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View Full Version : My apology to Mike's parents.

11-25-2014, 04:04 PM
Sitting waiting on a blind date i wrote a few thoughts on the situation:
Typed on my phone -

On behalf of European-Americans, i apologize for the death of your son. I grieve along side you for his lost life and your failures as parents. I weep for the potential once existing in the vibrant young man. My heart breaks for the mind you wasted and the possibilities now lost. Had you become effective parents Mike may have become an rocket scientist or chief of surgery at a medical center. Except for your selfishness and laziness Mike may have lived well into his 90s and sired a generation of earth-changers. I do not blame you for Mike's decisions - and his ALONE which caused his death. mike had the mental awareness to not-steal from that minority-owned store and mike certainly had the intelligence to avoid walking down the street. What killed mike was his arrogance and sense of entitlement perhaps instilled by your example or a failing school system but arrogance nonetheless. Indeed Mike's choices caused his death. "The man" did not kill mike. Darren wilson did not kill mike. There exist institutional racism only to the extent you desire to find it. After the fact evil-hearted racists like sharpton will leach on to the situation and with serpant-like smoothness spew words to help people put blame elsewhere, lest their inadequacies find the light of day. No, nobody but mike caused mike's death, and mike was who he was in large part due to your hand, influence, and example.

11-25-2014, 05:38 PM
Nicely done!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2014, 06:46 PM
Sitting waiting on a blind date i wrote a few thoughts on the situation:
Typed on my phone -

On behalf of European-Americans, i apologize for the death of your son. I grieve along side you for his lost life and your failures as parents. I weep for the potential once existing in the vibrant young man. My heart breaks for the mind you wasted and the possibilities now lost. Had you become effective parents Mike may have become an rocket scientist or chief of surgery at a medical center. Except for your selfishness and laziness Mike may have lived well into his 90s and sired a generation of earth-changers. I do not blame you for Mike's decisions - and his ALONE which caused his death. mike had the mental awareness to not-steal from that minority-owned store and mike certainly had the intelligence to avoid walking down the street. What killed mike was his arrogance and sense of entitlement perhaps instilled by your example or a failing school system but arrogance nonetheless. Indeed Mike's choices caused his death. "The man" did not kill mike. Darren wilson did not kill mike. There exist institutional racism only to the extent you desire to find it. After the fact evil-hearted racists like sharpton will leach on to the situation and with serpant-like smoothness spew words to help people put blame elsewhere, lest their inadequacies find the light of day. No, nobody but mike caused mike's death, and mike was who he was in large part due to your hand, influence, and example.

I absolutely could not agree more with that judgment.
Blacks are by and large bad parents with attitude. A sad truth but a truth nevertheless.
Young black men are taught to hate, to fight , to lie , cheat and steal. The play video games about stealing cars etc..
Their culture has been massaged and [promoted by the dem party to create a solid bought out voting bloc.
They are held blameless for being irresponsible and lazy, etc..--Tyr

11-25-2014, 06:53 PM
They'd just call you a hater and a racist and that's that.

11-25-2014, 06:57 PM
They'd just call you a hater and a racist and that's that.

glockmail. That shouldn't bother any of us anymore. Being called a racist, or terrorist only means...


11-25-2014, 07:04 PM
They'd just call you a hater and a racist and that's that.

*glockmail..."Americans" are used to being called that by the True racists we see...hear...and read about daily ......Getting old and silly....Pay no attention to the leftists and racists...`

11-25-2014, 07:31 PM
Sitting waiting on a blind date i wrote a few thoughts on the situation:
Typed on my phone -

On behalf of European-Americans, i apologize for the death of your son. I grieve along side you for his lost life and your failures as parents. I weep for the potential once existing in the vibrant young man. My heart breaks for the mind you wasted and the possibilities now lost. Had you become effective parents Mike may have become an rocket scientist or chief of surgery at a medical center. Except for your selfishness and laziness Mike may have lived well into his 90s and sired a generation of earth-changers. I do not blame you for Mike's decisions - and his ALONE which caused his death. mike had the mental awareness to not-steal from that minority-owned store and mike certainly had the intelligence to avoid walking down the street. What killed mike was his arrogance and sense of entitlement perhaps instilled by your example or a failing school system but arrogance nonetheless. Indeed Mike's choices caused his death. "The man" did not kill mike. Darren wilson did not kill mike. There exist institutional racism only to the extent you desire to find it. After the fact evil-hearted racists like sharpton will leach on to the situation and with serpant-like smoothness spew words to help people put blame elsewhere, lest their inadequacies find the light of day. No, nobody but mike caused mike's death, and mike was who he was in large part due to your hand, influence, and example.

Excellent post :clap::clap::clap:

Have to spread them

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2014, 08:47 PM
They'd just call you a hater and a racist and that's that.

That's ok my friend.. Ive been called much worse by better people.
As long as I speak the truth I could NOT care less what the reprobates think and say. To me they are as much vermin as are the dems/libs/leftists and muslims. -Tyr