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View Full Version : Liberals declare war on white Texas women

11-08-2014, 12:41 PM

Liberals across the country are in a general meltdown over Tuesday night's historic election, attacking GOP voters as racist, sexist and generally stupid. But white women in Texas have found themselves singled out by liberals for daring to vote for Republican Gregg Abbott over Wendy Davis, the Texas Democrat derided by conservatives as "abortion Barbie," Truth Revolt reported Thursday.

"Greg Abbott won 'women' by 9 points," one Twitter user said. "Yet 94% of Black women and 61% of Latino women voted for Wendy Davis."
"White women in Texas obviously prefer subservient existence 2 freedom and liberty," another Twitter user added. "Because White women in Texas are taught that a women's role is barefoot and pregnant over a stove from the time they're born," tweeted Twitter user "Mr Lotala."
The attacks also came from liberal writers, who decried Abbott's victory in general, and white Texas women in particular. For them, somehow Abbott's victory means nothing since white women voted for him over Davis.
According to Salon's Jenny Kutner, for example, "white women failed the rest of Texas." Had this line been written about black or Hispanic women in any election, the writer would have been excoriated as a racist and a sexist. But since Kutner is a liberal and a feminist, she gets a free pass.
"Her campaign meant a lot to me," she added, "and to so many other Texas women who stood in line for hours to cast their ballots in support." Kutner wasn't the only one to attack white women in Texas.
In an article at RH Reality Check bearing a title we can't repeat here, senior political reporter Andrea Grimes essentially said that basic arithmetic is racist because Abbott beat Davis among all women voters by a margin of 52-47 percent. She also managed to paint herself in something of a trap, perhaps without realizing it.
"You’ll hear that Greg Abbott 'carried' women voters in Texas," she wrote. "Anyone who says that is also saying this: that Black women and Latinas are not 'women,' and that carrying white women is enough to make the blanket statement that Abbott carried all women. That women generally failed to vote for Wendy Davis. As if women of color are some separate entity, some mysterious other, some bizarre demographic of not-women."
Of course, no one but liberals are saying this, and Abbott did, in fact, garner more of the female vote than Davis. That fact is indisputable. But Grimes essentially made the argument that somehow, white women aren't "real" women and their votes shouldn't count -- at least not as much as others.
Kutner called Grimes' article "poignant" and "necessary." But both writers failed to notice something that even the New York Times observed in late October. Democrats have failed to carry a majority of white women since 1992.
