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View Full Version : Sending my kid to Minnesota for Thanksgiving

11-25-2014, 03:54 PM
My daughter is getting ready to experience climate change. :cool:

For years, my sister-in-law and her kids have been regaling us with stories of snowy holiday weather in the frozen fall tundra that in suburban Minneapolis. Leaving my daughter envious of experience temperatures that actually drop below freezing.
So this year, we decided to ship her up north for Thanksgiving.
It is currently in the high 70's here in sunny SoCal. When my daughter lands in Minneapolis tonight, it will in the mid-teens. There is expected to be snow on the ground, which will delight a child who has never seen it.

Perhaps I should send them all to Kitchen Kittens home to espouse some liberal values and true SoCal snotty attitude. :poke:

11-26-2014, 01:41 AM
I'm not thrilled not to be with family for Thanksgiving this year, but will make a turkey breast and cook the sides in practice for when the grand daughter visits 12/5.

I do not miss the snow, ice, sub-zero temps and windchills, the later of which Chicago has already experienced.

With that said, don't know that I'll not move closer that way when my lease is up in June. Just too far away.

11-26-2014, 02:25 AM
I hope she has a wonderful time, Minneapolis is a beautiful place but yes it is sure enough cold :laugh: anyway I am sure she will have a blast and the experience will be great for her.

11-27-2014, 10:54 AM
Thanks to her uncle, who is a Roads and Bridges supervisor, my daughter got to ride in a snow plow in southern Minnesota on Wednesday. Some areas got a foot of snow.
Dressing warm was a bit of a challenge. Someone used to 50s and 60s in the winter has to learn to adapt to living where it is currently around zero.
I have to admit to being a bit envious, since I never had the chance to go sledding or experience being buried in a snow bank by my cousins when I was 13. :cool:

That's a whole lot of "first time" snow. She must be so excited!

11-27-2014, 12:35 PM
Hope she's safe and sound up there! And I certainly don't know the area but snow is abound of course. And while I enjoyed seasonal snow growing up and loved it, Minnesota and Buffalo snow is much different! Hopefully she's having a good time and Mommy and Daddy can enjoy a little time without an egghead running around the house. :)

11-27-2014, 12:39 PM
Oh, and have her get me an Adrian Peterson jersey while there!! They are likely VERY cheap by now! LOL My brother is a huge Vikings fan, but I would keep it for myself as a souvenir. Maybe throw things on it when we play them. Maybe even burn it if we ever met them in the Bowl!!

11-28-2014, 02:45 PM
Our most recent winter lesson: What it feels like when the temperature drops below zero and snow/sleet is blowing in your face. (Answer: "It's freaking cold!" ).
Meanwhile, we are a balmy 75 degrees here in SoCal.
Happy weekend, ya'll. :cool:

11-30-2014, 02:50 PM
I'm glad she had a good time with her extended family and got to experience something new.

Adults just don't realize how FUN snow can be for kids, especially if they never got to enjoy it themselves. I still love sledding with my kids, digging snow tunnels and defending snow forts with hundreds of snowballs :laugh:.

I hope everyone here had a great Thanksgiving!!!