View Full Version : Where Did The Trinity Teaching Come From?

11-08-2014, 12:41 PM

The central doctrine within the majority of the 41,000 denominations within Christendom is the teaching that the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible is split up into three different persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit) and that these three persons are co-equal and co-eternal and are then combined into a "Godhead."

The Trinity has been the central doctrine of Christian churches for centuries. It might surprise some to learn that among pagan nations that did not worship the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible, there were trinity gods in existence centuries before Jesus Christ appeared on earth in the 1st Century AD, and there were pagan trinities in existence during the 1st Century while Jesus was on earth. Below are three such examples, followed by the questions for debate.

1. In the 2nd century B.C.E. (two centuries before Christ came to the earth), Egypt had a triad of gods consisting of (1) Horus, (2) Osiris, and (3) Isis.


2. In the 2nd century B.C.E. (two centuries before Christ came to the earth), Babylon had a triad of gods consisting of (1) Ishtar, (2) Sin, and (3) Shamash.


3. In the 1st century C.E., Palmyra, which was an ancient city in Syria, had a triune god which consisted of (1) moon god, (2) Lord of Heavens, and (3) sun god.

1. Are there scriptures in the Bible that you think support the teaching of Trinity? If so, quote up to four (4) scriptural examples at a time, and then explain why you have concluded that specific words within each of the verses supports Trinity. You may bold or colorize the words that you wish to bring to my attention. After we have discussed the first four (4) scriptural examples, you may present another set of four (4) "Trinity" verses.

2. Why is it that trinity is found in pagan/false religions that never worshipped the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible? For instance, as noted by two of the above examples, there were pagan trinities at least 200 years before Jesus came to the earth as a human.

3. If the Trinity is a Bible teaching, why is it that Jesus and his apostles who followed him around never taught anyone about the Trinity?

4. How is it that the Trinity teaching did not become "Christian" teaching until the Christianized Romans (who later called themselves Roman Catholics) copied the philosophy from pagan/false religions--AFTER the resurrected Jesus Christ returned to heaven?

5. Are the words "Trinity" and "Godhead" in the Bible? If so, were those words part of the original writings?

NOTE TO THE MODERATORS: I have debated this topic at other websites, and that is debate as in: "I respond directly to what others specifically state if their comments are on topic." I do not preach to people. I do not have time for that. I debate them. Needless to say, this is not SPAM. By definition, spam is the posting of something with no intention of responding to the expressions of others.

11-09-2014, 08:18 PM
By definition, spam is the posting of something with no intention of responding to the expressions of others.

Would spam include creating the exact same thread 4 months ago?

11-10-2014, 02:44 AM
Answer one question for me 1st, I haven't read many of your post.
you come here asking Christians about various doctrines.
I don't mind responding myself but i'd like to know where you're coming from.
are you an Atheist, a new ager, agnostic, pagan something else?
I just want to know who i'm talking to.

11-25-2014, 07:30 PM
Answer one question for me 1st, I haven't read many of your post.
you come here asking Christians about various doctrines.
I don't mind responding myself but i'd like to know where you're coming from.
are you an Atheist, a new ager, agnostic, pagan something else?
I just want to know who i'm talking to.


I am a Christian follower of Jesus Christ. I consider the Judeo-Christian Bible to be the infallible word of Almighty God Jehovah.

The Judeo-Christian Bible does not contradict itself. Scripture makes it abundantly clear that there is only one True God. He is identified by his personal name YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah.

I am waiting for a Trinitarian to present Scripture that they think supports the Trinity dogma.

11-25-2014, 07:54 PM

I am a Christian follower of Jesus Christ. I consider the Judeo-Christian Bible to be the infallible word of Almighty God Jehovah.

The Judeo-Christian Bible does not contradict itself. Scripture makes it abundantly clear that there is only one True God. He is identified by his personal name YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah.

I am waiting for a Trinitarian to present Scripture that they think supports the Trinity dogma.

Ok, got ya.
and thank you for an strait forward response.
other unnamed posters here coughgnosticachristiancough could learn a lot from you.

I may give you my thoughts on the trinity later.
But I believe in trinity myself but i wasn't sure about it when i 1st became a christian
however after some study over time i realized it's sorta inescapable.

11-25-2014, 09:25 PM
Ok, got ya.
and thank you for an strait forward response.
other unnamed posters here coughgnosticachristiancough could learn a lot from you.

I may give you my thoughts on the trinity later.
But I believe in trinity myself but i wasn't sure about it when i 1st became a christian
however after some study over time i realized it's sorta inescapable.


Doubtless you are familiar with the saying: "Action speaks louder than words." Anybody can claim they are Christian. What their actions reveal is an entirely different matter.

FYI: The character going by the screen name Gnostic Christian is a familiar opponent that I have met at dozens of websites. When I first came across him a couple years back, he was posting only by the screen name Greatest I Am and making it clear that he has nothing but contempt for the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible.

When posting as Greatest I Am, the Christians generally ignored him because they are familiar with atheist rants. The atheists also ignored him because he was just another of them. So to spice things up, Greatest I Am decided to change his strategy by pretending to be Christian, thus the screen name Gnostic Christian.

BTW: He posts the exact same outrageous threads under his Greatest I Am screen name at other websites. This time around, he has been quite successful in reeling in the Christians who are shocked that a fellow "Christian" could say such negative things about the Creator.

11-25-2014, 09:49 PM
well, I don't really think anyone here thinks he's a Christian.
from time to time i call him Gnot-a-Christian.
But I've read About the Gnostics, here and there, it's one of the oldest christian heresies.
It seems the modern version is a bit different. And more eclectic.
but gnot-a-christian just can't seem to have an honest conversation.
he wants to railroad people down a prepackaged pipe of misquotes half quotes and broken selective "reason".
And never comes clean about where he's really heading. Except in drips and drabs of anti-christ anti-christan spewage.
So, yeah, no ones takes him as a "Christian" in the traditional sense.