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View Full Version : Michelle Obama Goes Full-Racist: Blacks Must Blindly Vote For Democrats

11-03-2014, 05:38 PM
Nothing classier than a First Lady engaging in shameless race baiting.
Via Brietbart (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/11/03/FLOTUS-No-Matter-Whos-on-the-Ballot-Our-Community-Should-Always-Vote-For-Dem-Ticket?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=breitbarttv):

Monday on TV One, a cable channel who’s programming is geared for African-American adults, first lady Michelle Obama told Roland Martin the candidate on the ballot and what they say or do should not matter to African-Americans because voting for a straight Democratic ticket best serves their communities.
The first lady said, “Thats my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, It’s not about person on that ballot, its about you, and for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on regardless of who said what or did this, that shouldn’t even come into the equation.”


11-03-2014, 06:05 PM
So that would mean voting for any WHITE democrats candidates as well... which makes it even more full on racist i guess?:rolleyes:

And someone saying that all Christians should vote republican makes them? what?

11-03-2014, 06:16 PM
She is simply playing to the idea of identity politics. The attempt is pretty transparent and pretty much expected from this First Lady.

11-03-2014, 06:21 PM
And there was a time when blacks encouraged each other to vote strait republican. was it racist then?

11-03-2014, 06:25 PM
And there was a time when blacks encouraged each other to vote strait republican. was it racist then?

What is racist is the idea of voting solely based on the color of skin, or solely based on fraudulent idea that conservatives want the worst for someone because of the color of their skin.

11-03-2014, 06:31 PM
Nothing classier than a First Lady engaging in shameless race baiting.
Via Brietbart (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/11/03/FLOTUS-No-Matter-Whos-on-the-Ballot-Our-Community-Should-Always-Vote-For-Dem-Ticket?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=breitbarttv):

Monday on TV One, a cable channel who’s programming is geared for African-American adults, first lady Michelle Obama told Roland Martin the candidate on the ballot and what they say or do should not matter to African-Americans because voting for a straight Democratic ticket best serves their communities.
The first lady said, “Thats my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, It’s not about person on that ballot, its about you, and for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on regardless of who said what or did this, that shouldn’t even come into the equation.”


Using her chain of thought, and disgusting Liberal Hatred here. "I HAVE NEVER BEEN PROUD OF AMERICA'S FIRST LADY".

11-03-2014, 06:38 PM
What is racist is the idea of voting solely based on the color of skin, or solely based on fraudulent idea that conservatives want the worst for someone because of the color of their skin.

Blacks have been voting for whites since the day they've had the vote. And will continue to without hesitation or problem.
And when JFK was running more Irish Catholics voted Democrat that before. the novelty, pride and hope that it'd make thing better is a factor, but it's not fueled by hated of other races. If you want to call that "racism" ok go ahead.

11-03-2014, 06:42 PM
Blacks have been voting for whites since the day they've had the vote. And will continue to without hesitation or problem.
And when JFK was running more Irish Catholics voted Democrat that before. the novelty, pride and hope that it'd make thing better is a factor, but it's not fueled by hated of other races. If you want to call that "racism" ok go ahead.

Your apparent understanding of the current environment. :)

11-03-2014, 06:55 PM
One question? Do black people "hate" Bill Clinton?

What "environment" are you talking about?
Blacks will vote for anyone they think will support their views.
at this point in time the majority lean left ideologically.

If Hillary Clinton ran against Herman Cain.
Sadly most blacks would vote democrat. period.
If Bill Clinton ran AGAIN it'd be a landslide. laws against 3 time pez be hanged.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-03-2014, 07:53 PM
Blacks have been voting for whites since the day they've had the vote. And will continue to without hesitation or problem.
And when JFK was running more Irish Catholics voted Democrat that before. the novelty, pride and hope that it'd make thing better is a factor, but it's not fueled by hated of other races. If you want to call that "racism" ok go ahead.

I call bullshit on that utter rot Rev.
You declare that blacks do not vote with hatred for whites in their hearts is a lie. Hatred and contempt very likely is the major motivation factor second only to the freebies they want and expect from the "vote buying dems"...
Surely, you are NOT this damn clueless. If you are then you have my sympathy, because I imagined you far, far more intelligent than that..-Tyr

11-03-2014, 08:49 PM
Nothing classier than a First Lady engaging in shameless race baiting.
Via Brietbart (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/11/03/FLOTUS-No-Matter-Whos-on-the-Ballot-Our-Community-Should-Always-Vote-For-Dem-Ticket?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=breitbarttv):
The first lady said, “Thats my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, It’s not about person on that ballot, its about you, and for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on regardless of who said what or did this, that shouldn’t even come into the equation.”

Meh, what did you expect her to say? A Republican ticket is the clear ticket that you should be voting on regardless of who said what or did this, that shouldn't even come into the equation.

11-03-2014, 08:56 PM
I can't stand this woman. I wish she would fall down the stairs too. Stick her face in some dough and make some gorilla cookies!


11-03-2014, 09:03 PM

11-03-2014, 09:11 PM
I call bullshit on that utter rot Rev.
You declare that blacks do not vote with hatred for whites in their hearts is a lie. Hatred and contempt very likely is the major motivation factor second only to the freebies they want and expect from the "vote buying dems"...

so how exactly to you know about this "hatred in their hearts for whites" Tyr?
For me to come to the same intelligent conclusion as you on this I need some hard evidence.
and I'd like to know if any white people vote against blacks because of hatred in their hearts or is it fear?

I'm just curious , are we just suppose to "know" about this internal motivation of all blacks (except the GOP blacks) somehow?
Like that NYpoliceman who use to come here "knew" who the potheaded pot lovers were?

And If blacks didn't have this hate in their hearts would they all suddenly vote R?

No wonder some whites are afraid of blacks if they think all blacks hate whites. Geez lousie that's horrible to imagine the fear that'd put in whites if they all believed that lie.

11-03-2014, 11:00 PM
Only lazy, foolish and narrow minded people vote straight tickets. I have never done it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2014, 08:46 AM

so how exactly to you know about this "hatred in their hearts for whites" Tyr?
For me to come to the same intelligent conclusion as you on this I need some hard evidence.
and I'd like to know if any white people vote against blacks because of hatred in their hearts or is it fear?

I'm just curious , are we just suppose to "know" about this internal motivation of all blacks (except the GOP blacks) somehow?
Like that NYpoliceman who use to come here "knew" who the potheaded pot lovers were?

And If blacks didn't have this hate in their hearts would they all suddenly vote R?

No wonder some whites are afraid of blacks if they think all blacks hate whites. Geez lousie that's horrible to imagine the fear that'd put in whites if they all believed that lie.

how to know...
are you blind?
knock out game, race riots, murder rape and robbery at the highest level per population, their rap music expresses that hatred, their comments, books and articles do too.
You must not get out much and deal with them in public . They have this ffkk you attitude towards whites that so obvious even when they are smarting off in replying to a question.
Your blinders must be --HUGE

Good God, I never thought you this damn clueless before!!
Blacks are ten times more racist than whites are now--why shouldn't they be --the dem party and government just keeps telling them how bad whitey treats them?
Yet apparently you think they are too stupid to respond to that propaganda.

I wish I had a dime for every time I have heard a black say , "that white mutherffkkkeerr". And that because some white had to explain some very simple and obvious thing the idiot was doing while ignoring the rights of everybody else.

Where the hell do you live that these blacks are such good and unbiased people!???????????????????????????????????????????--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-04-2014, 08:50 AM
Only lazy, foolish and narrow minded people vote straight tickets. I have never done it.

^^^^^^^ Thank you for describing the monolithic black vote gabby. And what Muchell Obama begged for more of!!!

Always knew there was at least one honest bone in your body. ;)-Tyr

red state
11-04-2014, 08:59 AM
Tyr, you have a good point. It was their ONLY vote in voting for 'a' white man but they DID vote for what they thought they could get out of it (not what THEY could do with their vote in making a change).

Still, you have a few like Martin Luther King's wife who sees the damage that political parties can do to certain folks and you are correct that MANY blacks will/has voted BLACK simply because of the BLACK. I don't see this with other folks. A big majority of whites voted for blacks. Heck, If I had my way, I would have voted CAIN (aka black) last time around and have ALWAYS been hopeful that Allen West (black) would have ran for president. You simply can't say that about MOST black voters and when a black is running (as with a FORD in Memphis/TN) they will vote FORD/BLK regardless of what the FORDS do and have done. PERIOD!!!!

In Rev's defense, it is true that many of B.O.'s "voting white" voted for him exclusively because of his color......then the others out of ignorance and an evil leftist agenda BUT for those few who voted out of some white guilt from all the way back from slavery days....shame on you all!

11-04-2014, 09:50 AM
what's Obozo done for blacks?? more poverty and higher crime.

11-04-2014, 10:53 AM
how to know...
are you blind?
knock out game, race riots, murder rape and robbery at the highest level per population, their rap music expresses that hatred, their comments, books and articles do too.
You must not get out much and deal with them in public . They have this ffkk you attitude towards whites that so obvious even when they are smarting off in replying to a question.
Your blinders must be --HUGE

Good God, I never thought you this damn clueless before!!
Blacks are ten times more racist than whites are now--why shouldn't they be --the dem party and government just keeps telling them how bad whitey treats them?
Yet apparently you think they are too stupid to respond to that propaganda.

I wish I had a dime for every time I have heard a black say , "that white mutherffkkkeerr". And that because some white had to explain some very simple and obvious thing the idiot was doing while ignoring the rights of everybody else.

Where the hell do you live that these blacks are such good and unbiased people!???????????????????????????????????????????--Tyr

Check out the #s for Black violence and crime on Blacks Tyr.
Whites are safe by comparison. by real numbers and percentage.

so they are racist against themselves as well then?

knock out game? that proves all blacks hate whites? really?
All Blacks are playing the knock out game now really?

Race riots? LOL! how many of those have any of you be caught in? your families?
please list these riots for me and the where they happened. mostly in black neighborhoods.
but that still means they hate whites. no mater who the victims are.

rape music? so some ghetto thug wanna be's singing some few things bad about whites in a rare sprinkling of songs promo'd on fox news song means all blacks hate all whites. White kids are buying more rap than blacks, and Ask yourself this question who owns the record companies that produce and make the most money off that BS music that most adult blacks don't take seriously and want changed?

But ok using you logic here.
All those white guys that have joined the Klan and neo nazi groups, means conclusively that all whites hate all blacks. the percentage of whites joining the klan and neo nazi supremacist groups is 99.9% therefore ergo facto all whites hate all blacks in their hearts.
Because well... IT DOES are you BLIND!!!

11-04-2014, 12:10 PM
^^^^^^^ Thank you for describing the monolithic black vote gabby. And what Muchell Obama begged for more of!!!

Since Blacks hate whites in their hearts why would Michelle O have to beg, encourage, cajole Blacks to vote D?

Something has dawned on me here.
some of you are Exactly like the hardcore feminist who say that "ALL men Hate women, and ALL men are Rapist. All men ever do is oppress women. Even when they "love" them."
They'll pull out the "evidence" and deny anything contrary. Because they KNOW it's true, It's obvious ...for thousands of years..., and in America today too. nothings changed.

I guess they are right, All men hate all women and all blacks hate all whites. it's obvious.

of course I suspect some will say "that's different!"

11-04-2014, 01:00 PM
I am guessing that many of you who are railing at the First Lady for advocating a straight ticket vote are going to go out and vote a straight ticket.

11-04-2014, 01:02 PM
Nothing classier than a First Lady engaging in shameless race baiting.
Via Brietbart (http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/11/03/FLOTUS-No-Matter-Whos-on-the-Ballot-Our-Community-Should-Always-Vote-For-Dem-Ticket?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=breitbarttv):
Monday on TV One, a cable channel who’s programming is geared for African-American adults, first lady Michelle Obama told Roland Martin the candidate on the ballot and what they say or do should not matter to African-Americans because voting for a straight Democratic ticket best serves their communities.
The first lady said, “Thats my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, It’s not about person on that ballot, its about you, and for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on regardless of who said what or did this, that shouldn’t even come into the equation.”


Blindly is right.....since Democrats have done more to harm blacks, especially middle class blacks, than any Republican old white guy ever could have. Alas, many (if not most) of them are still too SOS to get that (yet).

11-04-2014, 01:06 PM
Blindly is right.....since Democrats have done more to harm blacks, especially middle class blacks, than any Republican old white guy ever could have. Alas, many (if not most) of them are still too SOS to get that (yet).

So why did blacks overwhelming vote Democratic in 2012? Why did Latinos vote the same way? Not to mention women and young people.
Republicans can only survive as the party of old white males for so long. Then what will they do?

11-04-2014, 02:06 PM
So why did blacks overwhelming vote Democratic in 2012? Why did Latinos vote the same way? Not to mention women and young people.
Republicans can only survive as the party of old white males for so long. Then what will they do?

Gabby. As someone who has always CLAIMED to be so much smarter, and more highly educated than everyone else here on DP. You intentionally didn't answer your own WHY question because YOU KNOW blacks overwhelmingly vote for Democrats because the Democrats prevent them from being informed, educated, or given access to HONEST facts.

11-05-2014, 04:29 PM
So why did blacks overwhelming vote Democratic in 2012? Why did Latinos vote the same way? Not to mention women and young people.
Republicans can only survive as the party of old white males for so long. Then what will they do?

As much as the dems would love to think of hispanic voters the same way as blacks, they just aren't. They come from too many different countries and cultures, they aren't a voting block and they don't vote alike.

The white electorate is pretty much split down the middle between the two parties, independents win the elections. Hispanics, even now, are pretty close to voting the same way. They lean dem., but I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking dems. own the hispanic vote.


11-05-2014, 04:35 PM
Gabby. As someone who has always CLAIMED to be so much smarter, and more highly educated than everyone else here on DP. You intentionally didn't answer your own WHY question because YOU KNOW blacks overwhelmingly vote for Democrats because the Democrats prevent them from being informed, educated, or given access to HONEST facts.

As for gabby asking, WHAT WILL THEY DO? Simple. Get rid of Old White Ladies who come from California claiming to be smarter than the average Liberal Idiot.

11-05-2014, 04:35 PM
Democrats can only survive as the party of old white bitches for so long. Then what will they do?


11-05-2014, 04:37 PM
Democrats can only survive as the party of old white bitches for so long. Then what will they do?


Anyone notice the acute resemblance between Pelosi, and Mooshell??? PIGMENT has nothing to do with vacuum between ears.

11-05-2014, 04:47 PM
Anyone notice the acute resemblance between Pelosi, and Mooshell??? PIGMENT has nothing to do with vacuum between ears.


should be room for Boxer, waters and all the mentally ill in CA

11-05-2014, 05:39 PM
So why did blacks overwhelming vote Democratic in 2012? Why did Latinos vote the same way? Not to mention women and young people.
Republicans can only survive as the party of old white males for so long. Then what will they do?

And yet the (R)'s just took the senate, and took the house to record levels. If what you say is 100% accurate, imagine if the GOP even brings over a few from each of the categories you speak of? Also, many people in the last 2 elections voted on "hope and change" <---- and then saw none of it at all, only worse, and from both the White House AND the congress. The point is, people want results. Not only did the Dems have the WH, they had everything at the same time, and still failed to get shit done. Many liberals complained about foreign policy and our standing throughout the world. Obama screwed up on almost every single level here. The only remote level of success was him saying "yes" to the seals to go in and kill Osama.

Seriously, Gabs, tell us about the hope and change. What did you expect prior and what do you see now? Did you get the change you were promised? Can you be specific? Can you list perhaps 5 successes that the democrat congress brought us in the past 2 years? And who do you see as candidates from the (D) side for president? Hillary with all of her baggage, ever growing? Perhaps, Harry Reid, Pelosi? Boxer?

If the folks above were so much more leaning towards the democrats, no way the election be such a landslide as it was yesterday. No way congress has an absolutely shit approval rating. No way the president has one of the lowest approval ratings of all time. It's all failure on that side right now, and you want us to believe that's what the people want more of?

11-05-2014, 05:49 PM
And yet the (R)'s just took the senate, and took the house to record levels. If what you say is 100% accurate, imagine if the GOP even brings over a few from each of the categories you speak of? Also, many people in the last 2 elections voted on "hope and change" <---- and then saw none of it at all, only worse, and from both the White House AND the congress. The point is, people want results. Not only did the Dems have the WH, they had everything at the same time, and still failed to get shit done. Many liberals complained about foreign policy and our standing throughout the world. Obama screwed up on almost every single level here. The only remote level of success was him saying "yes" to the seals to go in and kill Osama.

Seriously, Gabs, tell us about the hope and change. What did you expect prior and what do you see now? Did you get the change you were promised? Can you be specific? Can you list perhaps 5 successes that the democrat congress brought us in the past 2 years? And who do you see as candidates from the (D) side for president? Hillary with all of her baggage, ever growing? Perhaps, Harry Reid, Pelosi? Boxer?

If the folks above were so much more leaning towards the democrats, no way the election be such a landslide as it was yesterday. No way congress has an absolutely shit approval rating. No way the president has one of the lowest approval ratings of all time. It's all failure on that side right now, and you want us to believe that's what the people want more of?

Jim. Just a reminder. Gabby is the ONLY member here who believes she is as smart as she claims to be.:laugh:

11-05-2014, 06:34 PM
And yet the (R)'s just took the senate, and took the house to record levels. If what you say is 100% accurate, imagine if the GOP even brings over a few from each of the categories you speak of? ...

Devil's advocate but I think much of the results was due to turnout. An excited Republican base and a demoralized Democrat base with no excitement from the independents. I could easily be wrong but it's certainly going to be different in two years when everyone is focused on the POTUS. It's going to take getting people to want to vote for our candidate as opposed just wanting to vote against BO and reject his policies. We need a good candidate, preferably a governor with a great track record, that can explain why they should be getting the vote. And praaaaaaayyyy it's not Bachman or Santorum. :eek:

11-05-2014, 06:50 PM
And yet the (R)'s just took the senate, and took the house to record levels. If what you say is 100% accurate, imagine if the GOP even brings over a few from each of the categories you speak of? Also, many people in the last 2 elections voted on "hope and change" <---- and then saw none of it at all, only worse, and from both the White House AND the congress. The point is, people want results. Not only did the Dems have the WH, they had everything at the same time, and still failed to get shit done. Many liberals complained about foreign policy and our standing throughout the world. Obama screwed up on almost every single level here. The only remote level of success was him saying "yes" to the seals to go in and kill Osama.

Seriously, Gabs, tell us about the hope and change. What did you expect prior and what do you see now? Did you get the change you were promised? Can you be specific? Can you list perhaps 5 successes that the democrat congress brought us in the past 2 years? And who do you see as candidates from the (D) side for president? Hillary with all of her baggage, ever growing? Perhaps, Harry Reid, Pelosi? Boxer?

If the folks above were so much more leaning towards the democrats, no way the election be such a landslide as it was yesterday. No way congress has an absolutely shit approval rating. No way the president has one of the lowest approval ratings of all time. It's all failure on that side right now, and you want us to believe that's what the people want more of?

The GOP used lingering resentment about Obama to seize Senate spots in states that have been known to lean conservative. It will be a lot more difficult to retain that advantage in a general election year.
Let's face it, Obama has screwed up. He didn't keep most of his promises from the last 2012 election. He failed to act decisively on terrorism, immigration and the Ebola outbreak. His party was thus penalized at the polls by the American populace.

In case you are wondering, Obama's most recent approval rating was 42 percent. At this time eight years ago, Dubya's approval rating was 33 percent.

Dem candidate in 2016? I really don't think that person has emerged yet.
There is no way that Hillary Clinton will get the nomination. She has too many skeletons in her closet and creates too much distrust within the Democratic party. Pelosi, Biden and Reid are dead in the water.

Want to know the REAL reason why the GOP did so well in the midterms? They played to their strengths (anti-Obama sentiment) and muzzled dissent from the Tea Party.
Despite what anyone here might think, the American populace is not conservative. Most American are mainstream. They do not embrace the far left or far right. Just like the Dem's 2006 gains were a vote against Bush, the recent midterms were a vote against Obama. They do not signal an embrace of GOP policies as a whole.

11-05-2014, 07:11 PM
Her message wasn't racist, it's just what you'd expect from big government liberals:
"No need to think, just vote Democrat. We'll do all the thinking for you"

red state
11-05-2014, 07:40 PM
Her message wasn't racist, it's just what you'd expect from big government liberals:
"No need to think, just vote Democrat. We'll do all the thinking for you"

And then reward you for voting Dim by "allowing" you to eat FRIED CHICKEN!!!! Reward them folks with some FRIED CHICKEN....Yass'r, that beeeeezzzzz fine and dandy!
SEE 00:45 into the following interview:


11-05-2014, 08:04 PM
A Large percentage of the Black Americans who already voted for Obama, did so Blindly anyway.

Proof has been captured on many video's where Black Americans freely admitted they would only vote for "D's" because

that was where they were told Obama would be anyhow. And, needless to say. Since the 1960's, and the

LBJ Promise to American Blacks about the coming "Great Society" (they are still waiting for). Black Americans who

have intentionally been cheated, extorted, and bribed by Democrats...always vote for Democrats.

The underlying problem isn't the Democrats. But rather, the Lack of Education of those Black Americans.

If Anyone wishes to disagree with me on this. Prove otherwise.

11-06-2014, 01:31 PM
I found this CNN exit poll very interesting. The dems...and gabby...love to talk about the party of old white men. But the numbers just don't back that up.

According to this poll Asians and Indians are split right down the middle. I also find it interesting that latino men lean more republican as do white women.
