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View Full Version : Obama's immigration announcement

11-21-2014, 09:27 AM
No thread on this? At least I can't find one. Anyway, serious question, why was I only able to find a stream of this online? I honestly didn't look hard at first, but it wasn't there, I found it online, and then I read several stories about it not being on major stations. Is this true?

11-21-2014, 09:34 AM
No thread on this? At least I can't find one. Anyway, serious question, why was I only able to find a stream of this online? I honestly didn't look hard at first, but it wasn't there, I found it online, and then I read several stories about it not being on major stations. Is this true?

I saw it was on our local Fox station but I don't think it was on any others. I don't know about cable because no cable.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-21-2014, 09:35 AM
No thread on this? At least I can't find one. Anyway, serious question, why was I only able to find a stream of this online? I honestly didn't look hard at first, but it wasn't there, I found it online, and then I read several stories about it not being on major stations. Is this true?

Yes, its true. Not much coverage of it even by mainstream stations--they deliberately do not want people knowing exactly the details of the specifics of the exact actions he will force to be taken. They know more information will just piss off more people!
Its enough that their ffin king says --"so let it be done" without the-"so let it be written" part!
Now yahoo news has an article how the Whitehouse is mad about the lack of coverage by the main TV channels.
Which is pure bullshit, the lack of coverage helps the lying messiah rather than hurt him. For it downplays what he is doing--the point is the getting it done not the letting everybody know the details.
Getting the voters for future elections is the point.
Coverage blackout is part of a strategy--everything these traitors do is tactics and strategy--they are engaging in a war--while we are not!



Obama Immigration Speech: All Major Television Networks Snub President, White House Not Pleased
Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1625168/obama-immigration-speech-all-major-television-networks-snub-president-white-house-not-pleased/#zsBVyVZsemBMVXks.99

All the major U.S television networks decided against broadcasting President Obama’s immigration speech and the White House continues to be disappointed, reports Yahoo News.

President Obama’s prime time Thursday night speech on immigration reform, announcing that he was going to move forward with his immigration plans on his own using his executive powers, failed to attract the interest of CBS, NBC and ABC. Though the White House implored the networks to run President Obama’s pivotal immigration address, the networks didn’t want to listen.

According to Politico, the networks felt Obama’s speech was political and therefore decided against airing it instead of their normal prime time programs.

“There was agreement among the broadcast networks that this was overtly political. The White House has tried to make a comparison to a time that all the networks carried President Bush in prime time, also related to immigration (2006),” wrote Mike Allen. “But that was a bipartisan announcement, and this is an overtly political move by the White House.”

Obama and the White House disagreed, however, a senior administration official citing the speech President Bush gave in 2006 to Politico.

“In 2006, Bush gave a 17-minute speech that was televised by all three networks that was about deploying 6,000 national guard troops to the border. Obama is making a 10-minute speech that will have a vastly greater impact on the issue. And none of the networks are doing it. We can’t believe they were aggrieved that we announced this on Facebook.”

White House Press Secretary, John Earnest, also made his disgruntlement clear, saying, “The decision made by the English language broadcast networks is disappointing.”

At the same time, Univision and Telemundo both broadcasted Obama’s immigration speech to their primarily Spanish speaking audiences. CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and Fox News also aired Obama’s immigration speech.


11-21-2014, 10:22 AM
Personally I think the MSM is still carrying the water. They've decided the American people would not like to hear what he's saying, thus silence.

They haven't reported on Gruber brouhaha either, even now that states are firing him for further services.

11-21-2014, 10:47 AM
Personally I think the MSM is still carrying the water. They've decided the American people would not like to hear what he's saying, thus silence.

They haven't reported on Gruber brouhaha either, even now that states are firing him for further services.

On Target! :salute:

11-21-2014, 10:55 AM
“There was agreement among the broadcast networks that this was overtly political. The White House has tried to make a comparison to a time that all the networks carried President Bush in prime time, also related to immigration (2006),” wrote Mike Allen. “But that was a bipartisan announcement, and this is an overtly political move by the White House.”

This is one of those rare moments where the Administration is correct. It's the job of news networks to carry big announcements by the President, especially when they are overtly political. Which makes me wonder if this was exactly what the Administration wanted to begin with: little coverage over an announcement that affects not just immigrants but Americans all over the country who must shoulder the cost of their education.

11-21-2014, 11:10 AM
I'm starting to wonder if Obama did the GOP a favor. The "comprehensive" Senate bill gave a path to citizenship. Obama's decree removes almost all pressure for the GOP to enact anything. The path to citizenship is almost dead.

red states rule
11-21-2014, 04:31 PM
So far based on what I have seen - nothing has changed

There are still no deportations

The welcome mat is still out to greet them

The border is still wide open

Border agents are still unarmed, under staffed.

ILLEGALS still get all types of government assistance

Still are working (taking jobs from US citizens)

And is slap in the face to those who spent thousands to become LEGAL citizens

So I hope the R's do not take the impeachment bait, fund border security, and encourage Gov's of red states on the border to put the National Guard on the border to stop in influx of ILLEGALS

And R's can simply not fund the Green cards and other crap Obama wants

11-21-2014, 05:26 PM
The little bit of anything close to confidence I have left in Washington; reminds me how Someday.

Obama, and the Democrats will personally feel the true meaning of the expression:

"What goes around, comes around." Or, they will literally feel what it means to "Cut off their noses, to spite their faces".

All of the damage, and destruction they are doing together to this nation. IS gonna come back to BITE THEM. Only, none of them are smart enough to realize, or understand the meaning of SELF-DESTRUCTION.

Let's let them do what they GOTTA DO. It can all be changed, and we can all enjoy watching them drown in their own Stupidity.

red states rule
11-21-2014, 06:00 PM

11-22-2014, 08:37 PM
I'm starting to wonder if Obama did the GOP a favor. The "comprehensive" Senate bill gave a path to citizenship. Obama's decree removes almost all pressure for the GOP to enact anything. The path to citizenship is almost dead.

I've been thinkin about this a lot. Imma thinkin the usurpin moozlums gonna apply for amnesty himself, in fear of the tar an featherin his sorry arse is about to receive an that they may exile him to his Gawd forsaken ebola infested homeland.

11-22-2014, 08:41 PM
I've been thinkin about this a lot. Imma thinkin the usurpin moozlums gonna apply for amnesty himself, in fear of the tar an featherin his sorry arse is about to receive an that they may exile him to his Gawd forsaken ebola infested homeland.

Granny. Somethin' else we all should be thinkin' bout with Obama right now.

He's probably already had the paperwork drawn up, and signed HIS OWN PARDON, that becomes effective January 2017

red states rule
12-10-2014, 05:17 AM