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View Full Version : Newly elected GOP majorities must realize: Americans are fundamentally conservative

11-05-2014, 11:08 AM
Yes, Americans are fundamentally conservative. American citizens run their own lives in clearly conservative ways. And if the GOP wants to keep its control of both houses of Congress, they had better start realizing it. Conservatism is what Americ is all about. And politicians who go anywhere else, won't last long.

How are Americas conservative?

Very few Americans would walk into their neighbor's house, take money out of his wallet, and use it to buy health care for a homeless person. American citizens who want to help the homeless in their private lives (and there are many such), are far more likely to use their own money.

And I doubt many people would force their neighbor at gunpoint to quit landscaping his back yard, stop filling in a muddy area, and stop building a treehouse for his kids. Even if the treehouse is unsightly, they are likely to leave the neighbor to his own devices.

And if the neighbor was in financial difficulty, most Americans would not go to all the other neighbors and force them to pay money to help the destitute neighbor. They might ASK the other neighbors, while contributing a lot of their own personal resources, offering him a job, etc.

And most Americans would certainly not go around regularly to all their neighbors, demanding to know intimate details of what they are doing, how much they are earning, how much they spent and on what things, etc., for the purpose of knowing what they could later force out of them for any of the above situations.

The vast majority of Americans would use their own personal resources, while asking only for VOLUNTARY help from neighbors if they asked at all; and only in extreme circumstances would they interfere at all. They are far more likely to let things be, and to respect the judgment and privacy of those around them, unless someone was in real trouble. And even then, they are likely to ask only politely, using no coercion other than a vague implication that one course is the right thing to do. And if meeting a refusal at that point, they will take the other's decision as the dominating imperative, acknowledging that the other is the best judge of his own capabilities. Only if he finds someone (neighbor or otherwise) doing actual direct, major harm to another, might he step in with force, and then only cautiously.

At the same time, most Americans willingly contribute to PRIVATE groups (charities, churches, hospitals, food banks etc.) that engage in methodical charity; while turning a cold shoulder to anyone who tries to compel them to do such giving.

In other words, most Americans are fundamentally CONSERVATIVE.

For the oddity where some of them will then turn around and vote for people who say they will interfere as the voter never would, coerce as the voter never would, and threaten as the voter abhors, I have no explanation. But aside from that bizarre voting tendency of some, they themselves are basically conservative in their own lives.

If the newly-elected Republican majorities in the House and Senate want to keep those majorities for more than a few election cycles, they will change their "liberal-lite" ways and start turning more and more responsibility back to the people (as the Constitution requires).

This is a direction most liberal Democrats and their allies in the media, devoutly hope the Republicans will not take. It would result in the kind of Republican conservative domination that characterized the U.S. Government from the country's founding throgh the early 20th century. Only govt-created disasters such as the Great Depression (made Great by gross govt interference in usually-short economic recovery cycles) allowed the big-govt liberals to get a foot in the door.

Republicans will never get a better chance to go back to the conservatism that most American people embrace in their own personal lives.

When they had a similar chance in 1994, they let it slip through their fingers, pushing government "help" and more expanding govt programs instead of reducing government and letting the Ameican people take their own responsibility for their own lives. And the people's support waned and eventually vanished for the "liberal-lite" Republicans.

Will Republicans make the same mistake again?

11-05-2014, 11:32 AM
Yes, America is a fundamentally conservative country. American citizens run their own lives in clearly conservative ways. And if the GOP wants to keep its control of both houses of Congress, they had better start realizing it. Conservatism is what Americ is all about. And politicians who go anywhere else, won't last long.

How is America conservative?

Very few Americans would walk into their neighbor's house, take money out of his wallet, and use it to buy health care for a homeless person. American citizens who want to help the homeless in their private lives (and there are many such), are far more likely to use their own money.

And I doubt many people would force their neighbor at gunpoint to quit landscaping his back yard, stop filling in a muddy area, and stop building a treehouse for his kids. Even if the treehouse is unsightly, they are likely to leave the neighbor to his own devices.

And if the neighbor was in financial difficulty, most Americans would not go to all the other neighbors and force them to pay money to help the destitute neighbor. They might ASK the other neighbors, while contributing a lot of their own personal resources, offering him a job, etc.

And most Americans would certainly not go around regularly to all their neighbors, demanding to know intimate details of what they are doing, how much they are earning, how much they spent and on what things, etc., for the purpose of knowing what they could later force out of them for any of the above situations.

The vast majority of Americans would use their own personal resources, while asking only for VOLUNTARY help from neighbors if they asked at all; and only in extreme circumstances would they interfere at all. They are far more likely to let things be, and to respect the judgment and privacy of those around them, unless someone was in real trouble. And even then, they are likely to ask only politely, using no coercion other than a vague implication that one course is the right thing to do. And if meeting a refusal at that point, they will take the other's decision as the dominating imperative, acknowledging that the other is the best judge of his own capabilities. Only if he finds someone (neighbor or otherwise) doing actual direct, major harm to another, might he step in with force, and then only cautiously.

At the same time, most Americans willingly contribute to PRIVATE groups (charities, churches, hospitals, food banks etc.) that engage in methodical charity; while turning a cold shoulder to anyone who tries to compel them to do such giving.

In other words, most Americans are fundamentally CONSERVATIVE.

For the oddity where some of them will then turn around and vote for people who say they will interfere as the voter never would, coerce as the voter never would, and threaten as the voter abhors, I have no explanation. But aside from that bizarre voting tendency of some, they themselves are basically conservative in their own lives.

If the newly-elected Republican majorities in the House and Senate want to keep those majorities for more than a few election cycles, they will change their "liberal-lite" ways and start turning more and more responsibility back to the people (as the Constitution requires).

This is a direction most liberal Democrats and their allies in the media, devoutly hope the Republicans will not take. It would result in the kind of Republican conservative domination that characterized the U.S. Government from the country's founding throgh the early 20th century.Only govt-created disasters such as the Great Depression (made Great by gross govt interference in usually-shot economic recovery cycles) allowed the big-govt liberals to get a foot in the door.

Republicans will never get a better chance to go back to the conservatism that most American people embrace in their own personal lives.

When they had a similar chance in 1994, they let it slip through their fingers, pushing government "help" and more expansding govt programs instead of reducing government and letting the Ameican people take their own responsibility for their own lives. And the people's support waned and eventually vanished for the "liberal-lite" Republicans.

Will Republicans make the same mistake again?

That's a really great post !! I've enjoyed reading it. A lot of truths, I'm sure, are revealed in it.

I'd just say that to in any way underestimate the strength of liberal opposition would be a big mistake. Your fundamental argument that the GOP needs to build on its current successes by proving its real worth to decent, proper Conservatives is definitely a sound one, though. I applaud that message. In fact, I've just responded elsewhere to someone suggesting that the GOP cherrypick its causes to fight for, seemingly to prove they aren't 'minority hacks'. A theoretically 'good' argument ... UNLESS ... it would have the effect of neutralising the GOP's Conservative bona fides, making them unelectable ... AGAIN.

Let the GOP prove itself to its core voters. Let it reveal a decently, full-bloodedly Conservative soul - YES, ABSOLUTELY - how could I reasonably suggest otherwise ? But let's also consider what America will get if the Dems win once more.

Regardless --- THE GOP MUST BE VICTORIOUS, and that's all there is to it. Kick the Leftie bastards out .... that's the first priority.

11-05-2014, 02:58 PM
Kick the Leftie bastards out .... that's the first priority.


Now it's time for Step 2.

11-05-2014, 07:06 PM
A theoretically 'good' argument ... UNLESS ... it would have the effect of neutralising the GOP's Conservative bona fides, making them unelectable ... AGAIN.

:rolleyes: It would help if you had even a modicum of knowledge of American politics. psst, we don't have a prime minister.


Now it's time for Step 2.

Um, you forgot one.

11-06-2014, 11:10 AM
:rolleyes: It would help if you had even a modicum of knowledge of American politics. psst, we don't have a prime minister.

NOW what are you going on about ???

Where did I say that I thought you DID have a Prime Minister ???

Perhaps you just have an overactive ... imagination ... answering something you merely imagined I'd posted ?

Or perhaps you're just doing your Leftie Trolling Thing .... again ? .. !!!!

11-06-2014, 01:47 PM
NOW what are you going on about ???

Where did I say that I thought you DID have a Prime Minister ???

Perhaps you just have an overactive ... imagination ... answering something you merely imagined I'd posted ?

Or perhaps you're just doing your Leftie Trolling Thing .... again ? .. !!!!

You seemed confused, as per normal, as to what powers the Republicans now have. Besides I figured you might get the joke seeing as how you see one every morning when you look in the mirror.

So, do we get some more of your cross-thread trolling? It's great fun. :)

11-06-2014, 02:43 PM
NOW what are you going on about ???

Where did I say that I thought you DID have a Prime Minister ???

Perhaps you just have an overactive ... imagination ... answering something you merely imagined I'd posted ?

Or perhaps you're just doing your Leftie Trolling Thing .... again ? .. !!!!

Leftists are becoming unhinged after their latest drubbing at the ballot box.

Now they're seeing things they WISH were there.

11-06-2014, 03:23 PM
NOW what are you going on about ???

Where did I say that I thought you DID have a Prime Minister ???

Perhaps you just have an overactive ... imagination ... answering something you merely imagined I'd posted ?

Or perhaps you're just doing your Leftie Trolling Thing .... again ? .. !!!!

Sir Drummond. Must interject here with something that may help you with fj.

I suspect fj has totally gone off of any, and all meds that here-to-for have caused the growing, obvious disabilities of Viagra-like paranoia tantrums that normally create stronger, liberal, perpetual, disenchantment with any, and all reality. Thus the stagnant, and constant fj brand of private masturbation, hoping nobody on DP will notice the derangement. IMO of course.:laugh: