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View Full Version : Round 2: Buffalo faces another wintry wallop

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-20-2014, 09:23 AM

Round 2: Buffalo faces another wintry wallop


Associated Press
1 hour ago

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — A new blast of lake-effect snow pounded Buffalo for a third day on Thursday, piling more misery on a city already buried by an epic, deadly snowfall that could leave some areas with nearly 8 feet of snow on the ground when it's all done.

But the meteorological "kick me" sign on the city hasn't fallen off just yet. Forecasters say a rapid weekend warmup, with temperatures as high as 60 and rain, could turn all that snow into floods.

"It is an extraordinary situation," Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters after touring the region Wednesday and talking to truckers who had been stranded more than 24 hours on the Thruway. "It will get worse before it gets better."

Even for Buffalo, a place that typically shrugs at snow, this was a stunning snowfall — the kind of onslaught folks will be telling their grandchildren about.

Those living in the Buffalo area were already buried under as much as 5½ feet of snow Wednesday, and they awoke Thursday to more heavy snow that could bring 1 to 3 feet more. The new snow and high winds moved through the city of Buffalo with lightning and thunder overnight Thursday, dropping several inches before blasting towns to the south, which were in line for the highest totals, National Weather Service meteorologist David Zaff said.

"This is an historic event. When all is said and done, this snowstorm will break all sorts of records, and that's saying something in Buffalo," Cuomo said.

The storm came in so fast and furious over Lake Erie early Tuesday it trapped more than 100 vehicles along a 132-mile stretch of the New York State Thruway that remained closed Wednesday.

.Winter Comes Early Across Parts of US. Play video
Winter Comes Early Across Parts of US
Tom Wilson, of West Seneca, split a Salisbury steak frozen dinner with co-workers and tried his best to get some rest when he was stuck 36 hours at his warehouse job.

"I slept on a pallet. Then I slept on some office chairs, and then I went back to the pallet," Wilson said. "Then I found some sponges to lay on. I found one pack of sponges unopened. That looks like a pillow to me.

"We tried to make popcorn with a two-by-four, two empty pop kegs, some charcoal and a dust pan," he added. "It didn't work."

Bethany Hojnacki went into labor at the height of the storm and ended up giving birth in a Buffalo fire station after she and her husband couldn't get to the hospital. Mother and daughter were later taken to the hospital in an ambulance.

Cuomo said Wednesday afternoon that all trapped travelers had been removed from their cars, though some truckers were staying with their rigs.

Asked by reporters how officials could allow people to be snowbound in cars for 24 hours, Cuomo cited a jackknifed trailer that prevented plows from removing fast-falling snow, and drivers' own wrongheaded choices.

"What happened was, even though the Thruway was officially closed, people went on. We didn't immediately block every entrance. It was a mistake," Cuomo said.

"Part of it is citizen responsibility," he added. "If the road is closed, it's closed."

The storm was blamed for up to eight deaths in western New York, at least five of them from heart attacks. Erie County officials announced the latest death on Thursday, that of a man in his 60s who was stricken Wednesday while operating a snowblower.

Residents of a mobile home park in the suburb of West Seneca were being

8 feet of snow!!!!!! OUCH... --Tyr

11-20-2014, 01:35 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10671244_10205353789753583_6004963666960341311_n.j pg?oh=c299375035438cb028328b2e6d7fcadf&oe=55189E3B&__gda__=1427341934_d9aded645287eb78aac36813fa52742 6

11-20-2014, 04:40 PM

11-20-2014, 04:54 PM
I saw some scary photos today! 6 effing feet! How much notice did they have, anyone know? If I even heard one foot - off to the store to stock up and let everyone else suffer. No way in hell I attempt to shovel that kind of snow, not unless I own a huge tractor of sorts. But a shovel? In my hands? With 6 feet of snow? That's asking for death to come knocking at your door, or at least my door.

11-20-2014, 04:55 PM
Oh, and not that anyone cares - but they actually are skipping the NFL there this weekend and are looking for another stadium to play at for just one week. I believe they are looking at Washington and Detroit.

11-20-2014, 05:32 PM
If these people didn't like snow, they wouldn't live in Buffalo. :p

11-20-2014, 05:45 PM
I saw some scary photos today! 6 effing feet! How much notice did they have, anyone know? If I even heard one foot - off to the store to stock up and let everyone else suffer. No way in hell I attempt to shovel that kind of snow, not unless I own a huge tractor of sorts. But a shovel? In my hands? With 6 feet of snow? That's asking for death to come knocking at your door, or at least my door.

Jim. Remember years ago when we were younger, and we actually wished for that much snow? The Lake Effect snow happens every year, but normally, not this early in the season. It caught everybody off guard. But now. The AL GORE'S of the World are trying to decide WHO to blame for this one too!

11-20-2014, 06:41 PM
If these people didn't like snow, they wouldn't live in Buffalo. :p

Yup guess you are correct Gabs and people must like losing there homes to earth quakes or to wild fires out in California , yup I understand now :rolleyes:

This isn't the norm, 6 foot of snow in November isn't something that happens all the time, these people didn't want it no more than they wanted to be stranded on the roads.

11-20-2014, 06:44 PM
Yup guess you are correct Gabs and people must like losing there homes to earth quakes or to wild fires out in California , yup I understand now :rolleyes:

This isn't the norm, 6 foot of snow in November isn't something that happens all the time, these people didn't want it no more than they wanted to be stranded on the roads.

Jeff. And we mustn't forget to ask gabby about how much water they are enjoying with the Drought???

11-20-2014, 06:45 PM
This kind of storm isn't what people are use to in this area, I have been through Buffalo many times and yup in the winter it seems like every time I have been there it snows, but the roads are always wide open, not like this.

(CNN) -- Harlem Street in the Buffalo suburb of West Seneca offers a glimpse of life under the deadly and monumental western New York snowstorm.
The extreme weather has claimed at least 10 lives -- its latest victims two people with mental health issues who died of apparent exposure overnight, Dr. Gale R. Burstein, Erie County health commissioner, said Thursday.
And the storm forced the cancellation of Sunday's NFL game between Buffalo and the New York Jets at the Bills' Ralph Wilson Stadium.
At the Winchester Volunteer Fire Company station on Harlem Street, as many as 40 people stranded in the snow have sought shelter since Tuesday. More than 6 feet of snow cover the streets. Abandoned cars are barely visible under the drifts.
Fire trucks can't leave the station. Attempts by firefighters to get out in an SUV were futile. One medic hopped on a snowmobile to rush to a call. Other volunteers jumped on ATVs to reach a home where the roof was buckling under the weight of the snow.
Maria Odom's two cats and a dog were rescued from the house.
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/141120112205-vo-drone-snowfall-james-grimaldi-00005322-story-body.jpg<cite class="expCaption">Drone captures stunning view of snowfall</cite>
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/141119180734-orig-what-is-lake-effect-snow-npr-00000006-story-body.jpg<cite class="expCaption">What is lake effect snow?</cite>
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/141119165809-lead-dnt-savidge-severe-winter-weather-00023116-story-body.jpg<cite class="expCaption">Nearly a year's worth of snow in 24 hours</cite>

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/141119113156-ath-bts-buffalo-mayor-reaction-snowstorm-00003505-story-body.jpg<cite class="expCaption">Buffalo mayor: 'There's a long way to go'</cite>
"I'm ready for it to end," Odom, 38, said of the extreme weather. "I've lived here my whole life and I've never seen anything like this."
