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View Full Version : Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

Gnostic Christian Bishop
11-04-2014, 11:20 AM
Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

And screwed parents who are trying to control what drugs their children will access.

Damn you to hell.


What we have are not ideological wars but drug control wars.

I. S. strength is based on revenues from various black market drugs.

Jihadists, by grabbing the spotlight with their barbarity have played to our drama centers and made us forget the real cause of these various wars in the Middle East.

These wars will continue until the day the U.S. Government decide to end them by changing their policy on the legalization of drugs.

They presently only look at pot but will have to include all drugs, --- as we cannot presently keep up with the flavors coming at us and our children.

Change will have to happen in the way we deal with drugs. We have been losing too many lives.
Both directly and indirectly. Indirectly as where I.S. is.

Legalizing all drugs and placing them under prescription control would effectively destroy I.S. as well as help parents control what drugs their children can access. This will, as the Canadian Royal Commission on Psychotropic Drugs, says, be intelligent use of freedom of choice.


11-04-2014, 11:31 AM
Oil, Oil pipelines, Oil access to sea ports in the M.E.. and favorable trade to the western corps in the M.E.. in general (as apposed to China and Russia) , and Drugs.

mo money, mo money, mo money.

jihadist are dangerous tools that will bite us in the arse again.
or create a world world

Gnostic Christian Bishop
11-04-2014, 04:25 PM
Oil, Oil pipelines, Oil access to sea ports in the M.E.. and favorable trade to the western corps in the M.E.. in general (as apposed to China and Russia) , and Drugs.

mo money, mo money, mo money.

jihadist are dangerous tools that will bite us in the arse again.
or create a world world


Especially if we do not cut their funding.

