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red states rule
11-17-2014, 05:13 AM
Isn't it great to see how your hard earned taxes are being spent?

I do not know what is harder; trying to fire a useless or corrupt Federal worker or trying to find a virgin in the Maturity Ward

In the wake of disturbing news reports (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/08/03/federal-workers-admit-watching-porn-at-work-out-boredom/) of Federal Communications Commission workers surfing the Internet and visiting hardcore pornographic websites because of boredom from a lack of work, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) Office of the Inspector General (http://www.examiner.com/topic/inspector-general) (OIG) on Monday released a report to thenews media (http://freebeacon.com/issues/government-paralegals-paid-to-do-nothing-rewarded-with-bonuses/) that revealed supervisors at the DOC's Patent and Trademark Office spent over $5 million for paralegals who hardly performed any work for their salaries and bonuses.

The investigators from the OIG's office initiated a probe (http://www.examiner.com/topic/probe) following the receipt of anonymous tips that claimed the paralegals, who are federal workers at thePatent Office, were being paid for not working since fiscal year 2010.

" After reading the news stories and theOIG's report (http://www.oig.doc.gov/OIGPublications/13-1077.pdf), I suspect this is a classic example of 'featherbedding' by a union represented workforce. The pornography is just rancid icing on an unappetizing cake," said former police detective and corporate security investigator Lars Ulfstedson.
Ulfstedson explained that "featherbedding" is the practice of hiring more workers than are necessary to accomplish a given task, or to adopt work procedures which appear pointless, complex and time-consuming merely to keep workers looking busy and productive.


11-17-2014, 07:14 AM
Federal Employee Unions have little to no Power.

Oh - and folks should consider the size of the net they cast when branding "Federal Workers" as such slime.

Federal Workers:




red states rule
11-17-2014, 04:42 PM
Please show where I have ever disrespected members of the US Military.

I understand you have a Persecution Complex where you take it personally where I post the waste, fat, and abuse by federal workers. T\I suggest you see your Pastor or therapist for help

In the meantime it is clear like the CIC you also have very thin skin

11-17-2014, 05:05 PM
Unfortunately, many think unemployment, SS office and other lazy worker areas when they hear "federal employees". But the soldiers, while of course military, are in fact federal employees. Too many "federals" to list, but some are good and some are bad. Unemployment I think is perhaps the worst place on earth. Of course that is after the federal employees that are known as politicians. Most of those federal employees make even the sleeping folks at unemployment look good! Oh, and don't ever have to file for disability. Those people suck too. IRS folks suck, and are thieves. I could go on forever.... But there are some decent employees even at those places. I think it's more the stupid regulations and how their hands get tied by those making the rules that sucks even more.

But soldiers and all surrounding them, the BEST :salute:

red states rule
11-17-2014, 05:07 PM
Unfortunately, many think unemployment, SS office and other lazy worker areas when they hear "federal employees". But the soldiers, while of course military, are in fact federal employees. Too many "federals" to list, but some are good and some are bad. Unemployment I think is perhaps the worst place on earth. Of course that is after the federal employees that are known as politicians. Most of those federal employees make even the sleeping folks at unemployment look good! Oh, and don't ever have to file for disability. Those people suck too. IRS folks suck, and are thieves. I could go on forever.... But there are some decent employees even at those places. I think it's more the stupid regulations and how their hands get tied by those making the rules that sucks even more.

But soldiers and all surrounding them, the BEST :salute:

Our troops are under paid and serve in the worlds worst shit holes. I challenge anyone to show me where I ever posted anything that would disrespect them

I am clear on the lazy and corrupt Federal workers I post about - the troops were NEVER included

11-17-2014, 05:14 PM
Our troops are under paid and serve in the worlds worst shit holes. I challenge anyone to show me where I ever posted anything that would disrespect them

I am clear on the lazy and corrupt Federal workers I post about - the troops were NEVER included

Nope, nope, nope - please don't think that's what I implied! I was just speaking in general. I kinda know what you mean and remember your stances very well, and I know you are a supporter of the US troops without fail. Sometimes I just add things in there for others reading. I'm not sure everyone is always aware that they are federal workers, that's all. But we are clear on your support of our troops, I could have backed you on that without even looking at this thread.

red states rule
11-17-2014, 05:19 PM
Nope, nope, nope - please don't think that's what I implied! I was just speaking in general. I kinda know what you mean and remember your stances very well, and I know you are a supporter of the US troops without fail. Sometimes I just add things in there for others reading. I'm not sure everyone is always aware that they are federal workers, that's all. But we are clear on your support of our troops, I could have backed you on that without even looking at this thread.

It was not directed at you Jim - it was directed to Darrin. Like our long lost pal Virgil, he takes any posts exposing lazy, corrupt, and worthless federal workers personally

I know Darrin's militarily service and I have thanked him for it - and I respect him for it

But for some reson Darin has defended their actions and excused the pork and waste. Why I do not know

11-17-2014, 06:36 PM
Please show where I have ever disrespected members of the US Military.

I understand you have a Persecution Complex where you take it personally where I post the waste, fat, and abuse by federal workers. T\I suggest you see your Pastor or therapist for help

In the meantime it is clear like the CIC you also have very thin skin

you may feel foolish when you re-read what i wrote and see i didnt reply anything like you think i did. I accept your apology in advance.
edit: oh...and go fuck yourself, you hyper-defensive hypocritical little shit. Good to see you around though.

red states rule
11-18-2014, 03:02 AM
Dari, your behavior now is nothing new. You have taken over the role of Virgil Bozemen III and now are a professional whiner when it comes to the lazy, corrupt, and worthless federal workers. Your lame attempts to make this a personal attack is sad to say the least

Of course this is nothing new for you. Even when confronted with blanatnt watse to make excuses and try to blame me for pointing out the waste


Or in other cases you simply ignore the topic. What is next from you Darin? Bellowing how we are under taxed and the Federal government is under funded?



red states rule
11-18-2014, 03:30 AM
Wow, what a sweet setup. Taxpayers pay unions goons to keep Dems in power and expand the power of the IRS

This is just another example on how your tax dollars go to support those abused, over worked and underpaid Federal workers


The IRS offers government salaries, office space and equipment to representatives of the National Treasury Employees Union, and last week the deputy commissioner of the IRS reported to the House Ways and Means Committee that these IRS employees spent 573,319 hours in 2012 working on union business. That’s the equivalent of 286 full-time employees doing nothing but union work.

These employees charged $687,400 in travel to the taxpayers. In May 2012, for one example, union stewards flew at taxpayer expense to Las Vegas for union “training.” These “training” events, put on by the union, are expensive. In 2010 an IRS “training” convention cost $4.1 million. “Instructional” videos, parodies of “Star Trek” episodes, were created to “instruct” agency employees. The union naturally wants greater benefits, bigger salaries and more handsome bonuses, and somebody has to lobby Congress to get them. So Congress pays the union to do it.

This year, 94 percent of campaign contributions from the National Treasury Employees Union’s political action committee have gone to Democrats, including 13 candidates for U.S. Senate. All of them are Democrats, including Michelle Nunn in Georgia and Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky.

With hundreds of thousands of dollars left in the bank, union money will flow to candidates as needed to keep the Senate under Democratic control. The director of all this is Colleen M. Kelley, the president of the union and a big fan of President Obama. Ms. Kelley is a member of the Federal Salary Council, which advises the government about how much to pay federal employees, appointed by Mr. Obama.

The IRS employs 92,000 men and women, and most of them work hard to collect the taxes necessary to pay for the necessary government. Many are no doubt Republicans and other conservatives. They’re victims, too, of the union’s campaign to make the government bigger, the better to harass and threaten taxpayers. Taxpayers rightly expect to pay employees who do only the public’s business. Congress should pull the plug on “union time” business throughout the bureaucracy, and the IRS is a good place to start


red states rule
11-18-2014, 03:49 AM
BTW Darin you really need to chill out and stop flying off the handle over a different opinion on the role and size of the government. Unless of course you are this angry, thin skinned, short tempered, and obnoxious in real life.

In that case in addition to seeking help from a Pastor or therapist for your self persecution complex you might also want to enroll in Anger Management classes.

Have a great day!!

red states rule
11-18-2014, 04:54 AM
Trying to fire a Federal worker? You would have a better chance of finding a virgin in the Maternity Ward

Working for the federal government traditionally meant a trade off: lower salaries but high job security.

Today, salaries are high and so is job security.

One analysis found the federal government fired only one half of one percent of its workers in fiscal year 2011 - about five times fewer than the private sector.

"When President Carter first came to office he decided that he was going to revamp the civil service process. Nobody really talked to him much after that in the federal agencies. It’s extremely difficult to fire anyone in any agency unless you're sitting in a hot tub with a wine glass and you're in charge of the GSA agency out in the west," said Thomas Schatz with Citizens Against Government Waste.

Jeff Neely, the organizer of that conference who was photographed in a hot tub with a wine glass, was never fired. Civil service regulations permitted him to retire with benefits.

Another GSA executive, Paul Prouty, who was fired in the Vegas conference scandal, was re-instated with 11 months back pay.

Then there was the case of an employee who was reprimanded for what supervisors called “excessive flatulence."

Five pages of meticulous notes documenting his 61 infractions were cataloged over 17 days last December.

He was notified that he had a right to a written grievance, to union representation, and to a civil rights complaint.

Last January, after all that, the reprimand was withdrawn.

The three cases demonstrate the cumbersome process of discipline in the federal government.

"You can't manage an organization if you can't control who works and who doesn't because of the office of Personnel Management rules and also the union contracts," said Senator Tom Coburn of the Senate Finance Committee.


While some people like Darin babble that the Federal union have little power - well lets go to the video


11-18-2014, 06:17 AM
Dari, your behavior now is nothing new. You have taken over the role of Virgil Bozemen III and now are a professional whiner when it comes to the lazy, corrupt, and worthless federal workers. Your lame attempts to make this a personal attack is sad to say the least

Of course this is nothing new for you. Even when confronted with blanatnt watse to make excuses and try to blame me for pointing out the waste


Or in other cases you simply ignore the topic. What is next from you Darin? Bellowing how we are under taxed and the Federal government is under funded?



BTW Darin you really need to chill out and stop flying off the handle over a different opinion on the role and size of the government. Unless of course you are this angry, thin skinned, short tempered, and obnoxious in real life.

In that case in addition to seeking help from a Pastor or therapist for your self persecution complex you might also want to enroll in Anger Management classes.

Have a great day!!

So - that has to be the WORST apology I've seen. You assumed something based on your lack of reading-comprehension-skills.

You've flown off the handle. You've lost touch with reason and reality. I still forgive you for bitching at me over something I NEVER WROTE. I have sympathy for you.

As to your links, Please read those again and read SLOWLY because each link shows you being a dick head when faced with anything REMOTELY considered a dissenting opinion. God, you are TOO easy, and dumb, to realize you just made MY point with YOUR links. :)

It IS good to see ya around - even if you might be ConHog or MaineMan in disguise.

11-18-2014, 06:53 AM
Dari, your behavior now is nothing new. You have taken over the role of Virgil Bozemen III and now are a professional whiner when it comes to the lazy, corrupt, and worthless federal workers. Your lame attempts to make this a personal attack is sad to say the least

Of course this is nothing new for you. Even when confronted with blanatnt watse to make excuses and try to blame me for pointing out the waste


Or in other cases you simply ignore the topic. What is next from you Darin? Bellowing how we are under taxed and the Federal government is under funded?



So - that has to be the WORST apology I've seen. You assumed something based on your lack of reading-comprehension-skills.

You've flown off the handle. You've lost touch with reason and reality. I still forgive you for bitching at me over something I NEVER WROTE. I have sympathy for you.

As to your links, Please read those again and read SLOWLY because each link shows you being a dick head when faced with anything REMOTELY considered a dissenting opinion. God, you are TOO easy, and dumb, to realize you just made MY point with YOUR links. :)

It IS good to see ya around - even if you might be ConHog or MaineMan in disguise.

OK Virgil come out come out who ever you are :laugh:

11-18-2014, 08:55 PM
`Lots of work and cleaning up to do....regressives always leave a mess...

red states rule
11-19-2014, 03:32 AM
It is a sweet setup to become a GS'r. Once you are in you are in for life in most cases

Behavior, performance, and quality is meaningless. Things that would get you fired in the private sector in a heartbeat is ignored in the Federal government. And WE are paying for this crap

I see o many stories about these freeloading leaches on the taxpayer paid Gravy Train and they have the gall to act like they are abused, underpaid, and over worked

red states rule
11-19-2014, 03:37 AM
Hey, these hard working Federal workers busted watching porn (while we pay for it) said they did it because they were BORED due to lack of work


Of course there is the POSSIBILITY those who have a fit over anyone pointing out the waste in government may be making a living off that waste. Nit saying they are but that would explain their irrational reaction to speaking out.

Lord knows the DOD has its share of pork and duplication of services in this years budget. Just a few examples from one department of the government. (Examples that we know about)

$239,000,000 for five earmarks funding peer-reviewed cancer research, including studies on breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer. Funding research on endemic cancers is a responsible use of taxpayer money. However, the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (Labor/HHS) Appropriations Act of 2012 provided $5.1 billion for the National Cancer Institute, making the earmarks in this bill redundant. According to a March 14, 2012, Washington Post article, Defense Comptroller Robert Hale proposed decreasing the DOD health budget in FY 2013 in part by eliminating “one-time congressional adds” in which members of Congress appropriate funding for research on specific diseases. This apparently had no impact on Congress’ spending addiction.

$90,000,000 for continued upgrade of the M1 Abrams tank to the M1A2SEP variant. Congress thereby maintained its longstanding tradition of jamming through unwanted funding for the M1 Abrams tank program in FY 2014. This earmark was added despite the repeated protests of Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno, who has stated that the Army has more than enough tanks, including 2,000 sitting idle in the California desert. The Army has proposed delaying the M1 upgrade program until 2017, saving taxpayers $3 billion. During this timeframe, the DOD would focus on designing the next generation of tanks, which would be better equipped for the changing nature of warfare. Intended to take on other tanks, the M1 Abrams proved susceptible to asymmetric tactics, such as improvised explosive devices employed by insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Congress continues to disagree with General Odierno’s assessment because the tank has suppliers spread across numerous congressional districts. An April 2012 letter arguing for continuation of the upgrade program was co-signed by 173 representatives. The 2014 omnibus bill hints at a parochial incentive for continuing the program, stating that the funding will be used for “maintaining critical industrial base capability.” There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned jobs program disguised as national security. Since FY 1994, there have been 37 earmarks for the M1 Abrams program, requested by at least 13 members of Congress, costing taxpayers $788.6 million.

$60,000,000 for alternative energy research, spread across three programs. Since FY 2004, Congress has used the defense appropriations bill as a vehicle to insert 24 earmarks worth $234.9 million for this purpose, despite the fact that the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act supplies billions for alternative energy research every year.

On March 13, 2012, Senate Armed Services Committee member John McCain (R-Ariz.) asserted that the Navy’s efforts to develop biofuels to power its planes and ships could turn into another “Solyndra situation,” citing the solar panel manufacturer that received a $535 million loan guarantee through the Department of Energy before filing for bankruptcy in September 2011. According to Sen. McCain, the Navy spent in excess of $400 per gallon for approximately 20,000 gallons of algae-based biofuel. In a February 2011 hearing, House Armed Services Committee member Randy Forbes (R-Va.) fired a shot across the Navy’s bow, telling Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, “You’re not the secretary of Energy. You’re the secretary of the Navy.” While members of Congress took a positive step in reducing the amount earmarked for alternative energy research in the DOD bill by 50 percent from $120 million in FY 2012, this funding should be zeroed out in FY 2015.

$25,000,000 for the Starbase Youth Program, which teaches science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to at-risk youth in multiple locations at or near military bases around the country. Since FY 2001, seven earmarks costing taxpayers $44 million have been directed toward Starbase, including an earmark worth $1.9 million in FY 2010 added by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.).

A February 2012 Government Accountability Office (GAO) annual report on program duplication, overlap, and fragmentation found that $3 billion was spent in FY 2010 across 13 agencies for 209 STEM programs, 83 percent of which overlapped with at least one other program. President Obama’s FY 2015 budget proposed the consolidation or elimination of 31 STEM programs across the federal government, although no savings were included in the proposal.

$7,000,000 for the Rand Arroyo Center. Located in the district of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the facility has received four earmarks costing $15.4 million since FY 2005. In FY 2010, Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee member Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) and House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee member James Moran (D-Va.) requested a $1.6 million earmark for the center, and Sen. Feinstein also added a $4 million earmark in FY 2009.

$5,100,000 for peer-reviewed autism research. Within the FY 2012 Labor/HHS appropriations bill, $69.1 million is already set aside for research on autism.

5,000,000 for the Starbase Youth Program, which teaches science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to at-risk youth in multiple locations at or near military bases around the country. A February 7, 2012, Washington Post article criticized the role of Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee member Tim Johnson (D-S.D.), along with seven other senators, in directing $4 million to the Starbase program in 2008. During this timeframe, Sen. Johnson’s wife worked for the Spectrum Group; she was tasked with evaluating Starbase as well as managing its website. After hiring Mrs. Johnson, the Spectrum Group submitted a lobbying registration form listing Mrs. Johnson as a lobbyist, although the company later claimed the form was submitted in error. Since FY 2001, six earmarks costing taxpayers $19 million have been directed toward Starbase, including an earmark worth $1.9 million in FY 2010 added by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.).

A February 2012 GAO report on program duplication, overlap and fragmentation found that $3 billion was spent in FY 2010 across 13 agencies for 209 STEM programs, 83 percent of which overlapped with at least one other program. Eliminating the Starbase Youth Program would reduce that number to only 208.
$3,200,000 for peer-reviewed bone marrow failure disease research. This funding is redundant, since there is $23.4 million for research on bone marrow disease in the FY 2012 Labor/HHS appropriations bill.”


11-19-2014, 06:01 AM
Should I apologize to you for making vastly more money than you?

"I'm sorry I'm so capable and get paid 30% less than I would in private industry to be used as a political pawn by the powers that be, and be shit-upon by just about every fool who doesn't understand, but thinks it "sounds bad" to them."

Feel better?

AND I gave you your VERY OWN Sticky Thread - instead of spamming the forums as you find examples of People doing bad things, you can keep this running as your personal pissing ground!

11-19-2014, 10:54 AM
Attention all government employees: You are worth nothing and you produce nothing.


11-19-2014, 02:02 PM
Attention all government employees: You are worth nothing and you produce nothing.


Well, they do generally produce nothing as they are essentially a service provider in the economy.

“Government employees produce nothing. They’re a net consumer. And you got that cost forever and ever and ever because they’re on the KPERS (pension) plan, they’re on all the government insurance and everything.”News flash for Ray Merrick:
Those employees doing “nothing” are the schoolteachers, firefighters and police officers employed by governments across the state. These are the hardworking employees who make it possible to educate Kansas children and protect Kansas families.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/yael-t-abouhalkah/article3979541.html#storylink=cpy

Did you see what they did there? Intellectually weak.