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11-14-2014, 01:24 AM
Just heard Trey Gowdy say that it would be crazy to pursue impeachment because Joe Biden would be the next president.

Good point!

11-14-2014, 02:06 AM
Just heard Trey Gowdy say that it would be crazy to pursue impeachment because Joe Biden would be the next president.

Good point!

And not that they will ask me, but I do not support impeachment proceedings. The Democrats would not support it and it would make Republicans look like losers. We can wait two more years and then his sorry presidency will be finished.

11-14-2014, 03:18 AM
And not that they will ask me, but I do not support impeachment proceedings. The Democrats would not support it and it would make Republicans look like losers. We can wait two more years and then his sorry presidency will be finished.

Personally I feel yes if the republicans do as they normally do yes they will look like losers but if they go in with all there ducks in a row doing the job they get paid to do I say Impeach the Bastard, he has broken all kinds of laws ( or so they say ) that it should be the job of all involved to prosecute to the fullest and carry out what ever punishment fits the crime.

AS for Biden, I bet he couldn't remember how to get to the WH :laugh:http://www.debatepolicy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6827&stc=1

11-14-2014, 01:56 PM
And not that they will ask me, but I do not support impeachment proceedings. The Democrats would not support it and it would make Republicans look like losers. We can wait two more years and then his sorry presidency will be finished.

in two more years he may well destroy this country irretrievably. we are so nearly done for as it is.

11-14-2014, 02:11 PM
And not that they will ask me, but I do not support impeachment proceedings. The Democrats would not support it and it would make Republicans look like losers. We can wait two more years and then his sorry presidency will be finished.

in two more years he may well destroy this country irretrievably. we are so nearly done for as it is.

I had the same thoughts in 2006.

11-14-2014, 03:45 PM
I had the same thoughts in 2006.

Given the shape of the economy now and the security of our country, well just the all around shape of the Country now you must really be upset now, hell in 2006 although it wasn't great or even good we where it much better shape.

11-14-2014, 06:30 PM
Mr. Obama is going to do everything he can to try and bait the right into impeachment. We cannot take this bait. We now have some control and can, if we act thoughtfully, simply continue to point out what an utter failure and complete national embarrassment the left is and that their leadership is anathema to truth and freedom. The American people showed these Marxist scumbags that their vision of a socialist paradise on American soil is not what they signed on for when they voted for hope and change.

If Obama does succeed in goading the impeachment process into a reality I would have to say that Joe Biden, while being a loose lipped half wit with a obvious penchant for tasting his own toes, would be worlds better than Obama and would actually try to work across the aisle.

Whew, got that out and feel much better now. :)

11-14-2014, 11:31 PM
If the House were to draw up articles of impeachment against the president, the problem will not be what shall they impeach him for but where to begin? This latest threat of executive action to grant 4.5 million illegals amnesty seems to me to be a usurpation of the authority granted to Congress per the Constitution. If that is not an impeachable offense, what is?

The argument that Joe Biden would be president seems hollow to me. Impeaching this president would send a message to this lawless group of thugs that we are a nation of laws not a herd of sheep.

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11-14-2014, 11:36 PM
Oh and one more argument for impeachment.... It would distract Doh-bama enough so he'd stop trying to convert this nation from a city on a hill into a Marxist nightmare.

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red state
11-15-2014, 12:06 AM
in two more years he may well destroy this country irretrievably. we are so nearly done for as it is.

Karl Marx and Puma both make very good points. My point was that we are looking for a Washington and that usually means that we are in hope of a president or LEADER who leads by doing what is RIGHT (regardless of the consequences). I realize that it may make the Republicans look bad or vindictive......but so what. The Left has and will attempt to paint US as the bad guys regardless and as I've stated in the President thread, why should we concern ourselves with candidates that are "too conservative" when the opposition aren't concerned with theirs being too liberal. I could care less if Biden became prez. He's a coward and would walk the line after seeing how WE took care of a traitor. I'd even suspect that the Republicans would gain the respect of many (many who count) and would be remembered in 2016 (IF) they run the RIGHT guy instead of a McShame, Mittens or Christie Cream.

I say we do the RIGHT thing and go out in a blaze of glory.....instead of fade away as spineless worms. I hope the first things the Republicans do is deal with B.O. care, the border, RICH/death/INHERITANCE tax and ISIS/Iran (so that we can begin/re-establish meaningful relationships with our TRUE friends over seas) instead of siding with the enemy (iSLUM).

Doing RIGHT is seldom easy and is usually at high cost but doing RIGHT is, without question, ALWAYS right.....

11-15-2014, 02:54 PM
Karl Marx and Puma both make very good points. My point was that we are looking for a Washington and that usually means that we are in hope of a president or LEADER who leads by doing what is RIGHT (regardless of the consequences). I realize that it may make the Republicans look bad or vindictive......but so what. The Left has and will attempt to paint US as the bad guys regardless and as I've stated in the President thread, why should we concern ourselves with candidates that are "too conservative" when the opposition aren't concerned with theirs being too liberal. I could care less if Biden became prez. He's a coward and would walk the line after seeing how WE took care of a traitor. I'd even suspect that the Republicans would gain the respect of many (many who count) and would be remembered in 2016 (IF) they run the RIGHT guy instead of a McShame, Mittens or Christie Cream.

I say we do the RIGHT thing and go out in a blaze of glory.....instead of fade away as spineless worms. I hope the first things the Republicans do is deal with B.O. care, the border, RICH/death/INHERITANCE tax and ISIS/Iran (so that we can begin/re-establish meaningful relationships with our TRUE friends over seas) instead of siding with the enemy (iSLUM).

Doing RIGHT is seldom easy and is usually at high cost but doing RIGHT is, without question, ALWAYS right.....

`Oh...so well said!

~ "why should we concern ourselves with candidates that are "too conservative" when the opposition aren't concerned with theirs being too liberal." ~


11-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Now if only those who had been clamoring for impeachment hadn't loaded up their lists with crap charges all these years then the Republicans might have more of a leg to stand on when it matters.