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View Full Version : Faith Opens the Mind, the root of Sceince & rational thinking

11-18-2014, 02:57 PM
time has come for a rant...

I'll suggest 2 books on the subject of the roots of science.
Who 1st did science work and why.

Lost Discoveries:
The Ancient Roots of Modern Science--from the Babylonians to the Maya
For the Glory of God:
How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-Hunts, and the End of Slavery

Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science--from the Babylonians to the Maya: Dick Teresi: 9780743243797: Amazon.com: Books (http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Discoveries-Ancient-Science---Babylonians/dp/074324379X/)

"....Did Nicolas Copernicus steal his notion that the earth orbited the sun from an Islamic astronomer who lived three centuries earlier? "The jury is still out," writes Dick Teresi, whose intriguing survey of the non-Western roots of modern science offers several worthy arguments that Copernicus in fact ripped off Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. Common belief is that Westerners have been the mainspring of most scientific and technical achievement, but in Lost Discoveries Teresi shows that other cultures had arrived at much of the same knowledge at earlier dates. The Babylonians were using the Pythagorean theorem at least 15 centuries before Pythagoras drew his first triangle, and in A.D. 200 a Chinese mathematician calculated an incredibly accurate value for pi. The Mayans and other Mesoamericans were outstanding sky watchers and stargazers. The greatest advances occurred in math and astronomy, though Teresi also devotes chapters to physics, geology, chemistry, technology, and even cosmology...."


And basically ALL of those cultures did their work either because of or in service to their various faiths. Mayan, Muslim, Pagan etc and Christian. And often it was the priestly cast that had the time to do the scholarly work of looking at the stars, the land, animals, the plants and herbs, and noting the movements and figuring out the distances etc. they created or maintained the writing and the did the experimentation. Even if many of their religious beliefs were wildly left field, they made extremely diligent observations and created mathematics, navigated the pacific ocean, drill 2000 feet deep for natural gas, created iron and metals that were not reproduced until the 20th centry. produced some glass and stoneware that STILL has not been reproduced. and basically made the "primitive" foundation of research of today's Science.

following all of that in the west, beginning in the middle ages western science was given it's framework.
A framework that atheist want to some how hijack as their own today. But many scholars of science history know better than the pop anti-thesit.
evolutionary anthropologist and science writer Loren Eiseley stated:

‘The philosophy of experimental science … began its discoveries and made use of its methods in the faith, not the knowledge, that it was dealing with a rational universe controlled by a creator who did not act upon whim nor interfere with the forces He had set in operation… It is surely one of the curious paradoxes of history that science, which professionally has little to do with faith, owes its origins to an act of faith that the universe can be rationally interpreted, and that science today is sustained by that assumption.’2


Quote: Dr. Johnthan Sarfarti
But if atheism or polytheism is true, then there is no way to deduce from these belief systems that the universe is (or should be) orderly.

Furthermore, Genesis 1:28 gives us permission to investigate creation, unlike say animism or pantheism which teach that the creation itself is divine. And since God is sovereign, He was free to create as He pleased. So where the Bible is silent, the only way to find out how His creation works is to experiment, rather than to rely on man-made philosophies, as did the ancient Greeks. So no wonder that sociologist and author Rodney Stark affirmed:
“Science was not the work of western secularists or even deists; it was entirely the work of devout believers in an active, conscious, creator God.”3

Furthermore, science requires that we can think rationally, and that results should be reported honestly, more teachings found in the Bible but do not follow from evolutionism.4


Amazon book note on
For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-Hunts, and the End of Slavery
http://www.politicalwrinkles.com/images/misc/amazon_icon.gif (http://www.amazon.com/Glory-God-Monotheism-Reformations-Witch-Hunts/dp/0691119503/) For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-Hunts, and the End of Slavery: Rodney Stark: 9780691119502: Amazon.com: Books (http://www.amazon.com/Glory-God-Monotheism-Reformations-Witch-Hunts/dp/0691119503/)

....As a professor of Sociology and Comparative Religions at the University of Washington, Rodney Stark debunks many commonly accepted ideas. He interprets the sixteenth-century flowering of science not as a sudden revolution that burst religious barriers, but as the normal, gradual, and direct outgrowth of medieval theology.


Stark boldly asserts that Christian theologians were the first in world history to conduct authentic science and were doing it long before they came across Greek philosophy. He points out, though early Christians found Aristotelian logic useful in developing a sound philosophical foundation for their theology, they found Aristotelian physics useless...

...he studies 52 key early scientists, and shows that more than 60 % were "devout," while only 2 were skeptics....

....What's most impressive about this work is that Stark refuses to reach deductive conclusions based on broad sweeping assumptions. He backs his theories with a penetrating and nuanced analysis of the historical record along with a healthy use of statistics and regression analysis....


so please before people make wild assertions about what "religion" or "faith" does or does not contribute to science and clear thinking please investigate further, with an HONEST and OPEN eyes for the side of the story we aren't often told.

11-19-2014, 11:02 AM
Concerning Moral thinking

...The central message of Richard Dawkins' voluminous writings is that the universe has precisely the properties we should expect if it has "no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but pointless indifference" (Easterbrook, p. 892). Dawkins even admitted that his best-selling book, The Selfish Gene, was an attempt to get rid of what he regarded as an "outright wrong idea" that had achieved a grip in popular science—namely, the erroneous "assumption that individuals act for the good of the species," which he believes is "an error that needed exploding, and the best way to demonstrate what's wrong with it . . . was to explain evolution from the point of view of the gene" (Easterbrook, p. 892). Dawkins added that the reason why The Selfish Gene was a best seller could be because it teaches the "truth" about why humans exist, namely humans,
. . . are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose to life. One man said he didn't sleep for three nights after reading The Selfish Gene. He felt that the whole of his life had become empty, and the universe no longer had a point (quoted in Bass, p. 60).

Dawkins obviously is proud of the depressing effect his writings have on people. Raymo even claims that the dominant view among modern Darwinists is that our minds are "merely a computer made of meat" (pp. 187-188), and that "almost all scientists" believe the idea that a human soul exists is a "bankrupt notion"; and consequently, the conclusion that our minds are "merely a computer made of meat" is considered by Darwinists "almost a truism" (pp. 192-193, emphasis his).
In Futuyma's words, "if the world and its creatures developed purely by material, physical forces, it could not have been designed and has no purpose or goal" (pp. 12-13). Furthermore, he notes that the creationist,
in contrast, believes that everything in the world, every species . . . was designed by an intelligent, purposeful artificer, and that it was made for a purpose . . .
link (http://www.icr.org/article/449/)

the teaching of Jesus and Bible has framed western morals for over 1000 years.
with the basic message, love your neighbor as yourself.
all men are created by God and are your neighbors.

the God of the OLD testament, and Jesus Christ repeat this theme over and over. and the apostles and church have done the same.
so that hte Idea of the "equality human kind and that love should be shown to all, is considered axiomatic.

But it's i direct product of the Judeo-Christian view point.

Muslims don't teach it
Buddhist teach ultimately there is no self, and that people and animals are equal.
Hindus have a cast system, where your station is FIXED at birth.

but under the direct leading of Christian thought
Aquinas , John Lock and the Reformers,
the concept of individual human rights and humans beings born with equal dignity created under God was FIXED into western culture.

Has it taken centuries to work out kinks and missteps in various forms? absolutely. is it perfect now, Noooo. Only Jesus is perfect.
but the concept's born out of some specific presupposed truths.
That God create humans in his image. God said love your neighbor as yourself, Jesus do unto other as you have them do unto you.

the enlightenment people borrowed /stole the Christian ethic but deny it's base in creation. so they have an ethic in mid air
the Atheist now deny creation out right in favor of evolution and many admit that men are JUST random animals, primarily driven by mainly a desire to reproduce.... by any means necessary, so morals technically are not a part of the picture. but they often rush to add. "BUT WE MUST PROMOTE MORALS ANYWAY, and of course I have them... even though i don't have a reason for it. i feel very strongly about it. and basically believe the 10 commandments and Jesus's moral are a good start... Eventhough other cultures eat people and i'd like to kill our elders .. and think that pedophilia may not always be that bad..."

All of the heresies of Christianity, western cults and isms hijack the moral teaching they like.
Unitarians, the Unity church, Christian Scientist, Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses, Gnostics, etc etc..
Some turn and wag the fingers back at it's foundation, the Apostles and early reformation theology.
Claiming they've moved on or understand Jesus better than hat the Apostles taught, lived and understood in the book of Acts.

But they ---and all of western culture--- live off the fumes of a Christian morality laid down by Moses, clarified and completed by Jesus Christ and taught by the apostles Paul and Peter in 1st-2nd century AD.

Without the foundational reality of the Biblical ideas that God made in mans image, and that God has given men specific moral parameters in the word of God
we're only left with moral relativism. As some college freshman might say "if it's ok with for them who am i to say they are right or wrong?"
As the satanism Bible puts it "'do what you will' is the whole of the law"
or as the book of Judges puts it. "Everyman did that which was right in his own eyes."