Conservatives want people to rise or fall on the merrits of their hard work. Liberals, OTOH, teach tolerance ONLY for anything that attacks or diminishes Anglo Males.

Liberals are, as a group, just awful and borderline evil people in their actions and policies. I can't figure out why they are so full of hate, but that's between them and their god.

11-03-2014, 03:51 PM
Conservatives teach "Let each man care for his own life". Conservatives want people to rise or fall on the merrits of their hard work. Liberals, OTOH, teach tolerance ONLY for anything that attacks or diminishes Anglo Males.

Liberals are, as a group, just awful and borderline evil people in their actions and policies. I can't figure out why they are so full of hate, but that's between them and their god.

You are using the same broad brush that I did. Everyone doesn't live the exact same way and espouse the same values.

If Jesus came back today, he would preach love and tolerance for all people. Including liberals, conservatives, gays, straights, Muslims, Jews, Christians, blacks, whites and all other races and creeds.
I think Jesus would be extremely disturbed by the amount of religious and racial hatred in the modern world.

11-03-2014, 04:57 PM
You are using the same broad brush that I did. Everyone doesn't live the exact same way and espouse the same values.

If Jesus came back today, he would preach love and tolerance for all people. Including liberals, conservatives, gays, straights, Muslims, Jews, Christians, blacks, whites and all other races and creeds.
I think Jesus would be extremely disturbed by the amount of religious and racial hatred in the modern world.

Jesus talked about Sin.
this ONE fact would have liberals in a tizzy.

Jesus talked about Hell with burning flames.
this would put the rest them over the cliff.

Jesus said "I AM the way, the Truth, and the Life NO ONE comes to the Father But by me."
Liberals would try to crucify him at this point.

Jesus does love everyone, but it's HIS way. not some generic ozzy 'I'll never say your wrong in anything just believe whatever you want and do your best kiddo' sorta way.

Jesus said very little about gov't. this would make a lot of conservatives uncomfortable.
Several times the disciples said 'is the KINGDOM coming NOW'. "Kingdom" meaning the Reign of God on earth from Jerusalem.
Jesus put them off again and again and told them that the kingdom of God would come suddenly and without warning in God's own time.

Parts of the Church never got that and have been trying to create a "kingdom of God on earth" in various ways ever since. a noble Goal but ultimately ..it ain't gonna happen.

Jesus never said anything thing about MANDATORY or FORCED "giving" to the poor or "moral living". He stressed all must come from the heart or it's ultimately worthless.

Statist Liberals and Conservatives don't understand that. and want the gov't to force people to do what THEY think Jesus wants OTHERS to do.

the Bible overall tells us the Gov't has a role to play in the general order of society but that it's should be limited.

there's a lot to be said but If Jesus were alive today the Mainstream of neither party would have much use form him.
He wouldn't back either agendas.

11-03-2014, 05:07 PM
I've asked before, If Jesus were running for President would you vote for him?

Anyone honestly believe Jesus would support torture, forgive those who called for it and did it without exposing it?
or spying on everyone to keep you safe?
Invading countries because they MIGHT attack U.S.?
Killing Muslims willy nilly with no concern for "collateral damage"?
Would he ignore what's gone before in that regard you think?

Does the left really think he'd FORCE rich people to give money to the poor or health care?
can anyone show me ONE example of that?

Jesus compelled by love and truth,
He pointed to the right way but did not force a soul.
the rich man went away sad because he would not give up his riches.
the adulterous woman was told to go and sin no more.

11-03-2014, 05:09 PM
I've asked before, If Jesus were running for President would you vote for him?

Hmm, what's his position on corporate tax reform? :scared:

11-03-2014, 06:22 PM
People tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was very rebellious for his time. He sought extensive changes to the existing society and how it was governed.

Jesus preached love and tolerance for everyone. Conservatives preach love and tolerance for Anglo Christian males.

Jesus nowhere taught tolerance of sin. You simply outright blatantly and with malice lie in this comment.

Jesus taught obedience to His Father's will, love for mankind (which includes showing someone when they are in sin), and a focus on living in such a way that one can gain the hope of Heaven.

11-03-2014, 07:42 PM
Jesus nowhere taught tolerance of sin. You simply outright blatantly and with malice lie in this comment.

Jesus taught obedience to His Father's will, love for mankind (which includes showing someone when they are in sin), and a focus on living in such a way that one can gain the hope of Heaven.
".............Thy will be done"

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2014, 08:09 PM
Jesus nowhere taught tolerance of sin. You simply outright blatantly and with malice lie in this comment.

Jesus taught obedience to His Father's will, love for mankind (which includes showing someone when they are in sin), and a focus on living in such a way that one can gain the hope of Heaven.

Jesus threw the "money changers" out of the Temple and did not do so in a gentle way.. . Jesus taught love the sinner but not the sin..

Jesus taught to oppose evil not tolerate or be indifferent towards it. Gabs was wrong on that and if a true Christian she would know better. I haven't a clue what her religion is. -Tyr

11-03-2014, 09:13 PM
People tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was very rebellious for his time. He sought extensive changes to the existing society and how it was governed. Jesus preached love and tolerance for everyone. Conservatives preach love and tolerance for Anglo Christian males.
No, Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophets. He did not condone tolerance for sins. His beef with the Pharisees was that they burdened others with laws that were not part of the law of Moses.

Before passing judgement as to the shortcomings of us right wingers, you would do well to recite this verse of scripture from the gospel of Matthew in front of a mirror....

"Brother let me remove the speck that is in your eye, when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye"

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

11-03-2014, 10:48 PM
Jesus threw the "money changers" out of the Temple and did not do so in a gentle way.. . Jesus taught love the sinner but not the sin..

Jesus taught to oppose evil not tolerate or be indifferent towards it. Gabs was wrong on that and if a true Christian she would know better. I haven't a clue what her religion is. -Tyr

Jesus had love for people and dislike for sin. He prayed for those who sinned.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

red state
11-03-2014, 11:54 PM
Jesus talked about Sin.
this ONE fact would have liberals in a tizzy.

Jesus talked about Hell with burning flames.
this would put the rest them over the cliff.

Jesus said "I AM the way, the Truth, and the Life NO ONE comes to the Father But by me."
Liberals would try to crucify him at this point.

Jesus does love everyone, but it's HIS way. not some generic ozzy 'I'll never say your wrong in anything just believe whatever you want and do your best kiddo' sorta way.

Jesus said very little about gov't. this would make a lot of conservatives uncomfortable.
Several times the disciples said 'is the KINGDOM coming NOW'. "Kingdom" meaning the Reign of God on earth from Jerusalem.
Jesus put them off again and again and told them that the kingdom of God would come suddenly and without warning in God's own time.

Parts of the Church never got that and have been trying to create a "kingdom of God on earth" in various ways ever since. a noble Goal but ultimately ..it ain't gonna happen.

Jesus never said anything thing about MANDATORY or FORCED "giving" to the poor or "moral living". He stressed all must come from the heart or it's ultimately worthless.

Statist Liberals and Conservatives don't understand that. and want the gov't to force people to do what THEY think Jesus wants OTHERS to do.

the Bible overall tells us the Gov't has a role to play in the general order of society but that it's should be limited.

there's a lot to be said but If Jesus were alive today the Mainstream of neither party would have much use form him.
He wouldn't back either agendas.

Rev, you pretty much nailed it with the above..................:clap:

red state
11-04-2014, 12:30 AM
However, not so much of a "Nailin' it down" with the comment Below.....so I addressed what I feel was a total miss and what I feel was spot on.

I've asked before, If Jesus were running for President would you vote for him? Especially not the left.....Conservatives would, I believe, vote for Jesus. Heck, most of us are waiting on a Washington (anything but what the Repuklicans have thrown our way. But to answer your question.....YES, I'd vote for Jesus. It may hurt but this Nation has gone so far down a twisted road that even a Reagan would hurt but with pain comes MENDING.

Anyone honestly believe Jesus would support torture, forgive those who called for it and did it without exposing it? UUUummmm, No, and I don't feel that water boarding and other stuff is torture and appreciate our "good guys" getting info that SAVES the lives of our own............as ALLEN WEST did when he put the gun to that muSLUM's head and saved his men from an almost certain demise. If I'm wrong on this, let me know but even if water boarding is torture......screw 'em. They started this crap and we need only remember the towers!!!!

or spying on everyone to keep you safe? I don't like the spying either but that is not a conservative thing. I don't feel that Bush was conservative.......he certainly proved that. Anyway, Christ was more for His doctrine and not involved with gov (this time around) BUT, when the time comes, He will, I'm sure, do EVERYTHING needed to keep the peace and security when He returns (with an IRON ROD). He will also declare that it will be His Way or the highway.....and everyone WILL declare Him LORD (as they should declare Him Lord now). As Tyr stated.......Christ was quite the bouncer when He needed to be. Spying or not.......does Christ not know all of our deepest, darkest secrets? duh...

Invading countries because they MIGHT attack U.S.? Again, I'm sure that Christ would be such an excellent strategist and believable guy (as Iran knew Reagan meant business over our hostages over there). When Christ says that OUR enemies will pay for any transgressions I believe they will shake in their boots (if) they even dared to challenge Him prematurely.....so, YES, I believe Christ would (WILL) enforce His laws and secure His kingdom and place as WORLD leader. With a spoken word (as in the Creation) He will cut them all down that rise up to challenge Him. This is in the Bible and speaks of how He will deal with uprisings. Of course, I know from your comments that you are extremely knowledgeable on these things. I feel that you.....like me......allow your old liberal ways to come back up from time to time. That's what I suspect anyway.

Killing Muslims willy nilly with no concern for "collateral damage"? You see, Rev, this is just one more area where we part company.....and I actually hate parting ways cuz I often support you on many topics BUT this kind of stuff (unless I'm misreading you) is where you go off in left field. I don't see our BEST (the military) going willy nilly or unconcerned about collateral damage at all. To the contrary, we (or our BEST in the armed forces.......as does Israel) go out of our way to ensure that "collateral damage" is zilch or the absolute minimum.

Would he ignore what's gone before in that regard you think? Not sure where you were going here.....

Does the left really think he'd FORCE rich people to give money to the poor or health care?
can anyone show me ONE example of that? AGREED.....Christ NEVER, ever even hinted that folks should be forced to pay anything to anyone...............especially to the lazy! This was a fantastic response and I am certain that I didn't mis-read you on this one. The left would have a hard time explaining the lil' old, starving women who gave EVERYTHING she had (even though it was very little and insignificant to others). The left doesn't realize or WANT to know how EXTREMELY charitable the Conservative/CHRISTian people are. It would boggle their mind as to what we GIVE just as most of them totally miss the concept of tithing.

Jesus compelled by love and truth,
He pointed to the right way but did not force a soul. Yes, unlike iSLUM or the LEFT who "think" they are using iSLUM to gain more power. Like Hitler, the muSLUMs have a BIG surprise for the leftist.......wait on it.

the rich man went away sad because he would not give up his riches. It is easier for a camel to enter the "eye of a needle"......but does that mean that it is impossible for the wealthy to be saved? No. If anyone knows what the "eye" was, they'd understand that it was the stubborness of the camel and not the "eye" or the wealth that dooms.

the adulterous woman was told to go and sin no more. Yes, but we all fall and Christ knew this.....which is why we need HIM and His gift through His perfect blood.

However, not so much of a "Nailin' it down" with the comment above.....

11-04-2014, 01:30 AM
I've asked before, If Jesus were running for President would you vote for him? Especially not the left.....Conservatives would, I believe, vote for Jesus. Heck, most of us are waiting on a Washington (anything but what the Repuklicans have thrown our way. But to answer your question.....YES, I'd vote for Jesus. It may hurt but this Nation has gone so far down a twisted road that even a Reagan would hurt but with pain comes MENDING.

Anyone honestly believe Jesus would support torture, forgive those who called for it and did it without exposing it? UUUummmm, No, and I don't feel that water boarding and other stuff is torture and appreciate our "good guys" getting info that SAVES the lives of our own............as ALLEN WEST did when he put the gun to that muSLUM's head and saved his men from an almost certain demise. If I'm wrong on this, let me know but even if water boarding is torture......screw 'em. They started this crap and we need only remember the towers!!!!

or spying on everyone to keep you safe? I don't like the spying either but that is not a conservative thing. I don't feel that Bush was conservative.......he certainly proved that. Anyway, Christ was more for His doctrine and not involved with gov (this time around) BUT, when the time comes, He will, I'm sure, do EVERYTHING needed to keep the peace and security when He returns (with an IRON ROD). He will also declare that it will be His Way or the highway.....and everyone WILL declare Him LORD (as they should declare Him Lord now). As Tyr stated.......Christ was quite the bouncer when He needed to be. Spying or not.......does Christ not know all of our deepest, darkest secrets? duh...

Invading countries because they MIGHT attack U.S.? Again, I'm sure that Christ would be such an excellent strategist and believable guy (as Iran knew Reagan meant business over our hostages over there). When Christ says that OUR enemies will pay for any transgressions I believe they will shake in their boots (if) they even dared to challenge Him prematurely.....so, YES, I believe Christ would (WILL) enforce His laws and secure His kingdom and place as WORLD leader. With a spoken word (as in the Creation) He will cut them all down that rise up to challenge Him. This is in the Bible and speaks of how He will deal with uprisings. Of course, I know from your comments that you are extremely knowledgeable on these things. I feel that you.....like me......allow your old liberal ways to come back up from time to time. That's what I suspect anyway.

Killing Muslims willy nilly with no concern for "collateral damage"? You see, Rev, this is just one more area where we part company.....and I actually hate parting ways cuz I often support you on many topics BUT this kind of stuff (unless I'm misreading you) is where you go off in left field. I don't see our BEST (the military) going willy nilly or unconcerned about collateral damage at all. To the contrary, we (or our BEST in the armed forces.......as does Israel) go out of our way to ensure that "collateral damage" is zilch or the absolute minimum.

Would he ignore what's gone before in that regard you think? Not sure where you were going here.....

Does the left really think he'd FORCE rich people to give money to the poor or health care?
can anyone show me ONE example of that? AGREED.....Christ NEVER, ever even hinted that folks should be forced to pay anything to anyone...............especially to the lazy! This was a fantastic response and I am certain that I didn't mis-read you on this one. The left would have a hard time explaining the lil' old, starving women who gave EVERYTHING she had (even though it was very little and insignificant to others). The left doesn't realize or WANT to know how EXTREMELY charitable the Conservative/CHRISTian people are. It would boggle their mind as to what we GIVE just as most of them totally miss the concept of tithing.

Jesus compelled by love and truth,
He pointed to the right way but did not force a soul. Yes, unlike iSLUM or the LEFT who "think" they are using iSLUM to gain more power. Like Hitler, the muSLUMs have a BIG surprise for the leftist.......wait on it.

the rich man went away sad because he would not give up his riches. It is easier for a camel to enter the "eye of a needle"......but does that mean that it is impossible for the wealthy to be saved? No. If anyone knows what the "eye" was, they'd understand that it was the stubborness of the camel and not the "eye" or the wealth that dooms.

the adulterous woman was told to go and sin no more. Yes, but we all fall and Christ knew this.....which is why we need HIM and His gift through His perfect blood.

no one agrees on everything , we all have our own journeys.
But, on the torture bits, the torture thread goes over my understanding of that pretty thoroughly.
but in 2 lines, In the inquisition water boarding was called torture, when the USSR wrote it up in there instructions it was called torture, when the SEALS train to resist it it's called torture, when the police did to prisons in jail in Texas they went to jail for torture and abuse. seems to me it's torture.

Concerning what called 'willy nilly' and you call 'doing our best '
what are "Signature strikes"
The attack was what has come to be called a "signature strike." This is when the CIA or the military makes the decision to fire based not on who the targets are but on whether they are exhibiting suspicious patterns of behavior thought to be "signatures" of terrorists (as seen on video from the drone). Given that the CIA is killing people it's never identified based on their behavior, one would assume a certain rigor has gone into defining the criteria for the kinds of behavior that get one killed.

So what's a signature behavior? "The definition is a male between the ages of 20 and 40," former ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter told the Daily Beast's Tara McKelvey (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/11/20/a-former-ambassador-to-pakistan-speaks-out.html). "My feeling is one man's combatant is another man's -- well, a chump who went to a meeting." The New York Times quoted (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/29/world/obamas-leadership-in-war-on-al-qaeda.html?pagewanted=all) a senior State Department official as saying that when the CIA sees "three guys doing jumping jacks," the agency thinks it is a terrorist training camp. "


that's willy nilly imo.

11-04-2014, 08:01 AM
You are using the same broad brush that I did. Everyone doesn't live the exact same way and espouse the same values.

i am because what i wrote IS liberalism. One is dishonest to claim a moniker but just dismiss-away every association.

If Jesus came back today, he would preach love and tolerance for all people. Including liberals, conservatives, gays, straights, Muslims, Jews, Christians, blacks, whites and all other races and creeds.
I think Jesus would be extremely disturbed by the amount of religious and racial hatred in the modern world.
You think jesus preached tolerance for the religious leaders of the day? Think he preached tolerance for crimes against people at the hands of their government? What jesus would preach against Exactly defines the idealology of today's liberals: steal from the worker and give to the lazy; kill a baby because the baby isnt convienent; lie as a matter of policy to gain power over the ignorant; only the non-white males can ever be offended!

christ loves liberals; he's just sad liberals choose to be such dickheads to society.

red state
11-04-2014, 08:45 AM
no one agrees on everything , we all have our own journeys.

that's willy nilly imo.

Unlike some, I did read your entire post BUT am not convinced of anything other than what you said in the highlighted/singled out quote above. I've even PM'd you about how we think alike YET are so different in other topics. Still, you are one of the VERY best posters at DP without question and I can respect that about you even if/when we disagree to agree and that truly is no willy nilly attribute to be taken lightly. In fact, I take such respect among posters very seriously.

Don't know what to think about the rest of your post only to say that I'll not toss the entire crop over a few bad apples. I still say that we go out of our way to avoid "collateral damage" and leave it at that.

red state
11-04-2014, 08:48 AM
i am because what i wrote IS liberalism. One is dishonest to claim a moniker but just dismiss-away every association.

You think jesus preached tolerance for the religious leaders of the day? Think he preached tolerance for crimes against people at the hands of their government? What jesus would preach against Exactly defines the idealology of today's liberals: steal from the worker and give to the lazy; kill a baby because the baby isnt convienent; lie as a matter of policy to gain power over the ignorant; only the non-white males can ever be offended!

christ loves liberals; he's just sad liberals choose to be such dickheads to society.

Sorry....it isn't a seven clapper or more but it certainly earned at least four claps. THANKS!

11-04-2014, 09:07 AM
thanks red

... and I can respect that about you even if/when we disagree to agree and that truly is no willy nilly attribute to be taken lightly. In fact, I take such respect among posters very seriously.


Don't know what to think about the rest of your post only to say that I'll not toss the entire crop over a few bad apples. I still say that we go out of our way to avoid "collateral damage" and leave it at that.
That's your view, but honestly i don't see how we are TRYING OUR BEST, when we often have ZERO idea who the people are we are killing. they "look like" they might be terrorist? what the heck is that?
in the film link i aatached one of the drone controllers says that living in the mountains of Afghanistan it's like the mountains of Montana, if you see 3 guys with guns you really should think nothing of it, everyone has guns. But he was commanded to kill 3 guys just walking along with guns just because "guys with guns" fit the profile. No intel on who they were at all, where they were going, what they were doing, ZIP. He said that happened regularly and wished he'd never been a part of it.

the film goes on to report a known and announced tribal council meeting over local affair that was drone struck just because it was a seen from above as a "terrorist meeting" . nearly 40 people killed many injured none known terrorist.

then there's the habit of striking "terrorist" at funerals and then 20-40 min later striking the ambulance and people coming to help the wounded.

I'm not sure how that can be considered doing our best by any definition.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2014, 09:16 AM
Jesus had love for people and dislike for sin. He prayed for those who sinned.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

People tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was very rebellious for his time. He sought extensive changes to the existing society and how it was governed.
Jesus preached love and tolerance for everyone. Conservatives preach love and tolerance for Anglo Christian males.

^^^^ Your first post on this subject in this thread.
No Gabby, Jesus taught love for everyone but not -TOLERANCE-.
Tolerance would be to ignore the sins they engage in and never call attention to such evil and that is exactly how the libs want it . Allow evil to flourish and grow unmolested. Such Jesus never taught for had he taught that then his actions(tossing the money changers out) in the Temple (His Father's House) would have been a sin and he breaking his own advice and commands.
Everything he did was recorded so that we can use it to pattern our lives.
His actions in the temple are recorded as a lesson to us all.



Jesus Cleanses the Temple
15Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves; 16and He would not permit anyone to carry merchandise through the temple.…

Cross References

Matthew 21:12
Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

◄ Mark 11:15 ►

Parallel Verses

New International Version
On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves,

New Living Translation
When they arrived back in Jerusalem, Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people buying and selling animals for sacrifices. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves,

English Standard Version
And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.

New American Standard Bible
Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves;

King James Bible
And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

Holman Christian Standard Bible
They came to Jerusalem, and He went into the temple complex and began to throw out those buying and selling in the temple. He overturned the money changers' tables and the chairs of those selling doves,

International Standard Version
When they came to Jerusalem, he went into the Temple and began to throw out those who were selling and those who were buying in the Temple. He overturned the moneychangers' tables and the chairs of those who sold doves.

NET Bible
Then they came to Jerusalem. Jesus entered the temple area and began to drive out those who were selling and buying in the temple courts. He turned over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves,

I do not ever give my advice on the bible without knowing my stuff on it..
Jesus did not teach-- blanket tolerance ---for to do so would have denied the Laws set forth by his Father. --Tyr

Next --

People tend to overlook the fact that Jesus was very rebellious for his time. He sought extensive changes to the existing society and how it was governed.

^^^^^ No, Jesus never taught or commanded change in the way/method you just described.



Paying Taxes to Caesar
…16They brought one. And He said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" And they said to Him, "Caesar's." 17And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him.

Cross References

Matthew 8:10
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, "Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.

Parallel Verses

New International Version
Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him.

New Living Translation
"Well, then," Jesus said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God." His reply completely amazed them.

English Standard Version
Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.

New American Standard Bible
And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him.

King James Bible
And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
Then Jesus told them, "Give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him.

International Standard Version
So Jesus told them, "Give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were utterly amazed at him.

NET Bible
Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were utterly amazed at him.

Gabs , best get your ducks in a row when quoting scripture my friend.
I will call you on any of that you do which is in error.
You are free, as is anybody, to disagree but I'll cite the verses each time not broaden and generalize them. -Tyr

11-04-2014, 09:39 AM
Jesus said "Go and sin no more".