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11-24-2014, 10:06 PM

red state
11-24-2014, 11:32 PM
Thanks.....listening to it now. Doesn't seem to be much going on (I hope it stays that way). What'll happen is that THEY will destroy THEIR own local stores and then B.O.'s stupid wife will wonder why them poor, "fried chicken eaters" have to walk so far to grocery stores. Holder and not-so-sharpton must be disappointed if an all out civil unrest doesn't occur. Storage facilities seem to be the biggest thing so far on the scanner. Storage facility.......hHmmmmmm......sounds like EARLY Black Friday shopping to me. HA!!!

red state
11-24-2014, 11:34 PM
Oooooops, I may have spoken too soon. One guy said he can't hold by himself.....send troops.

11-24-2014, 11:36 PM
I am watching it on a live stream through ABC, they have Highway 44 shut down going both ways, shots have been fired, police cars have been set on fire and tear gas has been used, and they just showed a store with smoke and flames shooting out the roof .
As they chant hey hey Ho Ho these killer cops have got to go.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-24-2014, 11:50 PM
I am watching it on a live stream through ABC, they have Highway 44 shut down going both ways, shots have been fired, police cars have been set on fire and tear gas has been used, and they just showed a store with smoke and flames shooting out the roof .
As they chant hey hey Ho Ho these killer cops have got to go.

Shoot the lazy bastards and do it right...

And I do not even like cops but this shit Obama and Holder have egged on, encouraged and even promoted needs to be stopped cold!

Shoot them ( the rioters there I mean--:laugh:)-!!!! --Tyr

11-25-2014, 12:08 AM
I agree Tyr, this trash of hearing the police are doing good because they stood behind barricades as they where pelted with things from the crowd, time to realize these people have to live by the law of the land just as everyone else does, time to open fire, one half hour of the National Guard opening fire and that would be the end of it. But now I see Los Angles , NYC and 2 other cities have demonstrators as well, they are going to keep up and they are going to get something they don't want.

11-25-2014, 12:43 AM
I am watching it on a live stream through ABC, they have Highway 44 shut down going both ways, shots have been fired, police cars have been set on fire and tear gas has been used, and they just showed a store with smoke and flames shooting out the roof .
As they chant hey hey Ho Ho these killer cops have got to go.

What? I-44 doesn't go anywhere near Ferguson. Maybe they meant I-270?

11-25-2014, 12:58 AM

The grand jury couldn't find enough evidence to charge him with anything. Meaning, they apparently decided he was legitimately defending himself when attacked by the 6'4" 250# teenager who grabbed for his gun.

As I recall, several witnesses (all black) corroborated the policeman's version of events.

Are the rent-a-mobs that someone bused in from out of town, burning the place down yet?


News from The Associated Press

Grand jury doesn't indict Ferguson cop in shooting

Associated Press
Nov 25, 12:11 AM EST

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A grand jury declined Monday to indict white police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed, black 18-year-old whose fatal shooting sparked weeks of sometimes-violent protests and inflamed deep racial tensions between many African-Americans and police.

Within minutes of the announcement by St. Louis County's top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision. Some taunted police, shattered windows and vandalized cars. Several gunshots were also heard. Officers used tear gas to disperse the gatherings.

11-25-2014, 06:00 AM

The grand jury couldn't find enough evidence to charge him with anything. Meaning, they apparently decided he was legitimately defending himself when attacked by the 6'4" 250# teenager who grabbed for his gun.

As I recall, several witnesses (all black) corroborated the policeman's version of events.

Are the rent-a-mobs that someone bused in from out of town, burning the place down yet?


News from The Associated Press

Grand jury doesn't indict Ferguson cop in shooting

Associated Press
Nov 25, 12:11 AM EST

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) -- A grand jury declined Monday to indict white police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, the unarmed, black 18-year-old whose fatal shooting sparked weeks of sometimes-violent protests and inflamed deep racial tensions between many African-Americans and police.

Within minutes of the announcement by St. Louis County's top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision. Some taunted police, shattered windows and vandalized cars. Several gunshots were also heard. Officers used tear gas to disperse the gatherings.

The decision of the grand jury just doesn't matter. There are some who are determined to riot, burn down businesses, and assault just about anyone they see because they are thugs. This is just an excuse.

11-25-2014, 06:05 AM
I have to ask... when was the last time a bunch of white people burned and looted a town and otherwise acted like a bunch of Huns for any reason whatsoever?

No, I can't think of the last time, either.

And you have to wonder why white people have the attitude that they do against blacks?

11-25-2014, 06:43 AM
This is disgusting, they didn't get the call they wanted so they will no go completely lawless. And all this that it is only a couple but yet the chief of Police ( who had over 1000 officers on duty ) now says he will need 10,000 more to stop these animals from destroying the neighborhoods, there neighborhoods. They say it is just a few but the Mom of the victim who sat a top a car and listened screamed and cried when the verdict was read ( I am sure that didn't help fuel the fire )

Lets face it these folks are animals, nope not all blacks but the ones I seen running in and out of stores stealing, or the ones riding arouns on top of cars or hanging out the windows of the vehicle they sure are. It is time to let the National Guard do there job, set a curfew, have a police cruiser ride through town all day letting people know if you are on the road after dark you will be arrested ( lets face it nothing much will be open so I doubt you will have to many going to work ) and these animals that are caught lighting fires , looting, or just riding around hanging out windows cutting 360s in the intersection, those folks let the Guard do there job on, a couple of nights of that and it will quiet down real quick.

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Chaos returned to the streets of Ferguson after a grand jury declined to indict a white police officer in the death of Michael Brown — a decision that enraged protesters who set fire to buildings and cars and looted businesses in the area where the unarmed, black 18-year-old was fatally shot.
<section class="yom-mod " id="mediacontentrelatedstory" data-ylk="mid:mediacontentrelatedstory;mpos:1;elm:hdln;elmt: ct;cat:Related Stories;rspns:nav;t1:a3;t2:lst-ct;itc:0;sec:lst-ct;">


Monday night's destruction appeared to be much worse than last summer's protests, with at least a dozen businesses badly damaged or destroyed. Authorities reported hearing hundreds of gunshots, which for a time prevented fire crews from fighting the flames.
Jon Belmar, chief of the St. Louis County police, said that unless his agency could bring in 10,000 officers, "I don't think we can prevent folks who really are intent on destroying a community."


11-25-2014, 06:57 AM
What? I-44 doesn't go anywhere near Ferguson. Maybe they meant I-270?

Nope , what they said was highway 44 on the news stream, 270 would go around the city but this highway ( it wasn't a interstate ) went straight thru, I tried to look it up TF but all they are showing is where yesterday afternoon they tried to shut down I 70, I am sure the news announcer had no idea where they were at and honestly other than the interstate going around I don't either :laugh: but they had iut shut down for a while last night, it looked t me as if they where at a cross road where it was shut down.

Just found this

Watch: Ferguson Protesters Shut Down HighwaySo yes according to this it was 44

Protesters shut down Hwy 44 at Grand Ave. following the grand jury decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.


11-25-2014, 07:21 AM
All these Athletes are twitting their comments, did a one of then stop and think man if we just raised our kids differently they wouldn't be getting in trouble with the law and therefore the cops would have no reason to shoot. I am so sick of hearing about the poor man of color, act like a human being and chances are you wont speak a word to a police officer.

Athletes took to social media after news broke that a grand jury decided police officer Darren Wilson will not face criminal charges (http://news.yahoo.com/grand-jury-ferguson-officer-darren-wilson-michael-brown-shooting-death-225723458.html) in the controversial shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown (http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaab/players/123063/) in Ferguson, Mo.


11-25-2014, 07:53 AM
It's not like this wasn't predicted. Some want to blame the media, some want to blame the police, then the grand jury... The truth of the matter is, violence doesn't appear out of think air unless someone is being violent as an individual. Watching TV for hours last night I witnessed despicable behavior. I don't know if they were local residents, people that drove in from elsewhere or even professional protestors. But does it really matter? People don't necessarily need to paint Ferguson as the bad people here - but the protests that end like this - these folks ARE bad. I just saw video of a CNN reporter getting pegged in the head with a rock for simply reporting. Businesses in the community completely destroyed, whether by fire or complete devastation from looters.

What does this actually do to protest? What gets changed by such violence? What point are they trying to prove? That if they don't get a verdict they agree with that violence is the answer?

Those harming others, those shooting guns, those lighting structures on fire - all animals, IMO.

(I will try to move some of the aftermath threads/posts to this thread or another to keep things in one place).

11-25-2014, 07:58 AM
Just saw this from "Swin Cash" (never heard of this person"

Someone PLEASE explain to me why I'm looking at an officer with a shot gun drawn in Feguson

Are you serious? Effing kidding me? The animals are running loose and creating mass devastation, guns going off all over the place (over a hundred reported) and this twit wonders why the police are armed and ready? And the other BLACK celebrities truly don't understand all of this? If every American was clueless, and simply handed facts about this case, and no colors mentioned - this guy would have been considered justified within a few days of the shooting.

And if the same were true right now, and the world didn't know colors - they would also be talking about animals on the loose and how despicable they are. But PC is here and no one will say much, as it's wrong, and will then make you a racist. :(

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2014, 08:02 AM

With no indictment, chaos fills Ferguson streets


Associated Press
32 minutes ago

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Chaos returned to the streets of Ferguson after a grand jury declined to indict a white police officer in the death of Michael Brown — a decision that enraged protesters who set fire to buildings and cars and looted businesses in the area where the unarmed, black 18-year-old was fatally shot.

Smoke billowed from some businesses Tuesday morning and shattered glass covered the sidewalks in front of others, but the streets in Ferguson were mostly clear.

Monday night's destruction appeared to be much worse than protests after August's shootings, with more than a dozen businesses badly damaged or destroyed. Authorities reported hearing hundreds of gunshots, which for a time prevented fire crews from fighting the flames.

Jon Belmar, chief of the St. Louis County police, said that unless his agency could bring in 10,000 officers, "I don't think we can prevent folks who really are intent on destroying a community."

The grand jury's decision means that Officer Darren Wilson, who is white, will not face any state criminal charges for killing Brown, whose death inflamed deep racial tensions between many black Americans and police.

Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch said the jury of nine whites and three blacks met on 25 separate days over three months, hearing more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses, including three medical examiners and experts on blood, toxicology and firearms.

"They are the only people that have heard and examined every witness and every piece of evidence," he said, adding that the jurors "poured their hearts and soul into this process."

In the first flash of unrest after the grand jury announcement, Belmar said he told officers to back off, suggesting they handle the situation as if it were a festival or baseball game. But the situation quickly "spun out of control," as protesters looted businesses and set fire to numerous vehicles, including at least two police cars.

Officers eventually lobbed tear gas from inside armored vehicles to disperse crowds. There were at least 29 arrests, police said.

As McCulloch read his statement, Michael Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, sat atop a vehicle listening to a broadcast of the announcement. When she heard the decision, she burst into tears and began screaming before being whisked away by supporters.

The crowd with her erupted in anger, converging on the barricade where police in riot gear were standing. They pushed down the barricade and began pelting police with objects, including a bullhorn. Officers stood their ground.

Speaking for nearly 45 minutes, a defensive McCulloch repeatedly cited what he said were inconsistencies and erroneous witness accounts. When asked by a reporter whether any of the accounts amount to perjury, he said, "I think they truly believe that's what they saw, but they didn't."

The prosecutor also was critical of the media, saying "the most significant challenge" for his office was a "24-hour news cycle and an insatiable appetite for something — for anything — to talk about."

They acted just the way they always act, with disrespect for the Rule of Law. Why the hell weren't these ffing animals shot by police as they engage in arson, looting and firing weapons??
I'll tell you why-orders from Obama given before the coming riot.
He wants this so he can Executive order more damn changes!
He is as close to a dictator as we've ever had since King George and moving further every damn day.
We have no security or peace as long as that racist ffing traitor is in control of this nation!!! --Tyr

11-25-2014, 08:28 AM
Highlights of testimony in Michael Brown shooting

A St. Louis County grand jury met for 25 days over three months and heard more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses — many of whom gave conflicting statements — before deciding not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, according to prosecutor Bob McCulloch.

Here are some of the highlights from the testimony, released by McCulloch's office Monday night:


Wilson told the grand jury that he initially encountered Brown and a friend walking in a street and told them to move to the sidewalk, drawing an expletive from Brown. Wilson said he noticed that Brown had a handful of cigars, "and that's when it clicked for me" that the men were suspects in a theft at a convenience store reported minutes earlier.

Wilson said he asked a dispatcher to send additional officers, then backed his vehicle in front of Brown and his friend. As he tried to open the door, Wilson said, Brown slammed it back shut. Wilson said he pushed Brown with the door and Brown hit him in the face. Wilson told grand jurors he was thinking: "What do I do not to get beaten inside my car?"

Wilson said he drew his gun and threatened to shoot if Brown didn't move back, fearing another punch to the face could "knock me out or worse."

"He immediately grabs my gun and says, 'You are too much of a pussy to shoot me,'" Wilson said, saying he thought he would be shot when Brown dug the gun into the officer's hip.


Wilson said he managed to pull the trigger, and the gun "clicked" twice without firing before a shot went through the window. Wilson said Brown stepped back and then looked at him with the "most intense, aggressive face."

"The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that's how angry he looked. He comes back towards me again with his hands up."

Wilson said he covered his face and fired the gun again. He told the grand jury that he fired two shots in the car before Brown took off running and he followed him.

Wilson said when Brown stopped, he told him to get on the ground. He said he squeezed a series of shots when Brown kept coming toward him and put his right hand under his shirt in the waistband of his pants.

He said he fired another round of shots as Brown continued to gain on him, approaching Wilson as if he was going to tackle him: "Just coming straight at me like he was going to run right through me. And when he gets about ... 8 to 10 feet away ... all I see is his head and that's what I shot."


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2014, 08:55 AM
Highlights of testimony in Michael Brown shooting

A St. Louis County grand jury met for 25 days over three months and heard more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses — many of whom gave conflicting statements — before deciding not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, according to prosecutor Bob McCulloch.

Here are some of the highlights from the testimony, released by McCulloch's office Monday night:


Wilson told the grand jury that he initially encountered Brown and a friend walking in a street and told them to move to the sidewalk, drawing an expletive from Brown. Wilson said he noticed that Brown had a handful of cigars, "and that's when it clicked for me" that the men were suspects in a theft at a convenience store reported minutes earlier.

Wilson said he asked a dispatcher to send additional officers, then backed his vehicle in front of Brown and his friend. As he tried to open the door, Wilson said, Brown slammed it back shut. Wilson said he pushed Brown with the door and Brown hit him in the face. Wilson told grand jurors he was thinking: "What do I do not to get beaten inside my car?"

Wilson said he drew his gun and threatened to shoot if Brown didn't move back, fearing another punch to the face could "knock me out or worse."

"He immediately grabs my gun and says, 'You are too much of a pussy to shoot me,'" Wilson said, saying he thought he would be shot when Brown dug the gun into the officer's hip.


Wilson said he managed to pull the trigger, and the gun "clicked" twice without firing before a shot went through the window. Wilson said Brown stepped back and then looked at him with the "most intense, aggressive face."

"The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that's how angry he looked. He comes back towards me again with his hands up."

Wilson said he covered his face and fired the gun again. He told the grand jury that he fired two shots in the car before Brown took off running and he followed him.

Wilson said when Brown stopped, he told him to get on the ground. He said he squeezed a series of shots when Brown kept coming toward him and put his right hand under his shirt in the waistband of his pants.

He said he fired another round of shots as Brown continued to gain on him, approaching Wilson as if he was going to tackle him: "Just coming straight at me like he was going to run right through me. And when he gets about ... 8 to 10 feet away ... all I see is his head and that's what I shot."


To the government leeches none of that matters! All that matters is they get to loot and break things. Ever wonder why African nations are so poor and either are dictatorships or ran like a plantation with head badass murderer in charge?
The answer is savagery. They are about 5 centuries behind in being civilized and their brothers here prove it every chance they get.
Those bastards looting and burning last night should have been shot on the spot.
About 15 out of 20 black males are not even men at any point in their thieving , drug pushing , baby making irresponsible, government leeching lives !
The dems have by their vote buying policies bred generations of LAZY, IRRESPONSIBLE SCUM... IMHO.

TRUTH, cold hard truth is a bitch and it condemns them for their actions and their barbaric attitude . They riot to loot and to get more government handouts in the future.

A damn crying shame we are too PC, to candy-ass, to shoot the ffing bastards!
No wonder Obama was heralded as a messiah, a hero.. Most whites are too stupid to stand and be men like our grandfathers were.
This nation shall fall. Sooner or later but when men are taught to be cowards-the ffing end is not far away..

Why was no National Guard there stopping the arson, looting etc?
Why were none of them arrested?

Come towards my property, my home, my family with weapons with intent to harm, intent to burn and every damn person in that group will get shot down the way its supposed to be.
Of course I was raised to actually be a man and protect me and mine..
What those citizens in Ferguson were raised to be I haven't a clue -I can only guess - p**sies ...
Will not defend yourself, your family and your property against savages/black scum = deserve what you get in my book.
Same type of people that voted in the monster ruining this nation now! -Tyr

11-25-2014, 10:20 AM
Nope , what they said was highway 44 on the news stream, 270 would go around the city but this highway ( it wasn't a interstate ) went straight thru, I tried to look it up TF but all they are showing is where yesterday afternoon they tried to shut down I 70, I am sure the news announcer had no idea where they were at and honestly other than the interstate going around I don't either :laugh: but they had iut shut down for a while last night, it looked t me as if they where at a cross road where it was shut down.

Just found this

Watch: Ferguson Protesters Shut Down Highway

So yes according to this it was 44


Wow! The thugs are even more stupid than I thought possible. That's inside the city limits of St. Louis, a city the race baiters own. Causing mayhem against your own "community leaders" is profoundly stupid. Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite their face.

To the government leeches none of that matters! All that matters is they get to loot and break things. Ever wonder why African nations are so poor and either are dictatorships or ran like a plantation with head badass murderer in charge?
The answer is savagery. They are about 5 centuries behind in being civilized and their brothers here prove it every chance they get.
Those bastards looting and burning last night should have been shot on the spot.
About 15 out of 20 black males are not even men at any point in their thieving , drug pushing , baby making irresponsible, government leeching lives !
The dems have by their vote buying policies bred generations of LAZY, IRRESPONSIBLE SCUM... IMHO.

TRUTH, cold hard truth is a bitch and it condemns them for their actions and their barbaric attitude . They riot to loot and to get more government handouts in the future.

A damn crying shame we are too PC, to candy-ass, to shoot the ffing bastards!
No wonder Obama was heralded as a messiah, a hero.. Most whites are too stupid to stand and be men like our grandfathers were.
This nation shall fall. Sooner or later but when men are taught to be cowards-the ffing end is not far away..

Why was no National Guard there stopping the arson, looting etc?
Why were none of them arrested?

Come towards my property, my home, my family with weapons with intent to harm, intent to burn and every damn person in that group will get shot down the way its supposed to be.
Of course I was raised to actually be a man and protect me and mine..
What those citizens in Ferguson were raised to be I haven't a clue -I can only guess - p**sies ...
Will not defend yourself, your family and your property against savages/black scum = deserve what you get in my book.
Same type of people that voted in the monster ruining this nation now! -Tyr

I'm surprised that some white supremacist hasn't gone down there to bait the thugs into making him exercise "self-defense". The Ferguson citizens you speak of decided it wasn't worth the bother and left long ago.

In 1990, Ferguson, Mo. was a middle class suburban enclave north of St. Louis with a population about three-quarters white. In 2000, the town’s population was roughly split between black and white with an unemployment rate of 5%. By 2010, the population was two-thirds black, unemployment had exceeded 13%, and the number of residents living in poverty had doubled in a decade.


11-25-2014, 01:20 PM
who cares what a few athletes have to say....or black comedians like chris rock whos a known racist...ost of the athletes are themselves thugs and hoodlums anyway.

11-25-2014, 01:32 PM
who cares what a few athletes have to say....or black comedians like chris rock whos a known racist...ost of the athletes are themselves thugs and hoodlums anyway.

I'm just wondering if you know the definition.

11-25-2014, 01:34 PM
I'm just wondering if you know the definition.

Deja Vu, and I hate you! :lol:

11-25-2014, 01:36 PM
Deja Vu, and I hate you! :lol:


11-25-2014, 01:47 PM

Probably trying to poison me, you liberal lemming!! :lol: :coffee:

11-25-2014, 01:50 PM
I'm just wondering if you know the definition.

Ever listen to chris rock? his comedy wouldn't survive without racist remarks.....that's 90% of his act.

11-25-2014, 01:54 PM
Ever listen to chris rock? his comedy wouldn't survive without racist remarks.....that's 90% of his act.

He espouses the superiority of one race over another? He must have new material.

11-25-2014, 05:33 PM
*Excellent article by Neal Boortz.....................


By Neal Boortz (http://www.wsbradio.com/staff/neal-boortz/):

What was the purpose of the grand jury here? These were 12 private citizens chosen by a judge to represent a cross-section of the community the grand jury serves. This grand jury was selected long before the death of Michael Brown.

Their job was not to decide guilt or innocence in any matter. Their job in this case was simply to decide if there was enough evidence to put Darren Wilson on trial for the death of Michael Brown. We don’t know the final vote of the 12 members of the jury, but we do know that nine of them could not agree that there was enough evidence for a trial.

To phrase it another way, this grand jury didn’t believe that there was enough evidence for any trial jury to convict Officer Wilson of a crime. You need to know that grand juries generally return indictments in well over 95% of the cases that are presented to them.

A "no bill", or no indictment, is a rarity. What do we learn from this grand jury action then? We learn that the evidence wasoverwhelmingly in favor of the police officer. This may not fit the narrative that the media and cretins like Al Sharpton have been pushing for 100 days ... but that's the reality.

Much More: READ....


11-26-2014, 12:22 AM
who cares what a few athletes have to say....or black comedians like chris rock whos a known racist...ost of the athletes are themselves thugs and hoodlums anyway.

Chris Rock may be a racist but this is funny, and in a way so sadly honest.

<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=65615832429" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=65615832429">Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ChrisRock">Chris Rock</a>.</div></div>

11-26-2014, 05:33 AM
Probably trying to poison me, you liberal lemming!! :lol: :coffee:

-- Enjoy the privilege !!

Where's my choccies, FJ .. ?!?

11-26-2014, 05:38 AM
-- Enjoy the privilege !!

Where's my choccies, FJ .. ?!?

I don't think Fj loves you :laugh:

11-26-2014, 08:29 AM
I don't think Fj loves you :laugh:

.... **Sob** ... I'm heartbroken ... !!!! ......

11-26-2014, 08:30 AM
.... **Sob** ... I'm heartbroken ... !!!! ......

As I am sure he is, with all this rioting going on all I can think of is " can't we all get along " :laugh:

11-26-2014, 08:38 AM
-- Enjoy the privilege !!

Where's my choccies, FJ .. ?!?

My agenda allows the stupid ones like you to live. ;)

drummond fodder... because... he's an idiot.

11-26-2014, 08:44 AM
My agenda allows the stupid ones like you to live. ;)

drummond fodder... because... he's an idiot.

-- H'm. Excuse my 'stupidity', but perhaps you'd care to explain that remark .. ?

11-26-2014, 08:45 AM
-- H'm. Excuse my 'stupidity', but perhaps you'd care to explain that remark .. ?

I already did. Perhaps next time you'll think twice about trolling. :)

My agenda allows the stupid ones like you to live. ;)

drummond fodder... because... he's an idiot.

11-26-2014, 10:02 AM
I already did. Perhaps next time you'll think twice about trolling. :)

Both a cop-out remark (expected, of course, and in this specific case, one you badly needed to indulge in, eh ..) ... and an outrageous example of what I must regard as your sense of humour at work.

- YOU somehow think it remotely appropriate to berate ME (if that's the appropriate way of viewing it, in totality) over trolling ???!!??

FJ, I see a new thread hijack in prospect (just the latest of many). Except I refuse to be a peripheral party to this one, however indirectly. Try sticking to the thread subject.

If you can TRY to somehow refrain from attacking Conservatives in the process, FJ, so much the better. Consider it a therapeutic exercise.

11-26-2014, 10:24 AM
... an outrageous example ... ME ... trolling!!


You're a hypocritical idiot.

Queue Margaret Thatcher... because... drummond is an idiot.

11-26-2014, 10:59 AM
You're a hypocritical idiot.

Queue Margaret Thatcher... because... drummond is an idiot.

FJ, I think you're too hard on Drummond. For one, he doesn't live in the US, so he misses many of the nuances of the American experience. Secondly, many of his posts show that he has done SOME research on his own, not just a copy-and-paste monkey . If you want to target someone for being copy-and-paste monkey, there are better candidates.

11-26-2014, 11:34 AM
FJ, I think you're too hard on Drummond. For one, he doesn't live in the US, so he misses many of the nuances of the American experience. Secondly, many of his posts show that he has done SOME research on his own, not just a copy-and-paste monkey . If you want to target someone for being copy-and-paste monkey, there are better candidates.

I appreciate your post - thanks for it.

But this isn't just about me. FJ attacks me as part of a wider attack against any Conservative here not buying into what he claims for himself. The various threads on DP are littered with those many attacks.

This, of course, is wholly consistent with his being a Leftie, attempting a covert swaying of attitudes and opinions. He's not the first Leftie I've come across who's tried that tactic. The agenda is one of salesmanship ... sell acceptable bona fides, then, on the back of them, build up credibility in order to attain maximum propaganda-pushing successes.

Thus, those Conservatives who see him as a Leftie ... those, he cannot work on in that way, so he has no use for them. So, with nothing achievable, he reverts to type and attacks them. This has the dual purpose of - he'd hope - fracturing alliances. Convince seemingly more 'pliable' people that the so-called 'knuckleheads' can't be taken seriously, and he hopes to isolate them from convincing anybody of anything.

As I've seen these tactics before, I readily recognise them. That FJ also claims to be a 'Thatcherite' yet doesn't even know certain basics about her is additionally suspicious ... to say the least. It didn't help when he attacked the British Conservative Party, on one thread, for pursuing fiscal prudence, a policy not more in line with the less fiscally prudent approach our Labour Party employed previously ... one already proven to be ruinous to our economy !!! ....

FJ just won't give up attacking Conservatives. He SHOULD, if genuine .. but it won't happen. His TRUE biases don't permit that to happen.

Go on, FJ ... reform your act, prove me wrong. TRY.

11-26-2014, 12:01 PM
I appreciate your post - thanks for it.

But this isn't just about me. FJ attacks me as part of a wider attack against any Conservative here not buying into what he claims for himself. The various threads on DP are littered with those many attacks.

This, of course, is wholly consistent with his being a Leftie, attempting a covert swaying of attitudes and opinions. He's not the first Leftie I've come across who's tried that tactic. The agenda is one of salesmanship ... sell acceptable bona fides, then, on the back of them, build up credibility in order to attain maximum propaganda-pushing successes.

Thus, those Conservatives who see him as a Leftie ... those, he cannot work on in that way, so he has no use for them. So, with nothing achievable, he reverts to type and attacks them. This has the dual purpose of - he'd hope - fracturing alliances. Convince seemingly more 'pliable' people that the so-called 'knuckleheads' can't be taken seriously, and he hopes to isolate them from convincing anybody of anything.

As I've seen these tactics before, I readily recognise them. That FJ also claims to be a 'Thatcherite' yet doesn't even know certain basics about her is additionally suspicious ... to say the least. It didn't help when he attacked the British Conservative Party, on one thread, for pursuing fiscal prudence, a policy not more in line with the less fiscally prudent approach our Labour Party employed previously ... one already proven to be ruinous to our economy !!! ....

FJ just won't give up attacking Conservatives. He SHOULD, if genuine .. but it won't happen. His TRUE biases don't permit that to happen.

Go on, FJ ... reform your act, prove me wrong. TRY.

I look at posts through a different lens. Whether left or right, I look at the level of craftsmanship one has in their discussions. While I will occasionally accept a mud wrestling invitation for entertainment, interaction that communicates information I didn't already know is what I value most. I would rather exchange information, however as some other members have seen, I don't hold back when mud wrestling, figuratively smearing mud in their eyes and mouth. For example, imagine Gab's hard nipples showing through a tank top soaked with cold watery mud. Abou Time might even enjoy it when he's not blind drunk. You do know that Abou is a Middle-Eastern name, right?

11-26-2014, 12:35 PM
I look at posts through a different lens. Whether left or right, I look at the level of craftsmanship one has in their discussions. While I will occasionally accept a mud wrestling invitation for entertainment, interaction that communicates information I didn't already know is what I value most. I would rather exchange information, however as some other members have seen, I don't hold back when mud wrestling, figuratively smearing mud in their eyes and mouth. For example, imagine Gab's hard nipples showing through a tank top soaked with cold watery mud. Abou Time might even enjoy it when he's not blind drunk. You do know that Abou is a Middle-Eastern name, right?

... yes, well ....

Different people have different agendas, different reasons for being here .. different expectations in mind. What you describe for yourself works for you, naturally.

The same could be said for FJ ... in the way he'd view it. Except that his agenda is rather more transparent than he thinks it to be. And ... WAY more divisive.

As for the little game you've played (or tried to) with Aboutime's moniker ... sorry, but I'm not taking that one up. Why would I ? I have respect for that individual, and consider him to be one of DP's better contributors.

And NO, you will not draw me into a debate about him. Besides which ... this thread is becoming more and more derailed, isn't it ?

11-26-2014, 12:41 PM
... yes, well ....

Different people have different agendas, different reasons for being here .. different expectations in mind. What you describe for yourself works for you, naturally.

The same could be said for FJ ... in the way he'd view it. Except that his agenda is rather more transparent than he thinks it to be. And ... WAY more divisive.

As for the little game you've played (or tried to) with Aboutime's moniker ... sorry, but I'm not taking that one up. Why would I ? I have respect for that individual, and consider him to be one of DP's better contributors.

And NO, you will not draw me into a debate about him. Besides which ... this thread is becoming more and more derailed, isn't it ?

Yes it is. That's why enjoying the entertainment value of things leads to less frustration.

11-26-2014, 12:48 PM
Yes it is. That's why enjoying the entertainment value of things leads to less frustration.

Maybe so.

Still, this thread exists for a reason. High time it addressed it once more ?

11-26-2014, 12:59 PM
FJ, I think you're too hard on Drummond. For one, he doesn't live in the US, so he misses many of the nuances of the American experience.

If only that were true yet he persists in being a hypocritical (because he trolls and then complains about trolls and then ignores trolls) idiot (case below).

But this isn't just about me. FJ attacks me as part of a wider attack against any Conservative here not buying into what he claims for himself. The various threads on DP are littered with those many attacks.

This, of course, is wholly consistent with his being a Leftie...

Wow, you are one dumbA* idiot. It's amazing how wrong one person can be but you're certainly trying for the record. Show me where you think I "attack" conservatives and I'll show you either an idiot (you) or a knucklehead.

... and consider him to be one of DP's better contributors.

Lying to the banana doesn't do anyone any favors.

High time it addressed it once more ?

Started something you couldn't finish again didn't you. Run along boy.

11-26-2014, 01:19 PM
If only that were true yet he persists in being a hypocritical (because he trolls and then complains about trolls and then ignores trolls) idiot (case below).

Wow, you are one dumbA* idiot. It's amazing how wrong one person can be but you're certainly trying for the record. Show me where you think I "attack" conservatives and I'll show you either an idiot (you) or a knucklehead.

Lying to the banana doesn't do anyone any favors.

Started something you couldn't finish again didn't you. Run along boy.

Yet MORE thread hijacking .. yet MORE anti-Conservative attacking.

And you make my point for me. You challenge me to tell you where you attack Conservatives, obviously knowing in advance who I'd name ... because you know in advance how you HAVE, and how you WILL, attack those very individuals.

I've stated why you do it. A further setting-up of a chance for you to attack those very Conservatives YET AGAIN, serves no useful purpose. Except to you, that is ... the furthering of your agenda.

NOW - STOP this thread hijacking, LEFTIE !!

11-26-2014, 01:28 PM
Yet MORE thread hijacking .. yet MORE anti-Conservative attacking.

And you make my point for me. You challenge me to tell you where you attack Conservatives, obviously knowing in advance who I'd name ... because you know in advance how you HAVE, and how you WILL, attack those very individuals.

I've stated why you do it. A further setting-up of a chance for you to attack those very Conservatives YET AGAIN, serves no useful purpose. Except to you, that is ... the furthering of your agenda.

NOW - STOP this thread hijacking, LEFTIE !!

Yes, yes you do hijack you idiot. As I said make your case and I'll show you an idiot or a knucklehead. Of course now you're pretty much forced to admit that I don't "attack" conservatives because I don't "attack" everyone on this board. You're forced to admit I only "attack" idiots and knuckleheads. So go ahead, admit you're wrong you moron... though I know you won't just like you won't admit you're wrong in the thread where you brought up someone else's abortion thread. You suck at this you hack.

Besides, I don't attack anyone. I'm a lovable fuzzball. Unless you're an idiot with an ignorant imagination that is. :)

11-26-2014, 01:40 PM
Yes, yes you do hijack you idiot. As I said make your case and I'll show you an idiot or a knucklehead. Of course now you're pretty much forced to admit that I don't "attack" conservatives because I don't "attack" everyone on this board. You're forced to admit I only "attack" idiots and knuckleheads. So go ahead, admit you're wrong you moron... though I know you won't just like you won't admit you're wrong in the thread where you brought up someone else's abortion thread. You suck at this you hack.

Besides, I don't attack anyone. I'm a lovable fuzzball. Unless you're an idiot with an ignorant imagination that is. :)

I've covered this already. You attack those Conservatives who see you as the Leftie you are ... since you've no use for those you cannot influence, so, you attack.

Your agenda is, obviously, to influence those Conservatives you CAN influence. With Leftie stuff, like the Carter-esque position you take on terrorists, for example. Those you know resist your arguments on that score, you attack .... those who offer no countering arguments, who seem more susceptible (or potentially so) to the pro-Carter line, you treat better.

You should make up your mind, by the way .... your above post blatantly contradicts itself. EITHER, you attack 'idiots and knuckleheads' ... OR, you 'don't attack anyone'.

.. WHICH .. ??

11-26-2014, 01:48 PM
I've covered this already. You attack those Conservatives who see you as the Leftie you are ... since you've no use for those you cannot influence, so, you attack.

Your agenda is, obviously, to influence those Conservatives you CAN influence. With Leftie stuff, like the Carter-esque position you take on terrorists, for example. Those you know resist your arguments on that score, you attack .... those who offer no countering arguments, who seem more susceptible (or potentially so) to the pro-Carter line, you treat better.

You should make up your mind, by the way .... your above post blatantly contradicts itself. EITHER, you attack 'idiots and knuckleheads' ... OR, you 'don't attack anyone'.

.. WHICH .. ??

I'm trying to keep an open mind. FJ may very well be a Republican. I see many in the business world like him. They don't want to go within 100 yards of an issue that doesn't affect business. They want low taxes and low regulation but want nothing to do with anything "controversial". They fidget in the presence of discussions of gay rights, women's rights, abortion, Islam, and other issues. They might even say something airy and pie-in-the-sky just to get those who care about those topics to go away.

11-26-2014, 02:09 PM
I'm trying to keep an open mind. FJ may very well be a Republican. I see many in the business world like him. They don't want to go within 100 yards of an issue that doesn't affect business. They want low taxes and low regulation but want nothing to do with anything "controversial". They fidget in the presence of discussions of gay rights, women's rights, abortion, Islam, and other issues. They might even say something airy and pie-in-the-sky just to get those who care about those topics to go away.

Hmm, I'm just not sure what to say about that.

11-26-2014, 02:22 PM
I've covered this already. You attack those Conservatives who see you as the Leftie you are ... since you've no use for those you cannot influence, so, you attack.

Your agenda is, obviously, to influence those Conservatives you CAN influence. With Leftie stuff, like the Carter-esque position you take on terrorists, for example. Those you know resist your arguments on that score, you attack .... those who offer no countering arguments, who seem more susceptible (or potentially so) to the pro-Carter line, you treat better.

You should make up your mind, by the way .... your above post blatantly contradicts itself. EITHER, you attack 'idiots and knuckleheads' ... OR, you 'don't attack anyone'.

.. WHICH .. ??

Running away from your own challenge I see. Thanks for living down to my expectations. BTW, learn to read.

Unless you're an idiot with an ignorant imagination that is.

You hack. :)

11-26-2014, 05:19 PM
Awesome response that will only have him labeled a racist uncle tom!


11-26-2014, 08:30 PM
Awesome response that will only have him labeled a racist uncle tom!


Excellent Piece....seen it before...says it like it is....

11-26-2014, 09:52 PM
Hmm, I'm just not sure what to say about that.

... and I believe you, FJ. Just a little difficult, isn't it, FJ, to decide the best way of winning over - conclusively so - someone with this brand of thinking ?

I'm sure you'll settle on some strategy or other to try. Either that, or let rip with some insults, etc ...

Anyway, Tailfins, if you want to continue giving FJ the benefit of the doubt, that's really your business. For myself, I'd just say that FJ's posting history speaks for itself. FJ is a familiar type to me ... I've seen his ilk more than once before. But then, these are just my thoughts ....

Back, firmly, to the subject of the thread, hijacking now done with ? Agreed, FJ ... ?? :rolleyes:

11-28-2014, 10:19 AM
... and I believe you, FJ. Just a little difficult, isn't it, FJ, to decide the best way of winning over - conclusively so - someone with this brand of thinking ?

I'm sure you'll settle on some strategy or other to try. Either that, or let rip with some insults, etc ...

Anyway, Tailfins, if you want to continue giving FJ the benefit of the doubt, that's really your business. For myself, I'd just say that FJ's posting history speaks for itself. FJ is a familiar type to me ... I've seen his ilk more than once before. But then, these are just my thoughts ....

Back, firmly, to the subject of the thread, hijacking now done with ? Agreed, FJ ... ?? :rolleyes:

I'm not sure what to say about it because it's not particularly applicable to a debate site. Nevertheless I like TF, he understands conservatism, he advocates for his beliefs, and is probably the most active in the real world in advocating for what he believes in. None of which apply to you because you're an ignorant hack. And I see your running away again because you suck at this. It's so like you to run. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-28-2014, 11:20 AM

You're a hypocritical idiot.

Queue Margaret Thatcher... because... drummond is an idiot.

Posted as you totally ignore that Obama is a thousand times the bigger hypocritical politician than ever was Nixon!!
And many, many, many times more corrupt!! -Tyr

11-28-2014, 03:35 PM
Posted as you totally ignore that Obama is a thousand times the bigger hypocritical politician than ever was Nixon!!
And many, many, many times more corrupt!! -Tyr

:laugh: It was just a pic dude. Besides, any comparison of hypocrisy wasn't to BO. ;)

red states rule
12-02-2014, 03:53 AM

red states rule
12-02-2014, 04:02 AM
Posted as you totally ignore that Obama is a thousand times the bigger hypocritical politician than ever was Nixon!!
And many, many, many times more corrupt!! -Tyr

Tyr, many on the left would rather pretend Obama does not lie - he is taken out of context

Of course here are some of Obama's more infamous out of context quotes

If you like your plan you can keep it

No lobbyists in my administration

I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term

Obamacare will not add one dime to the debt

Every President has taken EA on immigration

Shovel ready jobs

No foreign money in political campaigns

Most transparent administration in the nations history

Try, it is clear what Obama had said and what he has done. But some would rather cover their ears and stick their head in the sand. Also many have been bought and paid for with other peoples money. Which is why they give Obama a pass. The only question is which category does FU fall in?