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11-14-2014, 08:43 PM

``Members of a Missouri-based Klu Klux Klan chapter sent a chilling message in Ferguson claiming they will use “lethal force” to defend themselves from “terrorists masquerading as ‘peaceful protesters.’”

The Traditionalist American Knights of the Klu Klux Klan distributed fliers saying protesters have “awakened a sleeping giant,” and that demonstrators have threatened the lives of law enforcement, the community and their families.

“You have been warned by the Klu Klux Klan!” the flier reads. “There will be consequences for your actions against the peaceful, law abiding citizens of Missouri.”



`The plot thickens.........`

11-14-2014, 08:46 PM
`Wow..... the KKK..... This officially makes it a racial hate crime of federal proportions......
`The demonstrators are only interested in justice regardless of skin color.... sort of.`

11-14-2014, 09:00 PM

``Members of a Missouri-based Klu Klux Klan chapter sent a chilling message in Ferguson claiming they will use “lethal force” to defend themselves from “terrorists masquerading as ‘peaceful protesters.’”

The Traditionalist American Knights of the Klu Klux Klan distributed fliers saying protesters have “awakened a sleeping giant,” and that demonstrators have threatened the lives of law enforcement, the community and their families.

“You have been warned by the Klu Klux Klan!” the flier reads. “There will be consequences for your actions against the peaceful, law abiding citizens of Missouri.”



`The plot thickens.........`
Where is the quote coming from that keeps misspelling the Ku Klux Klan?
Maybe they edited the article after you posted it. Was gonna say it is pretty embarrassing if the Klan count spell its own name right.

11-15-2014, 06:03 AM
I have been waiting for the Klan to step in, now it is going to get interesting sure enough, I don't see them doing much but with all that the thugs did down there a couple of months ago I think what ever the Klan does is justified ( yes that sounds racist ) but then again some store owner trying to make a living and having his shop destroyed and looted by thugs isn't the right thing to do either. But like I said I keep hearing how bad the Klan is but as of late haven't seen them do much of anything.

11-15-2014, 02:01 PM
Where is the quote coming from that keeps misspelling the Ku Klux Klan?
Maybe they edited the article after you posted it. Was gonna say it is pretty embarrassing if the Klan count spell its own name right.

`Ya...a lot of things are embarrassing in this life...Like obama and holder supporting the black panthers....or not knowing how many states there are....or mispronouncing military terms....such is life...`

*Back on topic....The Plot thickens...on whats going on over there`

11-15-2014, 02:11 PM
Lethal force should only be used in self defense when someone truly believes their life is in danger. I applaud anyone willing to stand in and defend the innocent, the shop owners and homeowners not involved. I just hope they don't show up in white hoods, or try to instigate violence as a tactic. The KKK doesn't have authority to take over here. But if the police fail to do their jobs, because maybe they hang back based on political correctness, or not wanting to offend people or make things worse, then someone has to protect the innocent and the property.

The police DO have authority, and I hope they're locked and loaded. They should start with tasers and bean bags. Don't let ANYONE get away with crap and get things snowballing. I'm thinking about how bad things got out of hand back in the Rodney King days, and the streets were a combat zone. They have ample time to prepare. Have MORE than enough police, and even the guard if necessary. Let protesters do so peacefully. But the minute someone gets violent or harms property - take them down and arrest them. They also need to let the public know this plan ahead of time - "We will tolerate peaceful protests. We will not tolerate ANY violence or ANY destruction of property. Anyone involved in even a hint of either will be arrested on the spot". Then simply follow through.