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11-23-2014, 09:49 AM
In an undated mostly-near future Earth cannot support mankind; mankind tries to leave.

holyshitballs. This movie moved me as much as The Passion of the Christ. Stunning and exciting and moving - the father-daughter connections and issues moved me most. A telling line: "from the moment you become a parent you are living only to be a memory to your kids"

at 2hrs, 50 minutes ensure you block off an afternoon and an hour or two to talk-over what you just watches.

the science of this movie MAKES the movie for me: the movie is sadly and wonderfully realistic.

Take your spouse and kids. I will likely not watch it again because i dont want to be taken on that journey again.

11-25-2014, 06:20 AM
In an undated mostly-near future Earth cannot support mankind; mankind tries to leave.

holyshitballs. This movie moved me as much as The Passion of the Christ. Stunning and exciting and moving - the father-daughter connections and issues moved me most. A telling line: "from the moment you become a parent you are living only to be a memory to your kids"

at 2hrs, 50 minutes ensure you block off an afternoon and an hour or two to talk-over what you just watches.

the science of this movie MAKES the movie for me: the movie is sadly and wonderfully realistic.

Take your spouse and kids. I will likely not watch it again because i dont want to be taken on that journey again.

Pretty good assessment. I just saw it this weekend ... sure makes you think.

11-25-2014, 07:39 AM
I've not seen this, but have read the synopsis on 'IMDB'. It reads, to me, like another of those films perhaps carrying a 'doom & gloom' message about global warming, and the idea that Mankind is poisoning the planet ?

Does it have (to whatever extent) a 'Gore-friendly' message, and therefore carry a propagandist objective as part of its 'reason for being' ?

11-25-2014, 07:59 AM
I've not seen this, but have read the synopsis on 'IMDB'. It reads, to me, like another of those films perhaps carrying a 'doom & gloom' message about global warming, and the idea that Mankind is poisoning the planet ?

Does it have (to whatever extent) a 'Gore-friendly' message, and therefore carry a propagandist objective as part of its 'reason for being' ?

I did not see it that way. In fact, the root cause seemed to be some sort of food shortage exacerbated by a blight affecting the only viable crop remaining ... corn. Truthfully, I did not care to think about it that deeply and I have seen Disney movies far more blatant than this one .... The Lion King drives me nuts, for example.

11-25-2014, 08:44 AM
I've not seen this, but have read the synopsis on 'IMDB'. It reads, to me, like another of those films perhaps carrying a 'doom & gloom' message about global warming, and the idea that Mankind is poisoning the planet ?

Does it have (to whatever extent) a 'Gore-friendly' message, and therefore carry a propagandist objective as part of its 'reason for being' ?

Echoing CSM - No glaring political agenda. It's a love story at heart, in my view.

11-25-2014, 10:48 AM
Echoing CSM - No glaring political agenda. It's a love story at heart, in my view.

OK, sound good, then. Not having seen the film, I can't be sure of my conclusions. Naturally I'll defer to those who've seen the film ...

11-25-2014, 11:38 AM
OK, sound good, then. Not having seen the film, I can't be sure of my conclusions. Naturally I'll defer to those who've seen the film ...

Dammit, Drummond! How the heck can we get this thread moved to the Steel Cage section if you are going to have an attitude like that?


12-10-2014, 04:38 AM
One of the best 2014 movie, runtime is rather long, but i loved the concept

04-21-2015, 04:40 PM
I watched this movie this morning, during the early hours.

Let's see......McConaughey goes inside a black hole and reaches his daughter's bedroom.

THIS is why they make so many different types of movies. Different things appeal to different people.

04-21-2015, 04:54 PM
`​I have "heard" of it but don't really know the story line...Let me see if I can find a Trailer...*dmp...I hope you don't mind...

10 minutes Later....

*It looks very interesting....and always enjoyed the main actor in this film...I will see it...


04-21-2015, 06:24 PM
I think men tend to like science fiction more than women.

Christopher Nolan also directed Inception. If I had known it was the same guy, I would not have watched Intersellar.

04-22-2015, 12:45 PM
talk about missing the forrest for all the trees. Geesh girl...are you any fun at parties?

04-22-2015, 12:52 PM
Pretty good movie. The political agenda was there but it was minor as mentioned before. First part of the movie was slow but once the crew lifted off into space it was good. I've always understood the relativity of time but the movie really brought home the reality of its effects on people.

04-22-2015, 04:11 PM
talk about missing the forrest for all the trees. Geesh girl...are you any fun at parties?

You've already said I have a "childish (liberal) mindset". Maybe I applied it to this movie. I'm likely not intelligent enough to have seen the beauty of Interstellar.

I do wish to improve my mindset. Perhaps I could subscribe to your newsletter, if you have one?

04-23-2015, 05:43 AM
Might take more than a newsletter. This movie is NOT some 'guy-centric scifi flick' - it's very close to real science; it's acted perfectly and written well.

06-03-2015, 02:06 AM
I loved this movie. Just the music alone stirs the emotions.

I love the idea of time travel and to think years can pass in a matter of minutes while in a wormhole.

Love story about the connection a father has with his child and vice versa and being able to "connect" through understanding complex mathematical formulas was mind bending.

Saw twice and would see again.

06-03-2015, 09:17 AM
Dammit, Drummond! How the heck can we get this thread moved to the Steel Cage section if you are going to have an attitude like that?


Obviously I was off form that day ... very embarrassing, I must say ... :rolleyes::rolleyes::laugh:

06-03-2015, 09:34 AM
Since posting all those weeks ago, I bought the DVD. It's a very good film.

I regard it as propagandist, though, since it turns out to be the 'we are doomed' environmental catastrophe film that totally buys into the message that we're killing the planet.

Various aspects are enjoyable. One thing I didn't get, though ... the planet that was close to a black hole, which the 'intrepid explorers' visited to chase down a probe that had crash-landed there. Sheer scientific commonsense must decree that life cannot evolve on such a planet, so, why was it suggested that the film's characters would ever consider it a possibility ? The very reason it couldn't was illustrated by the film !!!!! - mountainous waves across all of its surface, that'd be a feature of the planet's evolution throughout its history, courtesy of the black hole nearby. No surface life could possibly exist, on the surface, in those conditions.

I liked the end of the film ... the space station that's a 'new 'home for mankind' offered up as a way to saving Mankind's future. It borrows, albeit very imprecisely, from the Dyson Sphere concept, I think. It was novel to see its depiction in a film.

Also the last scene .. finally, of one of the crew finding a planet-based settlement ... very good and hope-inspiring ...

06-03-2015, 10:53 AM
Just saw Interstellar a week ago. Great movie!

I don't agree with any political leanings - all they say is there's some sort of 'blight' that continues to mutate and wipes out earth's agriculture. They never say what initiated the blight and clearly don't know how to combat the infectious plant disease - it's unstoppable and a worldwide plague and starvation is everyone's #1 priority. The dust bowl would naturally occur due to the majority of vegetation being wiped out by the blight, not necessarily climate change.

Anyway, it was very good in explaining the relativity of time and the affects on people in relation to where they are from each other. My 12 year old son understands it now.

The only real nitpick I have with the movie was was flying into a black hole. The immense gravity from one of those prevents even light from escaping (therefore you can't see it, only observe it's affects on things) and it eats stars & planets in reality, but here they are flying a spaceship into it without it being crushed into nothingness way before it actually reaches the mouth of it. Still, being able to do that was needed for the story.

I think it added greatly to the movie by having complete silence from outside the ship in space. There is absolutely no sound in space, as we all know... it's always annoyed me a bit to hear roaring rockets and explosions or even minor events like latches activating as they're docking in outer space.

The robot really cracked me up. I really found it hilarious that they programmed the robot to lie to them 10% of the time. That would kinda keep you on your toes... it's always in the back of your head : "Is this in the 10% bracket?".

The Father / Daughter storyline was very powerful for me as well, since I have a 15 year old daughter and things aren't always rosy in that arena. Sometimes it's impossible to make your daughter understand something important and nothing you do as a father can change that.

Great story, awesome acting by McConaughey, Hathaway and Caine.

Oh, and I especially enjoyed seeing Matt Damon get exploded.... the little liberal puke.

06-03-2015, 11:15 AM
Just saw Interstellar a week ago. Great movie!

I don't agree with any political leanings - all they say is there's some sort of 'blight' that continues to mutate and wipes out earth's agriculture. They never say what initiated the blight and clearly don't know how to combat the infectious plant disease - it's unstoppable and a worldwide plague and starvation is everyone's #1 priority. The dust bowl would naturally occur due to the majority of vegetation being wiped out by the blight, not necessarily climate change.

Anyway, it was very good in explaining the relativity of time and the affects on people in relation to where they are from each other. My 12 year old son understands it now.

The only real nitpick I have with the movie was was flying into a black hole. The immense gravity from one of those prevents even light from escaping (therefore you can't see it, only observe it's affects on things) and it eats stars & planets in reality, but here they are flying a spaceship into it without it being crushed into nothingness way before it actually reaches the mouth of it. Still, being able to do that was needed for the story.

I think it added greatly to the movie by having complete silence from outside the ship in space. There is absolutely no sound in space, as we all know... it's always annoyed me a bit to hear roaring rockets and explosions or even minor events like latches activating as they're docking in outer space.

The robot really cracked me up. I really found it hilarious that they programmed the robot to lie to them 10% of the time. That would kinda keep you on your toes... it's always in the back of your head : "Is this in the 10% bracket?".

The Father / Daughter storyline was very powerful for me as well, since I have a 15 year old daughter and things aren't always rosy in that arena. Sometimes it's impossible to make your daughter understand something important and nothing you do as a father can change that.

Great story, awesome acting by McConaughey, Hathaway and Caine.

Oh, and I especially enjoyed seeing Matt Damon get exploded.... the little liberal puke.

Agreed on the black hole point. Also the lying robot was ridiculous. Would the robot tell a fib when someone's life depended on the truth ?

As for Matt Damon - nowhere on the DVD case I have does it list him as a cast member, which I find curious.

The 'Bourne' film (I think 'Bourne Supremacy' ?) in which a London 'Guardian' reporter gets assassinated at Waterloo Station ... I used to watch it repeatedly for just that scene. Since the Guardian is a Leftie paper, I wonder if CIA snipers could be prevailed upon to set up vantage points at all our main London stations (also Manchester Piccadilly for good measure) in case any Guardian staff fancy a train ride ?

06-03-2015, 11:27 AM
Agreed on the black hole point. Also the lying robot was ridiculous. Would the robot tell a fib when someone's life depended on the truth ?

As for Matt Damon - nowhere on the DVD case I have does it list him as a cast member, which I find curious.

The 'Bourne' film (I think 'Bourne Supremacy' ?) in which a London 'Guardian' reporter gets assassinated at Waterloo Station ... I used to watch it repeatedly for just that scene. Since the Guardian is a Leftie paper, I wonder if CIA snipers could be prevailed upon to set up vantage points at all our main London stations (also Manchester Piccadilly for good measure) in case any Guardian staff fancy a train ride ?

Just checked ... wrong film. It was 'Bourne Ultimatum' .. sorry ...

06-03-2015, 11:39 AM
Agreed on the black hole point. Also the lying robot was ridiculous. Would the robot tell a fib when someone's life depended on the truth ?

I never did figure out if that 90% truth factor was a joke - because the robot definitely did have the humor matrix that McConaughey kept adjusting (also very funny to me).

As far as I know, the robot never did lie to them. Maybe the 10% lying factor was suspended during emergency operations, which pretty much encompassed the entire space journey after the wormhole jump.

06-03-2015, 11:44 AM
Dammit, Drummond! How the heck can we get this thread moved to the Steel Cage section if you are going to have an attitude like that?


You know me. I can help. :halo9:

06-03-2015, 11:53 AM
You know me. I can help. :halo9::laugh::laugh:

... cue an FJ intervention ?

He's never around when he's 'needed', is he ? Very inconsiderate ....

06-03-2015, 12:06 PM

... cue an FJ intervention ?

He's never around when he's 'needed', is he ? Very inconsiderate ....

Oh give him a chance. He'll figure out some way to get y'all stirred up. :laugh:

06-03-2015, 12:10 PM
I watched this movie this morning, during the early hours.

Let's see......McConaughey goes inside a black hole and reaches his daughter's bedroom.

THIS is why they make so many different types of movies. Different things appeal to different people.

I didn't like it either.

06-03-2015, 12:15 PM
Oh give him a chance. He'll figure out some way to get y'all stirred up. :laugh:

.. Besides, he really needs the practice ... :laugh:

06-03-2015, 12:32 PM
... cue an FJ intervention ?

You're trolling again? Color me shocked.

Oh give him a chance. He'll figure out some way to get y'all stirred up. :laugh:

Yup, it's all me. :scared: My existence and being a testament to the truth of actual conservatism is enough to get them in a tizzy. ;)

06-03-2015, 12:33 PM
You're trolling again? Color me shocked.

Yup, it's all me. :scared: My existence and being a testament to the truth of actual conservatism is enough to get them in a tizzy. ;)

Right on cue. :laugh: