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11-04-2014, 09:57 PM
Ohio Gov. John Kasich Wins Re-election
“We’ve come a long way in the last four years,” Mr. Kasich said in one television ad as he strolled on the football field at his alma mater, Ohio State University. But “it’s only halftime, Ohio. The best is yet to come.”
The son of a mailman, Gov. Kasich grew up outside of Pittsburgh before graduating from Ohio State and putting down roots in the state. He was elected to the state Senate at the age of 26 and to the U.S. House in 1982 at 30. He served nine terms in Congress. As chairman of the House Budget Committee, he championed balance budget and welfare reform initiatives.


John Kasich for President of The United States of America 2016 :salute:

11-04-2014, 10:05 PM
Ohio Gov. John Kasich Wins Re-election

“We’ve come a long way in the last four years,” Mr. Kasich said in one television ad as he strolled on the football field at his alma mater, Ohio State University. But “it’s only halftime, Ohio. The best is yet to come.”
The son of a mailman, Gov. Kasich grew up outside of Pittsburgh before graduating from Ohio State and putting down roots in the state. He was elected to the state Senate at the age of 26 and to the U.S. House in 1982 at 30. He served nine terms in Congress. As chairman of the House Budget Committee, he championed balance budget and welfare reform initiatives.


John Kasich for President of The United States of America 2016 :salute:
Looks like Buckeyes ain't nuts after all! :laugh:

11-04-2014, 10:08 PM
Looks like Buckeyes ain't nuts after all! :laugh:


red state
11-05-2014, 12:04 AM
Yep, and COTTON beat Pryor with Colorado going RED.....I can possibly breath again (except for the fact that many of these "republicans" are possible rhinos or worse). We may be headed for a Republican in the White House but that isn't extremely appealing when considering the fact that a Christi-cream or Mittens would reside (instead of a Col. WEST or Gen. Schwarzkopf).

I'll take anything over B.O., however and would like to see most of these Dims charged and prosecuted......I just rather not waste our time and energy on them when we have so VERY much to "fix".

Anyway, I'm still waiting on Mississippi and TN outcomes (not that they or Arkansas are all that important as Ohio). Now if we win Pennsylvania or New Mexico....I'll know we are on the right path to recovery. HA!!! I'll not even dream of CA going RED. They have too many illegals there and can sink for all I care. And Massachusetts seems to be a lost cause as well but they have more hope than CA. Shame on FL.....we Southerners need to kick their @$$ for being so stupid. Of course, TX will be the next FL (or at least PURPLE) in a few years (despite what some of the ignorant ranters with blind chest thumping pride for TX may have).

Ain't the map below PURTIE!!!


If Global warming had a purpose in melting the polar regions.........it would be in drowning all the pukes who make it hard for the rest of us. Just look at the putrid tip of FL, the Left Coast, the DELTA regions of the Mississippi and the North East corner of the USA. I don't know what natural disaster could fix the mid-West around the area that seems dead-set on giving this Nation TYRANTS but perhaps the wind from that windy city and state would blow them all away......leaving a HOT, lingering drought for those between the Mississippi and the Left Coast. Better yet (and more humane) I say that we follow the map below:
