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View Full Version : Controversy over 40,000 ‘missing voters’ in Georgia

11-03-2014, 08:19 PM
And this time it's the GOP being accused...


<header id="yui_3_16_0_1_1415063838715_927" class="header"> Controversy over 40,000 ‘missing voters’ in Georgia is raising racial tensions in U.S. Senate race

The real problem appears to be a Byzantine, error-prone system</header>


11-03-2014, 08:31 PM
Doesn't everything raise racial tensions in this nation?

11-03-2014, 08:38 PM
~ `Republicans say the whole “missing voters” controversy is just a way for Democrats to manufacture outrage and get African-American voters to turn out in a close election in which Democratic enthusiasm has consistently lagged Republican intensity.` ~

`To supress 40,000 votes and try to get away with it ...thats a tough one to swallow . Funny this should come up on the eve of the election and not months ago , or after the election is over . Could this be a ruse to get thousands to vote dem by tomorrow ? I'm highly suspicious of this whole claim .....we'll have to wait and see what develops....

`*We are the most advanced country on earth and we can't provide trustworthy voting....amazing`